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FormID: 01004A5B LoreIngredientsVegetableProducts DIAL Tell me about vegetable products. __野菜の製品について教えてください。 __野菜について教えてください。 FormID: 01004A5C LoreIngredientsMineralProducts DIAL Tell me about mineral products. __鉱物製品について教えてください。 __鉱物について教えてください。 FormID: 01004A5D LoreIngredientsExoticProducts DIAL Tell me about exotic products. __外国産の製品について教えてください。 __外来製品について教えてください。 FormID: 01004A5E LoreAAThankYou DIAL Thank you. __ありがとう。 FormID: 01004A66 LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue1 DIAL Let the person continue... __続けて FormID: 01004A68 LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2 DIAL Let the person continue... __続けて FormID: 01004A69 LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue3 DIAL Let the person continue... __続けて FormID: 01004A6A LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue4 DIAL Let the person continue... __続けて FormID: 01004A6B LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue5 DIAL Let the person continue... __続けて FormID: 01004A72 LoreIngredientsABeef DIAL Tell me more about beef. __beefについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A73 LoreIngredientsABoarMeat DIAL Tell me more about boar meat. __boar meatについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A74 LoreIngredientsACheese DIAL Tell me more about cheese. __cheeseについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A75 LoreIngredientsACrabMeat DIAL Tell me more about crab meat. __crab meatについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A76 LoreIngredientsADreughWax DIAL Tell me more about dreugh wax. __dreugh waxについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A77 LoreIngredientsAHam DIAL Tell me more about ham. __hamについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A78 LoreIngredientsAMinotaurHorn DIAL Tell me more about minotaurs' horns. __minotaurs' hornsについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A79 LoreIngredientsAMutton DIAL Tell me more about mutton. __muttonについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A7A LoreIngredientsAOgresTeeth DIAL Tell me more about ogres' teeth. __ogres' teethについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A7B LoreIngredientsARatMeat DIAL Tell me more about rat meat. __rat meatについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A7C LoreIngredientsAScales DIAL Tell me more about scales. __scalesについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A7D LoreIngredientsATrollFat DIAL Tell me more about troll fat. __troll fatについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A7E LoreIngredientsAVenison DIAL Tell me more about venison. __venisonについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A8C LoreIngredientsEBonemeal DIAL Tell me more about bonemeal. __bonemealについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A8D LoreIngredientsEClannfear DIAL Tell me more about clannfear claws. __clannfear clawsについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A8E LoreIngredientsEDaedraHeart DIAL Tell me more about a daedra's heart. __daedra's heartについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A8F LoreIngredientsEDaedraSilk DIAL Tell me more about daedra silk. __daedra silkについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A90 LoreIngredientsEDaedraVenin DIAL Tell me more about daedra venin. __daedra veninについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A91 LoreIngredientsEDaedrothTeeth DIAL Tell me more about daedroths' teeth. __daedroths' teethについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A92 LoreIngredientsEEctoplasm DIAL Tell me more about ectoplasm. __ectoplasmについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A93 LoreIngredientsEFireSalts DIAL Tell me more about fire salts. __fire saltsについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A94 LoreIngredientsEFrostSalts DIAL Tell me more about frost salts. __frost saltsについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A95 LoreIngredientsEGlowDust DIAL Tell me more about glow dust. __glow dustについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A96 LoreIngredientsEImpGall DIAL Tell me more about imp gall. __imp gallについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A97 LoreIngredientsEMortFlesh DIAL Tell me more about mort flesh. __mort fleshについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A98 LoreIngredientsEScampSkin DIAL Tell me more about scamp skin. __scamp skinについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A99 LoreIngredientsEVampireDust DIAL Tell me more about vampire dust. __vampire dustについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A9A