FormID: 010024D0 aaDremGuards HELLO 0 You're fate is death.
FormID: 010024D1 aaDremGuards HELLO 0 All hail Kear!
FormID: 010024D2 aaDremGuards HELLO 0 We live to serve.
FormID: 010024D3 aaDremGuards HELLO 0 Honor above all.
FormID: 010024D4 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Yes master, do you need one of my special potions today?
FormID: 010024D6 aaDremGuards aaYes 0 Very good. You will find this one very useful. Come back in a few days, and I will have another for you.
FormID: 010024D7 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 I don't have another potion for you yet. These take time to make, come back in a few days.
FormID: 010024E1 aaDremGuards aaYes 0 Very good. You will find this one very useful. Come back in a few days, and I will have another for you.
FormID: 01003049 aaDremGuards aaNoThanks 0 Very well, come back if you do.
FormID: 01006F74 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 All is secure master.
FormID: 01006F75 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Go away now.
FormID: 01006F76 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Not now.
FormID: 010123C4 aaDremGuards aaYes 0 Very good. You will find this one very useful. Come back in a few days, and I will have another for you.
FormID: 010123C7 aaDremGuards aaYes 0 Very good. You will find this one very useful. Come back in a few days, and I will have another for you.
FormID: 01016B72 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 No time to talk, let's find a fight!
FormID: 010184D1 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Want to go replace all the guards drinks with a frenzy potion?
FormID: 010184D2 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Let's go chase Alessia Caro around her throne. I really like the way her dress rides up when she's running.
FormID: 0101A2B9 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Let's go find some Argonians to harass. I need a new pair of boots.
FormID: 0101A2BA aaDremGuards GREETING 0 It'll be hard for those Altmers to have their noses in the air when I've got them on their bellies...
FormID: 0101A2BB aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Nasty creatures those Orcs. I wonder if they're green inside too?
FormID: 0101A2BC aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Nords are chunky, but that just means more cushion for the pushin'.
FormID: 0103D424 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Be gone!
FormID: 0103F0E0 aaDremGuards aaComewithme 0 As you wish.
FormID: 0104ADA7 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 North tower is secure master.
__主よ、North Towerは異常ありません。
FormID: 0104ADA8 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 South tower is secure master.
__主よ、South Towerは異常ありません。
FormID: 0104ADA9 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 West tower is secure master.
__主よ、West Towerは異常ありません。
FormID: 0104ADAA aaDremGuards GREETING 0 No sign of intruders master.
FormID: 0104ADAE aaDremGuards GREETING 0 The island is secure, and the troops are happy.
FormID: 0104ADD8 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 What will it be today? I have some very thick Dremora Blood Ale.
__本日は何をお求めでございますかな? 非常に濃厚なDremora Blood Aleが入っておりますが。
FormID: 0104ADDA aaDremGuards aaNothingThanks 0 As you wish.
FormID: 0106737B aaDremGuards GREETING 0 My lord, this is an honnor. What can I do for you today, training, supplies, repair?
FormID: 0106D631 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Greetings my lord. Have you come to take me up on the offer of that drink?
FormID: 0106D632 aaDremGuards aaYes 0 Excellent, have a seat my friend and help your self to the ale.
FormID: 0106D634 aaDremGuards aaNoThanks 0 Oh? That's too bad I was looking forward to it.
FormID: 0107AAB3 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 No time to talk, we have to get to the Sigil Tower.
FormID: 0107DACC aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Good to see you again master. What will it be today, spells, training, or maybe something a little more personal?
FormID: 0107DACE aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Yes, what is it?
FormID: 0107E65C aaDremGuards aaWaitHere 0 As you wish.
FormID: 0107E65D aaDremGuards aaHealSelf 0 Good Idea.
FormID: 0107E65E aaDremGuards aaContinue 0 Very well.
FormID: 0107E65F aaDremGuards aaPickUpItems 0 As you wish.
FormID: 0107E660 aaDremGuards aaEquipItems 0 As you wish.
FormID: 0107E6D2 aaDremGuards HELLO 0 Honor above all.
FormID: 0108E748 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Well hello there. Have you come for a little fun, or is this business?
FormID: 0108E74B aaDremGuards aaBusiness 0 Sorry I don't mix business with pleasure. Come to the Sigillum Sanguis from noon to midnight if that's all you're interested in.
FormID: 0108E74C aaDremGuards aaFun 0 Well then, you just lay down on the bed and let momma take care of you.
FormID: 0108E74D aaDremGuards aaFun 0 Then just meet me in my bedroom after midnight, and I'll show you tricks you've never seen before.
FormID: 0109207B aaDremGuards GREETING 0 That was some wild ride baby! We'll have to do it again real soon.
FormID: 010B433F aaDremGuards GREETING 0 You know what would make WoodElf females perfect? If they had a flat spot on top of their heads for my Dremora Blood Ale.
FormID: 010B4340 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 If a HighElf and a WoodElf mated what would be the result, a MediumElf?
FormID: 010B4341 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 DarkElf is a fitting name for that race. They are so ugly they should only be allowed out at night.
FormID: 010B4342 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 What does Janus Hassildor call the beggers in Skingrad? A late night snack.
FormID: 010CC16E aaDremGuards GREETING 0 What are you waiting for? Lead the way.
FormID: 010DBC3E aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Were you able to locate Bizrloz?
FormID: 010DBC40 aaDremGuards aaTellherabouttheloveletter 0 By Dagon! What a sick delusional soul. It's a good thing you squashed him like the pile of excrement he was.
FormID: 010DBC40 aaDremGuards aaTellherabouttheloveletter 1 If I had any idea what he was up to I would have done it myself. I really wish I could have been there to inflict some pain of my own on him.
FormID: 010DBC40 aaDremGuards aaTellherabouttheloveletter 2 Now that the orbs are back, maybe things can get back to normal around here.
FormID: 010DBC41 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 All is secure master.
FormID: 010DFB98 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Come to torture some prisoners today I see. Have fun, I know I do.
FormID: 010E0D38 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Gassing prisoners is fun, but I prefer to skewer them with the spike trap.
FormID: 010E0D39 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 If you dip any Argonians in the lava today be sure to bring me some fried reptile tail. It really is a delicacy you know...
FormID: 010E0D3A aaDremGuards GREETING 0 One of the Kahjiit asked for a last meal before I slaughtered her, so I cut off her husband's fingers, fried them up, and told her it was Imp jerkey.
FormID: 010E0D3B aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Last time I dipped a Nord in the lava, he jumped so high he broke his neck on the cage before being burned. I hate when they get a painless way out.
FormID: 011026A2 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Be gone!
FormID: 01142EBC aaDremGuards GREETING 0 The area is secure my lord.
FormID: 0114346F aaDremGuards GOODBYE 0 Dagon watches over you.
FormID: 0116EE87 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Hello again, come to pay your respects to Lord Dagon I see.
__また会いましたな。Lord Dagonの御許に敬意を表しに来たのですね。
FormID: 0116EE88 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 Good to see you again, enjoy the temple and all it has to offer.
FormID: 0116EE89 aaDremGuards GREETING 0 The crystal ball has been restored to its rightful place, and we have you to thank for that.
__Crystal Ballは元の位置に戻りました。感謝いたします。
FormID: 0116EE8A aaDremGuards GREETING 0 So good to see you again.