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FormID: 010AE8D2 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Tell me honestly... do you ever regret that you asked me to stay here with you? __正直な気持ちを聞かせて…。私と一緒に過ごす事になってから、今まで後悔した事はある? FormID: 0107CFE5 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I'm thinking of changing my hair style. Do you think I would look good if I cut it short? __髪型を変えようと思っているんだけれど、私にショートカットって似合うかしら? FormID: 0105986C 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you got many friends here in Cyrodiil? __あなた、Cyrodiilに友達はたくさんいるの? FormID: 01057CE7 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 While we are at home, maybe you should look over our equipment and see if you need to repair something. __家にいるうちに装備の点検をしておくべきかもね。必要だったら修理も。 FormID: 01052AB0 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I wish you wouldn't take so many risks when you are fighting. Sometimes it scares me... I... I don't want anything to happen to you... __もっと慎重に戦ってよね。あなたにもしもの事があったら、私…私…。 FormID: 010BE624 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I need some money for personal expenses. __私には自分用のお小遣いがいくらか必要ね。 FormID: 0116A415 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I need some money for personal expenses. To tell the truth, it seems Melinda's business isn't doing that well. I need to help her out. __私には自分用のお小遣いがいくらか必要ね。本音を言うと、Melindaの商売はあまり上手く行っていないの。だから私が姉さんを助けてあげないと。 FormID: 0116A416 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I need some money for personal expenses. I need to look over Bruse's equipment, and I need a couple of things for myself as well. __私には自分用のお小遣いがいくらか必要ね。Bruse用の装備品もいるし、自分の装備も整えなくちゃならないから。 FormID: 0116A417 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I need some money for personal expenses. I think there must be a hole in my pocket, cause all my money just seem to... vanish. __私には自分用のお小遣いがいくらか必要ね。今、なぜか無一文なの…。きっとポケットに穴が開いてたせいね! FormID: 0116A418 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I need some money for personal expenses. I want to buy more books about alchemy, and maybe some ingredients, too. No, I do not mean strawberries! __私には自分用のお小遣いがいくらか必要ね。錬金術の本や材料を買いたいの。え?イチゴを買うつもりだろうって?そ…そんな事はないわよ、ええ! FormID: 0116A419 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I need some money for personal expenses. You see, my family has never been to Cyrodiil, so I would love to buy some souvenirs and send to them. __私には自分用のお小遣いがいくらか必要ね。あなたも知っての通り、私の家族は誰もCrydiilに来た事がないから、お土産を買って送ってあげたいのよ。 FormID: 0116A41A 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I need money for personal expenses. Hey, don't look at me like that! I've been helping you to clear out enough dungeons to deserve my rightful share! __私には自分用のお小遣いがいくらか必要ね。そ…そんな目で私を見ないで!私だってあなたのダンジョン探索を手伝ってるんだから、分け前くらい当然よ! FormID: 0116A41B 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Tell me, how much money have we earned lately? I need a part of it for some personal expenses. __最近いくら位お金を稼げたのか教えてもらえないかな?私、お小遣いが必要なの。 FormID: 0116A41C 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Isn't it about time that you give me a share of the loot? After all, we have been raising the money together, haven't we... __そろそろ私に分け前をくれてもいいんじゃないかしら?私達、二人で一緒に稼いでるんだからね…。 FormID: 0116A41D 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 The Imperial City is so different from what I'm used to!So many beautiful things to buy -I could spend a fortune!Talking about that,I need some cash! __見慣れたImperial Cityが、今は全然違って見えるわ!綺麗なものがいっぱいあって、買いたくなっちゃう!えっとね。つまり…お金が欲しいなって。 FormID: 0117F3B9 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 All that gold must be getting rather heavy, don't you think you should share the burden with a friend? __そんなにたくさんお金を持ってたら重くて仕方ないでしょ?お友達と分け合うっていうのもアリだと思わないかしら? FormID: 0117F3BF 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I'd like to make a donation to the League for Distressed Adventurers,and I wonder if you might care to cough up a few coins?Think of their families. __私、生活に困った冒険者さん達の互助会に寄付をしたいと思ってるわ。あなたもちょっとお金を出してみる気はないかしら?彼らの家族の事を考えちゃうとね…。 FormID: 011CCD7A 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Viconia that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Viconia に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011CD44F 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Saerileth that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Saerileth に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011CD451 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Fergus that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Fergus に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011CD453 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Stoker that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Stoker に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011CD455 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Neeshka that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. She is after all an old friend, she's entitled to know. __私達の婚約の事、 Neeshka に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。