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FormID: 0100D7A1 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 Ah, good job. You managed to recover the ingredients without having to kill them all. A shame ...I hoped you would be so badly wounded you might not be able to defend yourself against my assault. __良い仕事っぷりだったな。あいつら全員を殺さずに奪還しちまうとは…。上手く行かねえなぁ。お前が深手を負ってくれてれば俺もお前を処理しやすかったものを。 FormID: 0100D7A1 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 1 You see, those ingredients might be worth something after all, and I would prefer if you left them to me. Now die! __もう分かっただろう?あの材料は貴重品だからお前には渡せねえ。ここで死んじまえ! FormID: 0100E0E5 LingBC03Smuggle LingBCContracts 0 We have received a contract to retrieve some lost goods. I am assigning you onto the contract. The goods in question are illegal of course, which is why we are being asked to find them. __失くしものの奪還依頼を受けたぞ。お前に任せようと思っている。ブツはもちろん違法品だが、だからこそお客は俺達を頼って来たってわけさ。 FormID: 0100E0E5 LingBC03Smuggle LingBCContracts 1 They were being smuggled across the border of Black Marsh. The caravan is two days late and is assumed dead. An unnamed trader is the contractor, his agent is currently staying at the Five Claws Lodge. __依頼人はBlack Marshからの密輸取引をしているんだが、どうやら輸送隊の到着が2日ほど遅れているらしい。多分くたばっちまったんだな。依頼主の商人様はあいにく匿名だが、エージェントがFive Claw Lodgeにいる。 FormID: 0100E0E5 LingBC03Smuggle LingBCContracts 2 You are to head out into the Blackwood and find these lost traders. On their bodies there should be a number of alchemical ingredients. Your job is to ensure the safe arrival of these ingredients. __お前はBlackwoodに行き、失踪した輸送隊を見つけるんだ。奴らの遺体を探ってみれば錬金術の材料がごっそり出て来るはず。ちゃんとここまで届けろよ? FormID: 0100E0E5 LingBC03Smuggle LingBCContracts 3 The agent mentioned that he wants them return to him directly. But these ingredients may be interesting, yes. Perhaps you may decide to return them to me. __エージェントは直に渡せと言っていたが、俺達もその材料には興味がある。お前にその気があるなら奴ではなく俺に渡してくれてもいい。 FormID: 0100E0E5 LingBC03Smuggle LingBCContracts 4 Doing so will cause you to lose your pay for the contract, but the potential benefits from such interesting ingredients may be worth it. Whatever you choose to do you will be recognised as completing the contract. __契約報酬の減額は免れないが、これほど注目を集める材料のことだ。何らかの価値はあるのだろう。お前がどっちを選んでも契約自体は完了したものとみなすつもりだ。 FormID: 0100E0E7 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03Directions 0 It is suggested that you begin your search in the area nearby Onyx Caverns. This place was on the route that the smugglers were taking. There are bandits nearby perhaps, you must be careful. __まずはOnyx Caverns近くを探してみな。ちょうど密輸ルートの延長上にあるんだ。あと、あの付近にはbanditも出るから十分注意するように。 FormID: 0100E0E7 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03Directions 1 Taking the back road they were, you see. Avoiding the toll roads because of the illegal nature of the items. I guess it ended up costing them more, heh, heh, heh. __奴らはたぶん帰り途中だったんだな。扱ってるモノがモノだけに表の街道は歩けなかったんだろう。まぁ結果的には更なる代償を払うことになっちまったわけだが!へっへっへ…。 FormID: 0100E0E7 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03Directions 2 The Onyx Caverns are to the east of Leyawiin. To get there you should take the Yellow Road east and then north out of Leyawiin. Once you reach the ruins of Veyond you should start heading east. __Onyx CavernsはLeyawiinの東だ。東のYellow Roadを北上し、Veyond遺跡あたりまで来たら今度は東に進め。 FormID: 0100E5CE LingBC03Smuggle LingBCContracts 0 If you choose to deliver the goods to the Company then come and speak to me directly. Otherwise if you deliver the goods to the agent then you should speak to me afterwards to receive payment for the contract. __密輸品をCompanyに納めるつもりなら俺に直接話してくれ。エージェントに渡すつもりなら、奴から契約報酬を受け取ってから俺に話してくれればいい。 FormID: 0100E5E0 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 Hello again. Are you ready for your next contract yet? __よう。