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FormID: 01050A6C WFNQ08 WFNQ01NO 0 Perhaps you are not the man I thought you were. I have no more use of your services. __恐らく君は私が思っていたような男ではないようだな。もう君の世話にはならない。 FormID: 01050A6D WFNQ08 WFNQ01NO 0 Perhaps you are not the woman I thought you were. I have no more use of your services. __恐らく君は私が思っていたような女ではないようだな。もう君の世話にはならない。 FormID: 01050A6F WFNQ08 WFNQ8Escort 0 Yes my friend, my darling Ashemanu is due back soon. She should be arriving in Windfall shortly. __ああそうだ、私のダーリンAshemanuはもうすぐ戻ることになっている。じきにWindfallに到着するだろう。 FormID: 01050A6F WFNQ08 WFNQ8Escort 1 She is coming by ship. It is scheduled to arrive in a day or so. But that can vary depending on the weather and seas. __彼女は船で戻る。一日かそこらで着く予定だ。でも天候と海の具合で変わるがな。 FormID: 01050A6F WFNQ08 WFNQ8Escort 2 Because of the stories about these men in black armor, I would like someone with your skills to escort her. __その黒い鎧の男達の話を聞いたので、君と同じような腕前の他の者に彼女を送り届けて貰いたい。 FormID: 01050A6F WFNQ08 WFNQ8Escort 3 I did ask her to stay at The Weary Traveler, if she arrived early. But Ashemanu has a mind of her own. __もし彼女が早く着いたら、The Weary Travelerに居るように念を押したんだ。だがAshemanuには彼女なりの考えがあるようだ。 FormID: 01050A6F WFNQ08 WFNQ8Escort 4 I will give you 50 septims to pay for expenses in case you have to wait on the ship. That should buy a few days of room and board. __船で待機する場合の為に50septimの費用を渡しておこう。それで部屋と食事は何日かもつだろう。 FormID: 01050A6F WFNQ08 WFNQ8Escort 5 I will also give 500 septims when you return with Ashemanu safely. She is all I have, will you please do this for me? __Ashemanuが無事に戻れば500septim払う。彼女は私の全てなんだ、どうか頼まれて欲しい。 FormID: 01050A71 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Yes 0 Thank you so much. Here are the 50 septims to pay for your room, in case you arrive before she does. __ありがとう。彼女が着く前に君が到着した場合の部屋代50septimだ。 FormID: 01050A71 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Yes 1 If she arrives first, she should be at The Weary Traveler already. I'll be waiting here for you. __彼女が先に着いていたら、The Weary Travelerに居るはずだ。そこで君を待っていよう。 FormID: 01050A71 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Yes 2 I can't tell you how relieved I am that you will be escorting her. At least I do not have to worry about her safety. __君が彼女を送ってくれて私がどんなに安心か。少なくとも彼女の安全を心配しなくていい。 FormID: 01050A73 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 0 No, no! It can't be! Not my Ashemanu! How.. Why.. Is she.. __いや、違う!そんなはずはない!Ashemanuじゃない!どうして…何故…彼女は… FormID: 01050A74 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 0 Sorry, the ship came in a few days early. I did see a rather attractive dark elf that disembarked. __すまない、その船は何日か早く着いたんだよ。ずいぶん綺麗なダークエルフが下船するのは確かに見た。 FormID: 01050A74 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 1 But I don't know her name, and the ship has already left for Summerset Isle. Try The Weary Traveler. __だが名前は分からないな。船はもうサマーセット・アイルに出発してしまった。The Weary Travelerを見てみたら。 FormID: 01050A74 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 2 The ship came in late in the day. There really wasn't any daylight left. If it were me, I would have rented a room. __船は昼の遅くに到着した。殆ど日が沈む時だった。私だったら部屋を借りるだろうな。 FormID: 01050A74 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 3 Then Start out fresh in the morning. __それから朝早くに出て行った。 FormID: 01050A75 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 0 Came and went. I saw her come into town. She asked one of the guards something, and headed straight out of town. __来て去った。街に入って行くのを見た。ガードに何か聞いていた、そして真っ直ぐ街の外を目指した。 FormID: 01050A75 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 1 I assumed she arrived by ship because she came in the South East gate. But she left by the West Gate minutes later. __South East gateから入って来たので、彼女は船で到着していると見て構わないだろう。だが数分前にWest Gateから出て行った。 FormID: 01050A76 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 0 She is the most beautiful Dunmer in the world. Her eyes are so red, like a flame of passion is always burning within them. __彼女は世界一美しいダンマーだ。その真紅の瞳、情熱の炎がいつも燃え盛っているみたいだ。 