L10N/(CUO)FightersGuildContracts/1.2/Books/FGCContractRogueConjurer のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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*本文 [#wf77e9bb]

**原文 [#y1a69bf9]
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Contract from Anvil Guard

Reward 500 Gold.
Support: You will be alone on this Contract.

Ome Kollan was recently expelled from the Mages Guild for summoning Daedra outside of the carefully controlled eviroment that exists in the Mages Guild halls and Arcane University. This would have ended the matter but Ome turned up in Anvil and continued to practice summoning within the city walls. 

Last week he summoned a scamp which broke lose from his control and killed several citizens of Anvil. He later returned and was arrested but escaped by summoning a Daedroth to attack the guards that were escorting him to the Anvil Dungeons. Both Guards were killed and the Countess has ordered Ome to be executed.  

The guard appealed to the Arcane University for help but their chief Inquistor Ivan is unavailable, so they have turned to us to deal with the matter. 

It is reported that Ome Kollan signed on with some local Daedra Worshipers in the Ruin known as Beldaburo. They are currently protecting him. You must fight your way in and bring Ome to Justice at the point of your sword. 

Once he is dead the contract will be considered complete. You may do as you wish with anybody you find assisting him.

Beldaburo is North West of Anvil on the coast. 

Anvil Fighters Guild Clerk 

**訳文 [#b05138c0]
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報酬: 500 Gold
援助:なし 単独で任務をこなすこと

Ome Kollaという者がいます。通常、Daedra召喚は安全の確保されたMages Guild hallsもしくはArcane University以外では禁止されているのですが、彼はその禁を破ったかどでMages Guildを追放されました。しかし問題はそれだけでは片付きませんでした。最近、追放されたはずのOmeがAnvilに現われ、街の中で召喚術を使い始めたのです。

先週の事でした。奴は1匹のscampを召喚したのですが、結局手懐けられずAnvli市民に数名の犠牲者が出ました。現場に戻って来たところで身柄を確保しましたが、Anvil Dungeonsへの連行中にDaedrothを召喚され、衛兵2名が殺害されました。そしてこれを聞いた伯爵夫人がOmeの抹殺をお命じになられた、という次第です。

守備隊はArcane Universityに応援を要請したのですが、首席調査官のIvanがとんでもなく使えない人物だったので我々にその役目が廻って来ました。

報告によるとOme KollanはBeldaburo遺跡に住んでいる地元のDaedra信者達と契約したとの事。奴は彼らの庇護下にあるという事です。難しい任務ですが、あなたの剣でOmeに正義を知らしめてやらなければなりません。



Anvil Fighters Guild Clerk 


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