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FormID: 0100B41A VHQ008 VHQ8General 0 He's skulking inside the basement complex. He refuses to speak to anyone but you. You should go speak to him. __彼は地下の隠し部屋に籠もってるよ。君以外の誰とも話すのを拒んでる。行って話してくれ。 FormID: 0100B41A VHQ008 VHQ8General 1 Here's the key. __これが鍵だ。 FormID: 0105C3BA VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 0 Vulna's arrogance may finally be his undoing. He has an agent on the High Council. __最終的にその傲慢が彼を滅ぼすやもしれんな。VulnaはHigh Councilにエージェントを送り込んでる。 FormID: 0105C3BA VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 1 He was convinced that with the agent's help Ocato would never be able to mobilize any military force against him. __彼はエージェントの工作でOcatoが軍を動かすことは出来ないと高を括っているのだ。 FormID: 0105C3BA VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 2 He has a spy in Verona Bay, watching your organization; nonetheless, he appears to have underestimated its strength __Verona Bayには間者もおり、君たちの組織は監視下にある。にも関わらず、彼は君たちを過小評価しているようだった。 FormID: 0105C3BA VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 3 When I am safely across the border, I will give Diamas all the details. Forgive me, but I have no desire to rot in an Imperial cell. __私は安全が確認されたらDiamasに全てを話す。悪いが、私は刑務所で果てる気はない。 FormID: 0105C3BC VHQ008 VHQConvent 0 The sisterhood of Saint Alessia, are a peaceful order dedicated to the covenant between Akatosh and Alessia. __聖Alessia修道会。主にAkatoshとAlessiaの契約の為に活動する平和的な教団だ。 FormID: 0105C3BC VHQ008 VHQConvent 1 They became so disgusted with sins of Tamriel, they removed themselves to a remote and secret convent. __罪深いTamrielに嫌気が差して、自身を遠く秘密の修道院へと移した。 FormID: 0105C3BC VHQ008 VHQConvent 2 I've never been but I believe the convent is inside a series of caverns with a chapel at it's heart. __行ったことはないが、一連の洞窟内部中心に教会があるに違いない。 FormID: 0105C3BC VHQ008 VHQConvent 3 You should talk to Marimar, if you want more detail. __詳細を知りたければMarimarに聞くのがよかろう。 FormID: 0105EAFB VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 0 We have done great things this day. You should talk to Sulla and get the information you seek. __今日は大仕事だったな。Sullaと話し、欲しい情報を聞き出すといい。 FormID: 0105EAFB VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 1 I'll escort him to the City in due course. I think this will be my last mission. My years of service come to an end, and I doubt I'll sign up again. __いずれ私が帝都まで彼を護送することになる。それを最後の仕事にしたい。長年のお勤めも終わりだ。もうサインをする気はないよ。 FormID: 0105EAFB VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 2 Perhaps one day you will need a strong arm to aid you. Look me up. __いつか腕のたつ者の力を借りたい時があったら、私を捜してくれ。 FormID: 0109B4D7 VHQ008 GREETING 0 A sad day. Marimar's grief touches us all. However, we have little time to mourn. The Night Brethren must be stopped. __悲しむべき日だ。Marimarの悲嘆を皆も感じてる。だが、嘆いている時間はもうない。Night Brethrenを止めねばならん。 FormID: 0109B4D7 VHQ008 GREETING 1 Without Sanderion, the Chancellor will not be able to persuade the High Council to act. We must locate Vulna's Oblivion. __Sanderionなしでは宰相も説得は無理だろう。VulnaのOblivionが何処なのか、探さなくてはならんな。 FormID: 0109B4DA VHQ008 vhq8how 0 The location was known by Vulna's brides and his Elite commanders. Thanks to you we know that both a bride and a general are missing. __場所を知ってるのはBrideと将軍だけだ。君のおかげで双方一人づつ行方知れずになってることが判明した。 FormID: 0109B4DB VHQ008 VHQ3Brides 0 Vulna's closest allies. Yet his so called fifth bride has been missing for many years. However, we know nothing about her. But the General... __Vulnaに最も近い部下だ。五人目の妻は随分前から行方不明、我々も彼女については何も分からん。将軍のほうは... FormID: 0109B4DD VHQ008 VHQ8General 0 General Sulla has also defected. You uncovered a link between him and the accountant Athen Hewk. I want you to investigate this. __Sulla将軍が離反した。会計士のAthen Hewkと将軍の繋がりを見つけたのは君だ。この件は君に頼みたい。 FormID: 0109B4DD VHQ008 VHQ8General 1 We have made enough progress for Ocato to offer us some open support. __我々は多少公的なサポートを受けられる程度にはOcatoを後押ししてきたつもりだが。 FormID: 0109B4DD VHQ008 VHQ8General 2 He does not dare use the legion at this point, but he has dispatched a hand picked team of his own Imperial Palace Guards. __彼は軍を動かすのを躊躇ってる。代わりに自分のPalace Guard一部隊を選んで派遣した。 FormID: 0109B4DD VHQ008 VHQ8General 3 Each fought bravely in the Battle of the Temple. They will follow you Champion. Make haste to the Accountant's Retreat. __それぞれOneで勇敢に戦った者だそうだ。君との合流を待ってる、Champion。会計士のRetreatへ急いでくれ。 FormID: 0109B4DD VHQ008 VHQ8General 4 We must get the location of Vulna's oblivion. __我々はVulnaのOblivionの所在を手に入れる必要がある。 FormID: 0109BC3A VHQ008 GREETING 0 You have spoken to the General. What's the news on our enemy? __将軍と話は出来たか?我々の敵は何奴だ? FormID: 0109BC3B VHQ008 GREETING 0 I am Tamrilis. I fought on the Green Way. It will be a privilege to serve under you. __私はTamrilis。Green Wayで戦った。君の指揮下に入るのは名誉だ。 FormID: 0109BC3C VHQ008 GREETING 0 Champion, I am at your command. __Champion、君の指示に従う。 FormID: 0109BC3D VHQ008 GREETING 0 Imperial Battlemage Lemeric at your service. This is a story I can tell my son about. __Imperial BattlemageのLemeric、よろしく。