L10N/B.H.C.E./1.2/Books/CliffBHCArchiveBroadsheet01FGBlackwoodCompany のバックアップ差分(No.1)


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The infamous mercenary organization's crimes exposed!
By Viconia<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he mercenary company who rivaled with The Fighters Guild in Cyrodiil found an abrupt end to their services when their main hall in the Cyrodiilic city of Leyawiin was assaulted and burned to the ground by Tamriel?s oldest mercenary organization. The guild officials claims that they did not do it because they lost many contracts to the Blackwood Company, but because they uncovered a shocking secret. Indeed, the villains of the raid which led to the destruction of Water's Edge not long ago were from the Blackwood Company. With the aid of an infiltrated agent, The Fighters Guild gathered enough proofs to directly confront the Company.<BR>
Another secret was found: Hist. Hist is an Argonian drug that comes from Black Marsh trees that can produce harmful effects to the drinker's brain, such as visual hallucinations. A Hist tree was producing these drugs in the hall's basement, which is the reason why the Fighter's Guild decided to burn the building to the ground. Hist was given to the Blackwood Company members before going on missions, giving them courage and removing their morals which led to destructive operations like what happened at Water?s Edge.<BR> 
<DIV align="center">Changes in the Fighters' Guild<BR>
<DIV align="left">Such an event led to some changes in the Guild. Vilena Donton, the current Master, retired and named a new Master : 
<BR> "With the Blackwood Company removed, we will finally be back in full business, especially in the southern part of Cyrodiil where the Blackwood Company handled most contracts. As for me, I have served the Guild long enough and it is time for someone else to handle the operations. I will not give the name of the new Master, but know that this person has done great things for the Guild. I am afraid that due to our guild?s policies, the Black Horse Courier will not be able to conduct an interview with this person."<BR>
Once again, the Fighters Guild has proven itself to be an honorable organization working for the good of the Empire.<BR>
<DIV align="center">About the Blackwood Company<BR>
<DIV align="left">The company was founded by a Khajiit mercenary named Ja'Fazir. He and his beastly mercenaries, composed mostly of Khajiit and Argonians, were sent in Black Marsh to reclaim lost territory years ago. After a failure, they decided to return to Cyrodiil to establish a new mercenary guild like the Fighter's Guild to offer their service to those who needed them. Their strong presence in the southern sector of Cyrodiil made it hard for the Fighter's Guild to obtain new contracts.<BR>


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