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FormID: 0119C5F2 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Falanu odd? Well, then you haven't met her mother! She is the odd one! __Falanu が変な人だって?彼女のお母さんに会った事あるでしょう?本当に変な人っていうのはああいうのを指すのよ! FormID: 0119C5F3 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 When you call Falanu odd, I do hope you are not referring to when she had green hair, because I have to admit it was entirely my fault. __あなたが Falanu の事を変な人だって言う理由が、彼女が髪の毛を緑色に染めたせいではない事を祈るわ。だって、あれは完全に私のせいなんだもの。 FormID: 0119C5F4 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I used to work for Falanu. But she sacked me, because of an itsy-bitsy-tiny mistake that I made. She hasn't liked me much since then. __前に Falanu の店で働いてた事があったわ。でも、たった一回のほんのちょっとしたミスでクビにされたの。あれからずっと彼女は私の事があまり好きじゃないみたいね。 FormID: 0119C5F5 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I used to work for Falanu. I cannot say that she is the nicest person I have met, but I have met her mother, too, and she is such a sweetheart. __以前 Falanu の所で働いていた事があるけれど、彼女は決して優しい人じゃなかったわ。でも、彼女のお母さんはとても優しい人ね。 FormID: 0119C5F6 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Agnete reminds me a lot of the people back home in Solstheim. They also like a schnapps or five. __Agnete を見ると故郷の Solstheim の人達を思い出すわ。 FormID: 0119C5F7 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Oh... I see... __ええ…分かったわ… FormID: 0119C5F8 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I guess one shouldn't listen too much to rumors, you know.. __あまり噂を真に受けるべきじゃないと思うわ。分かっているとは思うけれど…。 FormID: 0119C5F9 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Yes, I heard so. __ええ、そう聞いたわ。 FormID: 0119C5FA 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 That's really unfair! Why wouldn't an orc be a good butler? I've hardly ever met an orc that I didn't like. __こんなの絶対おかしいわ!どうして Orc だと優秀な執事になれないなんて決めつけるのよ?私の知ってる Orc はみんな良い人ばかりよ。 FormID: 0119C5FB 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Goblins... I know they are a nuisance but how would you like it if people walked into your home? __Goblin ね…。忌々しい生き物だけれど、彼らからすれば家を他人に土足で踏み荒らされるような感じなのかしらね? FormID: 0119C5FC 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I don't know... Goblins seem quite pleasant when they are not trying to kill us. __自分でもよく分からないけれど、襲って来なければ Goblin ってそんなに悪くない生き物ね…。 FormID: 0119C5FD 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I don't find goblins very scary compared to some of the creatures I have seen in Solstheim. __Solstheim で見てきた怪物たちに比べれば、 Goblin なんてそれほど怖いものじゃないわ。 FormID: 0119C5FE 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I just love Salmo's sweetrolls! __私、 Salmo の Sweeetroll が大好き! FormID: 0119C5FF 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I used to work together with him at the vineyards. I have actually seen him shooting grapes off the vines. It looked rather messy... __以前彼と一緒にブドウ畑で働いていたわ。彼がブドウを矢で撃ち落とす様子を見たことがあるけれど、ブドウは結局ぼろぼろになっちゃったのよね…。 FormID: 0119C600 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I know! I once offered him a salami sandwich, and he looked so disappointed. __分かるわ!以前彼にサラミのサンドイッチを出した事があるけれど、すごくがっかりした様子だったの。 FormID: 0119C601 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I know! There once was one-day cheese-market in Bravil, and I believe he ran all the way there. Some said he could feel the smell from here. __分かるわ!前に Bravil で一日だけのチーズ市が開かれた事があるんだけれど、彼ならきっと何としてでも駆けつけたでしょうね。彼ならここからでも Bravil にあるチーズの臭いを嗅ぎつけられるって噂されてるわ。 FormID: 0119C602 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Bernadette is my best friend here in Skingrad. We got to know each other when we were both working at the vineyards. __Bernadette はここ Skingrad で一番の親友よ。私達、ブドウ畑で働いていた頃に知りあったの。 FormID: 0119C603 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Bernadette is my best friend here in Skingrad. She has taught me some songs that are so corny! Uhm... I better not sing them right now. __Bernadette はここ Skingrad で一番の親友よ。