息子に土産話が出来るな。 FormID: 0109BC3E VHQ008 VHQ8General 0 He's skulking inside the basement complex. He refuses to speak to anyone but you. You should go speak to him. __地下の隠し部屋に籠もってるよ。君以外の誰とも話すのを拒んでる。行って話してくれ。 FormID: 0109BC3F VHQ008 VHQ8General 0 You should speak to the General, we need to resolve the problem. __将軍と話をしてくれ。埒が明かない。 FormID: 0109BC41 VHQ008 GREETING 0 My good friend Athen is dead. I suppose you had a hand in that! __我が友Athenは死んだ。貴様の仕業だろ! FormID: 0109BC42 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Haven't you caused enough trouble. __特に問題はない。 FormID: 0109BC44 VHQ008 VHQ8General 0 I haven't seen him. I know he is a marked man. All of us are. There's an Accountant who lives near Bravil. Try him. __彼に会ってはいない。重要人物だとは知ってる。我々全員が。Bravil近くに住む会計士の家にいる。頼む。 FormID: 0109BC45 VHQ008 VHQ8General 0 He is my good friend. He has left the Night Brethren's fold and placed us all in danger. But I am happy to offer him sanctuary. __彼は友人だよ。Night Brethrenを抜けた。で、我々みんなを危険に晒してる。だが、隠れ家を提供出来て私は幸せなのさ。 FormID: 0109BC46 VHQ008 GREETING 0 So you are the Champion of Cyrodiil. I expected you to be taller. __お前がChampion of Cyrodiilか。意外と小さいな。 FormID: 0109BC47 VHQ008 VHQ002No 0 I don't believe you. Even if you didn't strike the mortal blow, your pursuit of him made him careless. I would like to kill you. __私はお前を信用せん。例えお前が死に至らしめたのではないにせよ、お前の追求が彼を不用意にした。殺してやりたいぐらいだ。 FormID: 0109BC47 VHQ008 VHQ002No 1 But I am in a difficult position. I have been marked by the Gray Pack. I am truly a dead man walking. __だが、私は苦境にある。Gray Packにマークされている。死んだも同然だ。 FormID: 0109BC49 VHQ008 VHQ002Yes 0 At least you are honest enough to admit it. I should kill you where you stand. But I have other problems. The Gray Pack are abroad. __認める程度には正直か。この場で殺してやりたいところだが、別の問題がある。Gray Packが放たれた。 FormID: 0109BC4B VHQ008 vhq8s1 0 I hope you have the stomach for a fight. The Gray Pack have been unleashed and I am their target. __戦う気概があると良いのだがな。Gray Packが動員された。ターゲットは私だ。 FormID: 0109BC4D VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 0 They are Vulna's elite assassination force. They are relentless and ruthless. They will not stop until their target is dead. __Vulna自慢の暗殺者どもだ。無慈悲で冷酷。ターゲットが死ぬまで止まらない。 FormID: 0109BC4D VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 1 I know the information you seek and I will tell you all you want and more. I can tell you where the portal to Vulna's Oblivion is located. __私はお前たちが求める情報を持つ。知りたいことの全て、それ以上を教えよう。Oblivionへ繋がるポータルの場所。 FormID: 0109BC4D VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 2 I will tell you how to wield the Heartstone. I will tell you where Mirandahal is located. __Heartstoneをどう使うのか、Mirandahalの位置も話すことが出来る。 FormID: 0109BC4D VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 3 But I want to live. Protect me from the Gray Pack and you will have your information. If I die, you will fail. __但し、私は死にたくない。Gray Packから護ってくれれば情報はお前たちのもの。私が死ねばご破算だ。 FormID: 0109BC4E VHQ008 VHQ8General 0 I am General Sulla. Formerly of the Night Brethren. __私がGeneral Sulla、元Night Brethrenだ。 FormID: 0109BC4F VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 0 We have very little intelligence on this group. We know they are a vampiric assassination squad, but we never linked them to Lord Vulna. __ほんの少しだけ聞いたことがある。吸血鬼の暗殺者グループか。Lord Vulnaに繋がっているとは思ってもみなかった。 FormID: 0109BC4F VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 1 By reputation, they are ruthless. Legend has it they have never failed in a mission. We will need to be on our guard. __噂だと冷酷な連中だそうだ。伝説になってる、仕掛けて仕損じなしだと。我々にも護衛が必要かな。 FormID: 0109BC4F VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 2 We have until midnight to prepare. __深夜に備えよう。 FormID: 0109BC50 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Welcome Champion. It is a honor and a privilege to fight along side you once again. __歓迎する、Champion。再び君の隣で戦えるとは真に名誉だ。 FormID: 0109BC52 VHQ008 vhq8c2 0 We should talk about positions and the relative abilities of my men and me. You are in command of this mission and we will follow your orders. __私と部下の位置取りだが、それぞれの客観的な能力について話しておいたほうがいいな。派遣部隊の指揮は君がとれ。我々は皆、君に従う。 FormID: 0109BC52 VHQ008 vhq8c2 1 You don't have to allocate a man to every position __全ての場所に人員を配置する必要はない。 FormID: 0109BC52 VHQ008 vhq8c2 2 You can allocate more than one man to each position __各々について二人以上配置することも出来る。 FormID: 0109BC54 VHQ008 vhq8positions 0 They are four key positions. In the front of the house, guarding the door. It is the only entrance and will need to be secured. __キーポイントは四つだ。屋敷の正面、玄関扉を護る。唯一の侵入口だから確保すべきだ。 FormID: 0109BC54 VHQ008 vhq8positions 1 To the southeast of the house, guarding the approach from the Tomb. __屋敷の南東、墓所からの襲撃の備える。 FormID: 0109BC54 VHQ008 vhq8positions 2 To the southwest of the house, guarding the approach from Fort Black Boot. __南西はFor Black Bootからの備え。 FormID: 0109BC54 VHQ008 vhq8positions 3 Finally, you may want a man inside the house. __後は屋敷内にも人員が欲しいか。 