LoreIngredientsEVoidSalts DIAL Tell me more about void salts. __void saltsについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AAA LoreApparatusMortar DIAL What are mortar and pestles? __mortar and pestlesとはなんですか? FormID: 01004AAB LoreApparatusRetort DIAL Tell me more about retorts. __retortsについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AAE LoreDaedraAtronachFlame DIAL Tell me more about flame atronachs. __flame atronachについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AAF LoreDaedraAtronachFrost DIAL Tell me more about frost atronachs. __frost atronachについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AB0 LoreDaedraAtronachStorm DIAL Tell me more about storm atronachs. __storm atronachについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AB4 LoreDaedraGoldenSaint DIAL Tell me more about the golden saint. __golden saintについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AB6 LoreDaedraHunger DIAL Tell me more about the hunger. __hungerについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AB8 LoreDaedraScamp DIAL Tell me more about the scamp. __scampについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004ABA LoreDaedraDremora DIAL Tell me more about the dremora. __dremoraについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004ABC LoreDaedraXivilai DIAL Tell me more about the xivilai. __xivilaiについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004ABE LoreDaedraSpiderDaedra DIAL Tell me more about the spider daedra. __spider daedraについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AC0 LoreDaedra DIAL Varieties of Daedras __Daedraの種類 FormID: 01004AC2 LoreDaedraOgrim DIAL Tell me more about the ogrim. __ogrimについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AC3 LoreDaedraWingedTwilight DIAL Tell me more about winged twilights. __winged twilightについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AC6 LoreImperialProvinces DIAL Imperial Provinces __帝国の州 __帝国の属州 FormID: 01004AC7 LoreWeaponTypes DIAL Weapon Types __武器の種類 FormID: 01004AC9 LoreWeaponTypesShortsword DIAL Tell me more about shortswords. __shortswordについて教えてください FormID: 01004ACA LoreWeaponTypesCutlass DIAL What can you tell me about cutlasses? __cutlasseについて何か知っていますか? __cutlassについて何か知っていますか? FormID: 01004ACB LoreWeaponTypesLongsword DIAL Tell me more about longswords. __longswordについて教えてください FormID: 01004ACC LoreWeaponTypesDaiKatana DIAL Tell me more about dai-katanas. __dai-katanaについて教えてください FormID: 01004ACD LoreWeaponTypesKatana DIAL What can you tell me about katanas? __katanaについて何かご存知ですか? FormID: 01004ACE LoreWeaponTypesClub DIAL What can you tell me about clubs? __clubについて何かご存知ですか? FormID: 01004ACF LoreWeaponTypesMace DIAL What can you tell me about maces? __maceにういて何かご存知ですか? __maceについて何かご存知ですか? FormID: 01004AD0 LoreWeaponTypesWarhammer DIAL Tell me more about warhammers. __warhammerについて教えてください FormID: 01004AD1 LoreWeaponTypesWarAxe DIAL What can you tell me about war axes? __war axeについて何かご存知ですか? FormID: 01004AD2 LoreWeaponTypesShortbow DIAL Tell me more about short bows. __short bowについて教えてください FormID: 01004AD3 LoreWeaponTypesLongbow DIAL Tell me more about long bows. __long bowについて教えてください FormID: 01004AE0 LoreArmorTypes DIAL Armor Types __鎧の種類 FormID: 01004AE2 LoreArmorStyles DIAL Armor Styles __鎧のスタイル FormID: 01004AE4 LoreMaterialandCraft DIAL Material and Craft __素材と作成法 FormID: 01004AE6 LoreWeaponRepair DIAL Weapon Repair __武器の修理 FormID: 01004AE8 LoreWeaponMaterials DIAL Weapon Materials __武器の素材 FormID: 01004AEA LoreWeaponMaterialsIron DIAL What should I know about iron? __ironについて知っておくべきことはありますか? FormID: 01004AEB LoreWeaponMaterialsSteel DIAL What should I know about steel? __steelについて知っておくべきことはありますか? FormID: 01004AEC LoreWeaponMaterialsSilver DIAL What should I know about silver? __silverについて知っておくべきことはありますか? FormID: 01004AED LoreWeaponMaterialsElven DIAL What should I know about elven? __elvenについて知っておくべきことはありますか? FormID: 01004AEF LoreWeaponMaterialsGlass DIAL What should I know about glass? __glassについて知っておくべきことはありますか? FormID: 01004AF1 LoreWeaponMaterialsDaedric DIAL What should I know about daedric? __daedricについて知っておくべきことはありますか? FormID: 01004AF8 LoreNineDivines DIAL The Nine Divines FormID: 01004AFA LoreNineDivinesZenithar DIAL Tell me more about Zenithar. __Zenitharについて詳しく教えてください。 FormID: 01004AFB LoreNineDivinesMara DIAL Tell me more about Mara. __Maraについて詳しく教えてください。 FormID: 01004AFC LoreNineDivinesStendarr DIAL Tell me more about Stendarr. __Stendarrについて詳しく教えてください。 FormID: 01004AFD LoreNineDivinesKynareth DIAL Tell me more about Kynareth. __Kynarethについて詳しく教えてください。 FormID: 01004AFE LoreNineDivinesJulianos DIAL Tell me more about Julianos. __Julianosについて詳しく教えてください。 