彼女からは田舎っぽい歌をいくつか教えてもらったけれど、今ここで歌うのは止めておいた方が良いわね…。 FormID: 0119C604 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Bernadette is my best friend here in Skingrad. We have had so much fun together while working in the vineyards. __Bernadette はここ Skingrad で一番の親友よ。 FormID: 0119C606 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Absolutely. __まったくね。 FormID: 0119C605 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I think Reman Broder has taught him... or was it the other way around? __きっと Reman Broder が彼に教えたんだわ…。それとも別口かしら? FormID: 0119C607 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Poor man. I actually feel sorry for him. __可哀そうに。彼って本当に気の毒だわ。 FormID: 0119CCEE 1emmQuest1 LeyawiinNQDResponses 0 Yes, I heard so. __ええ、そう聞いたわ。 FormID: 0119CCEF 1emmQuest1 LeyawiinNQDResponses 0 Yes, he does talk a lot, doesn't he? __ええ、彼ってお喋りよね。 FormID: 0119CCF0 1emmQuest1 LeyawiinNQDResponses 0 Sheep? How odd! __なんで羊が?変ねぇ。 FormID: 0119CCF1 1emmQuest1 LeyawiinNQDResponses 0 I'm sure that would be very welcome, although maybe not among the skooma traders. __きっと大歓迎してもらえるわ。 Skooma 商人達は別としてもね。 FormID: 0119AA51 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 True... Although I haven't been there that often. I used to work for Wilbur at The Counts Arms, so naturally that is my favorite place here in Anvil. __ええ…。それほど頻繁に足を運んでいるわけではないけれど、以前店主の Wilbur の所で働いていた事もあって The Count Arms は Anvil で一番お気に入りの場所よ。 FormID: 0119AA52 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 Oh, Wilbur is such a sweetheart! I used to work for him, you know. He's great... but some of his jokes are really lousy! __Wilbur はとっても優しい人よ!あなたも知っての通り、以前彼のもとで働いていた事があるけれど、本当に素敵な人。たまにひどい冗談を言うけれどね! FormID: 0119AA53 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 I hope to pay a visit to Norbert while I'm here. I quite like him! __ここに滞在している間に Norbert に会いに行きたいわ。彼の事はとても気に入ってるの。 FormID: 0119AA54 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 I ran into some drunken sailors not long ago... I think I prefer goblins. __ちょっと前に酔いどれた船員さん達の集団に突っ込んでいった事があったけれど、あれと比べたら Goblin の方がまだマシだったわ。 FormID: 0119AA55 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 He sounds like the average Solstheim nord bloke to me. Strong as an ogre, and drunk as a skunk. __彼って典型的な Solstheim の Nord 男性みたいね。 Ogre みたいに強じんで、スカンクみたいに酔っ払うの。 FormID: 0119AA56 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 I don't understand you at all. I think their love-story is quite romantic! __あなたの言う事がさっぱり分からないわ。彼らの恋物語はとってもロマンチックなのに! FormID: 0119AA57 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 I wish I was that good with my bow. __私も彼くらい弓が上手だったらいいのになぁ。 FormID: 0119AA58 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 I don't know... I think she is a sweet lady, and I've heard she is very fond of animals. __分からないわ…。彼女は素敵な女性だし、とても動物好きだと聞いているんだけれど。 FormID: 0119AA59 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 My favorite book is ABC for Barbarians... but I might try one of QuillWeave's one of these days. Have they got pictures? __私の一番お気に入りの一冊は ABC for Barbarians だけれど、いつか Quill Weave の本も読んでみるべきかしら。彼女の本って挿絵はあるの? FormID: 0119BF07 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 Mach-Na's store is great, but he always seems so angry. Especially when I ask for books with less text and more pictures. __Mach-Na のお店は大したものだと思うけれど、いつも酷い怒り顔なのよね。字が少なくて絵が多い本を探している時は特に。 FormID: 0119BF08 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 Seriously, I hardly have any time for reading nowadays. __真面目な話、最近は本を読む時間が全然取れないのよね。 FormID: 0119BF09 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 No, not really. __ううん、そんな事はないわ。 FormID: 0119BF0A 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 She does seem very dedicated. But I don't really know her. __彼女はとても献身的そうだけれど、私はあまりよく知らないのよね。 FormID: 0119BF0B 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 It's so... romantic. Don't you think so, too? __とてもロマンチックね…。