<FONT FACE="2">Light Weaponry in the Third Era</font>
<BR><IMG src="book\adrenbook\" width=444 height=350> <BR>With the peace and prosperity the Empire has brought to the Third Era, heavy weaponry can be unsuitable for daily use; it is unwieldy and can put forward a bad impression. The Anvil Fighter's Guild Courses in light weaponry can help you defend yourself safely and conveniently.
<BR>Bravil, Shield Tricks
<BR>Bruma, Blunt Weaponry
<BR>Chorrol, Bladed Weapons
<BR>Cheydinhal, Heavy Weapons
<BR>Skingrad, Sharpshooting
<BR>Leyawiin, Martial Arts
<P>Swift Jab
<BR>A light weapon's speed can be used to avoid your opponent's defences.
<BR>Learn how to meutralise enemy combatants by depriving them of weaponry.
<P>Whirlwind Spin
<BR>Train in this technique for attacking all foes within arm's reach with one sweep.
<P>These courses will typically take a few hours to learn for a warrior already versed in the basics of light weapon combat, and commensurately we charge 250 gold, although that may be reduced at trainer discretion.
<P>If you have a question about our courses:
<BR><FONT face=?5?>Azzan, Fighters Guild (Guardian)</font>