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FormID: 01033C13 ANQCrime ANQBribeGuard 0 Good. Now go. __よろしい。さあ行け。 FormID: 01033C14 ANQCrime ANQResistArrest 0 Then feel my blade! __なら我が刀の錆にしてくれる! FormID: 01033C15 ANQCrime ANQServeSentence 0 Then its off to the cell with you. Give the torturer some of that loot and he might go easy on you! __さあ、牢獄行きだな。拷問官に手土産を持って行け。楽をしたいならな! FormID: 01033C16 ANQCrime GREETING 0 Stop right there criminal scum! __そこまでだ、犯罪者のクズめ! FormID: 01033C16 ANQCrime GREETING 1 Two choices. You hand over some gold and I look the other way or I drag you off to the torture chamber. Choose quickly! __ふたつにひとつだ。金を払って見逃して貰うか、それとも拷問室へ行くかだ。さっさと選べ! FormID: 01058EFE ANQCrime GREETING 0 The criminal is caught! It will grease my paws with gold or be tossed in the cage. And I will have all of its stolen goods. __犯罪者め、捕まえたぞ!だが金貨があれば手が滑る事もあるだろう。さもなくば牢獄行きだ。盗品も全部没収してやる。 __罪人め、捕まえたぞ!さあ出すモノ出せ。さもなくば牢獄行きだ。盗品は全て没収する。 FormID: 01058F01 ANQCrime ANQResistArrest 0 Then it must die! __ならば死ねい! FormID: 01058F03 ANQCrime ANQBribeGuard 0 It pleases me with its generosity. __太っ腹だな。 __太っ腹だなあ。 FormID: 01058F05 ANQCrime ANQServeSentence 0 Then it will rot in the Cage. __腐り果ててしまえ。牢獄でな。 FormID: 0106DD10 ANQCrime GREETING 0 Agh! A criminal caught with no gold. How does it expect to pay its bribes? Now I must send it to jail instead. __Agh!一文無しの犯罪者が捕まったか。金で解決も無理のようだな。さあ、牢屋がお待ちかねだぞ。 FormID: 0106DD11 ANQCrime GREETING 0 Halt right there scum! __そこに直れ!クズめ! FormID: 0106DD11 ANQCrime GREETING 1 Ack smolagha! I've caught a peniless vagrant! Fool! Does it not know this is Orcrest? __Ack smolagha!捕まえてみれば一文無しの浮浪者かよ!馬鹿めが!ここがOrcrestだって事を知らねえのか? FormID: 0106DD11 ANQCrime GREETING 2 You will be executed on the morn, and your filthy corpse strung up from the gates to rot. __お前は翌朝には処刑されて、汚ねぇ死骸を門に晒されることになるんだよ。後はただ腐るに任せるだけだな。 FormID: 0106DD11 ANQCrime GREETING 3 What? You are . . . I've heard of you. Fame might protect you from death, but not time in the cells. __待てよ?お前は…知っているぞ。名前で命拾いしたな。だが牢屋暮らしは避けられないぜ。
FormID: 01033C13 ANQCrime ANQBribeGuard 0 Good. Now go. __よろしい。さあ行け。 FormID: 01033C14 ANQCrime ANQResistArrest 0 Then feel my blade! __なら我が刀の錆にしてくれる! FormID: 01033C15 ANQCrime ANQServeSentence 0 Then its off to the cell with you. Give the torturer some of that loot and he might go easy on you! __さあ、牢獄行きだな。拷問官に手土産を持って行け。楽をしたいならな! FormID: 01033C16 ANQCrime GREETING 0 Stop right there criminal scum! __そこまでだ、犯罪者のクズめ! FormID: 01033C16 ANQCrime GREETING 1 Two choices. You hand over some gold and I look the other way or I drag you off to the torture chamber. Choose quickly! __ふたつにひとつだ。金を払って見逃して貰うか、それとも拷問室へ行くかだ。さっさと選べ! FormID: 01058EFE ANQCrime GREETING 0 The criminal is caught! It will grease my paws with gold or be tossed in the cage. And I will have all of its stolen goods. __犯罪者め、捕まえたぞ!だが金貨があれば手が滑る事もあるだろう。さもなくば牢獄行きだ。盗品も全部没収してやる。 __罪人め、捕まえたぞ!さあ出すモノ出せ。さもなくば牢獄行きだ。盗品は全て没収する。 FormID: 01058F01 ANQCrime ANQResistArrest 0 Then it must die! __ならば死ねい! FormID: 01058F03 ANQCrime ANQBribeGuard 0 It pleases me with its generosity. __太っ腹だな。 __太っ腹だなあ。 FormID: 01058F05 ANQCrime ANQServeSentence 0 Then it will rot in the Cage. __腐り果ててしまえ。牢獄でな。 FormID: 0106DD10 ANQCrime GREETING 0 Agh! A criminal caught with no gold. How does it expect to pay its bribes? Now I must send it to jail instead. __Agh!一文無しの犯罪者が捕まったか。金で解決も無理のようだな。さあ、牢屋がお待ちかねだぞ。 FormID: 0106DD11 ANQCrime GREETING 0 Halt right there scum! __そこに直れ!クズめ! FormID: 0106DD11 ANQCrime GREETING 1 Ack smolagha! I've caught a peniless vagrant! Fool! Does it not know this is Orcrest? __Ack smolagha!捕まえてみれば一文無しの浮浪者かよ!馬鹿めが!ここがOrcrestだって事を知らねえのか? FormID: 0106DD11 ANQCrime GREETING 2 You will be executed on the morn, and your filthy corpse strung up from the gates to rot. __お前は翌朝には処刑されて、汚ねぇ死骸を門に晒されることになるんだよ。後はただ腐るに任せるだけだな。 FormID: 0106DD11 ANQCrime GREETING 3 What? You are . . . I've heard of you. Fame might protect you from death, but not time in the cells. __待てよ?お前は…知っているぞ。名前で命拾いしたな。だが牢屋暮らしは避けられないぜ。