FormID: 01004AFF LoreNineDivinesTiberSeptim DIAL Tell me more about Tiber Septim. __Tiber Septimについて詳しく教えてください。 FormID: 01004B06 LoreSkillStealthSecurity DIAL Security __Security FormID: 01004B07 LoreSkillStealthSneak DIAL Sneak __Sneak FormID: 01004B08 LoreSkillStealthLightArmor DIAL Light Armor __Light Armor FormID: 01004B09 LoreSkillStealthMarksman DIAL Marksman __Marksman FormID: 01004B0A LoreSkillStealthMercantile DIAL Mercantile __Mercantile FormID: 01004B0B LoreSkillStealthSpeechcraft DIAL Speechcraft __Speechcraft FormID: 01004B0C LoreSkillCombaHandtoHand DIAL Hand to Hand __Hand to Hand FormID: 01004B16 LoreMagicIllusionSpells DIAL Illusion Spells __Illusion Spells __Illusion Spell FormID: 01004B17 LoreMagicMysticismSpells DIAL Mysticism Spells __Mysticism Spells __Mysticism Spell FormID: 01004B18 LoreMagicRestorationSpells DIAL Restoration Spells __Restoration Spells __Restoration Spell FormID: 01004B1C LoreSkillCombaAxe DIAL Axes __Axe FormID: 01004B1E LoreSkillCombaAthletics DIAL Athletics __Athletics FormID: 01004B20 LoreSkillCombaHeavyArmor DIAL Heavy Armor __Heavy Armor FormID: 01004B22 LoreSkillCombaArmorer DIAL Armorer __Armorer FormID: 01004B24 LoreSkillCombaLongBlades DIAL Long Blades __Long Blades __Long Blade FormID: 01004B26 LoreSkillStealthShortBlades DIAL Short Blades _Short Blades _Short Blade FormID: 01004F52 LoreSkillCombatTopic DIAL LoreSkillCombatTopic FormID: 010051FB LoreMagicAlteration DIAL Alteration Spells __Alteration Spells __Alteration Spell FormID: 010051FC LoreMagicConjuration DIAL Conjuration Spells __Conjuration Spells __Conjuration Spell FormID: 010051FF LoreSkillMagicRestoration DIAL School of Restoration __Restorationの術派 FormID: 01005200 LoreSkillMagicDestruction DIAL School of Destruction __Destructionの術派 FormID: 01005201 LoreSkillMagicIllusion DIAL School of Illusion __Illusionの術派 FormID: 01005202 LoreSkillMagicMysticism DIAL School of Mysticism __Mysticismの術派 FormID: 01005207 LoreSkill DIAL Disciplines __鍛錬 FormID: 01005209 LoreSkillDisciplineFighter DIAL Combat Skills __戦闘スキル FormID: 0100520A LoreSkillDisciplineMage DIAL Magic Skills __魔法スキル FormID: 0100520B LoreSkillDisciplineStealth DIAL Stealth Skills __隠密スキル FormID: 0100520F LoreMagicConjuraSummoning DIAL What are the summoning spells? __召喚呪文とは? FormID: 01005211 LoreMagicDestruElemental DIAL What are the elemental damage spells? __属性ダメージ呪文とは? FormID: 01005212 LoreMagicDestruVulnerability DIAL What are the vulnerability spells? __弱体化呪文とは? FormID: 01005213 LoreMagicDestruDesintegration DIAL Disintegration? __Disintegration? FormID: 01005217 LoreMagicMysticiTransportation DIAL What are the transportation spells? __移動呪文とは? FormID: 01005218 LoreMagicMysticiOtherSpells DIAL What are the other spells? __他の呪文とは? FormID: 0100521B LoreMagicRestoreCureSpells DIAL What are the cure spells? __cure spellとは? FormID: 0100521C LoreMagicRestoreRestoreSpells DIAL What are the restore spells? __restore spellとは? FormID: 0100521D LoreMagicRestoreFortifySpells DIAL What are the fortify spells? __fortify spellとは? FormID: 0100521E LoreMagicRestoreResistSpells DIAL What are the resist spells? __resist spellとは? FormID: 01005224 LoreRaceSavDwemerArtifacts DIAL Dwemer Artifacts? __Dwemer Artifacs? FormID: 01005226 LoreDwemerRuins DIAL Dwemer Ruins __Dwemer Ruin __Dwemerの遺跡 FormID: 01005229 LoreEnchanters DIAL Enchanters __Enchanter FormID: 0100522E LoreHumans DIAL Humans __人間 FormID: 0100522F LoreHumanoidRaces DIAL Humanoid Races __人型種族 FormID: 01005232 LoreImperialCulture DIAL Imperial Culture __帝国の文化 FormID: 01005234 LoreImperialLaw DIAL Imperial Law __帝国の法 FormID: 01005237 LoreImperialLegion DIAL Imperial Legion __Imperial Legion FormID: 01005239 LoreGuildsFightersGuild DIAL The Fighters Guild __The Fighters Guild FormID: 0100523A LoreGuildsMagesGuild DIAL The Mages Guild __The Mages Guild FormID: 0100523B LoreGuildsThievesGuild DIAL The Thieves Guild __The Thieves Guild FormID: 0100523E LoreRaces DIAL Races of Tamriel __Tamrielの種族 FormID: 01005607 CliffLittleSecret DIAL Little Secret __ちょっとした隠し事 __ちょっとした秘密 FormID: 01005613 CliffForts DIAL Imperial Legion Forts FormID: 01005615 CliffGuard DIAL Guard FormID: 01005617 CliffImperialLaw DIAL Imperial Law __帝国の法 FormID: 0100561A CliffImperialLegion DIAL Imperial Legion FormID: 01005625 CliffCyrodiilLore DIAL Cyrodiil Lore __Cyrodiilの伝承 FormID: 01005D99 CliffImperialProvinces DIAL Imperial Provinces __帝国の属州 FormID: 01005D9B CliffRules DIAL Faction Rules __Factionの掟 FormID: 01005DAC CliffPotions DIAL Potions __Potion FormID: 01005DAD CliffPotionsCure DIAL Cure Potions? __Cure Potion? FormID: 