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FormID: 01145586 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are here, maybe we could look for more Shadowbanish Wine for Nerussa at the Wawnet Inn? __ここでなら、Wawnet InnのNerussaさんから頼まれたShadowbanish Wineが見つかるかもね。 FormID: 01128FB0 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Somehow, Ayleid ruins are beautiful... in their own scary way. __どういうわけか、Ayleidの遺跡は綺麗に感じるわ…。怖い場所なのにね。 FormID: 0117F3C1 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 If the Ayleid people were so clever, why didn't they make locks that couldn't be picked? __Ayleidの人たちがそんなに賢かったと言うのなら、どうして『絶対開かない錠前』を作らなかったのかしらね? FormID: 01128FB1 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you know the name of this ruin? __この遺跡の名前、知ってる? FormID: 01128FB2 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you know the name of this mine? __この炭鉱の名前、知ってる? FormID: 01128FB3 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you know the name of this fort? __この城砦の名前、知ってる? FormID: 01147843 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Imagine... I used to think that pink was beautiful. But, of course, I didn't mean this kind of pink. __ねぇ。私、今までピンクって綺麗な色だと思っていたけれど、まさかこんなピンクがあるとは…。想定外だったわ。 FormID: 0118E365 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I hate the realm of Oblivion, all those dreadful towers, all those fiery tunnels called wormfart or something, and there is nowhere to get a drink! __Oblivionの領域は大嫌い。恐ろしげな塔も、芋虫野郎とかなんとかいう灼熱のトンネルも、飲める水がどこにもないところも。 FormID: 01160D18 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't think I will ever want to wear a pink dress again. __私、二度とピンクのドレスを着たいなんて思わないわ。 FormID: 01147844 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This place is not only hostile... it's downright ugly as well. __ここは殺伐としている上に、本当におぞましい場所ね…。 FormID: 0114ECEF 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I can't wait to get out of this place. If we survive, that is. __ここから出るのが待ちきれないわ。生き延びられたらの話だけどね。 FormID: 0114ECF0 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Compared to this, goblin mines seem almost pleasant. __ここと比べたら、Goblinの住んでる坑道の方がよっぽどマシね。 FormID: 0117ECDE 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't like vampires! When you get right down to it, they think of us as food! __Vampireは嫌い!だってあいつら、こっちのことを食べ物みたいに思っているんだもの! FormID: 0118D5A3 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I would hate it if you became a vampire, but I would be supportive even if it meant having to wear nightdresses and looking languid all day. __あなたがvampireになったらと思うとぞっとするわね。でも寝巻き着て一日中ぐったりしていても、私は見捨てないわ。 FormID: 01128FB5 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Pardon me for asking, but aren't you even a tad bit afraid of daedras? __こんなこと聞いて悪いんだけど、あなたはちっともDaedraが怖くないの? FormID: 01128FCD 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Pardon me for asking, but aren't you even a tad bit afraid of daedras? __こんなこと聞いて悪いんだけど、あなたはちっともDaedraが怖くないの? FormID: 01128FB4 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had seen me running around killing goblins. __私がGoblinたちをバッタバッタとなぎ倒して駆け抜けている姿を見たら、ママは何て言うかしらね? FormID: 01128FB6 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had seen me chasing bandits. __私がBanditたちを追いかけまわしている姿を見たら、ママは何て言うかしらね? FormID: 01128FB7 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had known that I would spend my time killing daedras! __私がDaedraたちを倒して時間を潰していると知ったら、ママは何て言うかしらね? FormID: 01128FB8 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had known that I would spend my time killing vampires. __私がVampireたちを成敗して時間を潰していると知ったら、ママは何て言うかしらね? FormID: 01128FB9 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had seen me in a necromancers' lair. __私がNecromancerたちのねぐらにいる姿を見たら、ママは何て言うかしらね? FormID: 01128FBA 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had seen me in a necromancers' lair. __私がNecromancerたちのねぐらにいる姿を見たら、ママは何て言うかしらね? FormID: 01128FBB 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Well, I do prefer bandits to vampires and undeads. And there's usually some good loot at places like this. __うーん。