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FormID: 030B39C0 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGMyTrade 1 Well, what else? It's not that I can continue my life as harvester of souls and debt collector. This part is over. So I'm just getting used to being here. Keep the place clean. FormID: 030B39C0 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGMyTrade 2 And if I can help you with anything, let me know. FormID: 030A7C17 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGDirections 0 What are you looking for? FormID: 030A7C18 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGDirections 0 For what? This city is a joke. Well, if you insist... what are you looking fo? FormID: 030A7C19 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGDirections 0 What's on your mind, what do you search? FormID: 030A7C1A bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGDirections 0 State your goal! FormID: 030A09FC bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreams 0 Yes. We all carry our memories with us, sweet and bitter ones. __ええ。私たちは皆、想い出とともにあるの。それが甘くとも、苦くともね。 FormID: 030A09FC bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreams 1 Not a long time ago I served as a companion to a mortal, and, well, I had feelings for him. Yet we had to depart, because, well, things did turn ugly. __そう遠くない昔、私はあるmortalの同胞として仕えていたの。そして、その…彼を慕っていたわ。けれど、私たちは道を分かつことになった。なぜかって?まあ、状況が悪くなってしまったのよ。 FormID: 030A09FC bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreams 2 And I never managed to say goodbye. I don't even dare to send the letter I wrote to him, because I can't trust any courier. __それに、さよならの言葉を伝えることができなかったの。あえて彼に手紙を綴り送ろうとはしなかったわ、どんな配達人も信用していないから。 FormID: 030A0A02 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsA 0 Would you? This would... ease my heart. Yet there are two things you need to know, before you make your decision. So please hear me out, first. __あなたが?そうしてくれれば…きっと気も楽になるわね。けれど知っていておいて欲しいことが2つあるの、あなたが決断を下す前に。まずはそれを聞いてね? FormID: 030A0A02 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsA 1 First I met him as I was still serving Sanguine, and he was a daedra worshipper. I'm glad that he fell into my hands, because his friends didn't have so much luck. __まず彼と出逢った時、私はまだSanguineに仕えていたの。そして彼はDaedraの崇拝者だった。彼が私の手に渡って嬉しかったわ、彼の友人はあまり幸運ではなかったから… FormID: 030A0A02 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsA 2 Two names: Vrjekka, Turumerin. In the end one was raped, killed, his soul dragged into Coldharbour. The other, well, only a dry husk remained. __私の他に呼び出された2つの存在は、VrjekkaとTurumerin。結局友人の1人は犯され、殺され、その魂はColdharbourに引きずり込まれてしまった。もう1人は、まあ…からからの絞りカスだけが残っていたわ。 FormID: 030A0A02 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsA 3 He fled from me, but I would have never done such a thing to him. He was precious to me. __彼は私から逃げ出したけれど、私自身にそんなことを彼にするつもりはこれっぽっちもなかったわ。彼は大切な存在だったのだもの。 FormID: 030A0A02 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsA 4 Second I'm not allowed to say his name, or give more informations about him. There are rules I have to adhere to. You have to find out who he is. __次に、彼の名前を明かすことはできないの。彼に関するこれ以上の情報も、ね。それはが私が忠実に守らなければならない規律。彼が誰なのかも、あなたは自分で調べる必要があるわ。 FormID: 030A0A02 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsA 5 I can only say that he is a human, and that I met him as he was a daedra worshipper. Nothing else. So still willing to deliver the letter? __私が言えるのは彼が人間だということ、そして彼がDaedraの崇拝者だったからこそ出逢えたということだけ。他にはないわ。それでも、手紙を届けてくれるの? FormID: 030A0A00 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsB 0 That's maybe for the better. __そうね、きっとそのほうがいいわ。 FormID: 030A0A01 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsC 0 Oh, I'm sure. I will know if he dies. __ええ、それは確実よ。彼が命を落とせば私はそれを知ることになるから。 FormID: 030A0A04 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsAA 0 Here, have it! __それじゃあ、これを! FormID: 030A0A04 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsAA 1 Good luck. And... many thanks. __うまくいくことを願っているわ。そして…本当に、ありがとう。 