L10N/Chapter_1_The_Dwarves_Of_The_Mountain/1.7/QuestStages/DMM0017 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 01087A70	DMM0017	10	0	Upon reaching Blizzard Peak, it appears a greater storm has begun brewing; surely this is the work of the Geomancer. Well, it will take more than a bit of snow to stop me...
__Blizzard Peakに着くと、前にもまして激しい吹雪が吹きつけ始めた。これはきっと、Geomancerの仕業だろう。ふむ、しかしこの吹雪では私の行く手を阻むには少し力不足のようだ…
FormID: 01087A70	DMM0017	15	0	I was attacked by a fierce creature of ice on the bridge to the Geomancer's Conservatory; once again he tries to halt my progress, and once again he has failed...
__Geomancer's Conservatoryへと続く橋の上で、どう猛な氷のクリーチャーから攻撃を受けた。Geomancerは再び私の行く手を阻もうとした、そしてまた一度彼はそれにしくじった…
FormID: 01087A70	DMM0017	20	0	The Geomancer finally revealed his true self; an ancient Dwemer Sorcerer! He intended to enslave the Dwarven race and use them as pawns in his attempt to gain immortality! I have to stop him now, but he cast a spell upon me and took away every piece of equipment I had! I can't fight like this; there must be something up here I can use, and I'd better find it fast - he's getting away!
FormID: 01087A70	DMM0017	22	0	After reading the Celestial Tomb, I learned a new fire-based spell, but it's incredibly weak; perhaps there is another use for it?
__Celestial Tombに書かれている文字を読み、火属性の呪文を新たに習得した。しかし、威力はとても弱い。もしかしたら、戦闘に用いるのではなく、何か他に使い道があるのだろうか?
FormID: 01087A70	DMM0017	25	0	After melting the ice, I found a chest full of armor and a sword carved from enchanted ice! It's not much, but it will have to do. Now, to catch the Geomancer and make him pay for what he has done!
FormID: 01087A70	DMM0017	30	0	I've found the Geomancer in the Conservatory, but he's magically sealed me in with him! He's too high up to reach, and his minions are closing in! It's time I taught the Geomancer a lesson!
FormID: 01087A70	DMM0017	5	0	After using the Amulet given to me by Sickle, I have returned to my old self! I suddenly feel stronger and more confident, and better yet, I can feel the armor unsealing itself from my body. It's time I paid the Geomancer a visit...
__Sickleから貰ったAmuletを使うと、私の身体のサイズが元に戻った!にわかに、強い力と自信が沸くのを感じる。さらにいいことに、身体からDwarven Hero Armorを取り外すことができるようになった。Geomancerのもとに向かうべきときだ。
FormID: 01087A70	DMM0017	60	0	Before I could land the final blow, the Geomancer fled! As I began to chase him though, the entire mountain has begun to shake beneath my feet; this entire mountain must have been held up by the Geomancer's magic, and without him, it has begun to collapse! I have to get everyone out of this mountain fast!

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