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FormID: 011A641C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I think the Countess of Anvil misses her husband quite a lot. She always looks so sad, poor woman. __Countess of Anvilは旦那さんがとても恋しいのね。いつも悲しそうだわ、かわいそうに。 FormID: 011AA8AF 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Please don't ask Jesan to sing! He will never stop! __お願いだから、Jesanに歌を歌わせないでね!止まらなくなっちゃうから! FormID: 011AA8B0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I know some people badmouth Norbert Lelle and say he isn't the smartest fellow around. But at least he isn't as snotty as some other merchants. __Norbert Lelleの悪口をいう人がいるのは知ってるわ。彼は仲間内で一番頭のいい人間ではないって。でも、少なくとも彼は他の商人みたいに横柄じゃないわね。 FormID: 011AA8B1 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Admittedly, this store isn't what one would call posh. But it still has quite a lot to offer. __悪いんだけれど、ここはとんでもなく素晴らしいところってわけではないわね。それでもおすすめできるところなんだけど。 FormID: 011AA8AC 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 A wood elf lady and a nord bloke fall in love and decide to settle down in Anvil... You know, I think it is kind of romantic. __あるウッドエルフの女とノルドの男が恋に落ち、Anvilに移住することを決意する... まさにこれこそロマンチックってやつね。 FormID: 011AA8B9 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 You could ask Quill Weave to train you in acrobatis. But from what I have seen, she isn't that great, really. __Quill Weaveにお願いしてAcrobaticsを訓練してもらったら?でもわたしの見たところ、彼女は達人ってほどじゃないわね、うん。 FormID: 011AA8B7 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Why do people say that Newheim The Portly is snotty? I think he is just shy, like most nords. __どうしてみんな、Newheim The Portlyは横柄だって言うのかしら?彼は単に恥ずかしがり屋なだけよ、ノルドって大体そう。 __どうしてみんな、Newheim The Portlyは横柄だって言うのかしら?彼は単に恥ずかしがり屋なだけよ、 Nord って大体そう。 FormID: 011AA8BB 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I guess there's nothing wrong with the Flowing Bowl. But as I used to work for Wilbur at The Count's Arms, I haven't spent a lot of time here. __わたし、Flowing Bowlは何も間違ってないと思うわ。でも、The Count's ArmsのWilburのために働いてたわたしとしては、あんまりここに長居したことはないわね。 FormID: 011AA8B8 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Pinarus Inventius is quite the hunter. He can track about anything, and he's deadly with his bow. __Pinarus Inventiusはかなりの狩人ね。何でも追跡して、弓で射殺してしまうわ。 FormID: 011AA8BA 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I have heard Rusia Bradus can march longer and faster than any of her husband's soldiers. Maybe she could teach us something about athletics? __Rusia Bradusは彼女の旦那さんの兵士の誰よりも、ずっと長く早く行軍できるそうよ。彼女ならきっとAthleticsについてなにか教えてくれるんじゃないかしら? FormID: 011AA8B4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Calling a weapon store [QUOTE]Peacemaker[QUOTE] is like calling a candy store [QUOTE]Slimmaker[QUOTE]. Why are there so few candy stores in Cyrodiil, by the way? __武器屋を[QUOTE]Peacemaker[QUOTE] って呼ぶのは、飴屋を[QUOTE]Slimmaker[QUOTE]って呼ぶようなものよ。ところで、どうしてCyrodiilにはこんなに飴屋が少ないのかしら? FormID: 011AA8B5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 In Morrowind, I learnt that dunmers are exceptional weapon makers. This store proves that it is true. __Morrowindじゃあ、Dunmerは腕のいい武器職人だって言われてたわ。この店はそれを証明しているわね。 FormID: 011AA8B2 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I've always found this place a bit... creepy. Don't you think so, too? __わたし、ここに来るたびにちょっとゾクッとするのよね。