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FormID: 01010861 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 0 There is another contract that I would like you to do. This is quite a simple contract. It contract concerns a place called Bloodrun Cave. You are to go there and kill everyone inside. __お前に仕事を頼みたい。単純な仕事だ。Bloodrun Caveという場所に行き、中にいる者を皆殺しにしてくれればいい。 FormID: 01010861 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 1 There are necromancers living in there or something, apparently they abducted some fellow and presumably used him in their...experiments, now his family wants revenge for his death. __相手はそこいらに住んでるnecromancerたちだ。どうやら奴らは人をさらっては実験材料にしているとか…。今回の依頼は犠牲者の遺族からで、復讐を果たして欲しいとのことだ。 FormID: 01010861 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 2 You can find Bloodrun Cave to the east of the city of Bravil. It's entrance lies nearby a river, the Panther River I believe. Follow the river on it's southern side, you will find the cave at the top of some stairs. __Bloodrun CaveはBravilの東にある。洞窟の入口はPanther Riverのそばだと思う。川の南岸を進んで行けば階段を上っていった先に見つかるはずだ。 FormID: 01010861 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 3 Once you have killed everyone inside you are to report back to me. __中にいる者を全員殺したら、俺に報告してくれ。 FormID: 01010862 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 0 The manner in which you fulfill this contract is up to you. You can use a sword or a bow or an axe. So many choices in how you fulfill this contract. __任務をどう完了させるかはお前次第だ。剣を使ってもいいし戦斧でも弓でも結構。選択肢はたくさん与えられているぞ。 FormID: 01010867 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 0 Would you like to take on another contract? I have a nice easy one ready for you if you want. __次の任務が欲しいのか?それなら簡単でおいしい仕事があるぞ。 FormID: 01010868 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 0 I hope you aren't having too much difficulty finding Bloodrun Cave. __Bloodrun Caveを見つけるのに手間取らなければいいがな。 FormID: 01010869 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 0 Oh thank the Nine! I never thought I would see a friendly face again. They were just about to kill me when you showed up. __Nineに感謝を!話の分かる人に会えるなんて考えもしませんでした。ちょうど奴らに殺されそうになったタイミングであなたが来てくれたんですよ。 FormID: 01010869 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 1 I was caught by them you see. My brother invited me out to go walking with him. He doesn't like me very much you see, since I stand to inherit a third of the money that father is planning on leaving us. __ご存じの通り、私は奴らに誘拐されました。兄に誘われて外まで散歩に出たんですけれどね。自分が父の遺産の3分の1を受け取る権利を主張しているから彼は私を気に入らないみたいで。 FormID: 01010869 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 2 Horan wants all of the money... oh but I'm rambling. I wondered what he wanted to talk to me about, but before we were able to discuss anything significant we were jumped by these necromancers. __Horanは全部一人占めしたいんですよ…。おっと話が長くなりましたね。彼に話し合いをするつもりがあるかは疑問ではありましたが、さあこれから大事な話し合いだという矢先にnecromancerたちに急襲されまして。 FormID: 01010869 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 3 They took me to the back of this cave and must have been planning on turning me into a zombie or something else just as frightful. __私は奴らにこの洞窟まで連れ去られ、あのままではきっとゾンビか何かに変えさせられてたのではないかと思います。ああ、恐ろしい。 FormID: 01010869 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 4 But from the looks of things he must have gone back and hired you to come rescue me. I don't know how to express my gratitude, but I'll find a way once we get out of the cavern. Now lead on! __けれど、どうやら彼は戻って助けを呼んでくれたみたいですね。それであなたが来てくれた。本当に、どうやって感謝したらいいか分かりません。けれど洞窟を出たら何とかしますから。さあ行きましょう! FormID: 0101086B LingBC05Bloodrun LingBC05Help 0 Thank you my dear fellow. I will find some way to reward you, I promise. Please escort me to the town of Bravil. I will be safe there I think. __ありがとう。あなたにきっと何かお礼をします。約束ですよ。ではBravilまで連れて行っていただけませんか?街まで行けば安全だと思います。 FormID: 0101086D LingBC05Bloodrun LingBC05Kill 0 What...kill everyone... don't be daft man, you were obviously meant to rescue me. I mean...ahhh! __何ですって…!皆殺し…?馬鹿な事は言わないで!どう見たってあなたは助けに来てくれたとしか…。私は…あぁっ! FormID: 0101086E LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 0 Yes, what is it? Do you want me to wait here or follow you? __はい、どうしました?ここで待機しますか?それとも着いて行った方がいいですか? FormID: 01010874 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBC05Follow 0 Please lead me to safety soon. __どうか早く安全な所まで連れて行って下さい。 FormID: 01010876 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBC05Wait 0 Please hurry back. __なるべく早く戻って来て下さいね。 FormID: 01010879 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 0 That's it! Were here, thank the Nine I'm safe. And thank you too. I don't have any immediate way to repay you, but I will find some way eventually, you mark my words. Thanks once again. __やった!ようやく安全だ。Nineの御心とあなたに感謝を。