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ページ名 L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZXQXivDialog-04 (閲覧)
投稿者ID g8c0PyVfcrd
投稿日 2013-04-24 (Wed) 22:40:50
差分情報 [ 差分 | 現在との差分 | ソース ]
投稿時変更行 追加:7, 削除:1

FormID: 030E05AD	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	Can't change this now. Oh dear. I feel so sorry for you. Eternal torment awaits you.	
FormID: 030E05AD	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	Don't believe me? Just wait and see. You'll experience it firsthand, sooner or later.	
FormID: 030E05AD	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	3	And then there's something else. A nice little [QUOTE]diary[QUOTE] Quurunae discovered while she was in Shade Perilous. I'll try to get it and translate it for you. Just wait and see.	
FormID: 030E05AD	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	4	If only Quurunae would remember where she stored her bits of loot. Hrmn. Shouldn't take more than a couple of days. I hope.	
FormID: 030E2836	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Remember that I promised you something? Well, here it is.	
FormID: 030E2836	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	A diary of someone who has lived with Teshekru. And who paid dearly for it. Read it yourself.	
FormID: 030E2836	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	I even translated it for you. Have fun.	
FormID: 030EB2D1	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Ugh. Was this show with Teshekru really necessary? I nearly puked, and now I'm going to have nightmares for weeks.	
FormID: 030EB2D1	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	I mean, seriously, how could you? That was so, blarg. I don't even have words for it!	
FormID: 030EB2D1	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	I've never seen anything so disgusting in a very long time. Oh well, if that's your kink, so be it. Freak.	
FormID: 030F4B78	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Disgusting little creature! Could have at least taken a bath after fornicating with that Daedra Seducer.	
FormID: 030F4B78	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	Or does her smell sticks on you? Disgusting either way. I feel like I've got to puke.	
FormID: 030FD5D5	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Ah! Glad that you've come to visit us again.	
FormID: 030FD5D5	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	You've shown Errallius a way back to his brethen. You've proven that you can be trusted, and, well, there's a secret I can tell you. If you're interested.	
FormID: 030FD5D5	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	Better it be you than anyone else in the Empire stumbling over it by chance.	
FormID: 030FF180	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	I've heard Karashivuel and Tesserayiel talk about you. They were happy that you've closed quite a lot of Oblivion gates.	
FormID: 030FF180	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	If I may ask, why? Did you fear that more of our kind may enter Mundus?	
FormID: 0310062E	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	I heard what you did in Skingrad.	
FormID: 0310062E	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	While yes, it may sound like a good idea to try coupling a Xivilai and a mortal man, there are several things to keep in mind. First of all there are difficulties to overcome, cultural differences so to speak. Both mortal and Daedra must work on this.	
FormID: 0310062E	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	Second, and most importantly, the Xivilai in question. As with Quurunae, I'm surprised she didn't eat the mortal's entrails on their [QUOTE]date[QUOTE]. Some of us aren't as tolerant of mortals as I am.	
FormID: 0310062E	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	3	You've created a dangerous situation. Be lucky that the worst case didn't happen. Just don't try the same again. Ever.	
FormID: 0310062F	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	I've heard what you did in Skingrad. Quite a strange situation. Considering Quurunae I'd have thought that she would have gutted the poor mortal; nevertheless the [QUOTE]date[QUOTE] you set up worked. Somehow.	
FormID: 0310062F	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	I am not sure what to say. All, uhm, deeper relationships I'm aware of between my kind and mortals either ended up really strange, really wild, or really tragic.	
FormID: 0310062F	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	It depends on the Xivilai, too, of course. A philosopher like Kandaran is less likely to turn a mortal into mincemeat than, say, a bloodthirsty warrior. Unfortunately Quurunae is more on the wild side of Xivilai behavior.	
FormID: 0310062F	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	3	You've created a dangerous situation. I'm glad everything went well, but please don't try this again. It can end very, very badly.	
