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FormID: 01128FC5 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Honestly,some bandits are so silly! They always hang around in the same old places! You might as well have your bow ready when you walk up to them! __正直言って、お馬鹿丸出しなBanditもいるわよね!奴らときたら、いつも同じ場所をうろうろするばかり!ああいう手合いに出くわした時は、あらかじめ弓を構えておくのがいいと思うわよ。 FormID: 01188A58 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Honestly, bandits! Why don't they just take their loot and go home, instead of hanging around in the cave? __どうしてBanditたちはお宝を漁ってすぐ家に帰らないのかしらね?洞窟の中をぶらぶらして…。正直言って理解に苦しむわ! FormID: 0118E350 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 It kind of worries me that we kill a whole spriggan for one little taproot. After all they do look human. Well, mostly. __ちっぽけな Taproot 一本のために Spriggan を殺すのは忍びないわ。彼らはまぁ、概ね人間みたいな姿をしているんだもの。 FormID: 01188A54 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm a bit puzzled about Black Rock Cave; there's an entire ship down here, miles and miles from the coast. __Black Rock Caveって少し不思議よね。海岸から何マイルも離れているのに、丸ごとの船が放置されているんだもの。 FormID: 01188A59 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Memorial Cave is a very interesting place to visit, if you approach it in the right frame of mind, which is to say, with heavy weaponry. __Memorial Caveって本当に面白い場所よね。正しい心構え、というか、ちゃんと装備を整えた上で来ればの話だけれども。 FormID: 0118E351 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Red Ruby cave? Hah. Give me a bandits stronghold any time! __Red Ruby Cave ねぇ。はっ! Bandit の根城くらい、いつでもどんと来いよ! FormID: 01128FCC 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Aren't you horribly afraid of those vampires? I am... __あなたはあのVampireどもが本当に怖くないの?私は…怖いわ。 FormID: 01132E11 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Wonder what it is like to sleep in a coffin. __石棺で眠るって、どんな気分なんだろ? FormID: 01170412 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I have always enjoyed mining, but it is more of a pleasure to do it when I don't have to worry about goblins jumping on my back! __採掘作業は好きよ。でも、Goblinたちに背中を教われる心配をしなくていいほうが、私としては嬉しいかな。 FormID: 011785F8 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I really don't think this is a suitable place for Ramy. Don't you feel at all responsible for her? __Ramyをこんな所に連れて来ちゃ絶対駄目!あなたにはあの子に対する責任感ってものが無いの? FormID: 0114ECE9 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I feel so sad when I see the body of an adventurer, all dead and curled up. I wonder, is anyone waiting for them at home? __力尽きてうずくまった冒険者さんの亡骸を見ると、とても悲しい気持ちになるわ。彼らにも家で待っている人がいたのかなって思うと。 FormID: 0114ECEB 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wish you would be more careful when you are fighting.I don't want to see you dead - and I don't want to be left facing all the enemies on my own! __もっと慎重に戦ってよね。あなたの死を見るのも嫌だし、一人取り残されて、後の敵全部と戦うのも嫌なの! FormID: 0114ECEC 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wish you would be more careful when you are fighting. If you are not concerned over your own life, think of me having to face the enemies alone! __もっと慎重に戦ってよね。自分の命を大切にしてくれないと、私一人で敵と戦わなくちゃならなくなるでしょ。 FormID: 01128FC6 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think my fighting skills have improved since I met you... don't you think so, too? __私、あなたと最初に出会った頃よりも上手く戦えるようになったと思う。あなたもそう思うでしょ? FormID: 0114ECE8 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm not too sure about my weapons... Back in Morrowind, I always used a spear, but here in Cyrodiil I haven't been able to find one. Why is that? __武器の扱いにはあまり自信が無いわ…。Morrowindにいた頃は槍を使っていたけれど、Cyrodiilに来たらどこにも槍が無いんだもの。どうしてかしらね? FormID: 0114ECEA 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Can you explain to me why on Nirn an axe would be considered as [QUOTE]blunt[QUOTE]? It beats me for sure! If I am to use an axe, I definitely want a sharp one. __一体全体、どうして斧が[QUOTE]鈍器[QUOTE]扱いされるのかしらね?