L10N/Adrenaline_Fueled_Combat_v2/2.0/Books/aaaMoveHeavyINFO のバックアップソース(No.3)

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*本文 [#o512a04e]

**原文 [#b4aedbc4]
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<FONT FACE="2">A Beginner's Guide to Heavy Weapons</font>
<BR><IMG src="book\adrenbook\twohand.dds" width=444 height=350> <BR>Whether beginner or expert, heavy weapons are the obvious choice for any serious combatant, whether you learn to exploit their lengthy range or simply utilise their massive damage potential. The Cheydinhal Fighter's Guild recognises this, and will help you use them to their fullest.

<BR>Anvil, Light Weaponry
<BR>Bravil, Shield Tricks
<BR>Bruma, Blunt Weaponry
<BR>Chorrol, Bladed Weapons
<BR>Skingrad, Sharpshooting
<BR>Leyawiin, Martial Arts


<P>Cleave Armour
<BR>Armour is no defence against a concerted attack, and can cleave as easily as flesh.

<P>Sunder Weapon
<BR>Use your reach advantage to wreck your foes' weapons before they can use them.

<P>Shield Breaker
<BR>Lacking the defensive advantage of shields, light weaponed foes become easy targets.

<P>Sweeping Arc
<BR>Using your range and pure strength, you can strike all nearby with one blow.

<P>The cost of practise materials and training time to hone these skills typically costs 250 gold from an approved Fighter's Guild instructor, but can be reduced as an incentive for favoured customers.

<P>For further details or to apply to join the guild, see:
<BR><FONT face=&#65533;5&#65533;>Burz gro-Kash, Fighters Guild (Guardian)</font>

**訳文 [#sa114c33]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<FONT FACE="2">A Beginner's Guide to Heavy Weapons</font>
<BR><IMG src="book\adrenbook\twohand.dds" width=444 height=350> <BR>初心者であれ達人であれ、真摯な戦士であるならば誰だって両手武器を選ぶに決まっている。リーチの長さを活かすも良し、ただシンプルに攻撃力を重視するも良しだ。もしも両手武器の威力をフルに発揮したいならば、CheidinhalのFighter's Guildに来るといい。扱いを熟知したメンバーが君を指導してくれるだろう。

<BR>Anvil, Light Weaponry(片手武器)
<BR>Bravil, Shield Tricks(盾技)
<BR>Bruma, Blunt Weaponry(打撃武器)
<BR>Chorrol, Bladed Weapons(刀剣武器)
<BR>Skingrad, Sharpshooting(弓術)
<BR>Leyawiin, Martial Arts(格闘)


<P>Cleave Armour

<P>Sunder Weapon

<P>Shield Breaker

<P>Sweeping Arc

<P>Fighter's Guild指定の指導員から技の訓練を受けるための費用は基本的には250goldだが、お得様なら特別にもっと安い値段での提供も可能だ。

<BR><FONT face="5">Burz gro-Kash, Fighters Guild (Guardian)</font>

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