L10N/(CUO)FightersGuildContracts/1.2/Books/FGCContractCheyring のバックアップ(No.1)


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Contract from Denel at the Arcane University.

Reward 500 Gold.
Support: You will be alone on this mission.

During a recent visit to Kemen which is just East of Cheydinhal, Denel and a fellow Mage made an interesting discovery, a special Ayleid Ring which they placed in a chest whilst they continued to study the ruin. Unfortunately their probing released several Undead and they were forced to leave the ruin in a hurry. 

In the rush to get to safety they forgot about the Ayleid Ring and have asked us to Recover it for them. 

You are to go to Kemen and recover the Ayleid Ring.

Cheydinhal Fighters Guild Clerk

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