あなたはそんな感じしない? FormID: 011B08A6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Why do town guard houses always have this distinct smell of bad wine and dirty socks? __どうしてTown Guardの乗ってる馬って、いっつもこの腐ったワインと汚れた靴下みたいな臭いがするのかしら? FormID: 011AA8AD 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 This is, as I'm sure you know, where I first met Bruse. It was surely love at first sight! Well, with Bruse, I mean. Not with Ernest. __ここは、あなたも知ってると思うけど、わたしが最初にBruseと会った所よ。一目で気に入っちゃたわ!ええと、Bruseとの話よ、言っとくけど。Ernestじゃなくて。 FormID: 011AA8AE 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Don't you think that the white horses are exceptionally beautiful? I've always prefered them... and Bruse is of course the most beautiful of them all __白い馬ってすごく綺麗だと思わない?わたしは他の何より好きよ…もちろん、Bruseはその中でも一番の美形よ。 FormID: 011A8D54 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I used to work extra here as a cleaning lady. That was when I was saving up money in order to buy Bruse. __わたし、ここで臨時の清掃婦として働いてたことがあったわ。Bruseを買うためにお金を貯めてたときのことよ。 FormID: 011AA8B3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Felen Relas knows a lot about alchemy, and always has quite a lot of ingredients in store. __Felen RelasはAlchemyについてよく知っているわ。そしていつもお店で沢山の材料を扱っているわね。 FormID: 011A942F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I used to work extra here as a cleaning lady. That was when I was saving up money in order to buy Bruse. __わたし、ここで臨時の清掃婦として働いてたことがあったわ。Bruseを買うためにお金を貯めてたときのことよ。 FormID: 011AA1D8 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 There are quite a few good trainers here, but I take it you already know that. __ここには何人か腕の立つ Trainer がいるのよ…って、あなたなら知ってるだろうけれど。 FormID: 011A942E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I think Azzan is a very good leader. And, on top of that, he is very handsome, too. __Azzan は優秀なリーダーだと思うわ。それに、何よりすごくハンサムでもあるし。 FormID: 011A9B03 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I've never particularly enjoyed places that are infested with rats. __ねずみだらけの場所で楽しく過ごせた事なんて、今まで一度もないわ。 FormID: 011A63E4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I really like Wilbur. But some of his jokes are just horrible! Of course, I try to laugh anyway, to cheer him up. __Wilbur の事は大好きよ。でも彼のジョークって、たまにひどいの!もちろん、元気付けてあげたいから頑張って笑ってあげようとはするけれどね。 FormID: 011A4F4E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Did you know that I used to work here as a barmaid? It was quite nice, although Wilbur's bad jokes can be a bit hard to cope with. __私、前にここでウェイトレスとして働いてたのよ。知ってた?良い職場だったわ。Wilbur のジョークにはうんざりしたけれどね。 FormID: 011A4F4C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Wilbur knows a lot about fine wines. When I was working here, he tried to teach me a little, but, honestly, I still prefer mead! __Wilbur ってすごくワインに詳しいのよ。ここで働いてた頃、彼からちょっとだけ教わったわ。とはいえ、私はワインよりも蜂蜜酒の方が好きなんだけど。 FormID: 011D20BD 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 When I was staying in Anvil, I used to go for walks here. I enjoy the fresh breeze, although the lighthouse itself is a tad bit creepy. __Anvil で暮らしてた頃、よくここまで散歩に来たものだわ。新鮮な空気を吸うのが気持ちよくってね。まぁ、あの灯台はちょっと不気味な雰囲気だったけれど。 FormID: 011AA1D7 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I guess we better not pay a visit to Count Corvus and his wife while we are here. __Anvil には来たけれど、 Corvus 伯爵夫妻には会いに行くのはやめておいた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011A63E3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Wilbur at the Count's Arms knows a lot about fine wines. When I was working there, he tried to teach me a little, but, honestly, I still prefer mead! __Count's Arms の Wilbur はワインの銘酒にすごく詳しいのよ。あの店で働いてた頃、彼からちょっとだけ教わった事はあるの。まぁ正直な話、それでも私は蜂蜜酒の方が好みなんだけどね。 