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FormID: 0100920F LingBC09Azani LingBCSpecialOrders 0 At times you will be issued with...special orders. These are different from normal contracts. We usually give you some leeway in how you complete your contracts, but unfortunately for this you must complete it the way I want you to. __たまにはお前にも特別な…そう、特別な任務に当たってもらおうか。こいつは普通の契約とはワケが違うぜ。いつもだったらある程度の裁量は認めるが、残念ながら今度ばかりは俺の言った通りの手順でこなしてもらわにゃならん。 FormID: 0100920F LingBC09Azani LingBCSpecialOrders 1 But who knows? Perhaps you may be faced with a choice while you are fulfilling these special orders anyway. __ま、そうは言ってもこの特別任務に関しては何かしらの選択に直面する事にはなるかもしれんがな! FormID: 0100920F LingBC09Azani LingBCSpecialOrders 2 For now your orders are to undergo a special contract. We need you to negotiate with a man about a sword. __さて、今からお前には、とある剣に関しての交渉をしてもらう必要がある。 FormID: 01009213 LingBC09Azani LingBC09Directions 0 He is living in the Ayleid ruins of Arpenia. To reach these ruins you should take the eastern road out of Leyawiin, then follow it north. The entrance to Arpenia is a small doorway on the right side of the road. __やっこさんはArpeniaというAyleid遺跡に住んでいる。Leyawiinから東の街道を北上した先だ。遺跡の入口は街道の右手にあるぞ。 FormID: 01009213 LingBC09Azani LingBC09Directions 1 Once you have the sword you should get Azani Blackheart to move to the Ayleid ruins of Atatar. There he will be safe from the Fighters Guild. Once this is done we will claim that we killed Azani Blackheart and receive much praise for it. __剣を手に入れたらAzani BlackheartにはAtatarの遺跡まで移動してもらえ。Fighters Guildの追手に手出しさせない為だ。ここまで終えたらお客にはAzaniを殺したと伝えよう。そうすれば報酬も増額するからな。 FormID: 0100972A LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 Greetings, Company Member. I believe that you are now ready to undertake some special orders. __よう!Companyの同志よ。特別任務を受ける準備が出来たようだな。 FormID: 0100972B LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 You still have to make contact with Azani Blackheart. Find him in the ruins of Arpenia. __Azani Blackheartの件はどうした?奴はArpeniaの遺跡にいるぞ。 FormID: 0100972C LingBC09Azani LingBC09AzaniBlackheartTopic 0 For what reason does it wish to speak with our leader? It better have a good one. The leader can be found further on in the ruins. __親分に会いたい?それなら遺跡の奥だな。良い報せだったら歓迎するぞ。 FormID: 0100972D LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 Explain yourself. What are you doing here? __何だお前は?ここで何をしている? FormID: 0100972F LingBC09Azani LingBC09Answer 0 It is very foolish to want to see Azani Blackheart. He is not known for his kindness. You are not Fighters Guild though, so I will let you pass. __Azani Blackheartに会うなんて馬鹿げているぞ。決して温厚な奴じゃないからな。だがお前はFighters Guildの連中とは違うようだ。通してやろう。 FormID: 01009730 LingBC09Azani LingBC09AzaniBlackheartTopic 0 So what did you come all this way to talk about, huh? You here to try and 'talk' to me? __いったい全体、何のつもりでお前はここまでやって来たんだ?ハァ?俺と「お喋り」がしたいってか? FormID: 01009731 LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 Who let you in? I had specific instructions that I wasn't to be bothered for anything less than an attack by the Fighters Guild. Damn that Khajiit door guard. __ったく、誰がここまで通させたんだか。Figters Guildの奴らのお相手だけでも煩わしいのに、これ以上面倒事を持ちこませるなと言っておいたんだがな。 FormID: 01009733 LingBC09Azani LingBC09Negotiate 0 And what exactly were you trying to negotiate about? Trying to get me to turn myself in or something. Hah, that's rich. __で、じっさい何の要件だ?俺に自首させようとかそんな用事じゃないだろうな。ハッ!豪気な事だ。 FormID: 01009735 LingBC09Azani LingBC09AllyWithBlackwood 0 And who exactly is 'we'? Are you the Fighters Guild or some bandit clan or somethin'? __お前の言う「私達」とは何だ?Fighters Guildか?どこぞの盗賊団か?