あなたもそう思わない? FormID: 0119BF0C 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 Horrible, isn't it? __怖いわ…。 FormID: 0119BF0D 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 Is Ganredhel still as crazy about her dogs as she used to be? She's almost worse than the Bruiants in Chorrol, and that says a lot! __Ganredhel は相変わらず度を越した犬好きかしらね?彼女の犬好きっぷりは Chorrol の Bruiant 夫妻といい勝負だと思うわ。おまけにお喋りだし! FormID: 0119BF0E 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 Absolutely! __まったくだわ! FormID: 0119BF0F 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDResponses 0 I've heard that Newlands Lodge is even better now than when I worked there. Dervera must be so proud! __Newlands Lodge は私が働いていた頃よりもずっと良い宿になったらしいわ。きっと Dervera も鼻高々ね! FormID: 0119C5EA 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDResponses 0 I used to work at Newlands Lodge. It's a good place, and Dervera is a good person. __以前 Newlands Lodge で働いていた事があるわ。良い宿よ。 Dervera も良い人だし。 FormID: 0119BF10 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDResponses 0 Mach-Na's store is great, but he always seems so angry. Especially when I ask for books with less text and more pictures. __Mach-Na のお店は大したものだと思うけれど、いつも酷い怒り顔なのよね。字が少なくて絵が多い本を探している時は特に。 FormID: 0119BF12 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDResponses 0 Yes, I heard so. __ええ、そう聞いているわ。 FormID: 0119BF11 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDResponses 0 Yes, the armorer is good, but I'm actually quite happy with the armor I already have. __ええ、あの武具店は良い店だと思うわ。でも私は今持っている装備で十分満足よ。 FormID: 0119BF13 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDResponses 0 Why would anyone want to fight at the Arena? You'll get insulted by a grumpy Redguard and then you'll get killed. What's the fun with that? __どうしてArenaで戦いたいって人がいるのかしら?性悪なRedguardに侮辱されて、そのあと対戦相手に殺されるのよ。それの何が楽しいわけ? FormID: 0119BF14 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDResponses 0 Oh... I see... __ええ…分かるわ…。
FormID: 0119C5F2 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Falanu odd? Well, then you haven't met her mother! She is the odd one! __Falanu が変な人だって?彼女のお母さんに会った事あるでしょう?本当に変な人っていうのはああいうのを指すのよ! FormID: 0119C5F3 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 When you call Falanu odd, I do hope you are not referring to when she had green hair, because I have to admit it was entirely my fault. __あなたが Falanu の事を変な人だって言う理由が、彼女が髪の毛を緑色に染めたせいではない事を祈るわ。だって、あれは完全に私のせいなんだもの。 FormID: 0119C5F4 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I used to work for Falanu. But she sacked me, because of an itsy-bitsy-tiny mistake that I made. She hasn't liked me much since then. __前に Falanu の店で働いてた事があったわ。でも、たった一回のほんのちょっとしたミスでクビにされたの。あれからずっと彼女は私の事があまり好きじゃないみたいね。 FormID: 0119C5F5 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I used to work for Falanu. I cannot say that she is the nicest person I have met, but I have met her mother, too, and she is such a sweetheart. __以前 Falanu の所で働いていた事があるけれど、彼女は決して優しい人じゃなかったわ。でも、彼女のお母さんはとても優しい人ね。 FormID: 0119C5F6 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Agnete reminds me a lot of the people back home in Solstheim. They also like a schnapps or five. __Agnete を見ると故郷の Solstheim の人達を思い出すわ。 FormID: 0119C5F7 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Oh... I see... __ええ…分かったわ… FormID: 0119C5F8 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I guess one shouldn't listen too much to rumors, you know.. __あまり噂を真に受けるべきじゃないと思うわ。分かっているとは思うけれど…。 FormID: 0119C5F9 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Yes, I heard so. __ええ、そう聞いたわ。 FormID: 0119C5FA 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 That's really unfair! Why wouldn't an orc be a good butler? I've hardly ever met an orc that I didn't like. __こんなの絶対おかしいわ!どうして Orc だと優秀な執事になれないなんて決めつけるのよ?私の知ってる Orc はみんな良い人ばかりよ。 