FormID: 01050A76 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 1 I simply melt every time she looks at me. I simply can't picture sharing my life with anyone else. __彼女に見つめられるといつも私は溶けてしまう。彼女以外と一緒の人生は考えられない。 FormID: 01050A77 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 0 Sorry, I don't recall seeing anyone matching that description. I think I would have. __すまない、その説明に一致する者は思い出せない。見たと思うんだが。 FormID: 01050A77 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 1 I usually remember the attractive women, everyone is trying to buy them drinks. __いつもは綺麗な女性は覚えているんだが、皆が競って飲み物を買ってあげようとするからな。 FormID: 01050A78 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 0 Try The Weary Traveler. If she is in Windfall, that would be the most likely place. __The Weary Travelerを見てみたら。彼女がWindfallに居るんなら、一番居そうな場所だからな。 FormID: 01050A82 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Conv1 0 Why not. __さあ。 FormID: 01050A84 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Conv2 0 Then what happened to her? __彼女に何があった? FormID: 01050A86 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Conv3 0 Oh my. This is strange. Suddenly I don't feel well. Please get Shanur for me and then tell Todward about Ashemanu. __何てことだ。変だな。急に気分が悪くなった。Shamurを連れて来てくれないか、それでTodwardにAshemanuの事を伝えてくれ。 FormID: 01050A88 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Arkyon 0 Thank you for telling me. I will look in on Arkyon right away. After you talk to Todward, come see in me Arkyon's room. __教えてくれて感謝する。すぐにArkyonを尋ねてみよう。君がTodwardと話した後、Arkyonの部屋まで私に会いに来てくれ。 FormID: 01050A88 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Arkyon 1 I may need your help finding a cure. __治療法を探すのに君の助けが要るだろう。 FormID: 01050A8A WFNQ08 WFNQ8BArmor 0 This is the third time I have heard about these people in black armor. This is no coincidence. There must be more to it. __黒い鎧の者達の事を聞いたのは三回目だ。これは偶然ではない。それ以上に違いない。 FormID: 01050A8A WFNQ08 WFNQ8BArmor 1 Go help Shanur. Curing Arkyon is the first priority right now. Once he is better, come see me. __Shanurを助けに行ってくれ。Arkyonの治療は今の最優先事項だ。彼が良くなったら、私の所に来てくれ。
FormID: 01050A6C WFNQ08 WFNQ01NO 0 Perhaps you are not the man I thought you were. I have no more use of your services. __恐らく君は私が思っていたような男ではないようだな。もう君の世話にはならない。 FormID: 01050A6D WFNQ08 WFNQ01NO 0 Perhaps you are not the woman I thought you were. I have no more use of your services. __恐らく君は私が思っていたような女ではないようだな。もう君の世話にはならない。 FormID: 01050A6F WFNQ08 WFNQ8Escort 0 Yes my friend, my darling Ashemanu is due back soon. She should be arriving in Windfall shortly. __ああそうだ、私のダーリンAshemanuはもうすぐ戻ることになっている。じきにWindfallに到着するだろう。 FormID: 01050A6F WFNQ08 WFNQ8Escort 1 She is coming by ship. It is scheduled to arrive in a day or so. But that can vary depending on the weather and seas. __彼女は船で戻る。一日かそこらで着く予定だ。でも天候と海の具合で変わるがな。 FormID: 01050A6F WFNQ08 WFNQ8Escort 2 Because of the stories about these men in black armor, I would like someone with your skills to escort her. __その黒い鎧の男達の話を聞いたので、君と同じような腕前の他の者に彼女を送り届けて貰いたい。 FormID: 01050A6F WFNQ08 WFNQ8Escort 3 I did ask her to stay at The Weary Traveler, if she arrived early. But Ashemanu has a mind of her own. __もし彼女が早く着いたら、The Weary Travelerに居るように念を押したんだ。だがAshemanuには彼女なりの考えがあるようだ。 FormID: 01050A6F WFNQ08 WFNQ8Escort 4 I will give you 50 septims to pay for expenses in case you have to wait on the ship. That should buy a few days of room and board. __船で待機する場合の為に50septimの費用を渡しておこう。それで部屋と食事は何日かもつだろう。 FormID: 01050A6F WFNQ08 WFNQ8Escort 5 I will also give 500 septims when you return with Ashemanu safely. She is all I have, will you please do this for me? __Ashemanuが無事に戻れば500septim払う。彼女は私の全てなんだ、どうか頼まれて欲しい。 FormID: 01050A71 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Yes 0 Thank you so much. Here are the 50 septims to pay for your room, in case you arrive before she does. __ありがとう。彼女が着く前に君が到着した場合の部屋代50septimだ。 FormID: 01050A71 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Yes 1 If she arrives first, she should be at The Weary Traveler already. I'll be waiting here for you. __彼女が先に着いていたら、The Weary Travelerに居るはずだ。