FormID: 011A63E5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I really like Wilbur at the Counts Arms. But some of his jokes are just horrible! Of course, I try to laugh anyway, to cheer him up. __Wilbur の事は大好きよ。でも彼のジョークって、たまにひどいの!もちろん、元気付けてあげたいから頑張って笑ってあげようとはするけれどね。 FormID: 011A6400 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 While we are here, maybe we could head over to The Count's Arms and have a drink? __Anvilに来た事だし、 The Count's Arms に行って一杯飲んでくのもいいんじゃない? FormID: 011A63E1 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 It's so good to be here in Anvil. I so enjoy looking at all those beautiful ships. __Anvil に来られてすごく嬉しいわ。綺麗な船を眺めるのがとても楽しいから。 FormID: 011DD2DC 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 When I was staying in Anvil, I used to go for walks at the lighthouse. I enjoy the fresh breeze, although the lighthouse itself is a tad bit creepy. __Anvil で暮らしてた頃、よく灯台まで散歩に来たものだわ。新鮮な空気を吸うのが気持ちよくってね。まぁ、ちょっと不気味な所ではあったけれど。 FormID: 011DD2DD 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I have told you, haven't I, that it was here in Anvil that I bought Bruse. __前に話した事があったっけ?私、この Anvil の街で Bruse を買ったのよ。 FormID: 011DD2DE 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I know some people badmouth Norbert Lelle and say he isn't the smartest fellow around. But at least he isn't as snotty as some other merchants. __Norbert Lelle の事を頭があまり良くないって悪口を言う人がいるのは知ってるわ。でも、少なくとも彼は他の商人みたいに横柄な態度は取らない人よ。 FormID: 011DD2DF 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Calling a weapon store [QUOTE]Peacemaker[QUOTE] is like calling a candy store [QUOTE]Slimmaker[QUOTE]. Why are there so few candy stores in Cyrodiil, by the way? __武器屋なのに [QUOTE]Peacemaker (平和をもたらす者)[QUOTE] なんて名前で呼ぶのは、アメ屋さんを[QUOTE]Slimmaker (痩せさせ屋)[QUOTE]と呼ぶのと同じよ。ところで、どうして Cyrodiil にはアメ屋さんがこんなに少ないのかしらね? FormID: 011DD2E0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 There are quite a few good trainers here in Anvil. But I take it you already know that? __Anvil には腕の良い Trainer が何人かいるわ。まぁ、あなたなら知ってるだろうけれど。 FormID: 011A6AF6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 CHORROL FormID: 011A71F4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 People say the food here is worse than dog food.But I bet they are comparing to the food the Bruiants give their dogs,which is better than human food __ここの食事は犬の餌よりも不味いって言う人がいるけれど、彼らはきっと Bruiant 家の犬の餌と比べて言ってるんだわ。あの家の餌は人間の食べ物よりも美味しいんだもの。 FormID: 011A8679 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I've always liked The Grey Mare.One can dance on the tables, just like in Solstheim, without feeling embarrassed. Well, at least not very embarrassed __Grey Mare はお気に入りよ。Solstheim にいた頃と同じようにテーブルの上でダンスを踊っても恥ずかしい思いをしなくて済むからね。全然恥ずかしくないと言うわけではないけれど、まぁそれでもだいぶマシよ。 FormID: 011A6411 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I think people are wrong to talk about Rasheda the blacksmith and Sabine. After all, can't ladies be friends? Some people can be very cruel.[QUOTE] __鍛冶屋のRashedaとSabineとの事であれこれ言う人がいるけど、私は間違っていると思うわ。でも、結局のところ女同士だと仲良くなれないのかしら?心無い人もいるものねぇ。 FormID: 011AD1D4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 This is a nice place... although Modryn Oreyn always looks at me as if I had mud on my boots and was dragging into his precious Guildhall. __ここはいい所ね…。 Modryn Oreyn はいつもまるで私が泥付きのブーツで彼の大切な Guildhall を踏み荒らしでもしてるみたいな目でじろじろ見つめてくるけれども。 FormID: 011AD1D5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Modryn Oreyn always looks so stern - but the people over at The Gray Mare told me that when he is drunk, he will sing jolly songs about Morrowind. __Modryn Oreyn はいつもいかめしい顔をしてるけれど、 The Gray Mare に来る人達によると彼は酔っ払うと Morrowind の陽気な歌を歌うらしいわよ。 