それともそれ以外の何かか? FormID: 01009737 LingBC09Azani LingBC09WeAreBlackwood 0 That's the new guild for Fighters that started up recently right? And you want to strike a deal you say? Well I say tough. Now get out of here before I decide to kill you. __ああ、最近出来た戦士向けギルドの事か?それでお前は俺と取引したいと言うんだな?よし分かった。俺にぶち殺されないうちにとっとと出て行け! FormID: 01009739 LingBC09Azani LingBC09HearMeOut 0 Fine, Luckily I'm a in a good mood today. Lucky for you that is. __了解した。俺は今日気分が良いからな。お前はついてるぞ。 FormID: 0100973B LingBC09Azani LingBC09Plan 0 You mean information? What kind of information, it would have to be very useful to me. I went through quite a lot to get this sword. __情報?どんな情報だ?役立つ情報じゃなかったらただじゃ置かんぞ。この剣を手に入れるのにさんざん苦労したんだからな。 FormID: 0100973D LingBC09Azani LingBC09Infomation 0 So you take the sword, claim the reward and then let me go and try and reclaim it at great risk to myself? Sorry, but that just isn't happening. __すると、お前はこの剣は持ち帰って報酬を受け取れるが、俺は自分のリスクで剣を奪い返さなきゃならんわけだな?悪いがそれは、あまりいただけないぞ。 FormID: 0100973F LingBC09Azani LingBC09Hide 0 You think I am scared of the Fighters Guild? Hah! I feel quite safe in this stronghold. Tell your bosses I reject your deal. You can go now. __俺がFighters Guildを怖がってるとでも思ったか?ハッ!ここの守りは鉄壁だぜ。上司に取引は失敗だったと伝えておくんだな。さあ、出て行け。 FormID: 01009740 LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 I told that the answer to your deal is no. Now get lost. __交渉決裂だと伝えたはずだぞ。消えな。 FormID: 01009741 LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 We've got a major problem! The Fighters Guild is attacking, they're right behind us. We gotta fight! __大問題に頭を抱えているところだ。Fighters Guildが襲ってきたからな!奴らは俺達のすぐ背後にいる。応戦するぞ! __大変です!Fighters Guildの襲撃です。もうすぐそこまで来てますよ。応戦しなければ! FormID: 01009745 LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 Keep on moving stranger. __そのまま進め。 FormID: 01009749 LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 There's no time to talk, we have to clear out all of the Fighters Guild members in the whole place. __お喋りしている時間はないぞ!Fighters Guildの奴らをここから一掃しなければ。 FormID: 0100974A LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 So you've killed the last one? Vitellus Donton you say, if I'm not correct he was the brat of the Master of the Fighters Guild. Heh, she's going to be pretty devastated when she hears of her son's demise. __生き残りはもういないな?Vitellus Dontonとか言ったな。うろ覚えだが、確か奴はFighters GuildのMasterのせがれだったと思うぞ。息子が死んだと聞けば、母親はさぞ打ちひしがれるだろうなぁ。へへへ…。 FormID: 0100974A LingBC09Azani GREETING 1 You impressed me enough with your fighting skills. I'll give you the sword, you tell me where Argoth is, and then I go hide someplace else to convince everyone that the Blackwood Company killed me. __見事な戦いぶりだったぞ。剣は渡すから、Argothの居場所を教えるんだ。そうしたら俺はどこかに隠れよう。Blackwood Companyによって殺されたんだと世間を納得させるためにな。 FormID: 0100974A LingBC09Azani GREETING 2 I know of another nearby ruin, Atatar. I'll head there. Perhaps you should stop by later on, you might be able to help me. __近くにAtatarの遺跡があったな。あそこにしよう。お前にも色々手伝ってもらうから、後で立ち寄ってくれ。 FormID: 0100974A LingBC09Azani GREETING 3 Now as for the location of the wizard Argoth? __さあ、魔術師Argothの居場所を教えてくれ。 FormID: 0100974C LingBC09Azani LingBC09FieldhouseCave 0 Hmph that seems likely. As soon as something of his goes missing he runs and hides with the rest of his daedra summoning brethren. Well, getting Sinweaver back might be a little difficult, but luckily I've made a new friend, haven't I. __ふむ、そのようだな。奴は盗難に気付いた後すぐにdaedraの手勢を集めて逃げ隠れたのか。Sinweaverを取り戻すのは意外に骨が折れそうだ。まぁ、運良く心強い友人も居あわせた事だし、何とかなるか。 