FormID: 030A111E bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare 0 Yes, you see, well, you know. He died. You know who. And I've got a bouquet of flowers put together for him, but I can't go to his grave. __ええ。あのね、その、知っているでしょう。彼が死んだことを。誰のことかは分かるわよね。私は彼に供えるための花束を用意したのだけれど、それを彼の墓標まで持っていくことができないの。 FormID: 030A111E bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare 1 Would you, again, perhaps? __よければ、もう一度お願いできないかしら…? FormID: 030A1121 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare 0 Yes, you see, well, how can I explain? There once was a mortal very, very precious to me. I sacrificed a lot to save his live. To be at his side. Yet it didn't end well. __ええ。あのね、その、どう説明すればいいのかしら。私にはかつて、とても、とても大切だったmortalがいたの。彼の命を救うために多くの犠牲を払ったわ。彼の傍にいるために。けれど、それはうまくいかなかった。 FormID: 030A1121 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare 1 At least he survived. Back then. But now he died. I've put together a bouquet of flowers for him, but I cannot go to his grave, to the place where he died. __かろうじて彼は生き残ったわ。その時はね。けれど今、彼は死んでしまった。私は彼に供えるための花束を用意したのだけれど、それを彼の墓標に、彼が死んだ場所に持っていくことができないの。 FormID: 030A1121 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare 2 Could you, perhaps? __お願い、できないかしら? FormID: 030A1122 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare1 0 Before you agree there's something you should know. It's important. __待って、うなずく前に知っておいて欲しいことがあるの。大事なことよ。 FormID: 030A1122 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare1 1 There are rules I have to adhere to. I am not allowed to say his name. __私には忠実に守らなければならない規律があるの。そのために、彼の名前を明かすことはできない。 FormID: 030A1122 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare1 2 He was one of three daedra worshipper, in his youth. Together with his friends he summoned me and my two back-then friends, Turumerin and Vrjekka. __若い頃、彼は3人のDaedra崇拝者のうちの1人だった。彼は友人と一緒に、私と当時の私の2人の同胞、TurumerinとVrjekkaを呼び出したの。 FormID: 030A1122 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare1 3 He alone survived. I had feelings for him, and the ways of Turumerin and Vrjekka never were mine anyway. __そして、彼だけが生き残った。彼のことを慕っていたし、私にはTurumerinやVrjekkaのようなやり方をするつもりなんてなかったから。 FormID: 030A1122 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare1 4 Be it as it may, I cannot tell you more about him. Would you still be willing to help me? __なんにせよ、私にはこれ以上彼について言うことはできないわ。それでもあなたは私を助けてくれるの? FormID: 030A1120 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare2 0 I, I'm sorry for troubling you. __そう、そうよね。手間を取らせてごめんなさい。 FormID: 030A111F bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare1A 0 Many, many thanks. Here they are. Just please drop them where he died, alright? __本当に、本当にありがとう。これがそうよ。彼が死んだ場所に、供えてくれるだけでいいからね? FormID: 030A1128 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGBed 0 I've always got a free bed for you. You will never need to pay. FormID: 030A1128 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGBed 1 Just go up the stairs, and you'll find them. FormID: 030A35EF bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem1 0 It's in my [QUOTE]cellar[QUOTE]. I've discovered a small cave under my house, and made a breakthrough. Unfortunately we've awaken something. It can't get through the trapdoor, but I can't use the cave neither. FormID: 030A35EE bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2 0 Yes, you see, I want to expand my little hut. To grow more plants, so more ingredients to sell. And that lazy dog of Jariv can finally also do something. FormID: 030A35EE bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2 1 Unfortunately there's this monster. I need to get rid of it. FormID: 030A35EE bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2 2 And it gets even worse. Under normal circumstances I would have dispatched it myself, but this proved to be... unsuccessful. Jariv was even banished, and I had to rebind him. What a mess. FormID: 030A35EE bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2 3 The monster is of historical qualities. Ever read Palla? Well, exactly. I think I've found evidence that it's not only a fictional work. FormID: 030A35EE bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2 4 I want to you to get rid of