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FormID: 011E332A 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 While we are here, maybe we could visit the vineyards? __この街にいるうちに、ぶどう畑に行ってみるのも悪くないんじゃないかしら? FormID: 0102108C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I would like to swim in the moonlight. How about you? __月夜の晩に水浴びするのも素敵だと思わない? FormID: 0102108B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 First Edition, the bookshop in the Market District, have got lots and lots of interesting books. Maybe we should go there and have a look? __Market DistrictのFirst Editionには本っ当にたくさんの本が並んでいるわ。ちょっと行ってみましょうよ? FormID: 01021089 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 You promised the people at the Bravil Mages Guild to persuade Varon Varmori to return Ardaline's staff. __BravilのMages Guildの人に、Ardalineの杖を取り返すためにVaron Varmoriを説得すると約束していたわよね。 FormID: 01021088 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Burz gro-Khash asked you to deliver a weapons shipment to Fighters Guild members in the Desolate Mine northwest of Cheydinhal. __Burz gro-Khashから、Cheydinhal北西のDesolate MineにいるFighters Guildメンバーに武器の補給をしに行くよう頼まれていたわよね。 FormID: 0113A975 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 How about going to Harlun's Watch and investigate what happened to the people that went missing there? You promised the Fighters Guild to do so. __Harlun's Watchに行って、行方不明事件の調査をしましょ。Fighters Guildとの約束でしょ? FormID: 0113A976 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Well, you have promised Drarana Thelis in Harlun's Watch to investigate what happened to her missing neighbors. I wonder where they are. __Harlun's WatchのDrarana Thelisに、ご近所さんの行方不明事件についての調査を約束していたわよね。彼ら、本当にどこに行っちゃったのかしら? FormID: 0101357D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 As it is raining so badly, maybe we should head for an inn and have something to drink? __すごい雨降りだし、どこかの宿屋に行って飲み物でも飲んで落ち着きたいわね。 FormID: 0101357C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Azzan at Anvil Fighters Guild wanted us to go to Norbert Lelles store, remember? It was something with a break-in. __AnvilのFighters GuildのAzzanから、Norbert Lellesの店に行くよう頼まれているのよね?確か押し込み強盗か何かの件で。 FormID: 0101357B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I think I would fancy grilled mud crabs for supper. How about going and kill a few of them? __夕ごはんは、ちょっと趣向を変えてMud Crabのグリルにしたいわ。ちょっと狩りに行ってみない? FormID: 0101357A 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Weren't you supposed to speak to Arvena Thelas about a problem with rats in her basement? You promised Azzan at Anvil Fighter's Guild to do so. __地下室のネズミの件でArvena Thelasを訪ねる予定じゃなかったっけ?AnvilのFighters GuildのAzzanとそう約束したはずでしょ? FormID: 0100C81A 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Weren't we supposed to go and find this Erthor guy for the Mages Guild in Skingrad? After all, you do need that recommendation... __SkingradのMages Guild員のEthorを探しに行く予定じゃなかったっけ?推薦状が必要なんじゃないの…? FormID: 0100C819 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 How about the Arena? There's nothing like hearing the audience roar. __Arenaはどう思うかって?あそこにいても観客の叫び声しか聞こえないじゃないの。 FormID: 0100B374 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Maybe we should just take a day off and rest... Stay at home, cook a good meal, drink a glass of wine in front of the fireplace. __私達、せめて一日くらいはオフの日を作って休むべきよ。家でゆっくりしながら美味しいものを食べて、暖炉の前でワインを傾けるの。 FormID: 0100B372 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 How about going for a ride? It doesn't really matter where to, I just feel that I have spent too little time with my horse Bruse lately. __馬に乗って出かけようよ。行き先はそれほど問題じゃないわ。だって最近、愛馬のBruseと過ごす時間があまりに少ないんだもの。 