FormID: 011A942B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Someone said that Teekeus and Dar-Ma at Northern Goods are relatives. But then again, someone else said that's not true. So I really don't know. __Teekeus と Northern Goods の Dar-Ma ちゃんを親戚同士だと言う人もいるし、そうじゃないって言う人もいる。私にはどっちが本当なのか分からないわ。 FormID: 011AD1D3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 So this is where Casta Scribonia writes all her novels? Maybe she should go on holidays for a while. That might give her more inspiration. __Casta Scribonia はここで小説を書いたのね?でも、彼女は少しくらい休暇を取るべきよ。そうすればきっともっと閃くはず。 FormID: 011AD1D7 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 While we are here, could we look for a new copy of ABC for Barbarians? I seem to have mislaid mine. __ここにいる間に ABC for Barbarians を一冊探してみない?どこかに置き忘れちゃったみたいなの。 FormID: 011AD1D6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Oh what a wonderful smell! It must be the Bruiants' preparing food for their dogs. Smells like... Boar Filet Black and White. With baked potatoes. __あぁ、何て素敵な香りなの!きっと Bruiant 夫妻が犬の餌を用意しているんだわ。匂いから察するに…これは Boar Filet Black and White の Baked Potato 添えね。 FormID: 011A6413 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Poor Countess Valga of Castle Chorrol! She is still mourning her dead husband. __Chorrol 城の Valga 伯爵夫人が可哀相!彼女は今でも旦那さんの死を悲しんでいるのよ。 FormID: 011A867A 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I think Northern Goods is a very good place for shopping. __Northern Goods は買い物にうってつけの場所だと思うわ。 FormID: 011D20E0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Let's just stay here for a little while and look at the beautiful horses. __少しだけ足を止めて、馬たちの美しい姿を眺めていましょうよ。
FormID: 011A641C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I think the Countess of Anvil misses her husband quite a lot. She always looks so sad, poor woman. __Countess of Anvilは旦那さんがとても恋しいのね。いつも悲しそうだわ、かわいそうに。 FormID: 011AA8AF 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Please don't ask Jesan to sing! He will never stop! __お願いだから、Jesanに歌を歌わせないでね!止まらなくなっちゃうから! FormID: 011AA8B0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I know some people badmouth Norbert Lelle and say he isn't the smartest fellow around. But at least he isn't as snotty as some other merchants. __Norbert Lelleの悪口をいう人がいるのは知ってるわ。彼は仲間内で一番頭のいい人間ではないって。でも、少なくとも彼は他の商人みたいに横柄じゃないわね。 FormID: 011AA8B1 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Admittedly, this store isn't what one would call posh. But it still has quite a lot to offer. __悪いんだけれど、ここはとんでもなく素晴らしいところってわけではないわね。それでもおすすめできるところなんだけど。 FormID: 011AA8AC 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 A wood elf lady and a nord bloke fall in love and decide to settle down in Anvil... You know, I think it is kind of romantic. __あるウッドエルフの女とノルドの男が恋に落ち、Anvilに移住することを決意する... まさにこれこそロマンチックってやつね。 FormID: 011AA8B9 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 You could ask Quill Weave to train you in acrobatis. But from what I have seen, she isn't that great, really. __Quill Weaveにお願いしてAcrobaticsを訓練してもらったら?でもわたしの見たところ、彼女は達人ってほどじゃないわね、うん。 FormID: 011AA8B7 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Why do people say that Newheim The Portly is snotty? I think he is just shy, like most nords. __どうしてみんな、Newheim The Portlyは横柄だって言うのかしら?彼は単に恥ずかしがり屋なだけよ、ノルドって大体そう。 __どうしてみんな、Newheim The Portlyは横柄だって言うのかしら?彼は単に恥ずかしがり屋なだけよ、 Nord って大体そう。 