FormID: 0109BC67 VHQ008 vhq7talent 0 Like all Palace Guards, I'm handy with a sword, but my chief talent is as an archer. __他のPalace Guard同様、剣の腕には自信がある。だが一番得意なのは弓術なんだ。 FormID: 0109BC68 VHQ008 vhq7talent 0 I'm an Imperial Battlemage. I have mastered the art of ranged attacks, but I can also use a sword when called upon. __私はImperial Battlemageだ。遠距離攻撃を極めたと自負している。だが、必要であれば剣を使うこともできる。 FormID: 0109BC69 VHQ008 vhq7talent 0 I'm a blunt weapons specialist. I like it up close and personal. __私は打撃武器専門だ。至近距離で一対一でやりあうのが好きだね。 FormID: 0109BC6A VHQ008 vhq7talent 0 I'm not a bad archer, but I'm a master of the blade. __弓も使えないことはないが、私は剣のマスターだ。 FormID: 0109BC6B VHQ008 vhq8positions 0 If I may suggest, I would be best suited to guarding one of the southern approaches. __提案するなら、私は南からの襲撃に対する護りがベストだろう。 FormID: 0109BC6C VHQ008 vhq8positions 0 I may prove useful guarding the approaches from the south. __私は南からの襲撃に備えるのに役立つかもしれん。 FormID: 0109BC6D VHQ008 vhq8positions 0 I am probably best employed at the front of the house. __おそらく私が最も適しているのは屋敷の正面だ。 FormID: 0109BC6E VHQ008 vhq8positions 0 I'm probably best suited to guard in or around the house. __多分、私は屋敷の内もしくは周囲の警戒に最適だ。 FormID: 0109BC6F VHQ008 vhq8orders 0 I'm listening? __聞こう。 FormID: 0109BC75 VHQ008 vhq8fh 0 As you wish. __了解した。 FormID: 0109BC76 VHQ008 vhq8fh 0 As you wish. __了解。 FormID: 0109BC77 VHQ008 vhq8fh 0 As you wish. __了解だ。 FormID: 0109BC78 VHQ008 vhq8fh 0 As you wish. __了解した。 FormID: 0109BC79 VHQ008 vhq8ih 0 Inside the house it is. __屋敷の中だな。 FormID: 0109BC7A VHQ008 vhq8ih 0 Inside the house it is. __屋敷の中へ入る。 FormID: 0109BC7B VHQ008 vhq8ih 0 Inside the house it is. __屋敷の中へ入る。 FormID: 0109BC7C VHQ008 vhq8ih 0 Inside the house it is. __屋敷の中だな。 FormID: 0109BC7D VHQ008 vhq8na 0 Then I await your command. __待機だな FormID: 0109BC7E VHQ008 vhq8na 0 Then I await your command. __待機する。 FormID: 0109BC7F VHQ008 vhq8na 0 Then I await your command. __待機だな。 FormID: 0109BC80 VHQ008 vhq8na 0 Then I await your command. __待機しよう。 FormID: 0109BC81 VHQ008 vhq8se 0 I'll head to the top of the staircase. __階段の上だな。 FormID: 0109BC82 VHQ008 vhq8se 0 I'll head to the top of the staircase. __階段の上だな。 FormID: 0109BC83 VHQ008 vhq8se 0 I'll head to the top of the staircase. __階段の上だな。 FormID: 0109BC84 VHQ008 vhq8se 0 I'll head to the top of the staircase. __階段の上だな。 FormID: 0109BC85 VHQ008 vhq8sw 0 I'll head to behind the stables. __厩舎の後ろだな。 FormID: 0109BC86 VHQ008 vhq8sw 0 I'll head to behind the stables. __厩舎の後ろだな。 FormID: 0109BC87 VHQ008 vhq8sw 0 I'll head to behind the stables. __厩舎の後ろだな。 FormID: 0109BC88 VHQ008 vhq8sw 0 I'll head to behind the stables. __厩舎の後ろだな。 FormID: 0109BC9A VHQ008 vhq8allset 1 They will be here within the hour __連中は時間になれば現れる。 FormID: 0109BC9A VHQ008 vhq8allset 0 Then we wait for the Gray Pack to make their move. __では、Gray Packが動き出すのを待とう。 FormID: 0109BC9C VHQ008 vhq8c1 0 The Gray Pack are superstitious. They always begin their assaults at midnight. Besides as vampires they require the solace of the night. __Gray Packは験を担ぐ。常に深夜に複数回襲いかかる。Vampireだからな、夜の方が安心なんだろ。 FormID: 0109BC9C VHQ008 vhq8c1 1 That gives us less than an hour to prepare. We should talk tactics! __立て直しに一時間と与えてくれん。作戦会議といこう! FormID: 0109BC9D VHQ008 vhq8c1 0 The Gray Pack are superstitious. They always begin their assaults at midnight. Besides as vampires they require the solace of the night. __Gray Packは験を担ぐ。常に深夜に複数回襲いかかる。Vampireだからな、夜の方が安心なんだろ。 FormID: 0109BC9D VHQ008 vhq8c1 1 That gives us a few hours to prepare. We should talk tactics! __立て直しに一時間と与えてくれん。作戦会議といこう! FormID: 0109BC9E VHQ008 vhq8c1 0 The Gray Pack are superstitious. They always begin their assaults at midnight. Besides as vampires they require the solace of the night. __Gray Packは験を担ぐ。常に深夜に複数回襲いかかる。Vampireだからな、夜の方が安心なんだろ。 FormID: 0109BC9E VHQ008 vhq8c1 1 That gives us plenty of time to prepare. We should talk tactics! __立て直しに一時間と与えてくれん。作戦会議といこう! FormID: 0109BC9F VHQ008 vhq8c1 0 The Gray Pack are superstitious. They always begin their assaults at midnight. Besides as vampires they require the solace of the night. __Gray Packは験を担ぐ。常に深夜に複数回襲いかかる。Vampireだからな、夜の方が安心なんだろ。 FormID: 0109BC9F VHQ008 vhq8c1 1 That gives us an hour to prepare. We should talk tactics! __立て直しに一時間と与えてくれん。作戦会議といこう! FormID: 0109BCA0 VHQ008 vhq8allset 0 Then we wait for the Gray Pack to make their move. __では、Gray Packが動き出すのを待とう。 FormID: 0109BCA0 VHQ008 vhq8allset 1 They will be here in a few hours __連中は時間になれば現れる。 FormID: 0109BCA1 VHQ008 vhq8allset 0 Then we wait for the Gray Pack to make their move. __では、Gray Packが動き出すのを待とう。 FormID: 0109BCA1 VHQ008 vhq8allset 1 We have a long wait. __長く待つことになりそうだ。 FormID: 0109BCA2 VHQ008 vhq8allset 0 Then we wait for the Gray Pack to make their move. __では、Gray Packが動き出すのを待とう。 FormID: 0109BCA2 VHQ008 vhq8allset 1 They will be here when darkness falls __奴らは暗闇が訪れるとくるだろう。 FormID: 0109DA18 VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 0 They are gone? I never thought I would live to see this. You truly are a Champion, and perhaps you have the strength to defeat Vulna. __信じられん。