FormID: 0100B371 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I'm a bit thirsty... I wouldn't mind a drink. __少し喉が渇いたわ…。飲み物休憩にしてもいいのよ? FormID: 0100B370 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Well, if you don't have a better suggestion, I wouldn't mind doing some shopping. Just look at my clothes, they are just rags! __とくに予定が無いならショッピングに行きましょうよ。服を見たいの。だって、いま着てるのがボロボロなんだもの。 FormID: 0100B36F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Have you got many ingredients in store? If not, maybe we could just go and pick some nice flowers. It's been a lot of fighting lately, hasn't it... __お店で素材はたくさん手に入ったかしら?足りなかったら外でお花摘みとしゃれ込むのも悪くないかもね。激しい戦闘の後で疲れちゃったし…。 FormID: 01145C5F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I guess we better not pay a visit to Count Corvus and his wife while we are here. __この街にいる間は、Corvus伯爵夫妻と会わない方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 0100B36D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 How about just... go and kill something?? __ねぇ、何か狩りにいかない? FormID: 0100B36E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I thought we should be heading for Kvatch, in order to find this Martin guy? __Kvatchに向かうべきじゃないのかしら?Martinとかいう人を探すんでしょ? FormID: 011CEFC3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I think it's time for us to return to Azura, don't you agree. I'm sure she'll be happy that we have completed her task. __そろそろ Azura 神の所に戻るべきじゃないかしら。依頼完了の知らせを聞けばきっと喜んでくれると思うわよ。 FormID: 011CEFC4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I do hate vampires, but I know that you promised Azura to go to the Gutted Mine and clean out the place. __Vampire は大嫌いよ。でも、あなたが Gutted Mine に行って奴らを退治するって Azura 神と約束したものね。 FormID: 011CEFD4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Let's go to the Bleak Mine and free Lord Drad's ogre slaves. __Bleak Mine に行って、Lord Drad に奴隷として働かされてる Ogre 達を自由にしてあげましょう。 FormID: 011CEFD9 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Let's go to the Howling Cave and kill necromancers for Meridia. I'm sure we'll be greatly rewarded. __Meridia 神に言われた通り、 Howling Cave に行って Necromancer を退治しましょう。きっとすごい報酬がもらえるはずよ。 FormID: 011CEFDB 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 We should return to Meridia and get our reward for killing all the necromancers in Howling Cave. __Howling Cave の Necromancer を一掃したし、 Meridia 神の所に戻って報酬を受け取りましょう。 FormID: 011CEFE0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Let's go to Leyawiin and find the thieves who have stolen the Eye of Nocturnal. __Leyawiin に行って、 Eye of Nocturnal を盗んだ盗賊を探しましょう。 FormID: 011CEFE6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Let's go to Arkved's tower and retrieve the stolen Orb for Vaermina __Arkved's Tower に行って、盗まれた Orb を Vaermina 神の為に取り返しましょう。 FormID: 011CEFE8 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Now that you have the Orb that Arkved had stolen, let's return it to Vaermina. __Arkved に盗まれた Orb を取り返した事だし、Vaermina 神の所に戻りましょうよ。 FormID: 011CF6BC 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I'm quite looking forward to Countess Caro's dinner party. When are we going there? __Caro 伯爵夫人の晩さん会に行くのがとっても楽しみ。ねぇ、いつ行く予定なの? FormID: 011D20C3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 If you want to learn more about Alchemy, you have to bring Sindelion those two bottles of wine. Let's find them - I want to learn more alchemy, too. __Alchemy についてもっと学ぶつもりなら、頼まれたワインを2本 Sindelion に届けなくちゃね。さあ、見つけに行きましょう! 私も Alchemy の勉強をしたい気持ちはあなたと同じだから。 FormID: 011D6539 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Maybe we could play a game? Like Rock, Paper, Scissors... __それじゃ、ゲームでもしましょうか?