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FormID: 011B8B71 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 There is something almost sinister over this place, isn't it? __この村は全体的に不吉な雰囲気が漂っているわね。 FormID: 011B8B72 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This cannot be a very goodl place for farming, can it? __ここはあまり農業には向かなそうな土地ね。 FormID: 011B8B74 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Strange, isn't it, that an inn so far from any city can be so crowded. I wonder why? It can hardly be because of Malene's sweet temper. __おかしいと思わない?街からこんなに離れた宿がどうして賑わっているのかしら? Malene の優しい性格のせいだとはとても思えないし…。 FormID: 011D208C 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder why this place is so popular.It's small and rough and rather far away from the city.On top of that,Malene looks as if she'd like to kill us. __どうしてこの宿はこんなに人気なのかしら?狭くて質素で街からも遠いのにね。そもそも Malene からして客を殺さんばかりの強烈な視線で見つめてくるっていうのに。 FormID: 011B8B75 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I've always liked rural inns. They are so cozy. I think this is a nice place to spend an evening out. __私、こういう田舎の宿は好きよ。親しみやすくていいわよね。晩に出かけるには良い場所だと思うわ。 FormID: 011B8B76 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This is a nice inn... And not too crowded, either. __ここは素敵な宿ね…。それほど賑わい過ぎていないのもいいわ。 FormID: 011B8B77 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 It would have been nice if there had been a bard here, playing music. __ここに Bard がいて、音楽を演奏してもらえれば素敵なのにね。 FormID: 011B8B7B 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Infested mine is good for a day out,don't you think?Lovely picnic area outside, you can swim,and the bandits will cheerfully give you weapon practice __Infested Mine はお出掛けにはもってこいの場所だと思わない?泳ぐ事も出来るし、 Bandit たちが喜んで戦いの稽古をつけてくれる、まさにピクニックにぴったりの場所よ。 FormID: 011B8B7C 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder if there's a Slowwater cave as well? __ここは Quickwater Cave って呼ばれているけれど、同じように Slowwater Cave っていう洞窟もあるのかしらね? FormID: 011B8B7D 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Redwater... Do you think it means that the water is full of minerals - or is it full of... blood? __Redwater (赤い水) ね…。赤い水っていうのはミネラル分が豊富って意味なのかな?それとも血がたくさん流されたっていう意味なのかも…。 FormID: 011B8B7E 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Breakneck cave? Hmm... you better watch out so you don't fall and break something. __Breakneck Cave (首折り洞窟) ね。うーん…あなたも何か壊したり怪我をしたりしないよう気をつけた方がいいわ。 FormID: 011B8B7F 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Wellspring cave is a really nice place isn't it, I mean once you have had time to enjoy the scenery, that is. __Wellspring Cave は本当に素敵な所だと思わない?もっとも、ゆっくり景色を楽しめるだけの余裕があればの話だけれど。 FormID: 011B8B80 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Red Ruby cave? Hah. Give me a bandits stronghold any time! __ここ、 Red Ruby Cave っていうの?まぁいいわ。私にかかれば Bandit の根城くらい、いつでもどんと来い!よ。 FormID: 011B8B81 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm a bit puzzled over what they say about Black Rock Cave; there's an entire ship down there, miles and miles from the coast. __Black Rock Cave の噂の事を考えると少し戸惑っちゃうわ。海岸から何マイルも離れてるのに、洞窟の中には船が丸ごと一隻あるんだって。 FormID: 011B8B82 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I have tried the echo in Echo Mine; it doesn't work. __Echo Mine (やまびこ鉱山) っていうからやまびこが聞こえるか試してみたけれど、駄目だったわ。 FormID: 011B8B83 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Isn't it weird to call a place Un-marked cave? Especially as it is called that on the door, which I think is a philosophical conundrum. __この洞窟を Un-marked Cave (記されぬ洞窟) と呼ぶのは妙だと思わない?扉にそう書いてあるのにね。哲学的な謎かけか何かかしら。 FormID: 011E70B8 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Be careful, there are often other adventurers in here.Weekend tourists from the big city, I guess. And you can get into big trouble if you kill one. __ここには別の冒険者さん達がいる事が多いから気をつけて。