L10N/Dragon_Captions_The_Imperial_City_of_Sutch_Reborn/9.0/QuestStages/sutchbiuld5 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.3)

FormID: 0102DE63	sutchbiuld5	1	0	Count Kinian has ordered me to go to the Imperial City and find Coddwel. He wants me to demand that he issue Sutch some Knights and guards. We cannot hold off the forces of these Bandits any longer. He also advised going to the other Colovian cities for help.
FormID: 0102DE63	sutchbiuld5	10	0	Coddwel, agreed and said that he would send more Knights to help out and to assist in the blight of Sutch.  I should go to the other Colovian cities to recruit more defenses. 
FormID: 0102DE63	sutchbiuld5	20	0	Anvil agreed to send a few troops to help guard Sutch, but, they can not spare many.
FormID: 0102DE63	sutchbiuld5	30	0	Skingrad has agreed to provide three guards to protect Sutch.
FormID: 0102DE63	sutchbiuld5	41	0	Salvian couldn't spare even a single guard, with Kvatch in ruins, he couldn't send anyone, he is understaffed as it is. 
FormID: 0102DE63	sutchbiuld5	50	0	Kinian was grateful that we were able to get some Knights, and some guards from the other cities. We maybe able to defend ourselves now.

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