はい、じゃん…けん…ぽん! FormID: 011D653C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Maybe we could play a game? __それじゃ、ゲームでもしましょうか? FormID: 011E2C3E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 The only thing I want right now is to get indoors as quickly as possible. What a nasty rain! __今の私にとっては屋内への避難が最優先事項よ。ほんと…忌々しい雨! FormID: 011D653A 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 How about practicing our fighting skills? I've always enjoyed doing some sparring. __戦闘スキルを磨くのはどうかしら?私、模擬戦ならいつも楽しくこなして来たのよ。 FormID: 011D653D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I'd like to explore the northern parts of Cyrodiil a bit further. It doesn't necessarily have to be today, but, you know, one of these days... __Cyrodiil 北部地方をもう少し遠くまで探索してみたいな。別に今日じゃなくてもいいから、そのうちね…。 FormID: 011D6541 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Maybe we could make a snowman? The weather is just about perfect for this! __雪だるまを作るのはどうかしら?ほら、こんな天気だしね! FormID: 011D653E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 There are so many beautiful flowers in the area around Skingrad. One day, when we are not too busy, I'd like to spend some time just looking at them. __Skingrad の周辺には綺麗な花がたくさん咲いてるから、いつか時間に余裕のある時にでもゆっくり眺めて過ごしたいものね。 FormID: 011D653F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Now that we are in the city, how about paying a visit to the Temple Area? __街に来た事だし、Temple 地区に足を運んでみてはどうかしら? FormID: 011D209B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Shouldn't you try to get rid of that bounty of yours? I'd like to be able to visit a city without sneaking around, hiding in the shadows. __あなたの首にかかった賞金を清算するべきじゃないかしら?街に行くのに物陰に隠れてコソコソしなくて済むようになりたいのよ。 FormID: 011D209E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 How about raising some money so that you can pay off your bounty? I'd like to be able to visit cities without having to look out for the guards. __あなたの首にかかった賞金を清算出来るよう、お金を稼ぐのはどうかしら?街に行くのに物陰に隠れてコソコソしなくて済むようになりたいのよ。 FormID: 011D209C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 As you already have a bounty on your head, have you considered joining the Thieves Guild? They might be able to help you get rid of it. __あなたの首には賞金をかけられているのね。Thieves Guild に入ってみようと思った事はある?彼らならきっと賞金を帳消しする手助けをしてくれるんじゃないかしら。 FormID: 011D653B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Maybe we could visit a Daedra Shrine? Some of the statues are really funny! __Daedra Shrine を見に行くのはどうかしら?彼らの像には面白おかしい姿のものもあるのよ。 FormID: 011E2C3F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Maybe we could visit a Goblin cave and learn more about their way of living? Now that you have that Goblin amulet, we won't have to fight them. __Goblin の住む洞窟に行って彼らの生態をより深く知るのもいいんじゃないかしら?私達には Goblin Amulet があるから、戦闘になる心配はないわ。 FormID: 011E3329 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 How about swimming in the canals? No, scrap that! We probably would get really sick. __下水道で泳いでみるのは…って、冗談じゃないわよね!そんな事をしたら本当に病気になっちゃいそう。 FormID: 011E332B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 If you want to hear local gossip, the best way is to just sit down at the Great Oak and listen to the people passing by. __街の噂話を聞きたいなら、 Great Oak の樹の下に座って道行く人達の声に耳を傾けるのが一番よ。 FormID: 011D6542 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Do you always know what you would like to do next? Myself, I sometimes don't know at all. And that is frustrating. __あなたはいつも次に何をしたいか自分で把握しているの?私は自分が何をしたいか分からない事が時々あるわ。そういう時っていらいらしちゃう。 FormID: 0100AC99 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Weren't you supposed to go and see this Jauffre guy in the monastery outside Chorrol? I can tag along if you wish __Chorrolの郊外の修道院にいるJauffreって人に会いに行くんでしょ?あなたが構わないなら、一緒に付いて行くわよ。 FormID: 010ED27E 1emVCGeneral 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Oh look! A butterfly! __ねぇ見て!蝶が飛んでいるわ!