きっと休暇を利用して都会から来た旅行者とかね。うっかり彼らを倒しちゃったらとても面倒な事になりかねないわよ。 FormID: 011B8B84 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Memorial Cave is a very interesting place to visit, if you approach it in the right frame of mind, which is to say, with heavy weaponry. __Memorial Cave は面白い場所よね。しっかり装備を固めて踏み込むだけの正常な精神の持ち主にとっては、だけど。 FormID: 011D20AE 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think the statue of Azura is beautiful - but she should be warmer dressed in this frozen environment. __Azura 神の像は美しいと思うわ。でも、この辺りの凍えるような気候からすると、もっと厚着するべきだと思うわ。 FormID: 011D20AF 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Just look at that statue - that's what I call an axe! __あの像を見て。私にとって「斧」っていうのはあの像が持っているような物の事を言うのよ。 FormID: 011D20B0 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't know... I simply cannot see anything God-like when I look at that statue. __私には理解出来ないわ…。あの像をどういう風に見たら神だと思えるのかしら? FormID: 011D20B1 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I know that we are talking about a powerful daedra, but... don't you think the statue most of all reminds of a mudcrab? __私達は強大な Daedra について話し合ってるはずだけれど、あの像を見てもほとんど Mudcrab しか思い浮かばないわ…。 FormID: 011D20B2 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I see that statue, it reminds me of why it would be lunacy to wear a horned helmet. Can you imagine, horned helmets are latest fashion at home! __あの像を見ると、角付き兜を被るお話の荒唐無稽さを思い出してしまうわ。おうちファッションの最先端が「角付き兜」なんて事態、あなたは想像出来る? FormID: 011D20B3 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Malacath looks like quite the warrior, doesn't he? __Malacath はまさしく戦士っていう姿をしているわね。 FormID: 011D20B4 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I look at Mephala, I cannot help thinking of how practical it would be to have an extra pair of arms. __Mephala の像を見るたび、私にも両腕がもう一対あったらどれだけ便利だろうって考えちゃうわ。 FormID: 011D20B5 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When looking at the statue I can't help wondering what has happened to Meridia's skirt. __この像を見ると、 Meridia はスカートをどこにやってしまったのかって考えちゃうわ。 FormID: 011D20B6 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Molag Bal, I have heard, wants an offering of lion pelt from his worshippers. Well, at least his statue could use a loin cloth. __聞く所によると Molag Bal は信者に対してライオンの毛皮を捧げ物として要求するそうね。まぁ、少なくとも彼の像を見る限り、ふんどしは身に付けているようだけれど…。 FormID: 011D20B7 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 It must be boring even for a statue to stare into a rock all day and night. __いくら像だからと言って、毎日昼夜となく岩をじっと見つめているのは飽き飽きするんじゃないかしら。 FormID: 011D20B8 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Look at the statue... What kind of birds do you think that is? __あの像を見て。あの鳥はいったい何ていう鳥なのかしらね? FormID: 011D20B9 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Peryite looks a bit like a dragon, don't you think so? __Peryite は少し Dragon っぽいと思わない? FormID: 011D20BA 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Look at that statue - he reminds me of a mead-drinking nord warrior. __あの像を見ると、蜂蜜酒を飲んでいる Nord 男性の姿を思い出すわ。 FormID: 011D20BB 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 There's something suspicious about a Daedra who is dressed like an imperial noble-man taking a stroll in the city. Don't you agree? __ひょっとしたら Imperial の貴族のような格好をして街を散歩してる Daedra がいるのかも知れないわね。あなたもそう思わない? FormID: 011D20BC 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 What a truly beautiful place this is. I think Vaermina's worshippers must enjoy coming here __ここは本当に綺麗な場所ね。きっと Vaermina の信者もここに来るのを楽しみにしてるはずよ。 FormID: 011D20C0 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Harlun's Watch is a pretty little hamlet and very nicely located, don't you think so? However, I can still feel that it isn't a happy place. __Harlun's Watch は立地も良くて、小さいけれど素敵な村よね。