it. Yet at the same time I must insist that you know what you're dealing with, before I let you down to it. FormID: 030A35EE bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2 5 Still interested? I bloody hope so! FormID: 030A35F2 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2a 0 Hopefully it stays dead this time. Anyway, when you're ready, let me know. FormID: 030A35F1 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2b 0 Hrmpf. Then I guess I have to shove Jariv down there until he clutters up the monster's arteries. FormID: 030A35F0 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2c 0 That Jorn guy would likely speak about not spoiling your reading fun or something, but... let's be honest: I don't care. I just want to have my cave. FormID: 030A35F0 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2c 1 Yet I don't want to have another corpse lieing down there, being slowly devoured by the monster. It stressed Jariv quite a bit as he heard his old body being eaten. FormID: 030A35F0 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2c 2 So if you go down there, I want that you know what you're dealing with. Kind of. FormID: 030A363A bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ4Material1 0 Well, a lot, but most I can get myself. Like gold, steel, ebony. What I cannot get is Amber and Madness. FormID: 030A363A bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ4Material1 1 If I get a batch of resources big enough, I think I'll be able to do some fantastic things with it. I only need the resources first. FormID: 030A363A bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ4Material1 2 Tell you what: If you bring me enough Madness ore and Amber, I can make some pretty interesting toys out of them. Interested? FormID: 030A3638 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ4Material1A 0 Great! Remember, bring it directly to my shop. Considering the sheer weight you can also bring it to me in steps of five. FormID: 030A3638 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ4Material1A 1 I need around 50 samples of each.
FormID: 030B39C0 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGMyTrade 1 Well, what else? It's not that I can continue my life as harvester of souls and debt collector. This part is over. So I'm just getting used to being here. Keep the place clean. FormID: 030B39C0 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGMyTrade 2 And if I can help you with anything, let me know. FormID: 030A7C17 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGDirections 0 What are you looking for? FormID: 030A7C18 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGDirections 0 For what? This city is a joke. Well, if you insist... what are you looking fo? FormID: 030A7C19 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGDirections 0 What's on your mind, what do you search? FormID: 030A7C1A bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGDirections 0 State your goal! FormID: 030A09FC bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreams 0 Yes. We all carry our memories with us, sweet and bitter ones. __ええ。私たちは皆、想い出とともにあるの。それが甘くとも、苦くともね。 FormID: 030A09FC bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreams 1 Not a long time ago I served as a companion to a mortal, and, well, I had feelings for him. Yet we had to depart, because, well, things did turn ugly. __そう遠くない昔、私はあるmortalの同胞として仕えていたの。そして、その…彼を慕っていたわ。けれど、私たちは道を分かつことになった。なぜかって?まあ、状況が悪くなってしまったのよ。 FormID: 030A09FC bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreams 2 And I never managed to say goodbye. I don't even dare to send the letter I wrote to him, because I can't trust any courier. __それに、さよならの言葉を伝えることができなかったの。あえて彼に手紙を綴り送ろうとはしなかったわ、どんな配達人も信用していないから。 FormID: 030A0A02 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsA 0 Would you? This would... ease my heart. Yet there are two things you need to know, before you make your decision. So please hear me out, first. __あなたが?そうしてくれれば…きっと気も楽になるわね。けれど知っていておいて欲しいことが2つあるの、あなたが決断を下す前に。