01005DAE CliffPotionsRestore DIAL Restore Potions? __Restore Potion? FormID: 01005DAF CliffPotionsFortify DIAL Fortify Potions? __Fortify Potion? FormID: 01005DB0 CliffPotionsResist DIAL Resist Potions? __Resist Potion? FormID: 01005DB1 CliffPotionsAquatic DIAL Aquatic Potions? __Aquatic Potion? FormID: 01005DB2 CliffPotionsMysticism DIAL Mysticism Potions? __Mysticism Potion? FormID: 01005DB3 CliffPotionsAlteration DIAL Alteration Potions? __Alteration Potion? FormID: 01005DB4 CliffPotionsIllusion DIAL Illusion Potions? __Illusion Potion? FormID: 01005DB5 CliffPotionsDetect DIAL Detect Potions? __Detect Potion? FormID: 01005DB6 CliffPotionsShield DIAL Shield Potions? __Shield Potion? FormID: 01005DB7 CliffPotionsToxic DIAL Toxic Potions? __Toxic Potion? FormID: 01005DB8 CliffAMWThankYou DIAL Thank you __ありがとう FormID: 01005DC6 CliffPotionsHomemade DIAL Homemade Potions? __自家製のPotion? FormID: 01005DC8 CliffFundamentalAttributes DIAL Fundamental Attributes __基本特性 FormID: 01005DC9 CliffFundamentalAttributesAgility DIAL What defines agility? __agilityの定義とは? FormID: 01005DCA CliffFundamentalAttributesEndurance DIAL What defines endurance? __enduranceの定義とは? FormID: 01005DCB CliffFundamentalAttributesFatigue DIAL What defines fatigue? __fatigueの定義とは? FormID: 01005DCC CliffFundamentalAttributeshealth DIAL What defines health? __healthの定義とは? FormID: 01005DCD CliffFundamentalAttributesIntelligence DIAL What defines intelligence? __intelligenceの定義とは? FormID: 01005DCE CliffFundamentalAttributesLuck DIAL What defines luck? __luckの定義とは? FormID: 01005DCF CliffFundamentalAttributesPersonality DIAL What defines personality? __personalityの定義とは? FormID: 01005DD0 CliffFundamentalAttributesSpeed DIAL What defines speed? __speedの定義とは? FormID: 01005DD1 CliffFundamentalAttributesStrength DIAL What defines strength? __strengthの定義とは? FormID: 01005DD2 CliffFundamentalAttributesWillpower DIAL What defines willpower? __willpowerの定義とは? FormID: 01005DD3 CliffFundamentalAttributesMagicka DIAL What defines magicka? __magickaの定義とは? FormID: 01005DE0 CliffPotionsCommercial DIAL Commercial Potions? __店売りのPotion? FormID: 01005DE2 CliffDiseases DIAL Common Disease __通常のDisease(病気) FormID: 01005DE4 CliffImperialProvincesSkyrim DIAL Tell me about Skyrim. __Skyrimについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DE6 CliffImperialProvincesHighRock DIAL Tell me about High Rock. __High Rockについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DE7 CliffImperialProvincesHammerfell DIAL Tell me about Hammerfell. __Hammerfellについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DE8 CliffImperialProvincesSummersetIsle DIAL Tell me about Summerset Isle. __Summerset Isleについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DE9 CliffImperialProvincesValenwood DIAL Tell me about Valenwood. __Valenwoodについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DEA CliffImperialProvincesElsweyr DIAL Tell me about Elsweyr. __Elsweyrについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DEB CliffImperialProvincesBlackMarsh DIAL Tell me about Black Marsh. __Black Marshについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DEC CliffImperialProvincesMorrowind DIAL Tell me about Morrowind. __Morrowindについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DED CliffImperialProvincesCyrodiil DIAL Tell me about Cyrodiil. __Cyrodiilについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DF8 CliffImperialCulture DIAL Imperial Culture __帝国の文化 FormID: 01005DFA CliffVampires DIAL Vampires __Vampire FormID: 01005DFC CliffNativeCreatures DIAL Native Creatures __原生動物 FormID: 01005DFF CliffNativeCreaturesHeardAnimals DIAL What are the herd animals? __動物の群れとは? FormID: 01005E01 CliffNativeCreaturesLargePredators DIAL What are the large predators? __大型の肉食動物とは? FormID: 01005E02 CliffNativeCreaturesSmallPredators DIAL What are the small predators? __小型の肉食動物とは? FormID: 01005E03 CliffNativeCreaturesWaterCreatures DIAL What are the water creatures? __水中生物とは? FormID: 01005E04 CliffNativeCreaturesWildAnimals DIAL What are the passive animals? __おとなしい動物とは? FormID: 01005E08 CliffNativeCreaturesMonsters DIAL What are the monsters? __怪物とは? FormID: 01005E0B CliffClothes DIAL Clothes __服 FormID: 01005E0D CliffVampiresVampirism DIAL Vampirism __Vampirism FormID: 01005E0F CliffFood DIAL Food __食べ物 FormID: 01005E10 CliffFoodWine DIAL What wines exist? __どんなワインがありますか? FormID: 01005E11 CliffFoodCyrodiilBrandy DIAL What is Cyrodiilic Brandy? __Cyrodiilic Brandyとは何ですか? FormID: 01005E12 CliffFoodAle DIAL What can you tell me about the brews? __brewについて教えていただけますか? FormID: 01005E13 CliffFoodSkooma DIAL What is skooma? __skoomaとは何ですか? FormID: 01005E1A CliffNecromancy DIAL Necromancy __Necromancy