でも、私には幸せいっぱいの場所だとはあまり思えないのよね。 FormID: 011D20C2 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 What a view we have from here. So much snow - isn't it beautiful? __ここからの眺めは素晴らしいわ!雪がいっぱい…綺麗ね。 FormID: 011E2C37 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 It's so nice here by the river. Don't you think it would be a peaceful place to retire to, when we are too creaky to chop up bandits? __ここは川辺でいい所ね。私達がよぼよぼになって Bandit と戦えないくらいになったら引退してのんびり暮らすのに良い場所じゃないかしら? FormID: 011E2C38 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 It's so nice here by the river. Don't you think it would be a peaceful place to retire to, when you are too creaky to chop up bandits? __ここは川辺でいい所ね。私達がよぼよぼになって Bandit と戦えないくらいになったら引退してのんびり暮らすのに良い場所じゃないかしら? FormID: 011E2C39 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 The people here are very fortunate, don't you think? Such a nice place, with the river on your doorstep and very fertile ground for gardening. __この村の人達はとても幸運だと思わない?玄関を出たらすぐ近くに川があって、土も肥えててガーデニングに向いてるし。 FormID: 011E2C3A 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This is terrible, whatever could have happened here? Oh, I feel so helpless, those poor people. If only we could put a shroud on them. __恐ろしいわ。ここで一体何が起きたのかしら?村の人達が可哀相…。せめて遺体に布をかけてあげられないかしら。 FormID: 011E40E1 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what kind of maniac caused the massacre of the people living here. How I would like to get my hands on that bastard! __この村の人達にこんなに恐ろしい事をするなんて、犯人はどんな狂人かしら?酷い奴!この手でとっちめてやりたいわ。 FormID: 011E2C3B 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 How horrible! What kind of maniac could have done something like this. How I like to get my hands on whoever is responsible. __何て恐ろしいの!一体どんな狂人がこんな事をしでかしたのかしら?この手で犯人をとっちめてやりたいわ。
FormID: 011B8B71 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 There is something almost sinister over this place, isn't it? __この村は全体的に不吉な雰囲気が漂っているわね。 FormID: 011B8B72 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This cannot be a very goodl place for farming, can it? __ここはあまり農業には向かなそうな土地ね。 FormID: 011B8B74 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Strange, isn't it, that an inn so far from any city can be so crowded. I wonder why? It can hardly be because of Malene's sweet temper. __おかしいと思わない?街からこんなに離れた宿がどうして賑わっているのかしら? Malene の優しい性格のせいだとはとても思えないし…。 FormID: 011D208C 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder why this place is so popular.It's small and rough and rather far away from the city.On top of that,Malene looks as if she'd like to kill us. __どうしてこの宿はこんなに人気なのかしら?狭くて質素で街からも遠いのにね。そもそも Malene からして客を殺さんばかりの強烈な視線で見つめてくるっていうのに。 FormID: 011B8B75 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I've always liked rural inns. They are so cozy. I think this is a nice place to spend an evening out. __私、こういう田舎の宿は好きよ。親しみやすくていいわよね。晩に出かけるには良い場所だと思うわ。 FormID: 011B8B76 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This is a nice inn... And not too crowded, either. __ここは素敵な宿ね…。それほど賑わい過ぎていないのもいいわ。 FormID: 011B8B77 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 It would have been nice if there had been a bard here, playing music. __ここに Bard がいて、音楽を演奏してもらえれば素敵なのにね。 FormID: 011B8B7B 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Infested mine is good for a day out,don't you think?Lovely picnic area outside, you can swim,and the bandits will cheerfully give you weapon practice __Infested Mine はお出掛けにはもってこいの場所だと思わない?泳ぐ事も出来るし、 Bandit たちが喜んで戦いの稽古をつけてくれる、まさにピクニックにぴったりの場所よ。 