次の契約の準備は出来たか? FormID: 0100E5E1 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 Once you've found the lost goods then you'll need to come see me, understand? __失くし物を見つけたら俺の所へ来い。分かったか? FormID: 0100E5E2 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 What is this one doing here? And how did you get past all of my guards and those other creatures? I thought that those wolves out the front of the caverns would stop people for a long time. __お前、こんな所で何をやってる?途中に見張りの奴らや魔物がいたはずだが?洞窟近くにゃ狼もいるし、そうそう人がここまでやって来られるとは計算外だったぞ。 FormID: 0100E5E6 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HereAboutSmugglers 0 And you have found them I think, outside I believe. But I suppose that you must also recognise that I am one of those lost smugglers. Wondering what I am doing in here surrounded by bandits perhaps. __お前はきっとこの洞窟の外であいつらの遺体を見つけたんだろ?俺がbandit達を囲って何をしているのか不思議に思ってるに違いないな。 FormID: 0100E5E6 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HereAboutSmugglers 1 Well, since I think we may be able to come to an accordance I may as well explain what happened. I was going to lead the caravan into the caves to rest for the night, then my friends were going to attack the rest of them. __ううむ。事情を説明すれば納得してもらえるかと思う。あの夜、俺は隊を率いて寝床の確保のためこの洞窟までやって来たんだが、そのとき仲間割れが起きたんだよ。 FormID: 0100E5E6 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HereAboutSmugglers 2 After that we could split the gold up amongst us, I don't really see much use for those seeds and things, so I didn't really care about them. But the gold that we were carrying, it was worthwhile. __結局その後、金は残りの者で山分けする事になった。あの材料は使い道も分からず気にも留めなかったが、少なくとも金の価値は確かだったからな。 FormID: 0100E5E6 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HereAboutSmugglers 3 Only the problem is that our caravan was caught by some Imperial Foresters before we were able to reach the caverns. I and the two others were able to escape, but two of our members were caught. __だがここで問題が起きた。洞窟に辿り着く前にImperial Forestersに見つかっちまったんだ。俺を含めた3人は逃げられたが、あとの2人は逮捕された。 FormID: 0100E5E6 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HereAboutSmugglers 4 In a cruel twist of fate one of those captured was carrying the gold, the other one captured was carrying the goods. What a wasted trip this had been. Eventually I led the other two here and my bandit friends killed them. __痛恨の極みなのは、捕まった内の片方が金を、もう片方がブツを運んでいたって事だ。結局俺は一緒に逃げた2人と一緒にここまで来たが、banditの友人たちは2人を殺しちまったよ。 FormID: 0100E5E6 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HereAboutSmugglers 5 Of course now we are unhappy, yet none of them are willing to attack an Imperial Forester outpost. But perhaps you may be willing to... __今の状況が良くない事は分かるだろう?だがbanditの奴らはImperial Foresterの拠点を襲撃しようなんて全然考えちゃいねえ。それでもお前なら多分やれる…。 FormID: 0100E5E8 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HelpYou 0 Well you do want those goods don't you? I would be willing to help lead you there. There shouldn't even be too many, three at the most. It is just that some bandits prefer not to leave their caves if they can avoid it. __お前の望みはあのブツだろ?拠点までなら喜んで連れて行ってやるよ。なあに、敵はそう多くないさ。bandit達も奴らを怖れているわけじゃなくて、単に出不精なだけなんだわ。 FormID: 0100E5E8 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HelpYou 1 The way I see it you don't have a choice do you? No, you are forced to do this in order to complete your contract. Oh what a funny situation this is. You have no choice in how you complete your contract. Ha! __それに、お前には他に選択肢が無いだろう?契約をこなしたいなら、俺の提案には絶対乗らなきゃならねえはずだ。ああ、楽しいシチュエーションじゃないか。「仕事の為には是非もない」ってか?