FormID: 0100974D LingBC09Azani LingBCSpecialOrders 0 It is wonderful to see that you have the sword. I trust that you were able to 'negotiate' with Azani Blackheart quite easily. No trouble from the Fighters Guild? Heh, heh. __素晴らしい働きだったぞ。よく剣を持ち帰って来てくれたな。Azani Blackheartとの「交渉」もお前にかかれば朝飯前だったか。ところで、Fighters Guildの奴らとは仲良くして来たかよ?ヘッヘッヘ…。 FormID: 0100974D LingBC09Azani LingBCSpecialOrders 1 You have done very well. You receive increased rewards from special orders. When you are ready for another contract then you have only to ask me for one. __しかし、本当によくやってくれた。今回の特別任務については報酬を上乗せしてやる。次の仕事を受ける準備が出来たら俺に話しかけてくれ。 FormID: 01009C34 LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 Go on, get lost. I'll make for Atatar as soon as you have left. __さあ行け。行っちまえ。お前が出発したら俺もAtatarに行くからよ。 FormID: 0100A11B LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 Greetings Probationary Member. You must still advance before you are able to take on any more contracts, or special orders. __よう!見習いメンバーさん。お前が次の仕事か特別任務を受けたいならもう少し昇進しなきゃならんな。 FormID: 0100B9A4 LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 So they came huh? It looks like you might be in luck after all. Do me a favour and fight all of these Fighters Guild rats for me. If you manage to drive them all off then I'll agree to your deal. __奴らが来たか?つくづくお前は幸運な奴だよ。Fighters Guildのネズミどもを残らず駆除するんだ。そうしたらお前との取引に応じてやろう。 FormID: 0100B9A4 LingBC09Azani GREETING 1 You're pretty interesting, so I'm willing to give you these potions to help you. And if you happen to get killed hopefully you'll already have killed most of them so I won't have to fight to many,. __お雨は本当に面白い奴だな。そら、ポーションをやろう。どうせおっ死んじまうんなら、せめて奴らの大半を殺した後にしてくれよ。俺はあんまり沢山の相手と戦いたくねえんだ。 FormID: 0100B9A4 LingBC09Azani GREETING 2 You might find this thing useful as well. I pinched it from Argoth's treasures at the same time that I stole Sinweaver. __あと、これも役に立ちそうだな。Argothの所からSinweaverをくすねた時、一緒に拝借してきた物だぜ。 FormID: 010349F6 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Manwithsword 0 He is a leader of bandits, an outlaw. He stole something, a weapon. Now the person he stole the weapon from is willing to pay a large reward for the return of the weapon and the death of the bandit. __banditの首領でろくでなしの男だ。奴がとある武器を盗んだために、元の持ち主からの奪還・犯人殺害依頼がうちに舞い込んで来たというわけさ。報酬はタンマリだ。 FormID: 010349F6 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Manwithsword 1 But he is well defended. It would require many men to fight our way through to him. So instead we will negotiate with him. You will go and explain to him our plan. __しかし奴の守りは固い。奴の所に辿り着くにも多くの人手が必要になる。だから、戦うのではなく交渉を持ちかけようと考えてな。奴を訪ねて俺達の計画を説明して欲しいんだ。 FormID: 010349F6 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Manwithsword 2 He will give you the weapon and in exchange you will tell him of the location of our client, we will receive the reward, and he can reclaim the weapon at his leisure. __奴が武器を手離す見返りとして、お前は奴にクライアントの居場所を教えるという手はずになる。俺達は報酬を受け取れるし、奴はのんびりと武器を取り戻せるわけだ。 FormID: 010349F6 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Manwithsword 3 We will avoid losing valuable members on this mission, and gain a potentially useful ally in this bandit lord. __この任務で貴重なメンバーを失うわけにはいかん。それに、banditの首領と同盟関係を結べればいつか役に立つ事もあるだろう。 FormID: 010349F9 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Illdoit 0 Very Good. The bandit's name is Azani Blackheart. He is proud and arrogant, so you may have to impress him to get him to agree to a deal. __良い子だ。首領の名前はAzai Blackheartという。奴は尊大で高慢だ。取引を成功させるには、奴に気に入られる必要があるだろうな。 FormID: 010349F9 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Illdoit 1 We believe that the Fighters Guild may also try to claim the reward. You are to go to him and get the weapon first. __Fighters Guildの奴らも同じ依頼で動いているはずだ。