L10N/Chapter_2_The_Society_Of_The_Atronach/1.0/QuestStages/aaaSOTAQuest01 のバックアップ差分(No.1)

FormID: 0100568F	aaaSOTAQuest01	10	0	Some time after the events at the Dwarven Mines, I have had a disturbing dream; a ghostly image of Brogg has warned me that the Geomancer has once again returned to Cyrodiil, before suddenly being interrupted by the Geomancer himself. It may have felt like just another dream, but I have a terrible feeling that it may have been more than that. I also seemed to have wandered in my sleep, and have wound up in the Imperial City Arboretum...
__Dwarven Mineでの出来事からしばし時も経ったある日のこと、日常の平穏をかき乱す夢を見た。その夢の中では、幽霊のような姿をしたBroggが、Geomancerが再びCyrodiilの地に戻ってきたことを私に警告した。その後、突然、他ならぬGeomancerの手によってBroggの話はさえぎられた。それはよくある夢の一つであるように感じられた、しかしただの夢では終わらないのではという怖ろしい思いも抱いた。夢を見ている間に、寝ぼけてしまったようだ、目覚めたらそこはImperial City Arboretumであった…
FormID: 0100568F	aaaSOTAQuest01	20	0	I've had yet another dream, yet this time it was a lot more...peaceful. Brogg has again visited me in my unconscious state, and this time we had the time to finally talk properly; he tells me that the Geomancer fled to the north, but it seems he found something that has made him much stronger, and practically undetectable even by the Gods themselves. It seems he's also responsible for the weird occurrences at Spectrum; we would have talked longer, but something loud has awoken me...
FormID: 0100568F	aaaSOTAQuest01	30	0	That was horrifying; the Geomancer had tried to entomb me within my own mind while I slept. Luckily, I remembered how he used his magic on others, like with what he did with the Dwarven King, and I was able to break his hold on me by destroying the Telsa Orb within his world; before this, though, I was able to learn that he is disguising himself as a citizen of Spectrum. I should look into this later; right now, I've got more pressing matters to attend to...
FormID: 0100568F	aaaSOTAQuest01	40	0	After falling asleep, not to my surprise, I ended up in another realm. There I found Brogg, but even more amazingly, Cinder; they both seem happy, and Brogg has commended me on how I handled the Geomancer. But, it seems this is also the last time I will see them both, at least, not for a while. While that is somewhat saddening...I guess this means I can finally get a good nights rest...

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