ハッ! FormID: 0100E5E8 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HelpYou 2 It is okay though, you won't get a bounty. So do you want me to escort you to the Imperial Forester outpost? FormID: 0100E5EA LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03DontHaveAChoice 0 I guess not, still you should have at least one other choice on this contract right? And I'm sure the consequences of that choice should more than make up for you being forced to do this thing, right? __まあ、それでも良いじゃねえか。賞金首になるわけでもなし…。で、Imprerial Foreseterの拠点までの道案内だが、どうする?誰かに強制されるよりは自分で選びたいだろう?違うか? FormID: 0100E5EA LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03DontHaveAChoice 1 Well, let us go then. I'll take you to close by the Imperial Forester outpost. Then you get into a fight with them, you can do that by just walking up and taking the goods from out of the evidence box. __そうか。なら行くぞ。Imperial Foresterの拠点近くまで案内してやろう。戦うのはお前の役目だ。没収品を集めたチェストにブツは入っているはずだぞ。 FormID: 0100E5EA LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03DontHaveAChoice 2 Then once they are dead you will be able to go and I will take the gold. Oh yes, leave the other two smugglers to me. __奴らが全員死んだらお前の仕事は終わりだ。俺は金をもらっていこう。忘れてた!捕われた仲間2人は置いて行けよ。 FormID: 0100EADD LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 Quiet, wait until I have led you to the outpost before we speak again. __静かにするんだ。拠点近くに到着するまでお喋りは無しで。 FormID: 0100EADE LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 Beyond that tree is where they lie. I cannot go in with you or I fear I will be killed. Simply go and take the goods from out of the chest, kill the guards, and then you will be free to go. __あの木の向こうだ。悪いが俺は一緒に行けねえ。命が惜しいからな。なに、ただ向こうに行ってチェストの中身を取ってガードの奴らをぶち殺せばいいだけの事さ。終わったらお前は自由にしていいんだからよ。 FormID: 0100EAE7 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 We must not talk, we have been captured and now await our fate. __お喋りは無しだ。逮捕されて沙汰待ちなんだからよ。 FormID: 0100EAE8 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 Move along there, these prisoners are awaiting an escort to lead them to prison. __立ち去ってくれ。この囚人たちは牢屋に護送予定だ。 FormID: 0100EAE9 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 Ah, good job. You managed to kill them all, a shame that you must be so badly wounded now. It looks like you might not be able to defend yourself against my assault now. __グッジョブだ。何とか奴ら全員殺せたし、お前も深手を負っているようだ。今のお前じゃ俺に歯向かえねえだろうよ。 FormID: 0100EAE9 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 1 You see, those ingredients might be worth something after all, and I would prefer if you left them to me. Now die! __もう分かっただろう?あの材料は貴重品だからお前には渡せねえ。ここで死んじまえ! FormID: 0100EAEA LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 They are just up ahead. You have to kill all three of the Imperial Foresters, but it should be no trouble for you, right... __奴らはすぐ先にいる。Imperial Foresterたちを3人全員始末するんだ。お前にとっちゃ災難には違いねぇがな…。 FormID: 0100EAED LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03Delivery 0 So you decided to give them to the Blackwood Company. These look very interesting. I will hand them over to our gardeners and alchemists, if they have any effect I will tell you later on. __で、結局お前はブツをBlackwood Companyに納めてくれるわけだな?うん、確かにこれは興味深いぞ。Companyの庭師と錬金術師に渡してみよう。何か分かったらお前にも知らせるからな。 FormID: 0100EAEE LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03Delivery 0 These are the ingredients? Very nice. My master commanded me to offer some of his wares to whoever completed the contract. I will also make sure that the money for the contract is delivered to the company hall. __これが、その材料ですか?素晴らしい。さあ、主人からの贈り物です、どうぞ。契約を果たされた方にお渡しするよう仰せつかっておりましたので。company hallへの契約金の支払いもお約束しましょう。 FormID: 0100EAEF LingBC03Smuggle LingBCContracts 0 You delivered the goods to the agent? Oh well, you did well nonetheless. We received the money for the contract, here is your payment. Speak to me if you want another contract. __で、結局お前はブツをエージェントに渡したってわけだな。ま、どっちにせよ良くやってくれた。契約報酬もちゃんと入って来たしな。お前の取り分もあるぞ。じゃあ、次の契約を受ける準備が出来たらまた話しかけてくれよ。