FormID: 011AA8BB 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I guess there's nothing wrong with the Flowing Bowl. But as I used to work for Wilbur at The Count's Arms, I haven't spent a lot of time here. __わたし、Flowing Bowlは何も間違ってないと思うわ。でも、The Count's ArmsのWilburのために働いてたわたしとしては、あんまりここに長居したことはないわね。 FormID: 011AA8B8 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Pinarus Inventius is quite the hunter. He can track about anything, and he's deadly with his bow. __Pinarus Inventiusはかなりの狩人ね。何でも追跡して、弓で射殺してしまうわ。 FormID: 011AA8BA 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I have heard Rusia Bradus can march longer and faster than any of her husband's soldiers. Maybe she could teach us something about athletics? __Rusia Bradusは彼女の旦那さんの兵士の誰よりも、ずっと長く早く行軍できるそうよ。彼女ならきっとAthleticsについてなにか教えてくれるんじゃないかしら? FormID: 011AA8B4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Calling a weapon store [QUOTE]Peacemaker[QUOTE] is like calling a candy store [QUOTE]Slimmaker[QUOTE]. Why are there so few candy stores in Cyrodiil, by the way? __武器屋を[QUOTE]Peacemaker[QUOTE] って呼ぶのは、飴屋を[QUOTE]Slimmaker[QUOTE]って呼ぶようなものよ。ところで、どうしてCyrodiilにはこんなに飴屋が少ないのかしら? FormID: 011AA8B5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 In Morrowind, I learnt that dunmers are exceptional weapon makers. This store proves that it is true. __Morrowindじゃあ、Dunmerは腕のいい武器職人だって言われてたわ。この店はそれを証明しているわね。 FormID: 011AA8B2 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I've always found this place a bit... creepy. Don't you think so, too? __わたし、ここに来るたびにちょっとゾクッとするのよね。あなたはそんな感じしない? FormID: 011B08A6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Why do town guard houses always have this distinct smell of bad wine and dirty socks? __どうしてTown Guardの乗ってる馬って、いっつもこの腐ったワインと汚れた靴下みたいな臭いがするのかしら? FormID: 011AA8AD 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 This is, as I'm sure you know, where I first met Bruse. It was surely love at first sight! Well, with Bruse, I mean. Not with Ernest. __ここは、あなたも知ってると思うけど、わたしが最初にBruseと会った所よ。一目で気に入っちゃたわ!ええと、Bruseとの話よ、言っとくけど。Ernestじゃなくて。 FormID: 011AA8AE 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Don't you think that the white horses are exceptionally beautiful? I've always prefered them... and Bruse is of course the most beautiful of them all __白い馬ってすごく綺麗だと思わない?わたしは他の何より好きよ…もちろん、Bruseはその中でも一番の美形よ。 FormID: 011A8D54 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I used to work extra here as a cleaning lady. That was when I was saving up money in order to buy Bruse. __わたし、ここで臨時の清掃婦として働いてたことがあったわ。Bruseを買うためにお金を貯めてたときのことよ。 FormID: 011AA8B3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Felen Relas knows a lot about alchemy, and always has quite a lot of ingredients in store. __Felen RelasはAlchemyについてよく知っているわ。そしていつもお店で沢山の材料を扱っているわね。 FormID: 011A942F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I used to work extra here as a cleaning lady. That was when I was saving up money in order to buy Bruse. __わたし、ここで臨時の清掃婦として働いてたことがあったわ。Bruseを買うためにお金を貯めてたときのことよ。 FormID: 011AA1D8 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 There are quite a few good trainers here, but I take it you already know that. __ここには何人か腕の立つ Trainer がいるのよ…って、あなたなら知ってるだろうけれど。 FormID: 011A942E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I think Azzan is a very good leader. And, on top of that, he is very handsome, too. __Azzan は優秀なリーダーだと思うわ。それに、何よりすごくハンサムでもあるし。 FormID: 011A9B03 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I've never particularly enjoyed places that are infested with rats. __ねずみだらけの場所で楽しく過ごせた事なんて、今まで一度もないわ。 