L10N/Adrenaline_Fueled_Combat_v2/2.0/Books/aaaMoveBluntINFO のバックアップソース(No.3)

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*本文 [#k31d70b2]

**原文 [#p20c2fe5]
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<FONT FACE="2">Crushing Victory with Blunt Weaponry!</font>
<BR><IMG src="book\adrenbook\altblunt.dds" width=444 height=350> 
<BR>If you ain't got the time to fuss with nancy swordsplay and ain't a wuss who don't want to get their hands dirty, you want an AXE. Or a mace. Maces are easier to use drunk, thinkin' about it. And we know how to drink in Bruma!

<BR>If blunt is too much fun for you, try:
<BR>Anvil, Light Weaponry
<BR>Bravil, Shield Tricks
<BR>Chorrol, Bladed Weaponry
<BR>Cheydinhal, Heavy Weaponry
<BR>Skingrad, Sharpshooting
<BR>Leyawiin, Martial Arts


<BR>Dead simple. Stick all your weight behind a blow and knock the wusses flat on their arse!

<P>Crushing Concussion
<BR>A good blow to the squishy bits leaves 'em permanently fatigued. The harder you hit, the softer they 'it.

<P>Batter Defences
<BR>Armour ain't much help when it's all bent out of shape and poking you in the wasscalled. Smash it up!

<P>Stunning Blow
<BR>A good solid whack'll wind them, and leave 'em pretty tired out. Kill 'em before they get their breath back.

<P>We've got plenty of stuff, and we're always up for a drink or a good scrap, so come and see us. Beer ain't free, so it'll cost you 250 gold, but smacking pansy casters about is a hell of a lot more entertaining than 250 gold worth of anything, 'cept beer. I'll be waiting!
<BR><FONT face=&#65533;5&#65533;>Bumph gra-Gash, Fighters Guild (Protector)</font>

**訳文 [#y211a59a]
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<FONT FACE="2">鈍器で勝利を掴み取ろうぜ!</font>
<BR><IMG src="book\adrenbook\altblunt.dds" width=444 height=350> 

<BR>Anvil, Light Weaponry(片手武器)
<BR>Bravil, Shield Tricks(盾技)
<BR>Chorrol, Bladed Weaponry(剣術)
<BR>Cheydinhal, Heavy Weaponry(両手武器)
<BR>Skingrad, Sharpshooting(弓術)
<BR>Leyawiin, Martial Arts(格闘)



<P>Crushing Concussion(脳砕き)
<P>Batter Defences(鎧砕き)

<P>Stunning Blow(失神の一撃)

<BR><FONT face="5">Bumph gra-Gash, Fighters Guild (Protector)</font>

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