彼女とは古い友達だし、知らせてあげるべきだと思うの。 FormID: 011CD457 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Rhianna that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. She is after all an old friend, she's entitled to know. __私達の婚約の事、 Rhianna に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。彼女とは古い友達だし、知らせてあげるべきだと思うの。 FormID: 011CD459 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Sonia that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. She is after all an old friend, she's entitled to know. __私達の婚約の事、 Sonia に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。彼女とは古い友達だし、知らせてあげるべきだと思うの。 FormID: 011CD45B 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Valtierro that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Valtierro に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011D1947 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Eyja that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Eyja に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011D1948 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Ruin that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Ruin に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011D194A 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Arren that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Arren に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011D194C 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Ramy that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Ramy に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011D194E 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Valeria that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Valeria に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011D194F 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Vincente that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Vincente に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 01053188 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears2a 0 I'm sure you don't mean that. Look, cutie, you and I were made for each other. Never mind my wife, she never understood me. Neither did Vilja. __そんなハズはないだろう。見ろよ、可愛い子ちゃん。俺とあんたはお似合いのカップルさ。カミさんの事は気にするな。あの女は俺の事なんて何も分かっちゃいないんだ。Viljaも同じだ。 FormID: 01053189 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears2b 0 Of course, my sweetie! Look, cutie, you and I were made for each other. Never mind my wife, she never understood me. Neither did Vilja. __もちろんだぜ、マイスウィート!見ろよ、可愛い子ちゃん。俺とあんたはお似合いのカップルさ。カミさんの事は気にするな。あの女は俺の事なんて何も分かっちゃいないんだ。Viljaも同じだ。 FormID: 0105318A 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears2c 0 I'm sure you don't mean that. Look, cutie, you and I were made for each other. Never mind my wife, she never understood me. Neither did Vilja. __そんなハズはないだろう。見ろよ、可愛い子ちゃん。俺とあんたはお似合いのカップルさ。カミさんの事は気にするな。あの女は俺の事なんて何も分かっちゃいないんだ。Viljaも同じだ。 FormID: 0105318E 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3a 0 Vilja? She's too naive for her own good. She never meant anything to me. With you it is different - you're a real woman! __Vilja?あの子はただのわがまま娘だ。俺にとっては何の価値もないあばずれさ。だがあんたは違う!掛け値なしの本物の「女」だぜ! FormID: 0105318F 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3b 0 Vilja? She's too naive for her own good. She never meant anything to me. With you it is different - you're a real woman! __Vilja?あの子はただのわがまま娘だ。俺にとっては何の価値もないあばずれさ。だがあんたは違う!掛け値なしの本物の「女」だぜ! FormID: 01053190 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3c 0 Right... I guess that means you don't fancy me at all? What a shame. Guess that little bitch Vilja has said something stupid about me. __分かった…。つまりあんたは俺に全く気がないって事だな?残念だぜ…。きっと忌々しいViljaが馬鹿な事を吹き込んだせいだ。 FormID: 01053190 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3c 1 Now, let me see the letter... __さあ、手紙を見せてくれ…。 FormID: 01053192 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3d 0 I surely am! And I'm going to prove it to you if you just give me a chance! Give me one hour, and you will tell me that you are my woman. __だが俺はその気満々だ!チャンスさえくれたら俺の気持ちが本物だって証明してやるよ!一時間だけでいいんだ。そうすればきっとあんたも「あなたの女にして!」って自分から言い出すはずさ。 