あの連中を退けたのか?もう助からぬと思っていたが。まさしくChampionだな。おそらくお前はVulnaを倒せる力を持つ。 FormID: 0109DA18 VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 1 You have earned your information. So ask away? __情報を渡そう。好きに尋ねるがいい。 FormID: 0109DA19 VHQ008 VHQ3Brides 0 They are his strongest allies. They have pledged allegiance to him. Pacha Sark is the most influential of the brides. __彼の最強の仲間だ。彼に忠誠を誓っている。Pacha Sarkが花嫁たちの中で最も影響力がある。 FormID: 0109DA19 VHQ008 VHQ3Brides 1 It was at her prompting that the Night Brethren began their push to overthrow the government. __彼女の強引な後押しでNight Brethrenは議会の転覆に乗り出した。 FormID: 0109DA1A VHQ008 VHQ3Immortal 0 Vulna has trapped his own essence within the Heartstone. Only when you carry it will you be able to strike him down. __Vulnaは自らの魂をHeartstoneに閉じこめた。それを所持している場合のみ、彼を倒す事が出来る。 FormID: 0109DA1A VHQ008 VHQ3Immortal 1 But beware. Even with the Heartstone, Vulna has lived for a thousand years and has developed his skills with both sword and staff. __だが忠告しよう。Heartstoneを持っていようと彼は千年を生き、剣と魔術双方に精通している。 FormID: 0109DA1A VHQ008 VHQ3Immortal 2 He is no weak kneed callow youth. He is a legendary mage and warrior. __腰抜けの若造ではないぞ。伝説級の魔術師であり、戦士だ。 FormID: 0109DA1B VHQ008 VHQ3Mira 0 It is Vulna's fortress. Vast and fantastically well defended. Spread over four level, with each level like a small town. __Vulnaの要塞だ。巨大で護りは堅固。四つの階層が広がり、各々が小さな街ほどの大きさを持つ。 FormID: 0109DA1B VHQ008 VHQ3Mira 1 The brides each have their own palace on the third level, while Vulna himself resides on the fourth. __Bride達は第三の階層に各々の王宮を持ち、Vulna自身は第四に身を置く。 FormID: 0109DA1B VHQ008 VHQ3Mira 2 As for it's location. That I will keep for now. The good Captain has promised me safe passage out of Cyrodiil. __場所に関してだが。今、話す気はない。優秀な隊長が私をCyrodiilから安全に脱出させると確約してる。 FormID: 0109DA1B VHQ008 VHQ3Mira 3 I'll reveal that secret when I'm safely across the border. __無事に国境を抜けたならその秘密を明かそう。 FormID: 0109DA1C VHQ008 VHQLocation 0 You seek the location of Vulna's Oblivion. He has moved the portal often. He knows it is his weak spot. __VulnaのOblivionの場所を探しているのか。彼はよく入口を移動させてきた。自分の弱点だと承知しているからな。 FormID: 0109DA1C VHQ008 VHQLocation 1 Not long ago he discovered the location of the Lost Convent of the Sisters of St Alessia __少し前に彼は聖Alessia修道会の失われた寺院を探し出した。 FormID: 0109DA1C VHQ008 VHQLocation 2 He has defiled that great sanctuary. He has placed the portal in the chapel itself. __彼は聖域を襲い、そこの聖堂に入り口を設置した。 FormID: 0109DA1C VHQ008 VHQLocation 3 The sanctuary is located high in the Mountains to the East and South of Cheydinhaal. It is a remote location and will be hard for you to reach. __聖域はCheydinhalの南東の山中にあるが、遠い。着くのも困難だろう。 FormID: 0109DA1C VHQ008 VHQLocation 4 If you aim to arrive by horseback, travel far south and make your way along the peaks. __馬の背に揺られていくなら遙か南から峰に沿って進むしかない。 FormID: 010A26DF VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. We will bathe long in this glory. __我らの勝利だ。しばしこの栄光に浸ろう。 FormID: 010A26E0 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. But we have paid for it with Tamrilis's blood. I do not look forward to telling his widow. __我らの勝利だ。だがTamriliの血がその代償となった。夫を失った夫人に伝えるのは辛い。 FormID: 010A26E1 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours but Lemeric is dead. His children will look to his homecoming but he shall not return. __我らは勝ち、Lemericが死んだ。子供達は彼の帰還を心待ちにしているが、彼が戻ることはない。 FormID: 010A26E2 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. My troop is gone. Slain to protect a confessed traitor. __勝利は我らに。部下達は逝った。敵の裏切り者を護る為に倒れた。 FormID: 010A26E2 VHQ008 GREETING 1 At the stroke of midnight I will remember them __深夜の鐘がなる時、私は彼らのことを思い出そう。 FormID: 010A26E3 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. Maxwell and Lemeric are dead. At every midnight I will rermember them. __勝利は我らの手に。しかしMaxwellとLemericが死んだ。毎夜、私は彼らを偲ぼう。 FormID: 010A26E4 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. But Tamrilis and Maxwell are gone. I will light candles and remember them in time. __勝利は我らの手に。しかしTamrilisとMaxwellが死んだ。蝋燭を灯し、私は彼らを偲ぼう。 FormID: 010A26E5 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. But Tamrilis and Lemeric lie dead. Their name will be chanted in the temple. __勝利は我らの手に。しかしTamrilisとLemericが死んだ。彼らの名はOneに刻まれるだろう。 FormID: 010A26E6 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. But Maxwell has fallen. His silver hammer will ring no more. __勝利は我らの手に。しかしMaxwellが死んだ。彼の銀のハンマーはもう風を切ることはない。 FormID: 010A26E7 VHQ008 GREETING 0 You are victorious. I can hardly believe it. __お前達が勝ったか。俄には信じられん。 FormID: 010A26E8 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Only when the Gray pack are dead will I speak to you. __Gray Packが滅んだときにだけ、あなたと話ます。 __Gray Packが滅んだときにだけ、お前と話す。 FormID: 010A26E9 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. __勝利は我らが手に。 FormID: 010A26EA VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. __勝利は我らが手に。 FormID: 010A26EB VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. __勝利は我らが手に。