まずはそれを聞いてね? FormID: 030A0A02 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsA 1 First I met him as I was still serving Sanguine, and he was a daedra worshipper. I'm glad that he fell into my hands, because his friends didn't have so much luck. __まず彼と出逢った時、私はまだSanguineに仕えていたの。そして彼はDaedraの崇拝者だった。彼が私の手に渡って嬉しかったわ、彼の友人はあまり幸運ではなかったから… FormID: 030A0A02 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsA 2 Two names: Vrjekka, Turumerin. In the end one was raped, killed, his soul dragged into Coldharbour. The other, well, only a dry husk remained. __私の他に呼び出された2つの存在は、VrjekkaとTurumerin。結局友人の1人は犯され、殺され、その魂はColdharbourに引きずり込まれてしまった。もう1人は、まあ…からからの絞りカスだけが残っていたわ。 FormID: 030A0A02 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsA 3 He fled from me, but I would have never done such a thing to him. He was precious to me. __彼は私から逃げ出したけれど、私自身にそんなことを彼にするつもりはこれっぽっちもなかったわ。彼は大切な存在だったのだもの。 FormID: 030A0A02 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsA 4 Second I'm not allowed to say his name, or give more informations about him. There are rules I have to adhere to. You have to find out who he is. __次に、彼の名前を明かすことはできないの。彼に関するこれ以上の情報も、ね。それはが私が忠実に守らなければならない規律。彼が誰なのかも、あなたは自分で調べる必要があるわ。 FormID: 030A0A02 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsA 5 I can only say that he is a human, and that I met him as he was a daedra worshipper. Nothing else. So still willing to deliver the letter? __私が言えるのは彼が人間だということ、そして彼がDaedraの崇拝者だったからこそ出逢えたということだけ。他にはないわ。それでも、手紙を届けてくれるの? FormID: 030A0A00 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsB 0 That's maybe for the better. __そうね、きっとそのほうがいいわ。 FormID: 030A0A01 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsC 0 Oh, I'm sure. I will know if he dies. __ええ、それは確実よ。彼が命を落とせば私はそれを知ることになるから。 FormID: 030A0A04 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsAA 0 Here, have it! __それじゃあ、これを! FormID: 030A0A04 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5SweetDreamsAA 1 Good luck. And... many thanks. __うまくいくことを願っているわ。そして…本当に、ありがとう。 FormID: 030A111E bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare 0 Yes, you see, well, you know. He died. You know who. And I've got a bouquet of flowers put together for him, but I can't go to his grave. __ええ。あのね、その、知っているでしょう。彼が死んだことを。誰のことかは分かるわよね。私は彼に供えるための花束を用意したのだけれど、それを彼の墓標まで持っていくことができないの。 FormID: 030A111E bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare 1 Would you, again, perhaps? __よければ、もう一度お願いできないかしら…? FormID: 030A1121 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare 0 Yes, you see, well, how can I explain? There once was a mortal very, very precious to me. I sacrificed a lot to save his live. To be at his side. Yet it didn't end well. __ええ。あのね、その、どう説明すればいいのかしら。私にはかつて、とても、とても大切だったmortalがいたの。彼の命を救うために多くの犠牲を払ったわ。彼の傍にいるために。けれど、それはうまくいかなかった。 FormID: 030A1121 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare 1 At least he survived. Back then. But now he died. I've put together a bouquet of flowers for him, but I cannot go to his grave, to the place where he died. __かろうじて彼は生き残ったわ。その時はね。けれど今、彼は死んでしまった。私は彼に供えるための花束を用意したのだけれど、それを彼の墓標に、彼が死んだ場所に持っていくことができないの。 FormID: 030A1121 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare 2 Could you, perhaps? __お願い、できないかしら? FormID: 030A1122 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare1 0 Before you agree there's something you should know. It's important. __待って、うなずく前に知っておいて欲しいことがあるの。大事なことよ。 FormID: 030A1122 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare1 1 There are rules I have to adhere to. I am not allowed to say his name. __私には忠実に守らなければならない規律があるの。そのために、彼の名前を明かすことはできない。 FormID: 030A1122 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare1 2 He was one of three daedra worshipper, in his youth. Together with his friends he summoned me and my two back-then friends, Turumerin and Vrjekka. __若い頃、彼は3人のDaedra崇拝者のうちの1人だった。彼は友人と一緒に、私と当時の私の2人の同胞、TurumerinとVrjekkaを呼び出したの。 FormID: 030A1122 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare1 3 He alone survived. I had feelings for him, and the ways of Turumerin and Vrjekka never were mine anyway. __そして、彼だけが生き残った。彼のことを慕っていたし、私にはTurumerinやVrjekkaのようなやり方をするつもりなんてなかったから。 