FormID: 0100D7A1 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 Ah, good job. You managed to recover the ingredients without having to kill them all. A shame ...I hoped you would be so badly wounded you might not be able to defend yourself against my assault. __良い仕事っぷりだったな。あいつら全員を殺さずに奪還しちまうとは…。上手く行かねえなぁ。お前が深手を負ってくれてれば俺もお前を処理しやすかったものを。 FormID: 0100D7A1 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 1 You see, those ingredients might be worth something after all, and I would prefer if you left them to me. Now die! __もう分かっただろう?あの材料は貴重品だからお前には渡せねえ。ここで死んじまえ! FormID: 0100E0E5 LingBC03Smuggle LingBCContracts 0 We have received a contract to retrieve some lost goods. I am assigning you onto the contract. The goods in question are illegal of course, which is why we are being asked to find them. __失くしものの奪還依頼を受けたぞ。お前に任せようと思っている。ブツはもちろん違法品だが、だからこそお客は俺達を頼って来たってわけさ。 FormID: 0100E0E5 LingBC03Smuggle LingBCContracts 1 They were being smuggled across the border of Black Marsh. The caravan is two days late and is assumed dead. An unnamed trader is the contractor, his agent is currently staying at the Five Claws Lodge. __依頼人はBlack Marshからの密輸取引をしているんだが、どうやら輸送隊の到着が2日ほど遅れているらしい。多分くたばっちまったんだな。依頼主の商人様はあいにく匿名だが、エージェントがFive Claw Lodgeにいる。 FormID: 0100E0E5 LingBC03Smuggle LingBCContracts 2 You are to head out into the Blackwood and find these lost traders. On their bodies there should be a number of alchemical ingredients. Your job is to ensure the safe arrival of these ingredients. __お前はBlackwoodに行き、失踪した輸送隊を見つけるんだ。奴らの遺体を探ってみれば錬金術の材料がごっそり出て来るはず。ちゃんとここまで届けろよ? FormID: 0100E0E5 LingBC03Smuggle LingBCContracts 3 The agent mentioned that he wants them return to him directly. But these ingredients may be interesting, yes. Perhaps you may decide to return them to me. __エージェントは直に渡せと言っていたが、俺達もその材料には興味がある。お前にその気があるなら奴ではなく俺に渡してくれてもいい。 FormID: 0100E0E5 LingBC03Smuggle LingBCContracts 4 Doing so will cause you to lose your pay for the contract, but the potential benefits from such interesting ingredients may be worth it. Whatever you choose to do you will be recognised as completing the contract. __契約報酬の減額は免れないが、これほど注目を集める材料のことだ。何らかの価値はあるのだろう。お前がどっちを選んでも契約自体は完了したものとみなすつもりだ。 FormID: 0100E0E7 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03Directions 0 It is suggested that you begin your search in the area nearby Onyx Caverns. This place was on the route that the smugglers were taking. There are bandits nearby perhaps, you must be careful. __まずはOnyx Caverns近くを探してみな。ちょうど密輸ルートの延長上にあるんだ。あと、あの付近にはbanditも出るから十分注意するように。 FormID: 0100E0E7 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03Directions 1 Taking the back road they were, you see. Avoiding the toll roads because of the illegal nature of the items. I guess it ended up costing them more, heh, heh, heh. __奴らはたぶん帰り途中だったんだな。扱ってるモノがモノだけに表の街道は歩けなかったんだろう。まぁ結果的には更なる代償を払うことになっちまったわけだが!へっへっへ…。 FormID: 0100E0E7 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03Directions 2 The Onyx Caverns are to the east of Leyawiin. To get there you should take the Yellow Road east and then north out of Leyawiin. Once you reach the ruins of Veyond you should start heading east. __Onyx CavernsはLeyawiinの東だ。東のYellow Roadを北上し、Veyond遺跡あたりまで来たら今度は東に進め。 FormID: 0100E5CE LingBC03Smuggle LingBCContracts 0 If you choose to deliver the goods to the Company then come and speak to me directly. Otherwise if you deliver the goods to the agent then you should speak to me afterwards to receive payment for the contract. __密輸品をCompanyに納めるつもりなら俺に直接話してくれ。エージェントに渡すつもりなら、奴から契約報酬を受け取ってから俺に話してくれればいい。 FormID: 0100E5E0 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 Hello again. Are you ready for your next contract yet? __よう。