FormID: 011A63E4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I really like Wilbur. But some of his jokes are just horrible! Of course, I try to laugh anyway, to cheer him up. __Wilbur の事は大好きよ。でも彼のジョークって、たまにひどいの!もちろん、元気付けてあげたいから頑張って笑ってあげようとはするけれどね。 FormID: 011A4F4E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Did you know that I used to work here as a barmaid? It was quite nice, although Wilbur's bad jokes can be a bit hard to cope with. __私、前にここでウェイトレスとして働いてたのよ。知ってた?良い職場だったわ。Wilbur のジョークにはうんざりしたけれどね。 FormID: 011A4F4C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Wilbur knows a lot about fine wines. When I was working here, he tried to teach me a little, but, honestly, I still prefer mead! __Wilbur ってすごくワインに詳しいのよ。ここで働いてた頃、彼からちょっとだけ教わったわ。とはいえ、私はワインよりも蜂蜜酒の方が好きなんだけど。 FormID: 011D20BD 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 When I was staying in Anvil, I used to go for walks here. I enjoy the fresh breeze, although the lighthouse itself is a tad bit creepy. __Anvil で暮らしてた頃、よくここまで散歩に来たものだわ。新鮮な空気を吸うのが気持ちよくってね。まぁ、あの灯台はちょっと不気味な雰囲気だったけれど。 FormID: 011AA1D7 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I guess we better not pay a visit to Count Corvus and his wife while we are here. __Anvil には来たけれど、 Corvus 伯爵夫妻には会いに行くのはやめておいた方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 011A63E3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Wilbur at the Count's Arms knows a lot about fine wines. When I was working there, he tried to teach me a little, but, honestly, I still prefer mead! __Count's Arms の Wilbur はワインの銘酒にすごく詳しいのよ。あの店で働いてた頃、彼からちょっとだけ教わった事はあるの。まぁ正直な話、それでも私は蜂蜜酒の方が好みなんだけどね。 FormID: 011A63E5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I really like Wilbur at the Counts Arms. But some of his jokes are just horrible! Of course, I try to laugh anyway, to cheer him up. __Wilbur の事は大好きよ。でも彼のジョークって、たまにひどいの!もちろん、元気付けてあげたいから頑張って笑ってあげようとはするけれどね。 FormID: 011A6400 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 While we are here, maybe we could head over to The Count's Arms and have a drink? __Anvilに来た事だし、 The Count's Arms に行って一杯飲んでくのもいいんじゃない? FormID: 011A63E1 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 It's so good to be here in Anvil. I so enjoy looking at all those beautiful ships. __Anvil に来られてすごく嬉しいわ。綺麗な船を眺めるのがとても楽しいから。 FormID: 011DD2DC 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 When I was staying in Anvil, I used to go for walks at the lighthouse. I enjoy the fresh breeze, although the lighthouse itself is a tad bit creepy. __Anvil で暮らしてた頃、よく灯台まで散歩に来たものだわ。新鮮な空気を吸うのが気持ちよくってね。まぁ、ちょっと不気味な所ではあったけれど。 FormID: 011DD2DD 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I have told you, haven't I, that it was here in Anvil that I bought Bruse. __前に話した事があったっけ?私、この Anvil の街で Bruse を買ったのよ。 FormID: 011DD2DE 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I know some people badmouth Norbert Lelle and say he isn't the smartest fellow around. But at least he isn't as snotty as some other merchants. __Norbert Lelle の事を頭があまり良くないって悪口を言う人がいるのは知ってるわ。でも、少なくとも彼は他の商人みたいに横柄な態度は取らない人よ。 FormID: 011DD2DF 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Calling a weapon store [QUOTE]Peacemaker[QUOTE] is like calling a candy store [QUOTE]Slimmaker[QUOTE]. Why are there so few candy stores in Cyrodiil, by the way? __武器屋なのに [QUOTE]Peacemaker (平和をもたらす者)[QUOTE] なんて名前で呼ぶのは、アメ屋さんを[QUOTE]Slimmaker (痩せさせ屋)[QUOTE]と呼ぶのと同じよ。