L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/QuestStages/Dark06Wanderer_OW のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 000253BB	Dark06Wanderer	16	0	Faelian lives at the Tiber Septim Hotel, in the Talos Plaza District of the Imperial City. I should ask around for him there. I can feel myself getting closer. But I must remember, I will forfeit my bonus if Faelian is killed in an insecure location. The hotel simply will not do.
FormID: 000253BB	Dark06Wanderer	17	0	Faelian lives at the Tiber Septim Hotel, in the Talos Plaza District of the Imperial City. I should ask the publican, Augustus Calidia, if she has any information. I can feel myself getting closer. But I must remember, I will forfeit my bonus if Faelian is killed in an insecure location. The hotel simply will not do.
FormID: 000253BB	Dark06Wanderer	25	0	I have supplied Lorkmir with skooma, and gained some valuable information in return. Every day, from 11:00 in the morning until 5:00 at night, Faelian goes to Lorkmir's House, in the Elven Gardens District of the Imperial City. The house is deserted, so Faelian goes there to use his skooma. I could kill him there to avoid any witnesses. And, conveniently enough, he's even given me a key. 

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