FormID: 0100B41A VHQ008 VHQ8General 0 He's skulking inside the basement complex. He refuses to speak to anyone but you. You should go speak to him. __彼は地下の隠し部屋に籠もってるよ。君以外の誰とも話すのを拒んでる。行って話してくれ。 FormID: 0100B41A VHQ008 VHQ8General 1 Here's the key. __これが鍵だ。 FormID: 0105C3BA VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 0 Vulna's arrogance may finally be his undoing. He has an agent on the High Council. __最終的にその傲慢が彼を滅ぼすやもしれんな。VulnaはHigh Councilにエージェントを送り込んでる。 FormID: 0105C3BA VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 1 He was convinced that with the agent's help Ocato would never be able to mobilize any military force against him. __彼はエージェントの工作でOcatoが軍を動かすことは出来ないと高を括っているのだ。 FormID: 0105C3BA VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 2 He has a spy in Verona Bay, watching your organization; nonetheless, he appears to have underestimated its strength __Verona Bayには間者もおり、君たちの組織は監視下にある。にも関わらず、彼は君たちを過小評価しているようだった。 FormID: 0105C3BA VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 3 When I am safely across the border, I will give Diamas all the details. Forgive me, but I have no desire to rot in an Imperial cell. __私は安全が確認されたらDiamasに全てを話す。悪いが、私は刑務所で果てる気はない。 FormID: 0105C3BC VHQ008 VHQConvent 0 The sisterhood of Saint Alessia, are a peaceful order dedicated to the covenant between Akatosh and Alessia. __聖Alessia修道会。主にAkatoshとAlessiaの契約の為に活動する平和的な教団だ。 FormID: 0105C3BC VHQ008 VHQConvent 1 They became so disgusted with sins of Tamriel, they removed themselves to a remote and secret convent. __罪深いTamrielに嫌気が差して、自身を遠く秘密の修道院へと移した。 FormID: 0105C3BC VHQ008 VHQConvent 2 I've never been but I believe the convent is inside a series of caverns with a chapel at it's heart. __行ったことはないが、一連の洞窟内部中心に教会があるに違いない。 FormID: 0105C3BC VHQ008 VHQConvent 3 You should talk to Marimar, if you want more detail. __詳細を知りたければMarimarに聞くのがよかろう。 FormID: 0105EAFB VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 0 We have done great things this day. You should talk to Sulla and get the information you seek. __今日は大仕事だったな。Sullaと話し、欲しい情報を聞き出すといい。 FormID: 0105EAFB VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 1 I'll escort him to the City in due course. I think this will be my last mission. My years of service come to an end, and I doubt I'll sign up again. __いずれ私が帝都まで彼を護送することになる。それを最後の仕事にしたい。長年のお勤めも終わりだ。もうサインをする気はないよ。 FormID: 0105EAFB VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 2 Perhaps one day you will need a strong arm to aid you. Look me up. __いつか腕のたつ者の力を借りたい時があったら、私を捜してくれ。 FormID: 0109B4D7 VHQ008 GREETING 0 A sad day. Marimar's grief touches us all. However, we have little time to mourn. The Night Brethren must be stopped. __悲しむべき日だ。Marimarの悲嘆を皆も感じてる。だが、嘆いている時間はもうない。Night Brethrenを止めねばならん。 FormID: 0109B4D7 VHQ008 GREETING 1 Without Sanderion, the Chancellor will not be able to persuade the High Council to act. We must locate Vulna's Oblivion. __Sanderionなしでは宰相も説得は無理だろう。VulnaのOblivionが何処なのか、探さなくてはならんな。 FormID: 0109B4DA VHQ008 vhq8how 0 The location was known by Vulna's brides and his Elite commanders. Thanks to you we know that both a bride and a general are missing. __場所を知ってるのはBrideと将軍だけだ。君のおかげで双方一人づつ行方知れずになってることが判明した。 FormID: 0109B4DB VHQ008 VHQ3Brides 0 Vulna's closest allies. Yet his so called fifth bride has been missing for many years. However, we know nothing about her. But the General... __Vulnaに最も近い部下だ。五人目の妻は随分前から行方不明、我々も彼女については何も分からん。将軍のほうは... FormID: 0109B4DD VHQ008 VHQ8General 0 General Sulla has also defected. You uncovered a link between him and the accountant Athen Hewk. I want you to investigate this. __Sulla将軍が離反した。会計士のAthen Hewkと将軍の繋がりを見つけたのは君だ。この件は君に頼みたい。 FormID: 0109B4DD VHQ008 VHQ8General 1 We have made enough progress for Ocato to offer us some open support. __我々は多少公的なサポートを受けられる程度にはOcatoを後押ししてきたつもりだが。 FormID: 0109B4DD VHQ008 VHQ8General 2 He does not dare use the legion at this point, but he has dispatched a hand picked team of his own Imperial Palace Guards. __彼は軍を動かすのを躊躇ってる。代わりに自分のPalace Guard一部隊を選んで派遣した。 FormID: 0109B4DD VHQ008 VHQ8General 3 Each fought bravely in the Battle of the Temple. They will follow you Champion. Make haste to the Accountant's Retreat. __それぞれOneで勇敢に戦った者だそうだ。君との合流を待ってる、Champion。会計士のRetreatへ急いでくれ。 FormID: 0109B4DD VHQ008 VHQ8General 4 We must get the location of Vulna's oblivion. __我々はVulnaのOblivionの所在を手に入れる必要がある。 FormID: 0109BC3A VHQ008 GREETING 0 You have spoken to the General. What's the news on our enemy? __将軍と話は出来たか?我々の敵は何奴だ? FormID: 0109BC3B VHQ008 GREETING 0 I am Tamrilis. I fought on the Green Way. It will be a privilege to serve under you. __私はTamrilis。Green Wayで戦った。君の指揮下に入るのは名誉だ。 FormID: 0109BC3C VHQ008 GREETING 0 Champion, I am at your command. __Champion、君の指示に従う。 FormID: 0109BC3D VHQ008 GREETING 0 Imperial Battlemage Lemeric at your service. This is a story I can tell my son about. __Imperial BattlemageのLemeric、よろしく。