先を越されるな。 FormID: 010349F9 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Illdoit 2 You are to offer him the deal and tell him that our client Argoth is currently residing in a place called Fieldhouse Cave. __奴に取引を持ちかけ、Argothが現在Fieldhouse Caveにいると伝えるんだ。 FormID: 010349F9 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Illdoit 3 Once you bring the weapon back here I will arrange for the weapon to be delivered to Fieldhouse Cave and we will receive the reward. __ここまで剣を持ち帰ったらFieldhouse Caveまでの配達手配は俺のほうでやろう。それで報酬ゲットだ。 FormID: 010349FA LingBC09Azani jawBC09Refusal 0 You may have misunderstood. Refusal is not an option in this case. This job must be completed. __お前は何か誤解しているな。この場合、「拒否する」という選択肢はねえんだよ。何としてでもこの仕事は完了させなきゃならないんだ。 FormID: 010349FA LingBC09Azani jawBC09Refusal 1 If you refuse to carry out these orders, I do not see a future for you in the Company. Think carefully before you choose your future. __もしどうしても命令を拒否するというなら、Companyでのお前の居場所は無くなるぞ。将来を考えて慎重に選べよ。 FormID: 010349FC LingBC09Azani jawBC09finalrefusal 0 Then your choice is made. You are no longer a member of the Blackwood Company. __そうか。それがお前の選択なら、もうBlackwood Companyのメンバーではいられないな。 FormID: 010349FC LingBC09Azani jawBC09finalrefusal 1 You have done well for us up till now. Perhaps, in the future, you may decide that your loyalty is misplaced and return to us. For now, Goodbye! __今までよく尽くしてくれた。だが、いつかはお前もこれが誠実さの吐き違えだったと分かるだろう。その時は戻って来い。とりあえず、今はさらばだ。 FormID: 010349FD LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 I will need to take the rest of our belongings back from you now. __残りの持ち物をお前から返してもらわなければならないんだが。 FormID: 010349FF LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 I will need to take all of our belongings back from you now. __持ち物全てをお前から返してもらわなければならないだが。 __さあ、俺の持ち物は全部返してもらうぞ。
FormID: 0100920F LingBC09Azani LingBCSpecialOrders 0 At times you will be issued with...special orders. These are different from normal contracts. We usually give you some leeway in how you complete your contracts, but unfortunately for this you must complete it the way I want you to. __たまにはお前にも特別な…そう、特別な任務に当たってもらおうか。こいつは普通の契約とはワケが違うぜ。いつもだったらある程度の裁量は認めるが、残念ながら今度ばかりは俺の言った通りの手順でこなしてもらわにゃならん。 FormID: 0100920F LingBC09Azani LingBCSpecialOrders 1 But who knows? Perhaps you may be faced with a choice while you are fulfilling these special orders anyway. __ま、そうは言ってもこの特別任務に関しては何かしらの選択に直面する事にはなるかもしれんがな! FormID: 0100920F LingBC09Azani LingBCSpecialOrders 2 For now your orders are to undergo a special contract. We need you to negotiate with a man about a sword. __さて、今からお前には、とある剣に関しての交渉をしてもらう必要がある。 FormID: 01009213 LingBC09Azani LingBC09Directions 0 He is living in the Ayleid ruins of Arpenia. To reach these ruins you should take the eastern road out of Leyawiin, then follow it north. The entrance to Arpenia is a small doorway on the right side of the road. __やっこさんはArpeniaというAyleid遺跡に住んでいる。Leyawiinから東の街道を北上した先だ。遺跡の入口は街道の右手にあるぞ。 FormID: 01009213 LingBC09Azani LingBC09Directions 1 Once you have the sword you should get Azani Blackheart to move to the Ayleid ruins of Atatar. There he will be safe from the Fighters Guild. Once this is done we will claim that we killed Azani Blackheart and receive much praise for it. __剣を手に入れたらAzani BlackheartにはAtatarの遺跡まで移動してもらえ。Fighters Guildの追手に手出しさせない為だ。ここまで終えたらお客にはAzaniを殺したと伝えよう。そうすれば報酬も増額するからな。 FormID: 0100972A LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 Greetings, Company Member. I believe that you are now ready to undertake some special orders. __よう!Companyの同志よ。