FormID: 01053194 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3e 0 Hey, hey... wait a second... What do you mean? __ちょちょ…ちょっと待て。あんた、何を言ってるんだ? FormID: 01053196 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3f 0 Now, wait a minute! Who talked about love? __ちょ…ちょっと待て!誰が愛だと恋だの言ったんだ? FormID: 01053196 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3f 1 I... I thought you were going to show me a letter. Let me see it, please! __お…俺はてっきりあんたが手紙を見せてくれるのだとばかり思っていたんだ。貸してくれ、読むから! FormID: 01053198 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears4 0 Hmm... yes, it seems Vilja has sent you. And I have indeed promised her the ingredient. So, I'm gonna give it to you. __ふーむ。確かにあんたはViljaの使いで来たようだな。それに俺は確かにあの子に材料を渡すと約束した。だから、この材料はあんたにやるよ。 FormID: 01053198 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears4 1 That's the only reasonable thing that a true gentleman like me would ever do. __ま、俺のような紳士からすれば当然の行いだがな。 FormID: 01053198 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears4 2 Uhm... why are you looking at me like that? Are you feeling sick or something? __うん?どうしてそんな目で俺を見るんだ?調子でも悪いのか? FormID: 01053198 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears4 3 As I said, being a true gentleman, I of course have the ingredient I promised Vilja. Please bring it to her. And tell her... __さっき言った通りだ。俺は本当の紳士なんだよ。Viljaと約束した材料は持っているから、あの子の元に持って行ってやってくれ。そして… FormID: 01053198 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears4 4 ...tell her that I'll never forget the time I spent with her in Morrowind. __あの子に「Morrowindで君と過ごした日々の思い出は決して忘れない」と伝えてくれないか…。 FormID: 0105387E 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears4 0 Where? I can't see that you have a letter. Maybe you forgot it at home? __どこに置いておくって?手紙も何も持っていないように見えるんだが。家に忘れて来たのか? FormID: 0105386F 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears11a 0 Ha-ha! I don't believe you! You see, that poor silly little lass adores me. You know who I am, don't you? Runar, the love of her life! __はっはっは!信じられないな。あの哀れな娘っ子は俺にぞっこんなんだ。ははん、俺が誰だか知らないな?Runarだ。あの子にとっての運命の男とは、俺の事さ! FormID: 01053871 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears11b 0 No, I wouldn't believe so. I can't imagine her getting over me that fast. You do know who I am, don't you? Runar, the love of her life! __ふん、信じるものか。あの子が俺をそんなに早く忘れられるわけないだろう。ははん、俺が誰だか知らないな?Runarだ。あの子にとっての運命の男とは、俺の事さ!
FormID: 010AE8D2 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Tell me honestly... do you ever regret that you asked me to stay here with you? __正直な気持ちを聞かせて…。私と一緒に過ごす事になってから、今まで後悔した事はある? FormID: 0107CFE5 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I'm thinking of changing my hair style. Do you think I would look good if I cut it short? __髪型を変えようと思っているんだけれど、私にショートカットって似合うかしら? FormID: 0105986C 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you got many friends here in Cyrodiil? __あなた、Cyrodiilに友達はたくさんいるの? FormID: 01057CE7 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 While we are at home, maybe you should look over our equipment and see if you need to repair something. __家にいるうちに装備の点検をしておくべきかもね。必要だったら修理も。 FormID: 01052AB0 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I wish you wouldn't take so many risks when you are fighting. Sometimes it scares me... I... I don't want anything to happen to you... __もっと慎重に戦ってよね。あなたにもしもの事があったら、私…私…。 FormID: 010BE624 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I need some money for personal expenses. __私には自分用のお小遣いがいくらか必要ね。 FormID: 0116A415 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I need some money for personal expenses. To tell the truth, it seems Melinda's business isn't doing that well. I need to help her out. __私には自分用のお小遣いがいくらか必要ね。本音を言うと、Melindaの商売はあまり上手く行っていないの。だから私が姉さんを助けてあげないと。 FormID: 0116A416 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I need some money for personal expenses. I need to look over Bruse's equipment, and I need a couple of things for myself as well. __私には自分用のお小遣いがいくらか必要ね。Bruse用の装備品もいるし、自分の装備も整えなくちゃならないから。 FormID: 0116A417 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I need some money for personal expenses. I think there must be a hole in my pocket, cause all my money just seem to... vanish. __私には自分用のお小遣いがいくらか必要ね。今、なぜか無一文なの…。きっとポケットに穴が開いてたせいね! FormID: 0116A418 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I need some money for personal expenses. I want to buy more books about alchemy, and maybe some ingredients, too. No, I do not mean strawberries! __私には自分用のお小遣いがいくらか必要ね。錬金術の本や材料を買いたいの。え?イチゴを買うつもりだろうって?