息子に土産話が出来るな。 FormID: 0109BC3E VHQ008 VHQ8General 0 He's skulking inside the basement complex. He refuses to speak to anyone but you. You should go speak to him. __地下の隠し部屋に籠もってるよ。君以外の誰とも話すのを拒んでる。行って話してくれ。 FormID: 0109BC3F VHQ008 VHQ8General 0 You should speak to the General, we need to resolve the problem. __将軍と話をしてくれ。埒が明かない。 FormID: 0109BC41 VHQ008 GREETING 0 My good friend Athen is dead. I suppose you had a hand in that! __我が友Athenは死んだ。貴様の仕業だろ! FormID: 0109BC42 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Haven't you caused enough trouble. __特に問題はない。 FormID: 0109BC44 VHQ008 VHQ8General 0 I haven't seen him. I know he is a marked man. All of us are. There's an Accountant who lives near Bravil. Try him. __彼に会ってはいない。重要人物だとは知ってる。我々全員が。Bravil近くに住む会計士の家にいる。頼む。 FormID: 0109BC45 VHQ008 VHQ8General 0 He is my good friend. He has left the Night Brethren's fold and placed us all in danger. But I am happy to offer him sanctuary. __彼は友人だよ。Night Brethrenを抜けた。で、我々みんなを危険に晒してる。だが、隠れ家を提供出来て私は幸せなのさ。 FormID: 0109BC46 VHQ008 GREETING 0 So you are the Champion of Cyrodiil. I expected you to be taller. __お前がChampion of Cyrodiilか。意外と小さいな。 FormID: 0109BC47 VHQ008 VHQ002No 0 I don't believe you. Even if you didn't strike the mortal blow, your pursuit of him made him careless. I would like to kill you. __私はお前を信用せん。例えお前が死に至らしめたのではないにせよ、お前の追求が彼を不用意にした。殺してやりたいぐらいだ。 FormID: 0109BC47 VHQ008 VHQ002No 1 But I am in a difficult position. I have been marked by the Gray Pack. I am truly a dead man walking. __だが、私は苦境にある。Gray Packにマークされている。死んだも同然だ。 FormID: 0109BC49 VHQ008 VHQ002Yes 0 At least you are honest enough to admit it. I should kill you where you stand. But I have other problems. The Gray Pack are abroad. __認める程度には正直か。この場で殺してやりたいところだが、別の問題がある。Gray Packが放たれた。 FormID: 0109BC4B VHQ008 vhq8s1 0 I hope you have the stomach for a fight. The Gray Pack have been unleashed and I am their target. __戦う気概があると良いのだがな。Gray Packが動員された。ターゲットは私だ。 FormID: 0109BC4D VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 0 They are Vulna's elite assassination force. They are relentless and ruthless. They will not stop until their target is dead. __Vulna自慢の暗殺者どもだ。無慈悲で冷酷。ターゲットが死ぬまで止まらない。 FormID: 0109BC4D VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 1 I know the information you seek and I will tell you all you want and more. I can tell you where the portal to Vulna's Oblivion is located. __私はお前たちが求める情報を持つ。知りたいことの全て、それ以上を教えよう。Oblivionへ繋がるポータルの場所。 FormID: 0109BC4D VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 2 I will tell you how to wield the Heartstone. I will tell you where Mirandahal is located. __Heartstoneをどう使うのか、Mirandahalの位置も話すことが出来る。 FormID: 0109BC4D VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 3 But I want to live. Protect me from the Gray Pack and you will have your information. If I die, you will fail. __但し、私は死にたくない。Gray Packから護ってくれれば情報はお前たちのもの。私が死ねばご破算だ。 FormID: 0109BC4E VHQ008 VHQ8General 0 I am General Sulla. Formerly of the Night Brethren. __私がGeneral Sulla、元Night Brethrenだ。 FormID: 0109BC4F VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 0 We have very little intelligence on this group. We know they are a vampiric assassination squad, but we never linked them to Lord Vulna. __ほんの少しだけ聞いたことがある。吸血鬼の暗殺者グループか。Lord Vulnaに繋がっているとは思ってもみなかった。 FormID: 0109BC4F VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 1 By reputation, they are ruthless. Legend has it they have never failed in a mission. We will need to be on our guard. __噂だと冷酷な連中だそうだ。伝説になってる、仕掛けて仕損じなしだと。我々にも護衛が必要かな。 FormID: 0109BC4F VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 2 We have until midnight to prepare. __深夜に備えよう。 FormID: 0109BC50 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Welcome Champion. It is a honor and a privilege to fight along side you once again. __歓迎する、Champion。再び君の隣で戦えるとは真に名誉だ。 FormID: 0109BC52 VHQ008 vhq8c2 0 We should talk about positions and the relative abilities of my men and me. You are in command of this mission and we will follow your orders. __私と部下の位置取りだが、それぞれの客観的な能力について話しておいたほうがいいな。派遣部隊の指揮は君がとれ。我々は皆、君に従う。 FormID: 0109BC52 VHQ008 vhq8c2 1 You don't have to allocate a man to every position __全ての場所に人員を配置する必要はない。 FormID: 0109BC52 VHQ008 vhq8c2 2 You can allocate more than one man to each position __各々について二人以上配置することも出来る。 FormID: 0109BC54 VHQ008 vhq8positions 0 They are four key positions. In the front of the house, guarding the door. It is the only entrance and will need to be secured. __キーポイントは四つだ。屋敷の正面、玄関扉を護る。唯一の侵入口だから確保すべきだ。 FormID: 0109BC54 VHQ008 vhq8positions 1 To the southeast of the house, guarding the approach from the Tomb. __屋敷の南東、墓所からの襲撃の備える。 FormID: 0109BC54 VHQ008 vhq8positions 2 To the southwest of the house, guarding the approach from Fort Black Boot. __南西はFor Black Bootからの備え。 FormID: 0109BC54 VHQ008 vhq8positions 3 Finally, you may want a man inside the house. __後は屋敷内にも人員が欲しいか。 