いますぐお礼は出来ませんが、いつか必ずさせて頂きます。覚えておいて下さいね。重ねてお礼を申し上げます。 FormID: 0101087D LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 0 You look a little bloodied. You must have completed your contract. __少し血の匂いがするぞ。任務は終わったんだな。 FormID: 0101087E LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 0 You are looking quite pleased with yourself. You completed your contract then I assume. __満足気な顔をしているぞ。任務は終わったんだな。 FormID: 0101087F LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 0 You say that there was a man at the back of the cave called Duran Hotspur. Yes, I think that is the name of the man who was captured. __なるほど。Duran Hotspurという男が洞窟にいた、と。そうだな。そいつが囚われた男本人なのだろう。 FormID: 0101087F LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 1 And so instead of rescuing him you killed him, well I suppose you were told to 'kill everyone inside Bloodrun Cave' and so I cannot fault you for following orders. __で、お前は奴を助けずに殺したというわけだ。うむ、お前に「Bloodrun Caveの中にいる者を全滅させろ」という指示を出したのは確かに俺だ。責める事など出来ないな。 FormID: 0101087F LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 2 You have done well, here is your payment. If you want to take on another contract then you are welcome to. __ああ、よくやってくれた。報酬を受け取れ。次の任務を受けるつもりがあるなら大歓迎だ。 FormID: 01010880 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 0 You say that there was a man at the back of the cave called Duran Hotspur. Yes, I think that is the name of the man who was captured. __なるほど。Duran Hotspurという男が洞窟にいた、と。そうだな。そいつが囚われた男本人なのだろう。 FormID: 01010880 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 1 You say that you rescued him and escorted him to Bravil. Well that is okay, you weren't asked to do that so I cannot offer you any extra payment. But I don't mind that you did something extra. __で、お前は奴を助け出しBravilまで連れて行ってやった、というわけだ。まあ良いだろう。そんな指示を出した覚えは無いからボーナスを出してやるわけにもいかんが、多少の想定外は気にしない。 FormID: 01010880 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 2 Here is your payment for this contract. When you wish to undertake another contract please ask me. __任務報酬だ、受け取れ。次の任務を受けたいなら俺に話すようにな。 FormID: 01010881 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 0 You have killed the necromancers in Bloodrun Cave...but who is this? We do not discuss Company matters while you are being followed. Take that man to where he wants to go then come and see me. __Bloodrun Caveのnecromancerたちを殺したんだな。…しかしそいつは誰だ?部外者がいる所でCompanyの話題には触れられないぞ。そいつを行きたい所に連れて行ってやれ。話はその後だ。
FormID: 01010861 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 0 There is another contract that I would like you to do. This is quite a simple contract. It contract concerns a place called Bloodrun Cave. You are to go there and kill everyone inside. __お前に仕事を頼みたい。単純な仕事だ。Bloodrun Caveという場所に行き、中にいる者を皆殺しにしてくれればいい。 FormID: 01010861 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 1 There are necromancers living in there or something, apparently they abducted some fellow and presumably used him in their...experiments, now his family wants revenge for his death. __相手はそこいらに住んでるnecromancerたちだ。どうやら奴らは人をさらっては実験材料にしているとか…。今回の依頼は犠牲者の遺族からで、復讐を果たして欲しいとのことだ。 FormID: 01010861 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 2 You can find Bloodrun Cave to the east of the city of Bravil. It's entrance lies nearby a river, the Panther River I believe. Follow the river on it's southern side, you will find the cave at the top of some stairs. __Bloodrun CaveはBravilの東にある。洞窟の入口はPanther Riverのそばだと思う。川の南岸を進んで行けば階段を上っていった先に見つかるはずだ。 FormID: 01010861 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 3 Once you have killed everyone inside you are to report back to me. __中にいる者を全員殺したら、俺に報告してくれ。 FormID: 01010862 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 0 The manner in which you fulfill this contract is up to you. You can use a sword or a bow or an axe. So many choices in how you fulfill this contract. __任務をどう完了させるかはお前次第だ。剣を使ってもいいし戦斧でも弓でも結構。選択肢はたくさん与えられているぞ。 FormID: 01010867 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 0 Would you like to take on another contract? I have a nice easy one ready for you if you want. __次の任務が欲しいのか?それなら簡単でおいしい仕事があるぞ。 FormID: 01010868 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 0 I hope you aren't having too much difficulty finding Bloodrun Cave. __Bloodrun Caveを見つけるのに手間取らなければいいがな。 FormID: 01010869 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 0 Oh thank the Nine! I never thought I would see a friendly face again. They were just about to kill me when you showed up. __Nineに感謝を!話の分かる人に会えるなんて考えもしませんでした。ちょうど奴らに殺されそうになったタイミングであなたが来てくれたんですよ。 FormID: 01010869 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 1 I was caught by them you see. My brother invited me out to go walking with him. He doesn't like me very much you see, since I stand to inherit a third of the money that father is planning on leaving us. __ご存じの通り、私は奴らに誘拐されました。