全然納得いかないわ!私だったら絶対に切れ味の良い斧を使うもの。 FormID: 010E5072 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Vampire lairs are really creepy. Aren't you afraid of those vampires? I am. __Vampireのねぐらは心底気味が悪いわね。あなたはVampireが怖い?私は、怖いわ。 FormID: 010E64F0 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 What was that? Was it a vampire? __さっきのは何?Vampire? FormID: 010E64EC 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Do you know of any cure for vampirism? __Vampirismの治療法は知ってるかしら? FormID: 010FDD3F 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 I don't find goblins very scary compared to some of the creatures I have seen in Solstheim. __Soltheimで出くわした怪物と比べると、Goblinなんて大して怖いものじゃないわ。 FormID: 010E64ED 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Urgh... The Goblin smell is really ghastly. __うぐぅ…。Goblinってぞっとするほど臭いわ。 FormID: 010E64EE 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 I can't say I'm afraid of Goblins - but I hate the smell of them. __Goblinは別に怖くないけれど、あの悪臭が嫌。 FormID: 010E64EF 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 What was that? Was it a Goblin? __さっきのは何?Goblin? FormID: 010E8735 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 This place is spooky. It wouldn't surprise me if there was a zombie or a skeleton behind the next corner. __何かが出そうな雰囲気ね。次の角を曲がった所にZombieかSkeltonがいてもおかしくなさそう…。 FormID: 010E8736 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 I find zombies smelly... and scary. __Zombieってひどく臭いのね…。それに怖いわ。 FormID: 0118FEBE 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 How come ghosts can carry weapons? __Ghost って、いったいどうやって武器を携帯しているのかしら? FormID: 010E8737 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 I can surely understand why undeads would just love this place. __不死者たちがこういう場所を好むのも、はっきり理解出来るわ。 FormID: 0118FEC1 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 I really hate necromancers! They chop people up! __私、 Necromancer が大っ嫌い!あいつら人間を切り刻むのよ! FormID: 01162195 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 If we are going inside, maybe we should look over our weapons and armor first? __中に入る前に、まずは武器と防具の点検をしておくべきかもよ? FormID: 01109CAB 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 I hate the smell of sewers. __私、下水道の臭いが嫌い! FormID: 01109CAF 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Aylied ruins are creepy, don't you think so? __Ayleidの遺跡は気味が悪いわ。あなたもそう思わない? FormID: 01128FCE 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Pardon me for asking, but aren't you even a tad bit afraid of daedras? __こんなこと聞いて悪いんだけど、あなたはちっともDaedraが怖くないの? FormID: 01128FD0 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Aren't you horribly afraid of those vampires? I am... __あなたはVampireが怖くないの?私は怖いわ…。 FormID: 01191373 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Hrrm... hrrmmm... __うーん…うーん…。 FormID: 01162193 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 I can't wait to get out of this place. If we survive, that is. __ここから出るのが待ちきれないわ。生き延びられたらの話だけどね。 FormID: 011785F9 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 How are you doing, Ramy? Don't be afraid, this place isn't as dangerous as it looks... I think... __Ramy、調子はどう?怖がらなくていいわ。ここは見た目ほど危険じゃないわ。多分…。 FormID: 011785FA 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Ramy, if we get into trouble, please stay back and let us protect you. __Ramy、危なくなったら後ろに下がってね。私たちが守ってあげるから。 FormID: 010C23EF 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 This place is creepy. __薄気味の悪い場所ね。 FormID: 0114ECE5 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 What was that? __さっきのは何? FormID: 0114ECE6 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Did you hear that noise? Wonder what it was... __何か聞こえなかった?何だろう…? FormID: 0114ECE7 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 There is someone watching me. I can tell. __視線を感じるわ…。私には分かるの。