次の契約の準備は出来たか? FormID: 0100E5E1 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 Once you've found the lost goods then you'll need to come see me, understand? __失くし物を見つけたら俺の所へ来い。分かったか? FormID: 0100E5E2 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 What is this one doing here? And how did you get past all of my guards and those other creatures? I thought that those wolves out the front of the caverns would stop people for a long time. __お前、こんな所で何をやってる?途中に見張りの奴らや魔物がいたはずだが?洞窟近くにゃ狼もいるし、そうそう人がここまでやって来られるとは計算外だったぞ。 FormID: 0100E5E6 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HereAboutSmugglers 0 And you have found them I think, outside I believe. But I suppose that you must also recognise that I am one of those lost smugglers. Wondering what I am doing in here surrounded by bandits perhaps. __お前はきっとこの洞窟の外であいつらの遺体を見つけたんだろ?俺がbandit達を囲って何をしているのか不思議に思ってるに違いないな。 FormID: 0100E5E6 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HereAboutSmugglers 1 Well, since I think we may be able to come to an accordance I may as well explain what happened. I was going to lead the caravan into the caves to rest for the night, then my friends were going to attack the rest of them. __ううむ。事情を説明すれば納得してもらえるかと思う。あの夜、俺は隊を率いて寝床の確保のためこの洞窟までやって来たんだが、そのとき仲間割れが起きたんだよ。 FormID: 0100E5E6 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HereAboutSmugglers 2 After that we could split the gold up amongst us, I don't really see much use for those seeds and things, so I didn't really care about them. But the gold that we were carrying, it was worthwhile. __結局その後、金は残りの者で山分けする事になった。あの材料は使い道も分からず気にも留めなかったが、少なくとも金の価値は確かだったからな。 FormID: 0100E5E6 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HereAboutSmugglers 3 Only the problem is that our caravan was caught by some Imperial Foresters before we were able to reach the caverns. I and the two others were able to escape, but two of our members were caught. __だがここで問題が起きた。洞窟に辿り着く前にImperial Forestersに見つかっちまったんだ。俺を含めた3人は逃げられたが、あとの2人は逮捕された。 FormID: 0100E5E6 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HereAboutSmugglers 4 In a cruel twist of fate one of those captured was carrying the gold, the other one captured was carrying the goods. What a wasted trip this had been. Eventually I led the other two here and my bandit friends killed them. __痛恨の極みなのは、捕まった内の片方が金を、もう片方がブツを運んでいたって事だ。結局俺は一緒に逃げた2人と一緒にここまで来たが、banditの友人たちは2人を殺しちまったよ。 FormID: 0100E5E6 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HereAboutSmugglers 5 Of course now we are unhappy, yet none of them are willing to attack an Imperial Forester outpost. But perhaps you may be willing to... __今の状況が良くない事は分かるだろう?だがbanditの奴らはImperial Foresterの拠点を襲撃しようなんて全然考えちゃいねえ。それでもお前なら多分やれる…。 FormID: 0100E5E8 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HelpYou 0 Well you do want those goods don't you? I would be willing to help lead you there. There shouldn't even be too many, three at the most. It is just that some bandits prefer not to leave their caves if they can avoid it. __お前の望みはあのブツだろ?拠点までなら喜んで連れて行ってやるよ。なあに、敵はそう多くないさ。bandit達も奴らを怖れているわけじゃなくて、単に出不精なだけなんだわ。 FormID: 0100E5E8 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HelpYou 1 The way I see it you don't have a choice do you? No, you are forced to do this in order to complete your contract. Oh what a funny situation this is. You have no choice in how you complete your contract. Ha! __それに、お前には他に選択肢が無いだろう?契約をこなしたいなら、俺の提案には絶対乗らなきゃならねえはずだ。ああ、楽しいシチュエーションじゃないか。「仕事の為には是非もない」ってか?