ところで、どうして Cyrodiil にはアメ屋さんがこんなに少ないのかしらね? FormID: 011DD2E0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 There are quite a few good trainers here in Anvil. But I take it you already know that? __Anvil には腕の良い Trainer が何人かいるわ。まぁ、あなたなら知ってるだろうけれど。 FormID: 011A6AF6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 CHORROL FormID: 011A71F4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 People say the food here is worse than dog food.But I bet they are comparing to the food the Bruiants give their dogs,which is better than human food __ここの食事は犬の餌よりも不味いって言う人がいるけれど、彼らはきっと Bruiant 家の犬の餌と比べて言ってるんだわ。あの家の餌は人間の食べ物よりも美味しいんだもの。 FormID: 011A8679 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I've always liked The Grey Mare.One can dance on the tables, just like in Solstheim, without feeling embarrassed. Well, at least not very embarrassed __Grey Mare はお気に入りよ。Solstheim にいた頃と同じようにテーブルの上でダンスを踊っても恥ずかしい思いをしなくて済むからね。全然恥ずかしくないと言うわけではないけれど、まぁそれでもだいぶマシよ。 FormID: 011A6411 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I think people are wrong to talk about Rasheda the blacksmith and Sabine. After all, can't ladies be friends? Some people can be very cruel.[QUOTE] __鍛冶屋のRashedaとSabineとの事であれこれ言う人がいるけど、私は間違っていると思うわ。でも、結局のところ女同士だと仲良くなれないのかしら?心無い人もいるものねぇ。 FormID: 011AD1D4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 This is a nice place... although Modryn Oreyn always looks at me as if I had mud on my boots and was dragging into his precious Guildhall. __ここはいい所ね…。 Modryn Oreyn はいつもまるで私が泥付きのブーツで彼の大切な Guildhall を踏み荒らしでもしてるみたいな目でじろじろ見つめてくるけれども。 FormID: 011AD1D5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Modryn Oreyn always looks so stern - but the people over at The Gray Mare told me that when he is drunk, he will sing jolly songs about Morrowind. __Modryn Oreyn はいつもいかめしい顔をしてるけれど、 The Gray Mare に来る人達によると彼は酔っ払うと Morrowind の陽気な歌を歌うらしいわよ。 FormID: 011A942B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Someone said that Teekeus and Dar-Ma at Northern Goods are relatives. But then again, someone else said that's not true. So I really don't know. __Teekeus と Northern Goods の Dar-Ma ちゃんを親戚同士だと言う人もいるし、そうじゃないって言う人もいる。私にはどっちが本当なのか分からないわ。 FormID: 011AD1D3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 So this is where Casta Scribonia writes all her novels? Maybe she should go on holidays for a while. That might give her more inspiration. __Casta Scribonia はここで小説を書いたのね?でも、彼女は少しくらい休暇を取るべきよ。そうすればきっともっと閃くはず。 FormID: 011AD1D7 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 While we are here, could we look for a new copy of ABC for Barbarians? I seem to have mislaid mine. __ここにいる間に ABC for Barbarians を一冊探してみない?どこかに置き忘れちゃったみたいなの。 FormID: 011AD1D6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Oh what a wonderful smell! It must be the Bruiants' preparing food for their dogs. Smells like... Boar Filet Black and White. With baked potatoes. __あぁ、何て素敵な香りなの!きっと Bruiant 夫妻が犬の餌を用意しているんだわ。匂いから察するに…これは Boar Filet Black and White の Baked Potato 添えね。 FormID: 011A6413 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Poor Countess Valga of Castle Chorrol! She is still mourning her dead husband. __Chorrol 城の Valga 伯爵夫人が可哀相!彼女は今でも旦那さんの死を悲しんでいるのよ。 FormID: 011A867A 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 I think Northern Goods is a very good place for shopping. __Northern Goods は買い物にうってつけの場所だと思うわ。 FormID: 011D20E0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC6PlaceThoughts 0 Let's just stay here for a little while and look at the beautiful horses. __少しだけ足を止めて、馬たちの美しい姿を眺めていましょうよ。