私としては、相手にするならVampireやUndeadよりもBanditの方がいいわね。それにこういう場所なら、良い戦利品が手に入るものだし。 FormID: 01128FBC 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I hate the smell of sewers. __私、下水道の臭いが嫌い! FormID: 0118D5A8 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't like creature caverns! Far too much work for not much profit! __洞窟にすんでる生き物って好きになれないわ!倒すのに苦労する割に見返りは少ないんだもの! FormID: 0118FEC5 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't think it should be murder to accidentally kill another adventurer in a cave. After all, we all know the risks. __洞窟で出くわした冒険者を誤って殺したとしても殺人にはあたらないと思うわ。冒険者なら誰だってその危険を承知の上なんだから。 FormID: 01162194 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 My sister is afraid of rats. I'm glad I'm not, considering the kind of places you take me to. __姉さんはネズミが苦手なの。 私はどこに連れていってもらっても平気だけどね。 FormID: 01128FBD 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Ayleid ruins are creepy, don't you think so? __Ayleidの遺跡は気味が悪いわ。あなたもそう思わない? FormID: 01128FBE 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Maybe it's just as well that we never see any goblin mothers or babies. I would hate it if you killed the little ones. __そういえば、Goblinのお母さんや赤ちゃんを見かけた事ってないわよね?Goblinとはいえ、もしもあなたが赤ちゃんたちを手に掛けるような事になったら嫌だわ。 FormID: 01128FBF 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Why don't they try to tidy up the place a bit. It's so easy to make soap with fat and ashes, and I suspect they have a pretty good supply of both. __どうして誰もここを片付けようとしないのかしら。脂肪と灰があれば石けんを作るのなんて簡単だし、その位の蓄えなら十分あるように思えるんだけれど。 FormID: 01128FC0 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Personally, I don't think a cauldron of skulls in the kitchen was ever going to make the guests feel at home. __個人的意見だけれど…頭蓋骨で満たされた大鍋を見て気分が落ち着くお客様はどこにもいないと思うわ。 FormID: 01128FC1 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm sure a diet of rat all the time just can't be good for you! __四六時中ネズミ肉ばかり食べていては健康に悪いわよ。絶対に! FormID: 01128FC2 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Why don't we ever see the Goblin mothers and babies? __どうしてGoblinのお母さんや赤ちゃんを見かける事がないのかしらね? FormID: 01181609 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Why do all goblins carry weapons even indoors? It's not as though the rats put up much of a fight. __どうしてGoblinはみんな屋内でも武器を構えているのかしらね?まさかネズミたちと戦っているわけでもあるまいし。 FormID: 0118E362 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know, it's just as well we don't see goblin women; I don't think there is a goblin word for lingerie. __ねえ、女のGoblinなんていなくてよかったわね。まあ、Goblin語にはランジェリーにあたる言葉はないと思うな。 FormID: 0118160A 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Goblins don't have very much conversation; as far as I can tell, the only the word they know is ARC! and they use that for everything. __Goblinたちは、お互い同士あまり会話しないの。私が知る限り、彼らに分かる言葉は『ARC』だけね。何をするにも『ARC』なの! FormID: 0116B8A9 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder if I could make a goblin deodorant? It might help. __Goblin用の匂い消しが作れたらいいのになぁ。きっと重宝するはずよ。 FormID: 01128FC3 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 The only good zombie is a dead zombie, if you want my opinion. __良いZombieは死んだZombieだけよ。私から言わせればね。 FormID: 0118FEBF 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I can smell something... dead. __何か…死者のにおいがするわ。 FormID: 01160D19 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I can't help it, but I pity the poor souls who cannot rest in peace. __私には彼らを助ける事は出来ないけれど、安らかに眠る事も出来ない哀れな魂たちには同情を覚えるわ。 FormID: 01128FC4 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Why don't bandits ever have enough food? We go into the cave and all they have is a loaf of bread and one measly carrot. No wonder they can't fight! __どうしてBanditたちはいつも食料不足なのかしら?彼らの住む洞窟に行ってみても、せいぜいパン一切れとやせたニンジン一個くらいしか見つからないもの。彼らが十分に戦えないのも無理もないことね!