FormID: 01004A5B LoreIngredientsVegetableProducts DIAL Tell me about vegetable products. __野菜の製品について教えてください。 __野菜について教えてください。 FormID: 01004A5C LoreIngredientsMineralProducts DIAL Tell me about mineral products. __鉱物製品について教えてください。 __鉱物について教えてください。 FormID: 01004A5D LoreIngredientsExoticProducts DIAL Tell me about exotic products. __外国産の製品について教えてください。 __外来製品について教えてください。 FormID: 01004A5E LoreAAThankYou DIAL Thank you. __ありがとう。 FormID: 01004A66 LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue1 DIAL Let the person continue... __続けて FormID: 01004A68 LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2 DIAL Let the person continue... __続けて FormID: 01004A69 LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue3 DIAL Let the person continue... __続けて FormID: 01004A6A LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue4 DIAL Let the person continue... __続けて FormID: 01004A6B LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue5 DIAL Let the person continue... __続けて FormID: 01004A72 LoreIngredientsABeef DIAL Tell me more about beef. __beefについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A73 LoreIngredientsABoarMeat DIAL Tell me more about boar meat. __boar meatについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A74 LoreIngredientsACheese DIAL Tell me more about cheese. __cheeseについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A75 LoreIngredientsACrabMeat DIAL Tell me more about crab meat. __crab meatについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A76 LoreIngredientsADreughWax DIAL Tell me more about dreugh wax. __dreugh waxについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A77 LoreIngredientsAHam DIAL Tell me more about ham. __hamについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A78 LoreIngredientsAMinotaurHorn DIAL Tell me more about minotaurs' horns. __minotaurs' hornsについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A79 LoreIngredientsAMutton DIAL Tell me more about mutton. __muttonについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A7A LoreIngredientsAOgresTeeth DIAL Tell me more about ogres' teeth. __ogres' teethについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A7B LoreIngredientsARatMeat DIAL Tell me more about rat meat. __rat meatについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A7C LoreIngredientsAScales DIAL Tell me more about scales. __scalesについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A7D LoreIngredientsATrollFat DIAL Tell me more about troll fat. __troll fatについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A7E LoreIngredientsAVenison DIAL Tell me more about venison. __venisonについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A8C LoreIngredientsEBonemeal DIAL Tell me more about bonemeal. __bonemealについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A8D LoreIngredientsEClannfear DIAL Tell me more about clannfear claws. __clannfear clawsについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A8E LoreIngredientsEDaedraHeart DIAL Tell me more about a daedra's heart. __daedra's heartについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A8F LoreIngredientsEDaedraSilk DIAL Tell me more about daedra silk. __daedra silkについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A90 LoreIngredientsEDaedraVenin DIAL Tell me more about daedra venin. __daedra veninについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A91 LoreIngredientsEDaedrothTeeth DIAL Tell me more about daedroths' teeth. __daedroths' teethについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A92 LoreIngredientsEEctoplasm DIAL Tell me more about ectoplasm. __ectoplasmについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A93 LoreIngredientsEFireSalts DIAL Tell me more about fire salts. __fire saltsについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A94 LoreIngredientsEFrostSalts DIAL Tell me more about frost salts. __frost saltsについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A95 LoreIngredientsEGlowDust DIAL Tell me more about glow dust. __glow dustについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A96 LoreIngredientsEImpGall DIAL Tell me more about imp gall. __imp gallについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A97 LoreIngredientsEMortFlesh DIAL Tell me more about mort flesh. __mort fleshについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A98 LoreIngredientsEScampSkin DIAL Tell me more about scamp skin. __scamp skinについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A99 LoreIngredientsEVampireDust DIAL Tell me more about vampire dust. __vampire dustについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004A9A