L10N/Adrenaline_Fueled_Combat_v2/2.0/Books/aaaMoveLightINFO のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2)

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*本文 [#zea55247]

**原文 [#y24ef67f]
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<FONT FACE="2">Light Weaponry in the Third Era</font>
<BR><IMG src="book\adrenbook\onehand.dds" width=444 height=350> <BR>With the peace and prosperity the Empire has brought to the Third Era, heavy weaponry can be unsuitable for daily use; it is unwieldy and can put forward a bad impression. The Anvil Fighter's Guild Courses in light weaponry can help you defend yourself safely and conveniently.

<BR>Bravil, Shield Tricks
<BR>Bruma, Blunt Weaponry
<BR>Chorrol, Bladed Weapons
<BR>Cheydinhal, Heavy Weapons
<BR>Skingrad, Sharpshooting
<BR>Leyawiin, Martial Arts


<P>Swift Jab
<BR>A light weapon's speed can be used to avoid your opponent's defences.

<BR>Learn how to meutralise enemy combatants by depriving them of weaponry.

<P>Whirlwind Spin
<BR>Train in this technique for attacking all foes within arm's reach with one sweep.

<P>These courses will typically take a few hours to learn for a warrior already versed in the basics of light weapon combat, and commensurately we charge 250 gold, although that may be reduced at trainer discretion.

<P>If you have a question about our courses:
<BR><FONT face=&#65533;5&#65533;>Azzan, Fighters Guild (Guardian)</font>

**訳文 [#ia6aca79]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<FONT FACE="2">Third Eraにおける片手武器の意義</font>
<BR><IMG src="book\adrenbook\onehand.dds" width=444 height=350> <BR>現代のThird Eraにおける帝国の繁栄と平和を省みるに、不格好で悪印象を与える両手武器は、日々の用途に供するには不適切であると言える。AnvilのFighter's Guildでは片手武器の訓練コースを用意しており、君が安全に自衛手段を学ぶのにうってつけだ。

<BR>Bravil, Shield Tricks(盾技)
<BR>Bruma, Blunt Weaponry(打撃武器)
<BR>Chorrol, Bladed Weapons(剣術)
<BR>Cheydinhal, Heavy Weapons(両手武器)
<BR>Skingrad, Sharpshooting(弓術)
<BR>Leyawiin, Martial Arts(格闘術)


<P>Swift Jab
<P>Swift Jab(スウィフト・ジャブ)


<P>Whirlwind Spin
<P>Whirlwind Spin(旋風撃)


<BR><FONT face="5">Azzan, Fighters Guild (Guardian)</font>

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