FormID: 011E332A 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 While we are here, maybe we could visit the vineyards? __この街にいるうちに、ぶどう畑に行ってみるのも悪くないんじゃないかしら? FormID: 0102108C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I would like to swim in the moonlight. How about you? __月夜の晩に水浴びするのも素敵だと思わない? FormID: 0102108B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 First Edition, the bookshop in the Market District, have got lots and lots of interesting books. Maybe we should go there and have a look? __Market DistrictのFirst Editionには本っ当にたくさんの本が並んでいるわ。ちょっと行ってみましょうよ? FormID: 01021089 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 You promised the people at the Bravil Mages Guild to persuade Varon Varmori to return Ardaline's staff. __BravilのMages Guildの人に、Ardalineの杖を取り返すためにVaron Varmoriを説得すると約束していたわよね。 FormID: 01021088 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Burz gro-Khash asked you to deliver a weapons shipment to Fighters Guild members in the Desolate Mine northwest of Cheydinhal. __Burz gro-Khashから、Cheydinhal北西のDesolate MineにいるFighters Guildメンバーに武器の補給をしに行くよう頼まれていたわよね。 FormID: 0113A975 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 How about going to Harlun's Watch and investigate what happened to the people that went missing there? You promised the Fighters Guild to do so. __Harlun's Watchに行って、行方不明事件の調査をしましょ。Fighters Guildとの約束でしょ? FormID: 0113A976 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Well, you have promised Drarana Thelis in Harlun's Watch to investigate what happened to her missing neighbors. I wonder where they are. __Harlun's WatchのDrarana Thelisに、ご近所さんの行方不明事件についての調査を約束していたわよね。彼ら、本当にどこに行っちゃったのかしら? FormID: 0101357D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 As it is raining so badly, maybe we should head for an inn and have something to drink? __すごい雨降りだし、どこかの宿屋に行って飲み物でも飲んで落ち着きたいわね。 FormID: 0101357C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Azzan at Anvil Fighters Guild wanted us to go to Norbert Lelles store, remember? It was something with a break-in. __AnvilのFighters GuildのAzzanから、Norbert Lellesの店に行くよう頼まれているのよね?確か押し込み強盗か何かの件で。 FormID: 0101357B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I think I would fancy grilled mud crabs for supper. How about going and kill a few of them? __夕ごはんは、ちょっと趣向を変えてMud Crabのグリルにしたいわ。ちょっと狩りに行ってみない? FormID: 0101357A 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Weren't you supposed to speak to Arvena Thelas about a problem with rats in her basement? You promised Azzan at Anvil Fighter's Guild to do so. __地下室のネズミの件でArvena Thelasを訪ねる予定じゃなかったっけ?AnvilのFighters GuildのAzzanとそう約束したはずでしょ? FormID: 0100C81A 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Weren't we supposed to go and find this Erthor guy for the Mages Guild in Skingrad? After all, you do need that recommendation... __SkingradのMages Guild員のEthorを探しに行く予定じゃなかったっけ?推薦状が必要なんじゃないの…? FormID: 0100C819 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 How about the Arena? There's nothing like hearing the audience roar. __Arenaはどう思うかって?あそこにいても観客の叫び声しか聞こえないじゃないの。 FormID: 0100B374 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Maybe we should just take a day off and rest... Stay at home, cook a good meal, drink a glass of wine in front of the fireplace. __私達、せめて一日くらいはオフの日を作って休むべきよ。家でゆっくりしながら美味しいものを食べて、暖炉の前でワインを傾けるの。 FormID: 0100B372 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 How about going for a ride? It doesn't really matter where to, I just feel that I have spent too little time with my horse Bruse lately. __馬に乗って出かけようよ。行き先はそれほど問題じゃないわ。だって最近、愛馬のBruseと過ごす時間があまりに少ないんだもの。 