L10N/(CUO)FightersGuildContracts/1.2/Books/FGCContractCrowhaven のバックアップソース(No.1)

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Contract from Countess Millona Umbranox

Reward 500 Gold.
Support:  Additional Members will be sent to help you if they are available.

Local Necromancers plan to strike back at the Anvil branch of the Mages Guild. This was the branch Traven was formally the leader of and the Countess believes the Necromancers are trying to send a clear but bloody message to the Arcane University concerning Travens policies. 

Whilst they were just harmless fanatics the Countess was willing to ignore them but they have now started raising an Army of Deaths Head Zombies and that has changed things greatly. 

The Countess cannot strike directly at the Necromancers because the Empire forbids her to have an Army of her own, so the Fighters Guild has been asked to take care of the matter for her.  

You are to find Crow Haven, enter the ruin and eleminate all Deaths Head Zombies you find there. Crow Haven is located somewhere along the coast North West of Anvil. 

Anvil Fighters Guild Clerk 


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