FormID: 01128FC5 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Honestly,some bandits are so silly! They always hang around in the same old places! You might as well have your bow ready when you walk up to them! __正直言って、お馬鹿丸出しなBanditもいるわよね!奴らときたら、いつも同じ場所をうろうろするばかり!ああいう手合いに出くわした時は、あらかじめ弓を構えておくのがいいと思うわよ。 FormID: 01188A58 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Honestly, bandits! Why don't they just take their loot and go home, instead of hanging around in the cave? __どうしてBanditたちはお宝を漁ってすぐ家に帰らないのかしらね?洞窟の中をぶらぶらして…。正直言って理解に苦しむわ! FormID: 0118E350 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 It kind of worries me that we kill a whole spriggan for one little taproot. After all they do look human. Well, mostly. __ちっぽけな Taproot 一本のために Spriggan を殺すのは忍びないわ。彼らはまぁ、概ね人間みたいな姿をしているんだもの。 FormID: 01188A54 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm a bit puzzled about Black Rock Cave; there's an entire ship down here, miles and miles from the coast. __Black Rock Caveって少し不思議よね。海岸から何マイルも離れているのに、丸ごとの船が放置されているんだもの。 FormID: 01188A59 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Memorial Cave is a very interesting place to visit, if you approach it in the right frame of mind, which is to say, with heavy weaponry. __Memorial Caveって本当に面白い場所よね。正しい心構え、というか、ちゃんと装備を整えた上で来ればの話だけれども。 FormID: 0118E351 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Red Ruby cave? Hah. Give me a bandits stronghold any time! __Red Ruby Cave ねぇ。はっ! Bandit の根城くらい、いつでもどんと来いよ! FormID: 01128FCC 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Aren't you horribly afraid of those vampires? I am... __あなたはあのVampireどもが本当に怖くないの?私は…怖いわ。 FormID: 01132E11 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Wonder what it is like to sleep in a coffin. __石棺で眠るって、どんな気分なんだろ? FormID: 01170412 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I have always enjoyed mining, but it is more of a pleasure to do it when I don't have to worry about goblins jumping on my back! __採掘作業は好きよ。でも、Goblinたちに背中を教われる心配をしなくていいほうが、私としては嬉しいかな。 FormID: 011785F8 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I really don't think this is a suitable place for Ramy. Don't you feel at all responsible for her? __Ramyをこんな所に連れて来ちゃ絶対駄目!あなたにはあの子に対する責任感ってものが無いの? FormID: 0114ECE9 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I feel so sad when I see the body of an adventurer, all dead and curled up. I wonder, is anyone waiting for them at home? __力尽きてうずくまった冒険者さんの亡骸を見ると、とても悲しい気持ちになるわ。彼らにも家で待っている人がいたのかなって思うと。 FormID: 0114ECEB 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wish you would be more careful when you are fighting.I don't want to see you dead - and I don't want to be left facing all the enemies on my own! __もっと慎重に戦ってよね。あなたの死を見るのも嫌だし、一人取り残されて、後の敵全部と戦うのも嫌なの! FormID: 0114ECEC 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wish you would be more careful when you are fighting. If you are not concerned over your own life, think of me having to face the enemies alone! __もっと慎重に戦ってよね。自分の命を大切にしてくれないと、私一人で敵と戦わなくちゃならなくなるでしょ。 FormID: 01128FC6 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think my fighting skills have improved since I met you... don't you think so, too? __私、あなたと最初に出会った頃よりも上手く戦えるようになったと思う。あなたもそう思うでしょ? FormID: 0114ECE8 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm not too sure about my weapons... Back in Morrowind, I always used a spear, but here in Cyrodiil I haven't been able to find one. Why is that? __武器の扱いにはあまり自信が無いわ…。Morrowindにいた頃は槍を使っていたけれど、Cyrodiilに来たらどこにも槍が無いんだもの。どうしてかしらね? FormID: 0114ECEA 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Can you explain to me why on Nirn an axe would be considered as [QUOTE]blunt[QUOTE]? It beats me for sure! If I am to use an axe, I definitely want a sharp one. __一体全体、どうして斧が[QUOTE]鈍器[QUOTE]扱いされるのかしらね?