FormID: 011B8B7C 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder if there's a Slowwater cave as well? __ここは Quickwater Cave って呼ばれているけれど、同じように Slowwater Cave っていう洞窟もあるのかしらね? FormID: 011B8B7D 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Redwater... Do you think it means that the water is full of minerals - or is it full of... blood? __Redwater (赤い水) ね…。赤い水っていうのはミネラル分が豊富って意味なのかな?それとも血がたくさん流されたっていう意味なのかも…。 FormID: 011B8B7E 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Breakneck cave? Hmm... you better watch out so you don't fall and break something. __Breakneck Cave (首折り洞窟) ね。うーん…あなたも何か壊したり怪我をしたりしないよう気をつけた方がいいわ。 FormID: 011B8B7F 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Wellspring cave is a really nice place isn't it, I mean once you have had time to enjoy the scenery, that is. __Wellspring Cave は本当に素敵な所だと思わない?もっとも、ゆっくり景色を楽しめるだけの余裕があればの話だけれど。 FormID: 011B8B80 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Red Ruby cave? Hah. Give me a bandits stronghold any time! __ここ、 Red Ruby Cave っていうの?まぁいいわ。私にかかれば Bandit の根城くらい、いつでもどんと来い!よ。 FormID: 011B8B81 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm a bit puzzled over what they say about Black Rock Cave; there's an entire ship down there, miles and miles from the coast. __Black Rock Cave の噂の事を考えると少し戸惑っちゃうわ。海岸から何マイルも離れてるのに、洞窟の中には船が丸ごと一隻あるんだって。 FormID: 011B8B82 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I have tried the echo in Echo Mine; it doesn't work. __Echo Mine (やまびこ鉱山) っていうからやまびこが聞こえるか試してみたけれど、駄目だったわ。 FormID: 011B8B83 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Isn't it weird to call a place Un-marked cave? Especially as it is called that on the door, which I think is a philosophical conundrum. __この洞窟を Un-marked Cave (記されぬ洞窟) と呼ぶのは妙だと思わない?扉にそう書いてあるのにね。哲学的な謎かけか何かかしら。 FormID: 011E70B8 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Be careful, there are often other adventurers in here.Weekend tourists from the big city, I guess. And you can get into big trouble if you kill one. __ここには別の冒険者さん達がいる事が多いから気をつけて。きっと休暇を利用して都会から来た旅行者とかね。うっかり彼らを倒しちゃったらとても面倒な事になりかねないわよ。 FormID: 011B8B84 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Memorial Cave is a very interesting place to visit, if you approach it in the right frame of mind, which is to say, with heavy weaponry. __Memorial Cave は面白い場所よね。しっかり装備を固めて踏み込むだけの正常な精神の持ち主にとっては、だけど。 FormID: 011D20AE 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think the statue of Azura is beautiful - but she should be warmer dressed in this frozen environment. __Azura 神の像は美しいと思うわ。でも、この辺りの凍えるような気候からすると、もっと厚着するべきだと思うわ。 FormID: 011D20AF 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Just look at that statue - that's what I call an axe! __あの像を見て。私にとって「斧」っていうのはあの像が持っているような物の事を言うのよ。 FormID: 011D20B0 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't know... I simply cannot see anything God-like when I look at that statue. __私には理解出来ないわ…。あの像をどういう風に見たら神だと思えるのかしら? FormID: 011D20B1 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I know that we are talking about a powerful daedra, but... don't you think the statue most of all reminds of a mudcrab? __私達は強大な Daedra について話し合ってるはずだけれど、あの像を見てもほとんど Mudcrab しか思い浮かばないわ…。 FormID: 011D20B2 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I see that statue, it reminds me of why it would be lunacy to wear a horned helmet. Can you imagine, horned helmets are latest fashion at home! __あの像を見ると、角付き兜を被るお話の荒唐無稽さを思い出してしまうわ。おうちファッションの最先端が「角付き兜」なんて事態、あなたは想像出来る? FormID: 011D20B3 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Malacath looks like quite the warrior, doesn't he? __Malacath はまさしく戦士っていう姿をしているわね。 FormID: 011D20B4 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I look at Mephala, I cannot help thinking of how practical it would be to have an extra pair of arms. __Mephala の像を見るたび、私にも両腕がもう一対あったらどれだけ便利だろうって考えちゃうわ。 