FormID: 0100B371 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I'm a bit thirsty... I wouldn't mind a drink. __少し喉が渇いたわ…。飲み物休憩にしてもいいのよ? FormID: 0100B370 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Well, if you don't have a better suggestion, I wouldn't mind doing some shopping. Just look at my clothes, they are just rags! __とくに予定が無いならショッピングに行きましょうよ。服を見たいの。だって、いま着てるのがボロボロなんだもの。 FormID: 0100B36F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Have you got many ingredients in store? If not, maybe we could just go and pick some nice flowers. It's been a lot of fighting lately, hasn't it... __お店で素材はたくさん手に入ったかしら?足りなかったら外でお花摘みとしゃれ込むのも悪くないかもね。激しい戦闘の後で疲れちゃったし…。 FormID: 01145C5F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I guess we better not pay a visit to Count Corvus and his wife while we are here. __この街にいる間は、Corvus伯爵夫妻と会わない方がいいと思うわ。 FormID: 0100B36D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 How about just... go and kill something?? __ねぇ、何か狩りにいかない? FormID: 0100B36E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I thought we should be heading for Kvatch, in order to find this Martin guy? __Kvatchに向かうべきじゃないのかしら?Martinとかいう人を探すんでしょ? FormID: 011CEFC3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I think it's time for us to return to Azura, don't you agree. I'm sure she'll be happy that we have completed her task. __そろそろ Azura 神の所に戻るべきじゃないかしら。依頼完了の知らせを聞けばきっと喜んでくれると思うわよ。 FormID: 011CEFC4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I do hate vampires, but I know that you promised Azura to go to the Gutted Mine and clean out the place. __Vampire は大嫌いよ。でも、あなたが Gutted Mine に行って奴らを退治するって Azura 神と約束したものね。 FormID: 011CEFD4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Let's go to the Bleak Mine and free Lord Drad's ogre slaves. __Bleak Mine に行って、Lord Drad に奴隷として働かされてる Ogre 達を自由にしてあげましょう。 FormID: 011CEFD9 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Let's go to the Howling Cave and kill necromancers for Meridia. I'm sure we'll be greatly rewarded. __Meridia 神に言われた通り、 Howling Cave に行って Necromancer を退治しましょう。きっとすごい報酬がもらえるはずよ。 FormID: 011CEFDB 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 We should return to Meridia and get our reward for killing all the necromancers in Howling Cave. __Howling Cave の Necromancer を一掃したし、 Meridia 神の所に戻って報酬を受け取りましょう。 FormID: 011CEFE0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Let's go to Leyawiin and find the thieves who have stolen the Eye of Nocturnal. __Leyawiin に行って、 Eye of Nocturnal を盗んだ盗賊を探しましょう。 FormID: 011CEFE6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Let's go to Arkved's tower and retrieve the stolen Orb for Vaermina __Arkved's Tower に行って、盗まれた Orb を Vaermina 神の為に取り返しましょう。 FormID: 011CEFE8 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Now that you have the Orb that Arkved had stolen, let's return it to Vaermina. __Arkved に盗まれた Orb を取り返した事だし、Vaermina 神の所に戻りましょうよ。 FormID: 011CF6BC 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I'm quite looking forward to Countess Caro's dinner party. When are we going there? __Caro 伯爵夫人の晩さん会に行くのがとっても楽しみ。ねぇ、いつ行く予定なの? FormID: 011D20C3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 If you want to learn more about Alchemy, you have to bring Sindelion those two bottles of wine. Let's find them - I want to learn more alchemy, too. __Alchemy についてもっと学ぶつもりなら、頼まれたワインを2本 Sindelion に届けなくちゃね。さあ、見つけに行きましょう! 私も Alchemy の勉強をしたい気持ちはあなたと同じだから。 FormID: 011D6539 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Maybe we could play a game? Like Rock, Paper, Scissors... __それじゃ、ゲームでもしましょうか?