L10N/Vault_of_Cyrodiil/2.0/Books/GuilesVaultsSkingradTranslation のバックアップ(No.1)


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After many years of tracing down many obscure texts, I have finally managed to translate the obscure volume "N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis!" Imagine my disappointment, when, upon compleating the translation, it means absolutely nothing! Try as I can, I am unable to find any hidden meaning, charm, or enchantment. Still, I have recorded the translation as best I could:

"Kva! Kvak! (also called Kvako) is the newsletter (or something similar) of the 'La Ranetoj' (the small frogs). It is send to paying members and other individuals who, in some way, are involved in la Ranetoj's activities. In it there firstly is information about the locations of the monthly meetings, but of course also concerning the latest activities of the club. Sometimes it also includes other educating or entertaining material. 
The internet-based Kvako (e-mail and web versions) are on the one hand another distribution channel for the contents of the paper version. But on the other hand, not surprisingly, the contents of the different versions connot and even must not always be 100 percent the same. For instance, in little circulating paper versions you can publish illustrations that for copyright reasons connot be used on the internet. Yet on the other hand the low costs oft the internet version lift the space limits and allow more content, not to mention being always to date. 
These circumstances influence the web-based Kvako, which will also serve as the general homepage of the 'La Ranetoj'. "

Complete gibberish, to be sure, perhaps the works of a mad-man. Still, I believe this to be the first complete translation; I hope it proves useful at some later date.

~Janus Hassildor

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