FormID: 011D20B5 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When looking at the statue I can't help wondering what has happened to Meridia's skirt. __この像を見ると、 Meridia はスカートをどこにやってしまったのかって考えちゃうわ。 FormID: 011D20B6 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Molag Bal, I have heard, wants an offering of lion pelt from his worshippers. Well, at least his statue could use a loin cloth. __聞く所によると Molag Bal は信者に対してライオンの毛皮を捧げ物として要求するそうね。まぁ、少なくとも彼の像を見る限り、ふんどしは身に付けているようだけれど…。 FormID: 011D20B7 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 It must be boring even for a statue to stare into a rock all day and night. __いくら像だからと言って、毎日昼夜となく岩をじっと見つめているのは飽き飽きするんじゃないかしら。 FormID: 011D20B8 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Look at the statue... What kind of birds do you think that is? __あの像を見て。あの鳥はいったい何ていう鳥なのかしらね? FormID: 011D20B9 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Peryite looks a bit like a dragon, don't you think so? __Peryite は少し Dragon っぽいと思わない? FormID: 011D20BA 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Look at that statue - he reminds me of a mead-drinking nord warrior. __あの像を見ると、蜂蜜酒を飲んでいる Nord 男性の姿を思い出すわ。 FormID: 011D20BB 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 There's something suspicious about a Daedra who is dressed like an imperial noble-man taking a stroll in the city. Don't you agree? __ひょっとしたら Imperial の貴族のような格好をして街を散歩してる Daedra がいるのかも知れないわね。あなたもそう思わない? FormID: 011D20BC 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 What a truly beautiful place this is. I think Vaermina's worshippers must enjoy coming here __ここは本当に綺麗な場所ね。きっと Vaermina の信者もここに来るのを楽しみにしてるはずよ。 FormID: 011D20C0 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Harlun's Watch is a pretty little hamlet and very nicely located, don't you think so? However, I can still feel that it isn't a happy place. __Harlun's Watch は立地も良くて、小さいけれど素敵な村よね。でも、私には幸せいっぱいの場所だとはあまり思えないのよね。 FormID: 011D20C2 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 What a view we have from here. So much snow - isn't it beautiful? __ここからの眺めは素晴らしいわ!雪がいっぱい…綺麗ね。 FormID: 011E2C37 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 It's so nice here by the river. Don't you think it would be a peaceful place to retire to, when we are too creaky to chop up bandits? __ここは川辺でいい所ね。私達がよぼよぼになって Bandit と戦えないくらいになったら引退してのんびり暮らすのに良い場所じゃないかしら? FormID: 011E2C38 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 It's so nice here by the river. Don't you think it would be a peaceful place to retire to, when you are too creaky to chop up bandits? __ここは川辺でいい所ね。私達がよぼよぼになって Bandit と戦えないくらいになったら引退してのんびり暮らすのに良い場所じゃないかしら? FormID: 011E2C39 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 The people here are very fortunate, don't you think? Such a nice place, with the river on your doorstep and very fertile ground for gardening. __この村の人達はとても幸運だと思わない?玄関を出たらすぐ近くに川があって、土も肥えててガーデニングに向いてるし。 FormID: 011E2C3A 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This is terrible, whatever could have happened here? Oh, I feel so helpless, those poor people. If only we could put a shroud on them. __恐ろしいわ。ここで一体何が起きたのかしら?村の人達が可哀相…。せめて遺体に布をかけてあげられないかしら。 FormID: 011E40E1 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what kind of maniac caused the massacre of the people living here. How I would like to get my hands on that bastard! __この村の人達にこんなに恐ろしい事をするなんて、犯人はどんな狂人かしら?酷い奴!この手でとっちめてやりたいわ。 FormID: 011E2C3B 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 How horrible! What kind of maniac could have done something like this. How I like to get my hands on whoever is responsible. __何て恐ろしいの!一体どんな狂人がこんな事をしでかしたのかしら?この手で犯人をとっちめてやりたいわ。