全然納得いかないわ!私だったら絶対に切れ味の良い斧を使うもの。 FormID: 010E5072 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Vampire lairs are really creepy. Aren't you afraid of those vampires? I am. __Vampireのねぐらは心底気味が悪いわね。あなたはVampireが怖い?私は、怖いわ。 FormID: 010E64F0 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 What was that? Was it a vampire? __さっきのは何?Vampire? FormID: 010E64EC 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Do you know of any cure for vampirism? __Vampirismの治療法は知ってるかしら? FormID: 010FDD3F 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 I don't find goblins very scary compared to some of the creatures I have seen in Solstheim. __Soltheimで出くわした怪物と比べると、Goblinなんて大して怖いものじゃないわ。 FormID: 010E64ED 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Urgh... The Goblin smell is really ghastly. __うぐぅ…。Goblinってぞっとするほど臭いわ。 FormID: 010E64EE 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 I can't say I'm afraid of Goblins - but I hate the smell of them. __Goblinは別に怖くないけれど、あの悪臭が嫌。 FormID: 010E64EF 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 What was that? Was it a Goblin? __さっきのは何?Goblin? FormID: 010E8735 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 This place is spooky. It wouldn't surprise me if there was a zombie or a skeleton behind the next corner. __何かが出そうな雰囲気ね。次の角を曲がった所にZombieかSkeltonがいてもおかしくなさそう…。 FormID: 010E8736 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 I find zombies smelly... and scary. __Zombieってひどく臭いのね…。それに怖いわ。 FormID: 0118FEBE 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 How come ghosts can carry weapons? __Ghost って、いったいどうやって武器を携帯しているのかしら? FormID: 010E8737 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 I can surely understand why undeads would just love this place. __不死者たちがこういう場所を好むのも、はっきり理解出来るわ。 FormID: 0118FEC1 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 I really hate necromancers! They chop people up! __私、 Necromancer が大っ嫌い!あいつら人間を切り刻むのよ! FormID: 01162195 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 If we are going inside, maybe we should look over our weapons and armor first? __中に入る前に、まずは武器と防具の点検をしておくべきかもよ? FormID: 01109CAB 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 I hate the smell of sewers. __私、下水道の臭いが嫌い! FormID: 01109CAF 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Aylied ruins are creepy, don't you think so? __Ayleidの遺跡は気味が悪いわ。あなたもそう思わない? FormID: 01128FCE 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Pardon me for asking, but aren't you even a tad bit afraid of daedras? __こんなこと聞いて悪いんだけど、あなたはちっともDaedraが怖くないの? FormID: 01128FD0 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Aren't you horribly afraid of those vampires? I am... __あなたはVampireが怖くないの?私は怖いわ…。 FormID: 01191373 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Hrrm... hrrmmm... __うーん…うーん…。 FormID: 01162193 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 I can't wait to get out of this place. If we survive, that is. __ここから出るのが待ちきれないわ。生き延びられたらの話だけどね。 FormID: 011785F9 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 How are you doing, Ramy? Don't be afraid, this place isn't as dangerous as it looks... I think... __Ramy、調子はどう?怖がらなくていいわ。ここは見た目ほど危険じゃないわ。多分…。 FormID: 011785FA 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Ramy, if we get into trouble, please stay back and let us protect you. __Ramy、危なくなったら後ろに下がってね。私たちが守ってあげるから。 FormID: 010C23EF 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 This place is creepy. __薄気味の悪い場所ね。 FormID: 0114ECE5 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 What was that? __さっきのは何? FormID: 0114ECE6 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Did you hear that noise? Wonder what it was... __何か聞こえなかった?何だろう…? FormID: 0114ECE7 1emVCHostileInhabitants 88emmwalkietalkie 0 There is someone watching me. I can tell. __視線を感じるわ…。私には分かるの。