FormID: 030A1122 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare1 4 Be it as it may, I cannot tell you more about him. Would you still be willing to help me? __なんにせよ、私にはこれ以上彼について言うことはできないわ。それでもあなたは私を助けてくれるの? FormID: 030A1120 bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare2 0 I, I'm sorry for troubling you. __そう、そうよね。手間を取らせてごめんなさい。 FormID: 030A111F bgZCQMCDialog bgZSQ5Nightmare1A 0 Many, many thanks. Here they are. Just please drop them where he died, alright? __本当に、本当にありがとう。これがそうよ。彼が死んだ場所に、供えてくれるだけでいいからね? FormID: 030A1128 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGBed 0 I've always got a free bed for you. You will never need to pay. FormID: 030A1128 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCGBed 1 Just go up the stairs, and you'll find them. FormID: 030A35EF bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem1 0 It's in my [QUOTE]cellar[QUOTE]. I've discovered a small cave under my house, and made a breakthrough. Unfortunately we've awaken something. It can't get through the trapdoor, but I can't use the cave neither. FormID: 030A35EE bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2 0 Yes, you see, I want to expand my little hut. To grow more plants, so more ingredients to sell. And that lazy dog of Jariv can finally also do something. FormID: 030A35EE bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2 1 Unfortunately there's this monster. I need to get rid of it. FormID: 030A35EE bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2 2 And it gets even worse. Under normal circumstances I would have dispatched it myself, but this proved to be... unsuccessful. Jariv was even banished, and I had to rebind him. What a mess. FormID: 030A35EE bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2 3 The monster is of historical qualities. Ever read Palla? Well, exactly. I think I've found evidence that it's not only a fictional work. FormID: 030A35EE bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2 4 I want to you to get rid of it. Yet at the same time I must insist that you know what you're dealing with, before I let you down to it. FormID: 030A35EE bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2 5 Still interested? I bloody hope so! FormID: 030A35F2 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2a 0 Hopefully it stays dead this time. Anyway, when you're ready, let me know. FormID: 030A35F1 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2b 0 Hrmpf. Then I guess I have to shove Jariv down there until he clutters up the monster's arteries. FormID: 030A35F0 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2c 0 That Jorn guy would likely speak about not spoiling your reading fun or something, but... let's be honest: I don't care. I just want to have my cave. FormID: 030A35F0 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2c 1 Yet I don't want to have another corpse lieing down there, being slowly devoured by the monster. It stressed Jariv quite a bit as he heard his old body being eaten. FormID: 030A35F0 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ3Problem2c 2 So if you go down there, I want that you know what you're dealing with. Kind of. FormID: 030A363A bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ4Material1 0 Well, a lot, but most I can get myself. Like gold, steel, ebony. What I cannot get is Amber and Madness. FormID: 030A363A bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ4Material1 1 If I get a batch of resources big enough, I think I'll be able to do some fantastic things with it. I only need the resources first. FormID: 030A363A bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ4Material1 2 Tell you what: If you bring me enough Madness ore and Amber, I can make some pretty interesting toys out of them. Interested? FormID: 030A3638 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ4Material1A 0 Great! Remember, bring it directly to my shop. Considering the sheer weight you can also bring it to me in steps of five. FormID: 030A3638 bgZCQMCDialog bgZCQ4Material1A 1 I need around 50 samples of each.