特別任務を受ける準備が出来たようだな。 FormID: 0100972B LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 You still have to make contact with Azani Blackheart. Find him in the ruins of Arpenia. __Azani Blackheartの件はどうした?奴はArpeniaの遺跡にいるぞ。 FormID: 0100972C LingBC09Azani LingBC09AzaniBlackheartTopic 0 For what reason does it wish to speak with our leader? It better have a good one. The leader can be found further on in the ruins. __親分に会いたい?それなら遺跡の奥だな。良い報せだったら歓迎するぞ。 FormID: 0100972D LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 Explain yourself. What are you doing here? __何だお前は?ここで何をしている? FormID: 0100972F LingBC09Azani LingBC09Answer 0 It is very foolish to want to see Azani Blackheart. He is not known for his kindness. You are not Fighters Guild though, so I will let you pass. __Azani Blackheartに会うなんて馬鹿げているぞ。決して温厚な奴じゃないからな。だがお前はFighters Guildの連中とは違うようだ。通してやろう。 FormID: 01009730 LingBC09Azani LingBC09AzaniBlackheartTopic 0 So what did you come all this way to talk about, huh? You here to try and 'talk' to me? __いったい全体、何のつもりでお前はここまでやって来たんだ?ハァ?俺と「お喋り」がしたいってか? FormID: 01009731 LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 Who let you in? I had specific instructions that I wasn't to be bothered for anything less than an attack by the Fighters Guild. Damn that Khajiit door guard. __ったく、誰がここまで通させたんだか。Figters Guildの奴らのお相手だけでも煩わしいのに、これ以上面倒事を持ちこませるなと言っておいたんだがな。 FormID: 01009733 LingBC09Azani LingBC09Negotiate 0 And what exactly were you trying to negotiate about? Trying to get me to turn myself in or something. Hah, that's rich. __で、じっさい何の要件だ?俺に自首させようとかそんな用事じゃないだろうな。ハッ!豪気な事だ。 FormID: 01009735 LingBC09Azani LingBC09AllyWithBlackwood 0 And who exactly is 'we'? Are you the Fighters Guild or some bandit clan or somethin'? __お前の言う「私達」とは何だ?Fighters Guildか?どこぞの盗賊団か?それともそれ以外の何かか? FormID: 01009737 LingBC09Azani LingBC09WeAreBlackwood 0 That's the new guild for Fighters that started up recently right? And you want to strike a deal you say? Well I say tough. Now get out of here before I decide to kill you. __ああ、最近出来た戦士向けギルドの事か?それでお前は俺と取引したいと言うんだな?よし分かった。俺にぶち殺されないうちにとっとと出て行け! FormID: 01009739 LingBC09Azani LingBC09HearMeOut 0 Fine, Luckily I'm a in a good mood today. Lucky for you that is. __了解した。俺は今日気分が良いからな。お前はついてるぞ。 FormID: 0100973B LingBC09Azani LingBC09Plan 0 You mean information? What kind of information, it would have to be very useful to me. I went through quite a lot to get this sword. __情報?どんな情報だ?役立つ情報じゃなかったらただじゃ置かんぞ。この剣を手に入れるのにさんざん苦労したんだからな。 FormID: 0100973D LingBC09Azani LingBC09Infomation 0 So you take the sword, claim the reward and then let me go and try and reclaim it at great risk to myself? Sorry, but that just isn't happening. __すると、お前はこの剣は持ち帰って報酬を受け取れるが、俺は自分のリスクで剣を奪い返さなきゃならんわけだな?悪いがそれは、あまりいただけないぞ。 FormID: 0100973F LingBC09Azani LingBC09Hide 0 You think I am scared of the Fighters Guild? Hah! I feel quite safe in this stronghold. Tell your bosses I reject your deal. You can go now. __俺がFighters Guildを怖がってるとでも思ったか?ハッ!ここの守りは鉄壁だぜ。上司に取引は失敗だったと伝えておくんだな。さあ、出て行け。 FormID: 01009740 LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 I told that the answer to your deal is no. Now get lost. __交渉決裂だと伝えたはずだぞ。消えな。 FormID: 01009741 LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 We've got a major problem! The Fighters Guild is attacking, they're right behind us. We gotta fight! __大問題に頭を抱えているところだ。Fighters Guildが襲ってきたからな!奴らは俺達のすぐ背後にいる。応戦するぞ! __大変です!Fighters Guildの襲撃です。もうすぐそこまで来てますよ。応戦しなければ! FormID: 01009745 LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 Keep on moving stranger. __そのまま進め。 