FormID: 01145586 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are here, maybe we could look for more Shadowbanish Wine for Nerussa at the Wawnet Inn? __ここでなら、Wawnet InnのNerussaさんから頼まれたShadowbanish Wineが見つかるかもね。 FormID: 01128FB0 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Somehow, Ayleid ruins are beautiful... in their own scary way. __どういうわけか、Ayleidの遺跡は綺麗に感じるわ…。怖い場所なのにね。 FormID: 0117F3C1 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 If the Ayleid people were so clever, why didn't they make locks that couldn't be picked? __Ayleidの人たちがそんなに賢かったと言うのなら、どうして『絶対開かない錠前』を作らなかったのかしらね? FormID: 01128FB1 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you know the name of this ruin? __この遺跡の名前、知ってる? FormID: 01128FB2 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you know the name of this mine? __この炭鉱の名前、知ってる? FormID: 01128FB3 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you know the name of this fort? __この城砦の名前、知ってる? FormID: 01147843 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Imagine... I used to think that pink was beautiful. But, of course, I didn't mean this kind of pink. __ねぇ。私、今までピンクって綺麗な色だと思っていたけれど、まさかこんなピンクがあるとは…。想定外だったわ。 FormID: 0118E365 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I hate the realm of Oblivion, all those dreadful towers, all those fiery tunnels called wormfart or something, and there is nowhere to get a drink! __Oblivionの領域は大嫌い。恐ろしげな塔も、芋虫野郎とかなんとかいう灼熱のトンネルも、飲める水がどこにもないところも。 FormID: 01160D18 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't think I will ever want to wear a pink dress again. __私、二度とピンクのドレスを着たいなんて思わないわ。 FormID: 01147844 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This place is not only hostile... it's downright ugly as well. __ここは殺伐としている上に、本当におぞましい場所ね…。 FormID: 0114ECEF 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I can't wait to get out of this place. If we survive, that is. __ここから出るのが待ちきれないわ。生き延びられたらの話だけどね。 FormID: 0114ECF0 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Compared to this, goblin mines seem almost pleasant. __ここと比べたら、Goblinの住んでる坑道の方がよっぽどマシね。 FormID: 0117ECDE 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't like vampires! When you get right down to it, they think of us as food! __Vampireは嫌い!だってあいつら、こっちのことを食べ物みたいに思っているんだもの! FormID: 0118D5A3 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I would hate it if you became a vampire, but I would be supportive even if it meant having to wear nightdresses and looking languid all day. __あなたがvampireになったらと思うとぞっとするわね。でも寝巻き着て一日中ぐったりしていても、私は見捨てないわ。 FormID: 01128FB5 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Pardon me for asking, but aren't you even a tad bit afraid of daedras? __こんなこと聞いて悪いんだけど、あなたはちっともDaedraが怖くないの? FormID: 01128FCD 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Pardon me for asking, but aren't you even a tad bit afraid of daedras? __こんなこと聞いて悪いんだけど、あなたはちっともDaedraが怖くないの? FormID: 01128FB4 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had seen me running around killing goblins. __私がGoblinたちをバッタバッタとなぎ倒して駆け抜けている姿を見たら、ママは何て言うかしらね? FormID: 01128FB6 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had seen me chasing bandits. __私がBanditたちを追いかけまわしている姿を見たら、ママは何て言うかしらね? FormID: 01128FB7 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had known that I would spend my time killing daedras! __私がDaedraたちを倒して時間を潰していると知ったら、ママは何て言うかしらね? FormID: 01128FB8 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had known that I would spend my time killing vampires. __私がVampireたちを成敗して時間を潰していると知ったら、ママは何て言うかしらね? FormID: 01128FB9 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had seen me in a necromancers' lair. __私がNecromancerたちのねぐらにいる姿を見たら、ママは何て言うかしらね? FormID: 01128FBA 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had seen me in a necromancers' lair. __私がNecromancerたちのねぐらにいる姿を見たら、ママは何て言うかしらね? FormID: 01128FBB 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Well, I do prefer bandits to vampires and undeads. And there's usually some good loot at places like this. __うーん。