ハッ! FormID: 0100E5E8 LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03HelpYou 2 It is okay though, you won't get a bounty. So do you want me to escort you to the Imperial Forester outpost? FormID: 0100E5EA LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03DontHaveAChoice 0 I guess not, still you should have at least one other choice on this contract right? And I'm sure the consequences of that choice should more than make up for you being forced to do this thing, right? __まあ、それでも良いじゃねえか。賞金首になるわけでもなし…。で、Imprerial Foreseterの拠点までの道案内だが、どうする?誰かに強制されるよりは自分で選びたいだろう?違うか? FormID: 0100E5EA LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03DontHaveAChoice 1 Well, let us go then. I'll take you to close by the Imperial Forester outpost. Then you get into a fight with them, you can do that by just walking up and taking the goods from out of the evidence box. __そうか。なら行くぞ。Imperial Foresterの拠点近くまで案内してやろう。戦うのはお前の役目だ。没収品を集めたチェストにブツは入っているはずだぞ。 FormID: 0100E5EA LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03DontHaveAChoice 2 Then once they are dead you will be able to go and I will take the gold. Oh yes, leave the other two smugglers to me. __奴らが全員死んだらお前の仕事は終わりだ。俺は金をもらっていこう。忘れてた!捕われた仲間2人は置いて行けよ。 FormID: 0100EADD LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 Quiet, wait until I have led you to the outpost before we speak again. __静かにするんだ。拠点近くに到着するまでお喋りは無しで。 FormID: 0100EADE LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 Beyond that tree is where they lie. I cannot go in with you or I fear I will be killed. Simply go and take the goods from out of the chest, kill the guards, and then you will be free to go. __あの木の向こうだ。悪いが俺は一緒に行けねえ。命が惜しいからな。なに、ただ向こうに行ってチェストの中身を取ってガードの奴らをぶち殺せばいいだけの事さ。終わったらお前は自由にしていいんだからよ。 FormID: 0100EAE7 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 We must not talk, we have been captured and now await our fate. __お喋りは無しだ。逮捕されて沙汰待ちなんだからよ。 FormID: 0100EAE8 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 Move along there, these prisoners are awaiting an escort to lead them to prison. __立ち去ってくれ。この囚人たちは牢屋に護送予定だ。 FormID: 0100EAE9 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 Ah, good job. You managed to kill them all, a shame that you must be so badly wounded now. It looks like you might not be able to defend yourself against my assault now. __グッジョブだ。何とか奴ら全員殺せたし、お前も深手を負っているようだ。今のお前じゃ俺に歯向かえねえだろうよ。 FormID: 0100EAE9 LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 1 You see, those ingredients might be worth something after all, and I would prefer if you left them to me. Now die! __もう分かっただろう?あの材料は貴重品だからお前には渡せねえ。ここで死んじまえ! FormID: 0100EAEA LingBC03Smuggle GREETING 0 They are just up ahead. You have to kill all three of the Imperial Foresters, but it should be no trouble for you, right... __奴らはすぐ先にいる。Imperial Foresterたちを3人全員始末するんだ。お前にとっちゃ災難には違いねぇがな…。 FormID: 0100EAED LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03Delivery 0 So you decided to give them to the Blackwood Company. These look very interesting. I will hand them over to our gardeners and alchemists, if they have any effect I will tell you later on. __で、結局お前はブツをBlackwood Companyに納めてくれるわけだな?うん、確かにこれは興味深いぞ。Companyの庭師と錬金術師に渡してみよう。何か分かったらお前にも知らせるからな。 FormID: 0100EAEE LingBC03Smuggle LingBC03Delivery 0 These are the ingredients? Very nice. My master commanded me to offer some of his wares to whoever completed the contract. I will also make sure that the money for the contract is delivered to the company hall. __これが、その材料ですか?素晴らしい。さあ、主人からの贈り物です、どうぞ。契約を果たされた方にお渡しするよう仰せつかっておりましたので。company hallへの契約金の支払いもお約束しましょう。 FormID: 0100EAEF LingBC03Smuggle LingBCContracts 0 You delivered the goods to the agent? Oh well, you did well nonetheless. We received the money for the contract, here is your payment. Speak to me if you want another contract. __で、結局お前はブツをエージェントに渡したってわけだな。ま、どっちにせよ良くやってくれた。契約報酬もちゃんと入って来たしな。お前の取り分もあるぞ。じゃあ、次の契約を受ける準備が出来たらまた話しかけてくれよ。