はい、じゃん…けん…ぽん! FormID: 011D653C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Maybe we could play a game? __それじゃ、ゲームでもしましょうか? FormID: 011E2C3E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 The only thing I want right now is to get indoors as quickly as possible. What a nasty rain! __今の私にとっては屋内への避難が最優先事項よ。ほんと…忌々しい雨! FormID: 011D653A 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 How about practicing our fighting skills? I've always enjoyed doing some sparring. __戦闘スキルを磨くのはどうかしら?私、模擬戦ならいつも楽しくこなして来たのよ。 FormID: 011D653D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I'd like to explore the northern parts of Cyrodiil a bit further. It doesn't necessarily have to be today, but, you know, one of these days... __Cyrodiil 北部地方をもう少し遠くまで探索してみたいな。別に今日じゃなくてもいいから、そのうちね…。 FormID: 011D6541 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Maybe we could make a snowman? The weather is just about perfect for this! __雪だるまを作るのはどうかしら?ほら、こんな天気だしね! FormID: 011D653E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 There are so many beautiful flowers in the area around Skingrad. One day, when we are not too busy, I'd like to spend some time just looking at them. __Skingrad の周辺には綺麗な花がたくさん咲いてるから、いつか時間に余裕のある時にでもゆっくり眺めて過ごしたいものね。 FormID: 011D653F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Now that we are in the city, how about paying a visit to the Temple Area? __街に来た事だし、Temple 地区に足を運んでみてはどうかしら? FormID: 011D209B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Shouldn't you try to get rid of that bounty of yours? I'd like to be able to visit a city without sneaking around, hiding in the shadows. __あなたの首にかかった賞金を清算するべきじゃないかしら?街に行くのに物陰に隠れてコソコソしなくて済むようになりたいのよ。 FormID: 011D209E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 How about raising some money so that you can pay off your bounty? I'd like to be able to visit cities without having to look out for the guards. __あなたの首にかかった賞金を清算出来るよう、お金を稼ぐのはどうかしら?街に行くのに物陰に隠れてコソコソしなくて済むようになりたいのよ。 FormID: 011D209C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 As you already have a bounty on your head, have you considered joining the Thieves Guild? They might be able to help you get rid of it. __あなたの首には賞金をかけられているのね。Thieves Guild に入ってみようと思った事はある?彼らならきっと賞金を帳消しする手助けをしてくれるんじゃないかしら。 FormID: 011D653B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Maybe we could visit a Daedra Shrine? Some of the statues are really funny! __Daedra Shrine を見に行くのはどうかしら?彼らの像には面白おかしい姿のものもあるのよ。 FormID: 011E2C3F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Maybe we could visit a Goblin cave and learn more about their way of living? Now that you have that Goblin amulet, we won't have to fight them. __Goblin の住む洞窟に行って彼らの生態をより深く知るのもいいんじゃないかしら?私達には Goblin Amulet があるから、戦闘になる心配はないわ。 FormID: 011E3329 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 How about swimming in the canals? No, scrap that! We probably would get really sick. __下水道で泳いでみるのは…って、冗談じゃないわよね!そんな事をしたら本当に病気になっちゃいそう。 FormID: 011E332B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 If you want to hear local gossip, the best way is to just sit down at the Great Oak and listen to the people passing by. __街の噂話を聞きたいなら、 Great Oak の樹の下に座って道行く人達の声に耳を傾けるのが一番よ。 FormID: 011D6542 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Do you always know what you would like to do next? Myself, I sometimes don't know at all. And that is frustrating. __あなたはいつも次に何をしたいか自分で把握しているの?私は自分が何をしたいか分からない事が時々あるわ。そういう時っていらいらしちゃう。 FormID: 0100AC99 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Weren't you supposed to go and see this Jauffre guy in the monastery outside Chorrol? I can tag along if you wish __Chorrolの郊外の修道院にいるJauffreって人に会いに行くんでしょ?あなたが構わないなら、一緒に付いて行くわよ。 FormID: 010ED27E 1emVCGeneral 88emmwalkietalkie 0 Oh look! A butterfly! __ねぇ見て!蝶が飛んでいるわ!