L10N/Rise_of_Sheogorath/1.2/Dialogue/RoS03 のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 010125DD RoS03 GREETING 0 Lord Sheogorath! It's good your here. If you feel like it, we would like your help against a Legion raid.
FormID: 010125DF RoS03 RoS03LegionRaid 0 Our scouts reported seeing a large Imperial division approaching Fort Pelagius. We'd like it if you'd help defend us.
FormID: 010125DF RoS03 RoS03LegionRaid 1 In any case, I need to go get ready. Bless us with victory, Lord!
FormID: 010125E0 RoS03 GREETING 0 Ah-ha! They run like the cowards they are. Thank you for aiding us, Madgod. Now, though, we must discuss how to retaliate.
FormID: 010125E1 RoS03 GREETING 0 Lord, I'm sorry, but I can't talk and fight at the same time!
FormID: 010125E4 RoS03 GREETING 0 Lord! They're almost here! Get ready!

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