そこで君を待っていよう。 FormID: 01050A71 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Yes 2 I can't tell you how relieved I am that you will be escorting her. At least I do not have to worry about her safety. __君が彼女を送ってくれて私がどんなに安心か。少なくとも彼女の安全を心配しなくていい。 FormID: 01050A73 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 0 No, no! It can't be! Not my Ashemanu! How.. Why.. Is she.. __いや、違う!そんなはずはない!Ashemanuじゃない!どうして…何故…彼女は… FormID: 01050A74 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 0 Sorry, the ship came in a few days early. I did see a rather attractive dark elf that disembarked. __すまない、その船は何日か早く着いたんだよ。ずいぶん綺麗なダークエルフが下船するのは確かに見た。 FormID: 01050A74 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 1 But I don't know her name, and the ship has already left for Summerset Isle. Try The Weary Traveler. __だが名前は分からないな。船はもうサマーセット・アイルに出発してしまった。The Weary Travelerを見てみたら。 FormID: 01050A74 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 2 The ship came in late in the day. There really wasn't any daylight left. If it were me, I would have rented a room. __船は昼の遅くに到着した。殆ど日が沈む時だった。私だったら部屋を借りるだろうな。 FormID: 01050A74 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 3 Then Start out fresh in the morning. __それから朝早くに出て行った。 FormID: 01050A75 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 0 Came and went. I saw her come into town. She asked one of the guards something, and headed straight out of town. __来て去った。街に入って行くのを見た。ガードに何か聞いていた、そして真っ直ぐ街の外を目指した。 FormID: 01050A75 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 1 I assumed she arrived by ship because she came in the South East gate. But she left by the West Gate minutes later. __South East gateから入って来たので、彼女は船で到着していると見て構わないだろう。だが数分前にWest Gateから出て行った。 FormID: 01050A76 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 0 She is the most beautiful Dunmer in the world. Her eyes are so red, like a flame of passion is always burning within them. __彼女は世界一美しいダンマーだ。その真紅の瞳、情熱の炎がいつも燃え盛っているみたいだ。 FormID: 01050A76 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 1 I simply melt every time she looks at me. I simply can't picture sharing my life with anyone else. __彼女に見つめられるといつも私は溶けてしまう。彼女以外と一緒の人生は考えられない。 FormID: 01050A77 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 0 Sorry, I don't recall seeing anyone matching that description. I think I would have. __すまない、その説明に一致する者は思い出せない。見たと思うんだが。 FormID: 01050A77 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 1 I usually remember the attractive women, everyone is trying to buy them drinks. __いつもは綺麗な女性は覚えているんだが、皆が競って飲み物を買ってあげようとするからな。 FormID: 01050A78 WFNQ08 WFAshemanu 0 Try The Weary Traveler. If she is in Windfall, that would be the most likely place. __The Weary Travelerを見てみたら。彼女がWindfallに居るんなら、一番居そうな場所だからな。 FormID: 01050A82 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Conv1 0 Why not. __さあ。 FormID: 01050A84 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Conv2 0 Then what happened to her? __彼女に何があった? FormID: 01050A86 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Conv3 0 Oh my. This is strange. Suddenly I don't feel well. Please get Shanur for me and then tell Todward about Ashemanu. __何てことだ。変だな。急に気分が悪くなった。Shamurを連れて来てくれないか、それでTodwardにAshemanuの事を伝えてくれ。 FormID: 01050A88 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Arkyon 0 Thank you for telling me. I will look in on Arkyon right away. After you talk to Todward, come see in me Arkyon's room. __教えてくれて感謝する。すぐにArkyonを尋ねてみよう。君がTodwardと話した後、Arkyonの部屋まで私に会いに来てくれ。 FormID: 01050A88 WFNQ08 WFNQ8Arkyon 1 I may need your help finding a cure. __治療法を探すのに君の助けが要るだろう。 FormID: 01050A8A WFNQ08 WFNQ8BArmor 0 This is the third time I have heard about these people in black armor. This is no coincidence. There must be more to it. __黒い鎧の者達の事を聞いたのは三回目だ。これは偶然ではない。それ以上に違いない。 FormID: 01050A8A WFNQ08 WFNQ8BArmor 1 Go help Shanur. Curing Arkyon is the first priority right now. Once he is better, come see me. __Shanurを助けに行ってくれ。Arkyonの治療は今の最優先事項だ。彼が良くなったら、私の所に来てくれ。