FormID: 0119C5FB 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Goblins... I know they are a nuisance but how would you like it if people walked into your home? __Goblin ね…。忌々しい生き物だけれど、彼らからすれば家を他人に土足で踏み荒らされるような感じなのかしらね? FormID: 0119C5FC 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I don't know... Goblins seem quite pleasant when they are not trying to kill us. __自分でもよく分からないけれど、襲って来なければ Goblin ってそんなに悪くない生き物ね…。 FormID: 0119C5FD 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I don't find goblins very scary compared to some of the creatures I have seen in Solstheim. __Solstheim で見てきた怪物たちに比べれば、 Goblin なんてそれほど怖いものじゃないわ。 FormID: 0119C5FE 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I just love Salmo's sweetrolls! __私、 Salmo の Sweeetroll が大好き! FormID: 0119C5FF 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I used to work together with him at the vineyards. I have actually seen him shooting grapes off the vines. It looked rather messy... __以前彼と一緒にブドウ畑で働いていたわ。彼がブドウを矢で撃ち落とす様子を見たことがあるけれど、ブドウは結局ぼろぼろになっちゃったのよね…。 FormID: 0119C600 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I know! I once offered him a salami sandwich, and he looked so disappointed. __分かるわ!以前彼にサラミのサンドイッチを出した事があるけれど、すごくがっかりした様子だったの。 FormID: 0119C601 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I know! There once was one-day cheese-market in Bravil, and I believe he ran all the way there. Some said he could feel the smell from here. __分かるわ!前に Bravil で一日だけのチーズ市が開かれた事があるんだけれど、彼ならきっと何としてでも駆けつけたでしょうね。彼ならここからでも Bravil にあるチーズの臭いを嗅ぎつけられるって噂されてるわ。 FormID: 0119C602 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Bernadette is my best friend here in Skingrad. We got to know each other when we were both working at the vineyards. __Bernadette はここ Skingrad で一番の親友よ。私達、ブドウ畑で働いていた頃に知りあったの。 FormID: 0119C603 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Bernadette is my best friend here in Skingrad. She has taught me some songs that are so corny! Uhm... I better not sing them right now. __Bernadette はここ Skingrad で一番の親友よ。彼女からは田舎っぽい歌をいくつか教えてもらったけれど、今ここで歌うのは止めておいた方が良いわね…。 FormID: 0119C604 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Bernadette is my best friend here in Skingrad. We have had so much fun together while working in the vineyards. __Bernadette はここ Skingrad で一番の親友よ。 FormID: 0119C606 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Absolutely. __まったくね。 FormID: 0119C605 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I think Reman Broder has taught him... or was it the other way around? __きっと Reman Broder が彼に教えたんだわ…。それとも別口かしら? FormID: 0119C607 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Poor man. I actually feel sorry for him. __可哀そうに。彼って本当に気の毒だわ。 FormID: 0119CCEE 1emmQuest1 LeyawiinNQDResponses 0 Yes, I heard so. __ええ、そう聞いたわ。 FormID: 0119CCEF 1emmQuest1 LeyawiinNQDResponses 0 Yes, he does talk a lot, doesn't he? __ええ、彼ってお喋りよね。 FormID: 0119CCF0 1emmQuest1 LeyawiinNQDResponses 0 Sheep? How odd! __なんで羊が?変ねぇ。 FormID: 0119CCF1 1emmQuest1 LeyawiinNQDResponses 0 I'm sure that would be very welcome, although maybe not among the skooma traders. __きっと大歓迎してもらえるわ。 Skooma 商人達は別としてもね。 FormID: 0119AA51 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 True... Although I haven't been there that often. I used to work for Wilbur at The Counts Arms, so naturally that is my favorite place here in Anvil. __ええ…。それほど頻繁に足を運んでいるわけではないけれど、以前店主の Wilbur の所で働いていた事もあって The Count Arms は Anvil で一番お気に入りの場所よ。 FormID: 0119AA52 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 Oh, Wilbur is such a sweetheart! I used to work for him, you know. He's great... but some of his jokes are really lousy! __Wilbur はとっても優しい人よ!あなたも知っての通り、以前彼のもとで働いていた事があるけれど、本当に素敵な人。たまにひどい冗談を言うけれどね! FormID: 0119AA53 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 I hope to pay a visit to Norbert while I'm here. I quite like him! __ここに滞在している間に Norbert に会いに行きたいわ。彼の事はとても気に入ってるの。 