私としては、相手にするならVampireやUndeadよりもBanditの方がいいわね。それにこういう場所なら、良い戦利品が手に入るものだし。 FormID: 01128FBC 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I hate the smell of sewers. __私、下水道の臭いが嫌い! FormID: 0118D5A8 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't like creature caverns! Far too much work for not much profit! __洞窟にすんでる生き物って好きになれないわ!倒すのに苦労する割に見返りは少ないんだもの! FormID: 0118FEC5 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't think it should be murder to accidentally kill another adventurer in a cave. After all, we all know the risks. __洞窟で出くわした冒険者を誤って殺したとしても殺人にはあたらないと思うわ。冒険者なら誰だってその危険を承知の上なんだから。 FormID: 01162194 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 My sister is afraid of rats. I'm glad I'm not, considering the kind of places you take me to. __姉さんはネズミが苦手なの。 私はどこに連れていってもらっても平気だけどね。 FormID: 01128FBD 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Ayleid ruins are creepy, don't you think so? __Ayleidの遺跡は気味が悪いわ。あなたもそう思わない? FormID: 01128FBE 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Maybe it's just as well that we never see any goblin mothers or babies. I would hate it if you killed the little ones. __そういえば、Goblinのお母さんや赤ちゃんを見かけた事ってないわよね?Goblinとはいえ、もしもあなたが赤ちゃんたちを手に掛けるような事になったら嫌だわ。 FormID: 01128FBF 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Why don't they try to tidy up the place a bit. It's so easy to make soap with fat and ashes, and I suspect they have a pretty good supply of both. __どうして誰もここを片付けようとしないのかしら。脂肪と灰があれば石けんを作るのなんて簡単だし、その位の蓄えなら十分あるように思えるんだけれど。 FormID: 01128FC0 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Personally, I don't think a cauldron of skulls in the kitchen was ever going to make the guests feel at home. __個人的意見だけれど…頭蓋骨で満たされた大鍋を見て気分が落ち着くお客様はどこにもいないと思うわ。 FormID: 01128FC1 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm sure a diet of rat all the time just can't be good for you! __四六時中ネズミ肉ばかり食べていては健康に悪いわよ。絶対に! FormID: 01128FC2 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Why don't we ever see the Goblin mothers and babies? __どうしてGoblinのお母さんや赤ちゃんを見かける事がないのかしらね? FormID: 01181609 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Why do all goblins carry weapons even indoors? It's not as though the rats put up much of a fight. __どうしてGoblinはみんな屋内でも武器を構えているのかしらね?まさかネズミたちと戦っているわけでもあるまいし。 FormID: 0118E362 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know, it's just as well we don't see goblin women; I don't think there is a goblin word for lingerie. __ねえ、女のGoblinなんていなくてよかったわね。まあ、Goblin語にはランジェリーにあたる言葉はないと思うな。 FormID: 0118160A 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Goblins don't have very much conversation; as far as I can tell, the only the word they know is ARC! and they use that for everything. __Goblinたちは、お互い同士あまり会話しないの。私が知る限り、彼らに分かる言葉は『ARC』だけね。何をするにも『ARC』なの! FormID: 0116B8A9 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder if I could make a goblin deodorant? It might help. __Goblin用の匂い消しが作れたらいいのになぁ。きっと重宝するはずよ。 FormID: 01128FC3 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 The only good zombie is a dead zombie, if you want my opinion. __良いZombieは死んだZombieだけよ。私から言わせればね。 FormID: 0118FEBF 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I can smell something... dead. __何か…死者のにおいがするわ。 FormID: 01160D19 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I can't help it, but I pity the poor souls who cannot rest in peace. __私には彼らを助ける事は出来ないけれど、安らかに眠る事も出来ない哀れな魂たちには同情を覚えるわ。 FormID: 01128FC4 1emVCHostileInhabitants 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Why don't bandits ever have enough food? We go into the cave and all they have is a loaf of bread and one measly carrot. No wonder they can't fight! __どうしてBanditたちはいつも食料不足なのかしら?彼らの住む洞窟に行ってみても、せいぜいパン一切れとやせたニンジン一個くらいしか見つからないもの。彼らが十分に戦えないのも無理もないことね!