LoreIngredientsEVoidSalts DIAL Tell me more about void salts. __void saltsについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AAA LoreApparatusMortar DIAL What are mortar and pestles? __mortar and pestlesとはなんですか? FormID: 01004AAB LoreApparatusRetort DIAL Tell me more about retorts. __retortsについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AAE LoreDaedraAtronachFlame DIAL Tell me more about flame atronachs. __flame atronachについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AAF LoreDaedraAtronachFrost DIAL Tell me more about frost atronachs. __frost atronachについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AB0 LoreDaedraAtronachStorm DIAL Tell me more about storm atronachs. __storm atronachについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AB4 LoreDaedraGoldenSaint DIAL Tell me more about the golden saint. __golden saintについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AB6 LoreDaedraHunger DIAL Tell me more about the hunger. __hungerについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AB8 LoreDaedraScamp DIAL Tell me more about the scamp. __scampについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004ABA LoreDaedraDremora DIAL Tell me more about the dremora. __dremoraについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004ABC LoreDaedraXivilai DIAL Tell me more about the xivilai. __xivilaiについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004ABE LoreDaedraSpiderDaedra DIAL Tell me more about the spider daedra. __spider daedraについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AC0 LoreDaedra DIAL Varieties of Daedras __Daedraの種類 FormID: 01004AC2 LoreDaedraOgrim DIAL Tell me more about the ogrim. __ogrimについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AC3 LoreDaedraWingedTwilight DIAL Tell me more about winged twilights. __winged twilightについて教えてください。 FormID: 01004AC6 LoreImperialProvinces DIAL Imperial Provinces __帝国の州 __帝国の属州 FormID: 01004AC7 LoreWeaponTypes DIAL Weapon Types __武器の種類 FormID: 01004AC9 LoreWeaponTypesShortsword DIAL Tell me more about shortswords. __shortswordについて教えてください FormID: 01004ACA LoreWeaponTypesCutlass DIAL What can you tell me about cutlasses? __cutlasseについて何か知っていますか? __cutlassについて何か知っていますか? FormID: 01004ACB LoreWeaponTypesLongsword DIAL Tell me more about longswords. __longswordについて教えてください FormID: 01004ACC LoreWeaponTypesDaiKatana DIAL Tell me more about dai-katanas. __dai-katanaについて教えてください FormID: 01004ACD LoreWeaponTypesKatana DIAL What can you tell me about katanas? __katanaについて何かご存知ですか? FormID: 01004ACE LoreWeaponTypesClub DIAL What can you tell me about clubs? __clubについて何かご存知ですか? FormID: 01004ACF LoreWeaponTypesMace DIAL What can you tell me about maces? __maceにういて何かご存知ですか? __maceについて何かご存知ですか? FormID: 01004AD0 LoreWeaponTypesWarhammer DIAL Tell me more about warhammers. __warhammerについて教えてください FormID: 01004AD1 LoreWeaponTypesWarAxe DIAL What can you tell me about war axes? __war axeについて何かご存知ですか? FormID: 01004AD2 LoreWeaponTypesShortbow DIAL Tell me more about short bows. __short bowについて教えてください FormID: 01004AD3 LoreWeaponTypesLongbow DIAL Tell me more about long bows. __long bowについて教えてください FormID: 01004AE0 LoreArmorTypes DIAL Armor Types __鎧の種類 FormID: 01004AE2 LoreArmorStyles DIAL Armor Styles __鎧のスタイル FormID: 01004AE4 LoreMaterialandCraft DIAL Material and Craft __素材と作成法 FormID: 01004AE6 LoreWeaponRepair DIAL Weapon Repair __武器の修理 FormID: 01004AE8 LoreWeaponMaterials DIAL Weapon Materials __武器の素材 FormID: 01004AEA LoreWeaponMaterialsIron DIAL What should I know about iron? __ironについて知っておくべきことはありますか? FormID: 01004AEB LoreWeaponMaterialsSteel DIAL What should I know about steel? __steelについて知っておくべきことはありますか? FormID: 01004AEC LoreWeaponMaterialsSilver DIAL What should I know about silver? __silverについて知っておくべきことはありますか? FormID: 01004AED LoreWeaponMaterialsElven DIAL What should I know about elven? __elvenについて知っておくべきことはありますか? FormID: 01004AEF LoreWeaponMaterialsGlass DIAL What should I know about glass? __glassについて知っておくべきことはありますか? FormID: 01004AF1 LoreWeaponMaterialsDaedric DIAL What should I know about daedric? __daedricについて知っておくべきことはありますか? FormID: 01004AF8 LoreNineDivines DIAL The Nine Divines FormID: 01004AFA LoreNineDivinesZenithar DIAL Tell me more about Zenithar. __Zenitharについて詳しく教えてください。 FormID: 01004AFB LoreNineDivinesMara DIAL Tell me more about Mara. __Maraについて詳しく教えてください。 FormID: 01004AFC LoreNineDivinesStendarr DIAL Tell me more about Stendarr. __Stendarrについて詳しく教えてください。 FormID: 01004AFD LoreNineDivinesKynareth DIAL Tell me more about Kynareth. __Kynarethについて詳しく教えてください。 FormID: 01004AFE LoreNineDivinesJulianos DIAL Tell me more about Julianos. __Julianosについて詳しく教えてください。 