FormID: 0119AA54 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 I ran into some drunken sailors not long ago... I think I prefer goblins. __ちょっと前に酔いどれた船員さん達の集団に突っ込んでいった事があったけれど、あれと比べたら Goblin の方がまだマシだったわ。 FormID: 0119AA55 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 He sounds like the average Solstheim nord bloke to me. Strong as an ogre, and drunk as a skunk. __彼って典型的な Solstheim の Nord 男性みたいね。 Ogre みたいに強じんで、スカンクみたいに酔っ払うの。 FormID: 0119AA56 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 I don't understand you at all. I think their love-story is quite romantic! __あなたの言う事がさっぱり分からないわ。彼らの恋物語はとってもロマンチックなのに! FormID: 0119AA57 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 I wish I was that good with my bow. __私も彼くらい弓が上手だったらいいのになぁ。 FormID: 0119AA58 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 I don't know... I think she is a sweet lady, and I've heard she is very fond of animals. __分からないわ…。彼女は素敵な女性だし、とても動物好きだと聞いているんだけれど。 FormID: 0119AA59 1emmQuest1 AnvilNQDResponses 0 My favorite book is ABC for Barbarians... but I might try one of QuillWeave's one of these days. Have they got pictures? __私の一番お気に入りの一冊は ABC for Barbarians だけれど、いつか Quill Weave の本も読んでみるべきかしら。彼女の本って挿絵はあるの? FormID: 0119BF07 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 Mach-Na's store is great, but he always seems so angry. Especially when I ask for books with less text and more pictures. __Mach-Na のお店は大したものだと思うけれど、いつも酷い怒り顔なのよね。字が少なくて絵が多い本を探している時は特に。 FormID: 0119BF08 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 Seriously, I hardly have any time for reading nowadays. __真面目な話、最近は本を読む時間が全然取れないのよね。 FormID: 0119BF09 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 No, not really. __ううん、そんな事はないわ。 FormID: 0119BF0A 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 She does seem very dedicated. But I don't really know her. __彼女はとても献身的そうだけれど、私はあまりよく知らないのよね。 FormID: 0119BF0B 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 It's so... romantic. Don't you think so, too? __とてもロマンチックね…。あなたもそう思わない? FormID: 0119BF0C 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 Horrible, isn't it? __怖いわ…。 FormID: 0119BF0D 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 Is Ganredhel still as crazy about her dogs as she used to be? She's almost worse than the Bruiants in Chorrol, and that says a lot! __Ganredhel は相変わらず度を越した犬好きかしらね?彼女の犬好きっぷりは Chorrol の Bruiant 夫妻といい勝負だと思うわ。おまけにお喋りだし! FormID: 0119BF0E 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDQuestionResponses 0 Absolutely! __まったくだわ! FormID: 0119BF0F 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDResponses 0 I've heard that Newlands Lodge is even better now than when I worked there. Dervera must be so proud! __Newlands Lodge は私が働いていた頃よりもずっと良い宿になったらしいわ。きっと Dervera も鼻高々ね! FormID: 0119C5EA 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDResponses 0 I used to work at Newlands Lodge. It's a good place, and Dervera is a good person. __以前 Newlands Lodge で働いていた事があるわ。良い宿よ。 Dervera も良い人だし。 FormID: 0119BF10 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDResponses 0 Mach-Na's store is great, but he always seems so angry. Especially when I ask for books with less text and more pictures. __Mach-Na のお店は大したものだと思うけれど、いつも酷い怒り顔なのよね。字が少なくて絵が多い本を探している時は特に。 FormID: 0119BF12 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDResponses 0 Yes, I heard so. __ええ、そう聞いているわ。 FormID: 0119BF11 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDResponses 0 Yes, the armorer is good, but I'm actually quite happy with the armor I already have. __ええ、あの武具店は良い店だと思うわ。でも私は今持っている装備で十分満足よ。 FormID: 0119BF13 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDResponses 0 Why would anyone want to fight at the Arena? You'll get insulted by a grumpy Redguard and then you'll get killed. What's the fun with that? __どうしてArenaで戦いたいって人がいるのかしら?性悪なRedguardに侮辱されて、そのあと対戦相手に殺されるのよ。それの何が楽しいわけ? FormID: 0119BF14 1emmQuest1 CheydinhalNQDResponses 0 Oh... I see... __ええ…分かるわ…。