FormID: 01009749 LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 There's no time to talk, we have to clear out all of the Fighters Guild members in the whole place. __お喋りしている時間はないぞ!Fighters Guildの奴らをここから一掃しなければ。 FormID: 0100974A LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 So you've killed the last one? Vitellus Donton you say, if I'm not correct he was the brat of the Master of the Fighters Guild. Heh, she's going to be pretty devastated when she hears of her son's demise. __生き残りはもういないな?Vitellus Dontonとか言ったな。うろ覚えだが、確か奴はFighters GuildのMasterのせがれだったと思うぞ。息子が死んだと聞けば、母親はさぞ打ちひしがれるだろうなぁ。へへへ…。 FormID: 0100974A LingBC09Azani GREETING 1 You impressed me enough with your fighting skills. I'll give you the sword, you tell me where Argoth is, and then I go hide someplace else to convince everyone that the Blackwood Company killed me. __見事な戦いぶりだったぞ。剣は渡すから、Argothの居場所を教えるんだ。そうしたら俺はどこかに隠れよう。Blackwood Companyによって殺されたんだと世間を納得させるためにな。 FormID: 0100974A LingBC09Azani GREETING 2 I know of another nearby ruin, Atatar. I'll head there. Perhaps you should stop by later on, you might be able to help me. __近くにAtatarの遺跡があったな。あそこにしよう。お前にも色々手伝ってもらうから、後で立ち寄ってくれ。 FormID: 0100974A LingBC09Azani GREETING 3 Now as for the location of the wizard Argoth? __さあ、魔術師Argothの居場所を教えてくれ。 FormID: 0100974C LingBC09Azani LingBC09FieldhouseCave 0 Hmph that seems likely. As soon as something of his goes missing he runs and hides with the rest of his daedra summoning brethren. Well, getting Sinweaver back might be a little difficult, but luckily I've made a new friend, haven't I. __ふむ、そのようだな。奴は盗難に気付いた後すぐにdaedraの手勢を集めて逃げ隠れたのか。Sinweaverを取り戻すのは意外に骨が折れそうだ。まぁ、運良く心強い友人も居あわせた事だし、何とかなるか。 FormID: 0100974D LingBC09Azani LingBCSpecialOrders 0 It is wonderful to see that you have the sword. I trust that you were able to 'negotiate' with Azani Blackheart quite easily. No trouble from the Fighters Guild? Heh, heh. __素晴らしい働きだったぞ。よく剣を持ち帰って来てくれたな。Azani Blackheartとの「交渉」もお前にかかれば朝飯前だったか。ところで、Fighters Guildの奴らとは仲良くして来たかよ?ヘッヘッヘ…。 FormID: 0100974D LingBC09Azani LingBCSpecialOrders 1 You have done very well. You receive increased rewards from special orders. When you are ready for another contract then you have only to ask me for one. __しかし、本当によくやってくれた。今回の特別任務については報酬を上乗せしてやる。次の仕事を受ける準備が出来たら俺に話しかけてくれ。 FormID: 01009C34 LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 Go on, get lost. I'll make for Atatar as soon as you have left. __さあ行け。行っちまえ。お前が出発したら俺もAtatarに行くからよ。 FormID: 0100A11B LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 Greetings Probationary Member. You must still advance before you are able to take on any more contracts, or special orders. __よう!見習いメンバーさん。お前が次の仕事か特別任務を受けたいならもう少し昇進しなきゃならんな。 FormID: 0100B9A4 LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 So they came huh? It looks like you might be in luck after all. Do me a favour and fight all of these Fighters Guild rats for me. If you manage to drive them all off then I'll agree to your deal. __奴らが来たか?つくづくお前は幸運な奴だよ。Fighters Guildのネズミどもを残らず駆除するんだ。そうしたらお前との取引に応じてやろう。 FormID: 0100B9A4 LingBC09Azani GREETING 1 You're pretty interesting, so I'm willing to give you these potions to help you. And if you happen to get killed hopefully you'll already have killed most of them so I won't have to fight to many,. __お雨は本当に面白い奴だな。そら、ポーションをやろう。どうせおっ死んじまうんなら、せめて奴らの大半を殺した後にしてくれよ。俺はあんまり沢山の相手と戦いたくねえんだ。 FormID: 0100B9A4 LingBC09Azani GREETING 2 You might find this thing useful as well. I pinched it from Argoth's treasures at the same time that I stole Sinweaver. __あと、これも役に立ちそうだな。