そ…そんな事はないわよ、ええ! FormID: 0116A419 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I need some money for personal expenses. You see, my family has never been to Cyrodiil, so I would love to buy some souvenirs and send to them. __私には自分用のお小遣いがいくらか必要ね。あなたも知っての通り、私の家族は誰もCrydiilに来た事がないから、お土産を買って送ってあげたいのよ。 FormID: 0116A41A 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I need money for personal expenses. Hey, don't look at me like that! I've been helping you to clear out enough dungeons to deserve my rightful share! __私には自分用のお小遣いがいくらか必要ね。そ…そんな目で私を見ないで!私だってあなたのダンジョン探索を手伝ってるんだから、分け前くらい当然よ! FormID: 0116A41B 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Tell me, how much money have we earned lately? I need a part of it for some personal expenses. __最近いくら位お金を稼げたのか教えてもらえないかな?私、お小遣いが必要なの。 FormID: 0116A41C 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Isn't it about time that you give me a share of the loot? After all, we have been raising the money together, haven't we... __そろそろ私に分け前をくれてもいいんじゃないかしら?私達、二人で一緒に稼いでるんだからね…。 FormID: 0116A41D 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 The Imperial City is so different from what I'm used to!So many beautiful things to buy -I could spend a fortune!Talking about that,I need some cash! __見慣れたImperial Cityが、今は全然違って見えるわ!綺麗なものがいっぱいあって、買いたくなっちゃう!えっとね。つまり…お金が欲しいなって。 FormID: 0117F3B9 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 All that gold must be getting rather heavy, don't you think you should share the burden with a friend? __そんなにたくさんお金を持ってたら重くて仕方ないでしょ?お友達と分け合うっていうのもアリだと思わないかしら? FormID: 0117F3BF 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 I'd like to make a donation to the League for Distressed Adventurers,and I wonder if you might care to cough up a few coins?Think of their families. __私、生活に困った冒険者さん達の互助会に寄付をしたいと思ってるわ。あなたもちょっとお金を出してみる気はないかしら?彼らの家族の事を考えちゃうとね…。 FormID: 011CCD7A 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Viconia that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Viconia に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011CD44F 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Saerileth that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Saerileth に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011CD451 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Fergus that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Fergus に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011CD453 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Stoker that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Stoker に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011CD455 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Neeshka that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. She is after all an old friend, she's entitled to know. __私達の婚約の事、 Neeshka に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。彼女とは古い友達だし、知らせてあげるべきだと思うの。 FormID: 011CD457 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Rhianna that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. She is after all an old friend, she's entitled to know. __私達の婚約の事、 Rhianna に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。彼女とは古い友達だし、知らせてあげるべきだと思うの。 FormID: 011CD459 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Sonia that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. She is after all an old friend, she's entitled to know. __私達の婚約の事、 Sonia に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。彼女とは古い友達だし、知らせてあげるべきだと思うの。 FormID: 011CD45B 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Valtierro that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Valtierro に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011D1947 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Eyja that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Eyja に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011D1948 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Ruin that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Ruin に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011D194A 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Arren that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Arren に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011D194C 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Ramy that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Ramy に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011D194E 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Valeria that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Valeria に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011D194F 1emmQuest1 9997Worry 0 Have you told Vincente that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. __私達の婚約の事、 Vincente に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 01053188 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears2a 0 I'm sure you don't mean that. Look, cutie, you and I were made for each other. Never mind my wife, she never understood me. Neither did Vilja. __そんなハズはないだろう。