FormID: 0109BC67 VHQ008 vhq7talent 0 Like all Palace Guards, I'm handy with a sword, but my chief talent is as an archer. __他のPalace Guard同様、剣の腕には自信がある。だが一番得意なのは弓術なんだ。 FormID: 0109BC68 VHQ008 vhq7talent 0 I'm an Imperial Battlemage. I have mastered the art of ranged attacks, but I can also use a sword when called upon. __私はImperial Battlemageだ。遠距離攻撃を極めたと自負している。だが、必要であれば剣を使うこともできる。 FormID: 0109BC69 VHQ008 vhq7talent 0 I'm a blunt weapons specialist. I like it up close and personal. __私は打撃武器専門だ。至近距離で一対一でやりあうのが好きだね。 FormID: 0109BC6A VHQ008 vhq7talent 0 I'm not a bad archer, but I'm a master of the blade. __弓も使えないことはないが、私は剣のマスターだ。 FormID: 0109BC6B VHQ008 vhq8positions 0 If I may suggest, I would be best suited to guarding one of the southern approaches. __提案するなら、私は南からの襲撃に対する護りがベストだろう。 FormID: 0109BC6C VHQ008 vhq8positions 0 I may prove useful guarding the approaches from the south. __私は南からの襲撃に備えるのに役立つかもしれん。 FormID: 0109BC6D VHQ008 vhq8positions 0 I am probably best employed at the front of the house. __おそらく私が最も適しているのは屋敷の正面だ。 FormID: 0109BC6E VHQ008 vhq8positions 0 I'm probably best suited to guard in or around the house. __多分、私は屋敷の内もしくは周囲の警戒に最適だ。 FormID: 0109BC6F VHQ008 vhq8orders 0 I'm listening? __聞こう。 FormID: 0109BC75 VHQ008 vhq8fh 0 As you wish. __了解した。 FormID: 0109BC76 VHQ008 vhq8fh 0 As you wish. __了解。 FormID: 0109BC77 VHQ008 vhq8fh 0 As you wish. __了解だ。 FormID: 0109BC78 VHQ008 vhq8fh 0 As you wish. __了解した。 FormID: 0109BC79 VHQ008 vhq8ih 0 Inside the house it is. __屋敷の中だな。 FormID: 0109BC7A VHQ008 vhq8ih 0 Inside the house it is. __屋敷の中へ入る。 FormID: 0109BC7B VHQ008 vhq8ih 0 Inside the house it is. __屋敷の中へ入る。 FormID: 0109BC7C VHQ008 vhq8ih 0 Inside the house it is. __屋敷の中だな。 FormID: 0109BC7D VHQ008 vhq8na 0 Then I await your command. __待機だな FormID: 0109BC7E VHQ008 vhq8na 0 Then I await your command. __待機する。 FormID: 0109BC7F VHQ008 vhq8na 0 Then I await your command. __待機だな。 FormID: 0109BC80 VHQ008 vhq8na 0 Then I await your command. __待機しよう。 FormID: 0109BC81 VHQ008 vhq8se 0 I'll head to the top of the staircase. __階段の上だな。 FormID: 0109BC82 VHQ008 vhq8se 0 I'll head to the top of the staircase. __階段の上だな。 FormID: 0109BC83 VHQ008 vhq8se 0 I'll head to the top of the staircase. __階段の上だな。 FormID: 0109BC84 VHQ008 vhq8se 0 I'll head to the top of the staircase. __階段の上だな。 FormID: 0109BC85 VHQ008 vhq8sw 0 I'll head to behind the stables. __厩舎の後ろだな。 FormID: 0109BC86 VHQ008 vhq8sw 0 I'll head to behind the stables. __厩舎の後ろだな。 FormID: 0109BC87 VHQ008 vhq8sw 0 I'll head to behind the stables. __厩舎の後ろだな。 FormID: 0109BC88 VHQ008 vhq8sw 0 I'll head to behind the stables. __厩舎の後ろだな。 FormID: 0109BC9A VHQ008 vhq8allset 1 They will be here within the hour __連中は時間になれば現れる。 FormID: 0109BC9A VHQ008 vhq8allset 0 Then we wait for the Gray Pack to make their move. __では、Gray Packが動き出すのを待とう。 FormID: 0109BC9C VHQ008 vhq8c1 0 The Gray Pack are superstitious. They always begin their assaults at midnight. Besides as vampires they require the solace of the night. __Gray Packは験を担ぐ。常に深夜に複数回襲いかかる。Vampireだからな、夜の方が安心なんだろ。 FormID: 0109BC9C VHQ008 vhq8c1 1 That gives us less than an hour to prepare. We should talk tactics! __立て直しに一時間と与えてくれん。作戦会議といこう! FormID: 0109BC9D VHQ008 vhq8c1 0 The Gray Pack are superstitious. They always begin their assaults at midnight. Besides as vampires they require the solace of the night. __Gray Packは験を担ぐ。常に深夜に複数回襲いかかる。Vampireだからな、夜の方が安心なんだろ。 FormID: 0109BC9D VHQ008 vhq8c1 1 That gives us a few hours to prepare. We should talk tactics! __立て直しに一時間と与えてくれん。作戦会議といこう! FormID: 0109BC9E VHQ008 vhq8c1 0 The Gray Pack are superstitious. They always begin their assaults at midnight. Besides as vampires they require the solace of the night. __Gray Packは験を担ぐ。常に深夜に複数回襲いかかる。Vampireだからな、夜の方が安心なんだろ。 FormID: 0109BC9E VHQ008 vhq8c1 1 That gives us plenty of time to prepare. We should talk tactics! __立て直しに一時間と与えてくれん。作戦会議といこう! FormID: 0109BC9F VHQ008 vhq8c1 0 The Gray Pack are superstitious. They always begin their assaults at midnight. Besides as vampires they require the solace of the night. __Gray Packは験を担ぐ。常に深夜に複数回襲いかかる。Vampireだからな、夜の方が安心なんだろ。 FormID: 0109BC9F VHQ008 vhq8c1 1 That gives us an hour to prepare. We should talk tactics! __立て直しに一時間と与えてくれん。作戦会議といこう! FormID: 0109BCA0 VHQ008 vhq8allset 0 Then we wait for the Gray Pack to make their move. __では、Gray Packが動き出すのを待とう。 FormID: 0109BCA0 VHQ008 vhq8allset 1 They will be here in a few hours __連中は時間になれば現れる。 FormID: 0109BCA1 VHQ008 vhq8allset 0 Then we wait for the Gray Pack to make their move. __では、Gray Packが動き出すのを待とう。 FormID: 0109BCA1 VHQ008 vhq8allset 1 We have a long wait. __長く待つことになりそうだ。 FormID: 0109BCA2 VHQ008 vhq8allset 0 Then we wait for the Gray Pack to make their move. __では、Gray Packが動き出すのを待とう。 FormID: 0109BCA2 VHQ008 vhq8allset 1 They will be here when darkness falls __奴らは暗闇が訪れるとくるだろう。 FormID: 0109DA18 VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 0 They are gone? I never thought I would live to see this. You truly are a Champion, and perhaps you have the strength to defeat Vulna. __信じられん。