FormID: 01004AFF LoreNineDivinesTiberSeptim DIAL Tell me more about Tiber Septim. __Tiber Septimについて詳しく教えてください。 FormID: 01004B06 LoreSkillStealthSecurity DIAL Security __Security FormID: 01004B07 LoreSkillStealthSneak DIAL Sneak __Sneak FormID: 01004B08 LoreSkillStealthLightArmor DIAL Light Armor __Light Armor FormID: 01004B09 LoreSkillStealthMarksman DIAL Marksman __Marksman FormID: 01004B0A LoreSkillStealthMercantile DIAL Mercantile __Mercantile FormID: 01004B0B LoreSkillStealthSpeechcraft DIAL Speechcraft __Speechcraft FormID: 01004B0C LoreSkillCombaHandtoHand DIAL Hand to Hand __Hand to Hand FormID: 01004B16 LoreMagicIllusionSpells DIAL Illusion Spells __Illusion Spells __Illusion Spell FormID: 01004B17 LoreMagicMysticismSpells DIAL Mysticism Spells __Mysticism Spells __Mysticism Spell FormID: 01004B18 LoreMagicRestorationSpells DIAL Restoration Spells __Restoration Spells __Restoration Spell FormID: 01004B1C LoreSkillCombaAxe DIAL Axes __Axe FormID: 01004B1E LoreSkillCombaAthletics DIAL Athletics __Athletics FormID: 01004B20 LoreSkillCombaHeavyArmor DIAL Heavy Armor __Heavy Armor FormID: 01004B22 LoreSkillCombaArmorer DIAL Armorer __Armorer FormID: 01004B24 LoreSkillCombaLongBlades DIAL Long Blades __Long Blades __Long Blade FormID: 01004B26 LoreSkillStealthShortBlades DIAL Short Blades _Short Blades _Short Blade FormID: 01004F52 LoreSkillCombatTopic DIAL LoreSkillCombatTopic FormID: 010051FB LoreMagicAlteration DIAL Alteration Spells __Alteration Spells __Alteration Spell FormID: 010051FC LoreMagicConjuration DIAL Conjuration Spells __Conjuration Spells __Conjuration Spell FormID: 010051FF LoreSkillMagicRestoration DIAL School of Restoration __Restorationの術派 FormID: 01005200 LoreSkillMagicDestruction DIAL School of Destruction __Destructionの術派 FormID: 01005201 LoreSkillMagicIllusion DIAL School of Illusion __Illusionの術派 FormID: 01005202 LoreSkillMagicMysticism DIAL School of Mysticism __Mysticismの術派 FormID: 01005207 LoreSkill DIAL Disciplines __鍛錬 FormID: 01005209 LoreSkillDisciplineFighter DIAL Combat Skills __戦闘スキル FormID: 0100520A LoreSkillDisciplineMage DIAL Magic Skills __魔法スキル FormID: 0100520B LoreSkillDisciplineStealth DIAL Stealth Skills __隠密スキル FormID: 0100520F LoreMagicConjuraSummoning DIAL What are the summoning spells? __召喚呪文とは? FormID: 01005211 LoreMagicDestruElemental DIAL What are the elemental damage spells? __属性ダメージ呪文とは? FormID: 01005212 LoreMagicDestruVulnerability DIAL What are the vulnerability spells? __弱体化呪文とは? FormID: 01005213 LoreMagicDestruDesintegration DIAL Disintegration? __Disintegration? FormID: 01005217 LoreMagicMysticiTransportation DIAL What are the transportation spells? __移動呪文とは? FormID: 01005218 LoreMagicMysticiOtherSpells DIAL What are the other spells? __他の呪文とは? FormID: 0100521B LoreMagicRestoreCureSpells DIAL What are the cure spells? __cure spellとは? FormID: 0100521C LoreMagicRestoreRestoreSpells DIAL What are the restore spells? __restore spellとは? FormID: 0100521D LoreMagicRestoreFortifySpells DIAL What are the fortify spells? __fortify spellとは? FormID: 0100521E LoreMagicRestoreResistSpells DIAL What are the resist spells? __resist spellとは? FormID: 01005224 LoreRaceSavDwemerArtifacts DIAL Dwemer Artifacts? __Dwemer Artifacs? FormID: 01005226 LoreDwemerRuins DIAL Dwemer Ruins __Dwemer Ruin __Dwemerの遺跡 FormID: 01005229 LoreEnchanters DIAL Enchanters __Enchanter FormID: 0100522E LoreHumans DIAL Humans __人間 FormID: 0100522F LoreHumanoidRaces DIAL Humanoid Races __人型種族 FormID: 01005232 LoreImperialCulture DIAL Imperial Culture __帝国の文化 FormID: 01005234 LoreImperialLaw DIAL Imperial Law __帝国の法 FormID: 01005237 LoreImperialLegion DIAL Imperial Legion __Imperial Legion FormID: 01005239 LoreGuildsFightersGuild DIAL The Fighters Guild __The Fighters Guild FormID: 0100523A LoreGuildsMagesGuild DIAL The Mages Guild __The Mages Guild FormID: 0100523B LoreGuildsThievesGuild DIAL The Thieves Guild __The Thieves Guild FormID: 0100523E LoreRaces DIAL Races of Tamriel __Tamrielの種族 FormID: 01005607 CliffLittleSecret DIAL Little Secret __ちょっとした隠し事 __ちょっとした秘密 FormID: 01005613 CliffForts DIAL Imperial Legion Forts FormID: 01005615 CliffGuard DIAL Guard FormID: 01005617 CliffImperialLaw DIAL Imperial Law __帝国の法 FormID: 0100561A CliffImperialLegion DIAL Imperial Legion FormID: 01005625 CliffCyrodiilLore DIAL Cyrodiil Lore __Cyrodiilの伝承 FormID: 01005D99 CliffImperialProvinces DIAL Imperial Provinces __帝国の属州 FormID: 01005D9B CliffRules DIAL Faction Rules __Factionの掟 FormID: 01005DAC CliffPotions DIAL Potions __Potion FormID: 01005DAD CliffPotionsCure DIAL Cure Potions? __Cure Potion? FormID: 01005DAE CliffPotionsRestore