見ろよ、可愛い子ちゃん。俺とあんたはお似合いのカップルさ。カミさんの事は気にするな。あの女は俺の事なんて何も分かっちゃいないんだ。Viljaも同じだ。 FormID: 01053189 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears2b 0 Of course, my sweetie! Look, cutie, you and I were made for each other. Never mind my wife, she never understood me. Neither did Vilja. __もちろんだぜ、マイスウィート!見ろよ、可愛い子ちゃん。俺とあんたはお似合いのカップルさ。カミさんの事は気にするな。あの女は俺の事なんて何も分かっちゃいないんだ。Viljaも同じだ。 FormID: 0105318A 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears2c 0 I'm sure you don't mean that. Look, cutie, you and I were made for each other. Never mind my wife, she never understood me. Neither did Vilja. __そんなハズはないだろう。見ろよ、可愛い子ちゃん。俺とあんたはお似合いのカップルさ。カミさんの事は気にするな。あの女は俺の事なんて何も分かっちゃいないんだ。Viljaも同じだ。 FormID: 0105318E 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3a 0 Vilja? She's too naive for her own good. She never meant anything to me. With you it is different - you're a real woman! __Vilja?あの子はただのわがまま娘だ。俺にとっては何の価値もないあばずれさ。だがあんたは違う!掛け値なしの本物の「女」だぜ! FormID: 0105318F 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3b 0 Vilja? She's too naive for her own good. She never meant anything to me. With you it is different - you're a real woman! __Vilja?あの子はただのわがまま娘だ。俺にとっては何の価値もないあばずれさ。だがあんたは違う!掛け値なしの本物の「女」だぜ! FormID: 01053190 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3c 0 Right... I guess that means you don't fancy me at all? What a shame. Guess that little bitch Vilja has said something stupid about me. __分かった…。つまりあんたは俺に全く気がないって事だな?残念だぜ…。きっと忌々しいViljaが馬鹿な事を吹き込んだせいだ。 FormID: 01053190 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3c 1 Now, let me see the letter... __さあ、手紙を見せてくれ…。 FormID: 01053192 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3d 0 I surely am! And I'm going to prove it to you if you just give me a chance! Give me one hour, and you will tell me that you are my woman. __だが俺はその気満々だ!チャンスさえくれたら俺の気持ちが本物だって証明してやるよ!一時間だけでいいんだ。そうすればきっとあんたも「あなたの女にして!」って自分から言い出すはずさ。 FormID: 01053194 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3e 0 Hey, hey... wait a second... What do you mean? __ちょちょ…ちょっと待て。あんた、何を言ってるんだ? FormID: 01053196 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3f 0 Now, wait a minute! Who talked about love? __ちょ…ちょっと待て!誰が愛だと恋だの言ったんだ? FormID: 01053196 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears3f 1 I... I thought you were going to show me a letter. Let me see it, please! __お…俺はてっきりあんたが手紙を見せてくれるのだとばかり思っていたんだ。貸してくれ、読むから! FormID: 01053198 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears4 0 Hmm... yes, it seems Vilja has sent you. And I have indeed promised her the ingredient. So, I'm gonna give it to you. __ふーむ。確かにあんたはViljaの使いで来たようだな。それに俺は確かにあの子に材料を渡すと約束した。だから、この材料はあんたにやるよ。 FormID: 01053198 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears4 1 That's the only reasonable thing that a true gentleman like me would ever do. __ま、俺のような紳士からすれば当然の行いだがな。 FormID: 01053198 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears4 2 Uhm... why are you looking at me like that? Are you feeling sick or something? __うん?どうしてそんな目で俺を見るんだ?調子でも悪いのか? FormID: 01053198 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears4 3 As I said, being a true gentleman, I of course have the ingredient I promised Vilja. Please bring it to her. And tell her... __さっき言った通りだ。俺は本当の紳士なんだよ。Viljaと約束した材料は持っているから、あの子の元に持って行ってやってくれ。そして… FormID: 01053198 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears4 4 ...tell her that I'll never forget the time I spent with her in Morrowind. __あの子に「Morrowindで君と過ごした日々の思い出は決して忘れない」と伝えてくれないか…。 FormID: 0105387E 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears4 0 Where? I can't see that you have a letter. Maybe you forgot it at home? __どこに置いておくって?手紙も何も持っていないように見えるんだが。家に忘れて来たのか? FormID: 0105386F 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears11a 0 Ha-ha! I don't believe you! You see, that poor silly little lass adores me. You know who I am, don't you? Runar, the love of her life! __はっはっは!信じられないな。あの哀れな娘っ子は俺にぞっこんなんだ。ははん、俺が誰だか知らないな?Runarだ。あの子にとっての運命の男とは、俺の事さ! FormID: 01053871 1emmQuest1 A05LoversTears11b 0 No, I wouldn't believe so. I can't imagine her getting over me that fast. You do know who I am, don't you? Runar, the love of her life! __ふん、信じるものか。あの子が俺をそんなに早く忘れられるわけないだろう。ははん、俺が誰だか知らないな?Runarだ。あの子にとっての運命の男とは、俺の事さ!