あの連中を退けたのか?もう助からぬと思っていたが。まさしくChampionだな。おそらくお前はVulnaを倒せる力を持つ。 FormID: 0109DA18 VHQ008 VHQ8GreyPack 1 You have earned your information. So ask away? __情報を渡そう。好きに尋ねるがいい。 FormID: 0109DA19 VHQ008 VHQ3Brides 0 They are his strongest allies. They have pledged allegiance to him. Pacha Sark is the most influential of the brides. __彼の最強の仲間だ。彼に忠誠を誓っている。Pacha Sarkが花嫁たちの中で最も影響力がある。 FormID: 0109DA19 VHQ008 VHQ3Brides 1 It was at her prompting that the Night Brethren began their push to overthrow the government. __彼女の強引な後押しでNight Brethrenは議会の転覆に乗り出した。 FormID: 0109DA1A VHQ008 VHQ3Immortal 0 Vulna has trapped his own essence within the Heartstone. Only when you carry it will you be able to strike him down. __Vulnaは自らの魂をHeartstoneに閉じこめた。それを所持している場合のみ、彼を倒す事が出来る。 FormID: 0109DA1A VHQ008 VHQ3Immortal 1 But beware. Even with the Heartstone, Vulna has lived for a thousand years and has developed his skills with both sword and staff. __だが忠告しよう。Heartstoneを持っていようと彼は千年を生き、剣と魔術双方に精通している。 FormID: 0109DA1A VHQ008 VHQ3Immortal 2 He is no weak kneed callow youth. He is a legendary mage and warrior. __腰抜けの若造ではないぞ。伝説級の魔術師であり、戦士だ。 FormID: 0109DA1B VHQ008 VHQ3Mira 0 It is Vulna's fortress. Vast and fantastically well defended. Spread over four level, with each level like a small town. __Vulnaの要塞だ。巨大で護りは堅固。四つの階層が広がり、各々が小さな街ほどの大きさを持つ。 FormID: 0109DA1B VHQ008 VHQ3Mira 1 The brides each have their own palace on the third level, while Vulna himself resides on the fourth. __Bride達は第三の階層に各々の王宮を持ち、Vulna自身は第四に身を置く。 FormID: 0109DA1B VHQ008 VHQ3Mira 2 As for it's location. That I will keep for now. The good Captain has promised me safe passage out of Cyrodiil. __場所に関してだが。今、話す気はない。優秀な隊長が私をCyrodiilから安全に脱出させると確約してる。 FormID: 0109DA1B VHQ008 VHQ3Mira 3 I'll reveal that secret when I'm safely across the border. __無事に国境を抜けたならその秘密を明かそう。 FormID: 0109DA1C VHQ008 VHQLocation 0 You seek the location of Vulna's Oblivion. He has moved the portal often. He knows it is his weak spot. __VulnaのOblivionの場所を探しているのか。彼はよく入口を移動させてきた。自分の弱点だと承知しているからな。 FormID: 0109DA1C VHQ008 VHQLocation 1 Not long ago he discovered the location of the Lost Convent of the Sisters of St Alessia __少し前に彼は聖Alessia修道会の失われた寺院を探し出した。 FormID: 0109DA1C VHQ008 VHQLocation 2 He has defiled that great sanctuary. He has placed the portal in the chapel itself. __彼は聖域を襲い、そこの聖堂に入り口を設置した。 FormID: 0109DA1C VHQ008 VHQLocation 3 The sanctuary is located high in the Mountains to the East and South of Cheydinhaal. It is a remote location and will be hard for you to reach. __聖域はCheydinhalの南東の山中にあるが、遠い。着くのも困難だろう。 FormID: 0109DA1C VHQ008 VHQLocation 4 If you aim to arrive by horseback, travel far south and make your way along the peaks. __馬の背に揺られていくなら遙か南から峰に沿って進むしかない。 FormID: 010A26DF VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. We will bathe long in this glory. __我らの勝利だ。しばしこの栄光に浸ろう。 FormID: 010A26E0 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. But we have paid for it with Tamrilis's blood. I do not look forward to telling his widow. __我らの勝利だ。だがTamriliの血がその代償となった。夫を失った夫人に伝えるのは辛い。 FormID: 010A26E1 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours but Lemeric is dead. His children will look to his homecoming but he shall not return. __我らは勝ち、Lemericが死んだ。子供達は彼の帰還を心待ちにしているが、彼が戻ることはない。 FormID: 010A26E2 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. My troop is gone. Slain to protect a confessed traitor. __勝利は我らに。部下達は逝った。敵の裏切り者を護る為に倒れた。 FormID: 010A26E2 VHQ008 GREETING 1 At the stroke of midnight I will remember them __深夜の鐘がなる時、私は彼らのことを思い出そう。 FormID: 010A26E3 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. Maxwell and Lemeric are dead. At every midnight I will rermember them. __勝利は我らの手に。しかしMaxwellとLemericが死んだ。毎夜、私は彼らを偲ぼう。 FormID: 010A26E4 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. But Tamrilis and Maxwell are gone. I will light candles and remember them in time. __勝利は我らの手に。しかしTamrilisとMaxwellが死んだ。蝋燭を灯し、私は彼らを偲ぼう。 FormID: 010A26E5 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. But Tamrilis and Lemeric lie dead. Their name will be chanted in the temple. __勝利は我らの手に。しかしTamrilisとLemericが死んだ。彼らの名はOneに刻まれるだろう。 FormID: 010A26E6 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. But Maxwell has fallen. His silver hammer will ring no more. __勝利は我らの手に。しかしMaxwellが死んだ。彼の銀のハンマーはもう風を切ることはない。 FormID: 010A26E7 VHQ008 GREETING 0 You are victorious. I can hardly believe it. __お前達が勝ったか。俄には信じられん。 FormID: 010A26E8 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Only when the Gray pack are dead will I speak to you. __Gray Packが滅んだときにだけ、あなたと話ます。 __Gray Packが滅んだときにだけ、お前と話す。 FormID: 010A26E9 VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. __勝利は我らが手に。 FormID: 010A26EA VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. __勝利は我らが手に。 FormID: 010A26EB VHQ008 GREETING 0 Victory is ours. __勝利は我らが手に。