DIAL Restore Potions? __Restore Potion? FormID: 01005DAF CliffPotionsFortify DIAL Fortify Potions? __Fortify Potion? FormID: 01005DB0 CliffPotionsResist DIAL Resist Potions? __Resist Potion? FormID: 01005DB1 CliffPotionsAquatic DIAL Aquatic Potions? __Aquatic Potion? FormID: 01005DB2 CliffPotionsMysticism DIAL Mysticism Potions? __Mysticism Potion? FormID: 01005DB3 CliffPotionsAlteration DIAL Alteration Potions? __Alteration Potion? FormID: 01005DB4 CliffPotionsIllusion DIAL Illusion Potions? __Illusion Potion? FormID: 01005DB5 CliffPotionsDetect DIAL Detect Potions? __Detect Potion? FormID: 01005DB6 CliffPotionsShield DIAL Shield Potions? __Shield Potion? FormID: 01005DB7 CliffPotionsToxic DIAL Toxic Potions? __Toxic Potion? FormID: 01005DB8 CliffAMWThankYou DIAL Thank you __ありがとう FormID: 01005DC6 CliffPotionsHomemade DIAL Homemade Potions? __自家製のPotion? FormID: 01005DC8 CliffFundamentalAttributes DIAL Fundamental Attributes __基本特性 FormID: 01005DC9 CliffFundamentalAttributesAgility DIAL What defines agility? __agilityの定義とは? FormID: 01005DCA CliffFundamentalAttributesEndurance DIAL What defines endurance? __enduranceの定義とは? FormID: 01005DCB CliffFundamentalAttributesFatigue DIAL What defines fatigue? __fatigueの定義とは? FormID: 01005DCC CliffFundamentalAttributeshealth DIAL What defines health? __healthの定義とは? FormID: 01005DCD CliffFundamentalAttributesIntelligence DIAL What defines intelligence? __intelligenceの定義とは? FormID: 01005DCE CliffFundamentalAttributesLuck DIAL What defines luck? __luckの定義とは? FormID: 01005DCF CliffFundamentalAttributesPersonality DIAL What defines personality? __personalityの定義とは? FormID: 01005DD0 CliffFundamentalAttributesSpeed DIAL What defines speed? __speedの定義とは? FormID: 01005DD1 CliffFundamentalAttributesStrength DIAL What defines strength? __strengthの定義とは? FormID: 01005DD2 CliffFundamentalAttributesWillpower DIAL What defines willpower? __willpowerの定義とは? FormID: 01005DD3 CliffFundamentalAttributesMagicka DIAL What defines magicka? __magickaの定義とは? FormID: 01005DE0 CliffPotionsCommercial DIAL Commercial Potions? __店売りのPotion? FormID: 01005DE2 CliffDiseases DIAL Common Disease __通常のDisease(病気) FormID: 01005DE4 CliffImperialProvincesSkyrim DIAL Tell me about Skyrim. __Skyrimについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DE6 CliffImperialProvincesHighRock DIAL Tell me about High Rock. __High Rockについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DE7 CliffImperialProvincesHammerfell DIAL Tell me about Hammerfell. __Hammerfellについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DE8 CliffImperialProvincesSummersetIsle DIAL Tell me about Summerset Isle. __Summerset Isleについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DE9 CliffImperialProvincesValenwood DIAL Tell me about Valenwood. __Valenwoodについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DEA CliffImperialProvincesElsweyr DIAL Tell me about Elsweyr. __Elsweyrについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DEB CliffImperialProvincesBlackMarsh DIAL Tell me about Black Marsh. __Black Marshについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DEC CliffImperialProvincesMorrowind DIAL Tell me about Morrowind. __Morrowindについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DED CliffImperialProvincesCyrodiil DIAL Tell me about Cyrodiil. __Cyrodiilについて教えてください。 FormID: 01005DF8 CliffImperialCulture DIAL Imperial Culture __帝国の文化 FormID: 01005DFA CliffVampires DIAL Vampires __Vampire FormID: 01005DFC CliffNativeCreatures DIAL Native Creatures __原生動物 FormID: 01005DFF CliffNativeCreaturesHeardAnimals DIAL What are the herd animals? __動物の群れとは? FormID: 01005E01 CliffNativeCreaturesLargePredators DIAL What are the large predators? __大型の肉食動物とは? FormID: 01005E02 CliffNativeCreaturesSmallPredators DIAL What are the small predators? __小型の肉食動物とは? FormID: 01005E03 CliffNativeCreaturesWaterCreatures DIAL What are the water creatures? __水中生物とは? FormID: 01005E04 CliffNativeCreaturesWildAnimals DIAL What are the passive animals? __おとなしい動物とは? FormID: 01005E08 CliffNativeCreaturesMonsters DIAL What are the monsters? __怪物とは? FormID: 01005E0B CliffClothes DIAL Clothes __服 FormID: 01005E0D CliffVampiresVampirism DIAL Vampirism __Vampirism FormID: 01005E0F CliffFood DIAL Food __食べ物 FormID: 01005E10 CliffFoodWine DIAL What wines exist? __どんなワインがありますか? FormID: 01005E11 CliffFoodCyrodiilBrandy DIAL What is Cyrodiilic Brandy? __Cyrodiilic Brandyとは何ですか? FormID: 01005E12 CliffFoodAle DIAL What can you tell me about the brews? __brewについて教えていただけますか? FormID: 01005E13 CliffFoodSkooma DIAL What is skooma? __skoomaとは何ですか? FormID: 01005E1A CliffNecromancy DIAL Necromancy __Necromancy