L10N/(CUO)FightersGuildContracts/1.2/Books/FGCContractSkinShaman のバックアップ(No.2)


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Contract from Skingrad Guard.

Reward 500 Gold.
Support:  Additional Members will be sent to help you if they are available.

The White Skin and Sharp Teeth Goblin Tribes live to the east of Skingrad and have been fighting it out for years. The Skingrad Guard was happy to let them fight because it meant they left Skingrad alone. 

In recent days things have started to swing in favour of the Sharp Teeth Tribe who live in the Derelict Mine. They have a new Powerful Goblin Shaman helping them and this new Shaman is slowly helping them win the war against the White skins. 

The Skingrad Guard have asked us to kill this Shaman and restore the natural order amongst these two tribes. Derelict Mine is East of Skingrad on the Gold Road. 

Skingrad Fighters Guild Clerk

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報酬:500 Gold

 Skingrad東部に割拠するWhite SkinとSharp Teethの二つのGoblin氏族は、長年にわたり抗争を続けてきた。Skingrad衛兵隊にとってこの抗争は、Skingradから彼らの目をそらしておくために、非常にありがたいものであった。

 最近、事態はDerelict MineのSharp Teeth氏族の優勢に傾きつつある。彼らは新たに強力なGoblin Shamanの支援を獲得し、この新たなShamanはWhite skin氏族との戦争を確実に勝利へと導きつつある。

 Skingrad衛兵隊は、このShamanを殺害し、二つの氏族の勢力を再び拮抗させるよう我々に要請してきた。Derelict MineはSkingrad東方のGold Road脇にある。


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