L10N/(CUO)FightersGuildContracts/1.2/Dialogue/FightersGCBrumaQuests のバックアップ(No.2)


FormID: 0201266E FightersGCBrumaQuests fgcBrumadeercompleted 0 I see hunting was good, here is your reward, 500 GP
FormID: 0201266F FightersGCBrumaQuests fgcbrumadeercontract 0 Hafid Hollowleg over at the Jearll View Inn has asked us to keep him supplied with Venison. Here are the details
__Jearll View InnのHafid Hollowlegは我々に鹿肉(Venison)の調達を依頼しています。詳細はこちらを。
FormID: 02012674 FightersGCBrumaQuests fgcbrumawolfcompleted 0 Nice Wolf Pelts, Good job, here is your reward, 500 GP
FormID: 02012675 FightersGCBrumaQuests fgcbrumawolfcontract 0 Local Armour makers have asked us to keep them supplied with Wolf Pelts. Here are the details
FormID: 0201720D FightersGCBrumaQuests fgcbrumabandit1completed 0 Good work on dealing with that bandit, here is your reward, 500 GP
FormID: 0201720E FightersGCBrumaQuests fgcbrumabandit2complete 0 Good work on dealing with that bandit, here is your reward, 500 GP
FormID: 0201720F FightersGCBrumaQuests fgcbrumabandit1contract 0 One of Brumas most wanted crooks is holding up in a cave near by, here are the details.
FormID: 02017210 FightersGCBrumaQuests fgcbrumabandit2contract 0 A bandit attempted to rob a traveling merchant and fled to a near by cave, here are the details.
FormID: 02017211 FightersGCBrumaQuests fgcbrumagoblincompleted 0 That should settle down the remaining Goblins, well done, here is your reward, 500 GP.
FormID: 02017212 FightersGCBrumaQuests fgcbrumagoblincontract 0 A young goblin is trying to take over the 3 Feathers Tribe, the Countess would rather this did not happen. Here are the details.

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