FormID: 0312032C	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Karashivuel threw a little party as she heard about your deed. Closing the sixth Oblivion gate.	
FormID: 0312032C	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	I'm not surprised. Karashivuel seems to be quite upset about Mehrunes Dagon's attraction to sexual themes and creatures. No wonder the Xivilai caste is going down the drain.	
FormID: 0312032C	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	And now you've destroyed another realm full of sexual innuendos. Sometimes I wonder if Dagon's aggression is just denial.	
FormID: 03121FD6	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Ah. I already waited for you. Glad that you've come by.	
FormID: 03121FD6	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	You know, Tesserayiel asked me to do something. Unfortunately I don't feel like I'm the right person.	
FormID: 03121FD6	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	Not the right being, to be exact. It would require travelling through Cyrodiil, talking with people, and, well, you can imagine how that would end for me. Better said for the people not as tolerant as the occassional visitor here.	
FormID: 03121FD6	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	3	It's about a Golden Saint. A [QUOTE]rogue[QUOTE] one, neither helping us nor serving Lord Sheogorath. Which is to say someone who is a danger to both mortals and our guild.	
__本題に入るか。今回は「野良の」Golden Saintにまつわるトラブルなんだ。奴は私たちのギルドにも加入しなければ、Lord Sheogorathに仕えているわけでもない。定命の者たちにとってもこのギルドにとっても危険な存在だといえる。
FormID: 03121FD6	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	4	Considering that I'm unable to do so, I fear it will be your task to deal with the rogue Golden Saint.	
__私では対処しきれない。だからその野良のGolden Saintの件はお前に任せる他ないのだ。
FormID: 03121FD6	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	5	No objections! The situation is kind of critical. Ever saw what a single Aureal gone wild can cause? Really, I would do it myself if I could.	
FormID: 03121FD6	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	6	So go to Tesserayiel and make sure we're all be able to sleep soundly again.	
FormID: 03141C1C	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	There you are. I've heard a rumor. A very, very distant one.	
FormID: 03141C1C	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	You've encountered Deyanira Katrece. She and I, we, well. We have some history. A long time ago. Yet, I wonder, what has happened to her? What became of her?	
FormID: 03141C27	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	A little butterfly told me you've made some discoveries around Zendria. A little ruin in the Shivering Isles.	
FormID: 03141C27	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	Oh, the butterfly tasted good, but that's beside the point.	
FormID: 03141C27	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	I've heard the name Zendria before. Whispered in a talk between Tesserayiel and Karashivuel. They know the place. And I'm sure you've found something out about our glorious guild leader.	
FormID: 03141C27	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	3	Care to share with me what you've learned?	
FormID: 03142350	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	You've recruited new members for the Stranded Light?	
FormID: 03142350	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	I've heard Zerreshju and Karashivuel talk about it, you know. I was a little bit surprised, and ask myself: Why?	
FormID: 0314386D	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	You've thrown Mehruned Dagon out of the world, and foiled his plans? Great!	
__お前がMehruned Dagonをこの世界から放り出して奴の計画を潰してやったのか? 素晴らしいぞ!
FormID: 0314386D	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	Really, no kidding here. Destroying this world would have been a shame, and such a loss!	
FormID: 0314386D	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	Heh, tell you what: You've even added insult to injury to old Dagon. He was banished, with all his servants, while we remain on this side of the liminal barrier.	
__はっ、何よりな、お前はあのDagonの爺を踏んだり蹴ったりの目に合わせたんだ。奴と奴の配下は追い払われ、我々はliminal barrierに守られた側に留まった。
FormID: 0314386D	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	3	Which is to say, we succeeded. He failed. And as ever he will not learn from it. Such is his fate.	
FormID: 0314386D	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	4	And now we can all celebrate. One danger vanquished. Let's see the result when he's going to face Jyggalag. Now that will be interesting - and the only thing Dagon's good for.	
FormID: 0314386E	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	You've done it! He's gone! This world, and my place in it, my new home is finally save. Thank you for all you have done. My champion.	
__よくやったな! 奴は去った! 私の場所、私の家のあるこの世界は救われたのだ。お前の行いに感謝するぞ。チャンピオンよ。
FormID: 0314386F	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	The Dagon is done, the Dagon is done, ha! Finally I've chosen the winning side for once.	

__Dagonは去った、Dagonは去った、ハッ! ついに今度は私は勝者の側に立ったぞ。

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