Argothの所からSinweaverをくすねた時、一緒に拝借してきた物だぜ。 FormID: 010349F6 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Manwithsword 0 He is a leader of bandits, an outlaw. He stole something, a weapon. Now the person he stole the weapon from is willing to pay a large reward for the return of the weapon and the death of the bandit. __banditの首領でろくでなしの男だ。奴がとある武器を盗んだために、元の持ち主からの奪還・犯人殺害依頼がうちに舞い込んで来たというわけさ。報酬はタンマリだ。 FormID: 010349F6 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Manwithsword 1 But he is well defended. It would require many men to fight our way through to him. So instead we will negotiate with him. You will go and explain to him our plan. __しかし奴の守りは固い。奴の所に辿り着くにも多くの人手が必要になる。だから、戦うのではなく交渉を持ちかけようと考えてな。奴を訪ねて俺達の計画を説明して欲しいんだ。 FormID: 010349F6 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Manwithsword 2 He will give you the weapon and in exchange you will tell him of the location of our client, we will receive the reward, and he can reclaim the weapon at his leisure. __奴が武器を手離す見返りとして、お前は奴にクライアントの居場所を教えるという手はずになる。俺達は報酬を受け取れるし、奴はのんびりと武器を取り戻せるわけだ。 FormID: 010349F6 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Manwithsword 3 We will avoid losing valuable members on this mission, and gain a potentially useful ally in this bandit lord. __この任務で貴重なメンバーを失うわけにはいかん。それに、banditの首領と同盟関係を結べればいつか役に立つ事もあるだろう。 FormID: 010349F9 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Illdoit 0 Very Good. The bandit's name is Azani Blackheart. He is proud and arrogant, so you may have to impress him to get him to agree to a deal. __良い子だ。首領の名前はAzai Blackheartという。奴は尊大で高慢だ。取引を成功させるには、奴に気に入られる必要があるだろうな。 FormID: 010349F9 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Illdoit 1 We believe that the Fighters Guild may also try to claim the reward. You are to go to him and get the weapon first. __Fighters Guildの奴らも同じ依頼で動いているはずだ。先を越されるな。 FormID: 010349F9 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Illdoit 2 You are to offer him the deal and tell him that our client Argoth is currently residing in a place called Fieldhouse Cave. __奴に取引を持ちかけ、Argothが現在Fieldhouse Caveにいると伝えるんだ。 FormID: 010349F9 LingBC09Azani jawBC09Illdoit 3 Once you bring the weapon back here I will arrange for the weapon to be delivered to Fieldhouse Cave and we will receive the reward. __ここまで剣を持ち帰ったらFieldhouse Caveまでの配達手配は俺のほうでやろう。それで報酬ゲットだ。 FormID: 010349FA LingBC09Azani jawBC09Refusal 0 You may have misunderstood. Refusal is not an option in this case. This job must be completed. __お前は何か誤解しているな。この場合、「拒否する」という選択肢はねえんだよ。何としてでもこの仕事は完了させなきゃならないんだ。 FormID: 010349FA LingBC09Azani jawBC09Refusal 1 If you refuse to carry out these orders, I do not see a future for you in the Company. Think carefully before you choose your future. __もしどうしても命令を拒否するというなら、Companyでのお前の居場所は無くなるぞ。将来を考えて慎重に選べよ。 FormID: 010349FC LingBC09Azani jawBC09finalrefusal 0 Then your choice is made. You are no longer a member of the Blackwood Company. __そうか。それがお前の選択なら、もうBlackwood Companyのメンバーではいられないな。 FormID: 010349FC LingBC09Azani jawBC09finalrefusal 1 You have done well for us up till now. Perhaps, in the future, you may decide that your loyalty is misplaced and return to us. For now, Goodbye! __今までよく尽くしてくれた。だが、いつかはお前もこれが誠実さの吐き違えだったと分かるだろう。その時は戻って来い。とりあえず、今はさらばだ。 FormID: 010349FD LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 I will need to take the rest of our belongings back from you now. __残りの持ち物をお前から返してもらわなければならないんだが。 FormID: 010349FF LingBC09Azani GREETING 0 I will need to take all of our belongings back from you now. __持ち物全てをお前から返してもらわなければならないだが。 __さあ、俺の持ち物は全部返してもらうぞ。