兄に誘われて外まで散歩に出たんですけれどね。自分が父の遺産の3分の1を受け取る権利を主張しているから彼は私を気に入らないみたいで。 FormID: 01010869 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 2 Horan wants all of the money... oh but I'm rambling. I wondered what he wanted to talk to me about, but before we were able to discuss anything significant we were jumped by these necromancers. __Horanは全部一人占めしたいんですよ…。おっと話が長くなりましたね。彼に話し合いをするつもりがあるかは疑問ではありましたが、さあこれから大事な話し合いだという矢先にnecromancerたちに急襲されまして。 FormID: 01010869 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 3 They took me to the back of this cave and must have been planning on turning me into a zombie or something else just as frightful. __私は奴らにこの洞窟まで連れ去られ、あのままではきっとゾンビか何かに変えさせられてたのではないかと思います。ああ、恐ろしい。 FormID: 01010869 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 4 But from the looks of things he must have gone back and hired you to come rescue me. I don't know how to express my gratitude, but I'll find a way once we get out of the cavern. Now lead on! __けれど、どうやら彼は戻って助けを呼んでくれたみたいですね。それであなたが来てくれた。本当に、どうやって感謝したらいいか分かりません。けれど洞窟を出たら何とかしますから。さあ行きましょう! FormID: 0101086B LingBC05Bloodrun LingBC05Help 0 Thank you my dear fellow. I will find some way to reward you, I promise. Please escort me to the town of Bravil. I will be safe there I think. __ありがとう。あなたにきっと何かお礼をします。約束ですよ。ではBravilまで連れて行っていただけませんか?街まで行けば安全だと思います。 FormID: 0101086D LingBC05Bloodrun LingBC05Kill 0 What...kill everyone... don't be daft man, you were obviously meant to rescue me. I mean...ahhh! __何ですって…!皆殺し…?馬鹿な事は言わないで!どう見たってあなたは助けに来てくれたとしか…。私は…あぁっ! FormID: 0101086E LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 0 Yes, what is it? Do you want me to wait here or follow you? __はい、どうしました?ここで待機しますか?それとも着いて行った方がいいですか? FormID: 01010874 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBC05Follow 0 Please lead me to safety soon. __どうか早く安全な所まで連れて行って下さい。 FormID: 01010876 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBC05Wait 0 Please hurry back. __なるべく早く戻って来て下さいね。 FormID: 01010879 LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 0 That's it! Were here, thank the Nine I'm safe. And thank you too. I don't have any immediate way to repay you, but I will find some way eventually, you mark my words. Thanks once again. __やった!ようやく安全だ。Nineの御心とあなたに感謝を。いますぐお礼は出来ませんが、いつか必ずさせて頂きます。覚えておいて下さいね。重ねてお礼を申し上げます。 FormID: 0101087D LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 0 You look a little bloodied. You must have completed your contract. __少し血の匂いがするぞ。任務は終わったんだな。 FormID: 0101087E LingBC05Bloodrun GREETING 0 You are looking quite pleased with yourself. You completed your contract then I assume. __満足気な顔をしているぞ。任務は終わったんだな。 FormID: 0101087F LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 0 You say that there was a man at the back of the cave called Duran Hotspur. Yes, I think that is the name of the man who was captured. __なるほど。Duran Hotspurという男が洞窟にいた、と。そうだな。そいつが囚われた男本人なのだろう。 FormID: 0101087F LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 1 And so instead of rescuing him you killed him, well I suppose you were told to 'kill everyone inside Bloodrun Cave' and so I cannot fault you for following orders. __で、お前は奴を助けずに殺したというわけだ。うむ、お前に「Bloodrun Caveの中にいる者を全滅させろ」という指示を出したのは確かに俺だ。責める事など出来ないな。 FormID: 0101087F LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 2 You have done well, here is your payment. If you want to take on another contract then you are welcome to. __ああ、よくやってくれた。報酬を受け取れ。次の任務を受けるつもりがあるなら大歓迎だ。 FormID: 01010880 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 0 You say that there was a man at the back of the cave called Duran Hotspur. Yes, I think that is the name of the man who was captured. __なるほど。Duran Hotspurという男が洞窟にいた、と。そうだな。そいつが囚われた男本人なのだろう。 FormID: 01010880 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 1 You say that you rescued him and escorted him to Bravil. Well that is okay, you weren't asked to do that so I cannot offer you any extra payment. But I don't mind that you did something extra. __で、お前は奴を助け出しBravilまで連れて行ってやった、というわけだ。まあ良いだろう。そんな指示を出した覚えは無いからボーナスを出してやるわけにもいかんが、多少の想定外は気にしない。 FormID: 01010880 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 2 Here is your payment for this contract. When you wish to undertake another contract please ask me. __任務報酬だ、受け取れ。次の任務を受けたいなら俺に話すようにな。 FormID: 01010881 LingBC05Bloodrun LingBCContracts 0 You have killed the necromancers in Bloodrun Cave...but who is this? We do not discuss Company matters while you are being followed. Take that man to where he wants to go then come and see me. __Bloodrun Caveのnecromancerたちを殺したんだな。…しかしそいつは誰だ?部外者がいる所でCompanyの話題には触れられないぞ。そいつを行きたい所に連れて行ってやれ。話はその後だ。