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FormID: 011D9C13 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I was a kid, I wanted to become an Acrobat. But I wasn't enough skilled. Not at all like you are. __子供の頃は Acrobat になりたいって思ってたけれど、才能がなかったのね。皆が皆あなたと同じじゃないのよ。 FormID: 011D9C14 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wish I could hide in the shadows the way you can. But, of course, you're an Agent. And I am not. __あなたみたいに上手に物陰に隠れられたらいいなって思うわ。まぁ、あなたは Agent だけど私は違う。それはもちろん分かっているけれど。 FormID: 011D9C15 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you think that I could become an Archer, like you? Or should I better stick to a sword or a mace? __私でもあなたみたいな Archer になれると思う?それとも剣やメイスを使った方がいいのかしら? FormID: 011D9C16 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Strange, before I met you, I always thought that assassins were coldhearted people with no scruples at all. But you aren't like that... I think... __おかしな話ね。あなたと出会う前は Assassin なんて良心の欠片もない冷酷な奴らばかりだと思っていたけれど、あなたには全然当てはまらないわ…。 FormID: 011D9C17 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know, you would fit right in in Solstheim. They love Barbarians up there. __あなたならきっと Solstheim の暮らしが肌に合うと思うわ。Barbarian が好かれる土地柄だからね。 FormID: 011D9C18 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I guess I don't have enough magic skills to ever become a Battlemage like you. __私はきっとあなたみたいな Battlemage にはなれないわ。あなたほど魔法の扱いが上手じゃないもの。 FormID: 011DB09E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You don't really need a healer, do you? You seem very able to take care of that yourself. But I guess all crusaders are. __あなたは自分で自分の治療が十二分に出来るから、他の Healer の手を借りる必要なんてなさそうに見えるわ。Crusader の人達ってみんなそうなんでしょう? FormID: 011DB09F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 My mom always says that the most important thing for a healer is to, well, heal people. So, how come you know so many destruction spells? __Healer にとって一番大事な事は人々を癒す事だっていつもママが言ってたわ。それなのにどうしてあなたはそんなに Destruction の魔法をたくさん知ってるの? FormID: 011DB0A0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you think I could ever become a knight, like you? __私でもあなたみたいな Knight になれるかしらね? FormID: 011DB0A1 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I would have thought a mage would sit in a mysterious tower, chanting strange mantras, not running around killing monsters like you are. __Mage って言ったら神秘的な塔の中で奇妙な呪文を唱えて座ってるものだとばかり思ってたわ。まさかあなたみたいに怪物退治に駆け回ってるものだとは思わなかった。 FormID: 011DB0A2 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 As you are a mage, maybe you could cast a spell on me that made me lose some weight and made my hair chestnut brown and curly? __あなたは Mage だから、私の体重を軽くして、ついでに髪も栗毛でふわふわに変える魔法とかも唱えられるんじゃないかしら? FormID: 011DB0A3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You have never told me much about your past... I guess you must have been living in a monastery somewhere. __あなたは自分の過去についてあまり話してくれないわよね…。思うに、あなたはきっとどこかの修道院に住んでたんじゃない? FormID: 011DB0A4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Seriously, why did you become a monk? I can't imagine that all that abstinence crap would fit you at all. __真面目な話、どうしてあなたは Monk になったの?あなた馬鹿みたいな禁欲生活を送ってる様子なんて全然想像出来ないわ。 FormID: 011DB0A5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Strange... before I met you, even the word [QUOTE]Nightblade[QUOTE] would make me shudder. But you... you don't seem creepy at all. __おかしな話ね。あなたと出会う前は[QUOTE]Nightblade[QUOTE]って言葉が恐ろしく感じたものだけれど、あなたには全然そんな印象がないわ。 FormID: 011DB779 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 One day, maybe you can tell me a little of your background. I mean, like why you became a pilgrim. And why you seem to have choosen another path now. __いつかあなたが自分自身の事を少しでも話してくれるといいな。どうして Pilgrim になったのか、そしてどうして今 Pilgrim とは別の道を歩んでいるのか。 FormID: 011DB77A 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 My mom always says that one should never trust a rogue. But you seem quite reliable to me. __Rogue は絶対に信用するなっていつもママから聞かされてたけれど、あなたはとても信頼出来るように思うわ。 FormID: 011DB77B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know, I'm thinking of becoming a scout, like you. I think it would be quite good at it... I never get lost. __私もあなたみたいな Scout になろうかなって思ってるの。… Scout になら絶対に迷子にならないでしょ? FormID: 011DB77C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm sure that if you really tried, you could teach me how to cast a fireball. I would love that! __あなたが本気になって教えてくれたら、私でも Fireball を撃つ事が出来ると思うの。きっとすごく楽しいわよ! FormID: 011DB77D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I know you are a sorceror, but seriously, I cannot understand what a spell can do better than a good, strong mace. __あなたが Sorceror なのは重々承知してるけれど、質の良い強力なメイスよりも魔法が役立つ事なんてないんじゃないかって思うの。 FormID: 011DB77E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you think I could become a spellsword? I'm not that bad at fighting, so if you just teach me how to cast a fireball, I should have all the basics. __私でも Spellsword になれるかな?戦うのはそれほど苦手じゃないから、あなたが Fireball の魔法さえ教えてくれたら基礎は十分だと思うのだけれど。 FormID: 011DB77F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think there's a justice in stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.But if you start stealing from the poor,then I will get really mad at you! __豊かな人達から盗んで貧しい人達に分け与えるのは一つの正義だと思うわ。けれどもしあなたが貧しい人達に盗みを働くようになったとしたら、本気で怒るからね! FormID: 011DB780 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I know that thievery is dishonest. But I would still bake a strawberry pie with a lockpick in it for you if you were in prison. __盗みは正しくないと分かってるわ。でももしあなたが牢屋に入れられたら、 Lockpick 入りの Strawberry Pie を焼いて差し入れるつもりよ。 FormID: 011DB781 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 In many ways, I'm glad that you are a warrior. Magic might be good, but I don't quite understand what a spell can do better than a mace. __あなたが Warrior で良かったわ。色々な意味でね。魔法は魔法で良いものかも知れないけれど、 メイス以上に役立つ魔法なんて想像出来ないもの。 FormID: 011DB783 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I find it quite a bit ironic that Heneri seems to be so fond of you - the witchhunter! __あなたが Heneri のお気に入りだなんてすごく皮肉に思うわ。だって、あなたは Witchhunter だもの! FormID: 011DB784 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Did you ever tell Heneri that you are supposed to be a witchhunter? __自分が Witchhunter だって事、もう Heneri には打ち明けた? FormID: 011CDB42 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Strange, isn't it... I never thought I would fall in love... And yet it happened. __おかしな話ね。もう恋なんてしないと思っていたのに、私また恋してる…。 FormID: 0102177D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You look tired... don't you think we should take a break soon? __疲れてるみたいね…。はやく休憩にしましょ? FormID: 0106657C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Poor Countess Valga of Castle Chorrol! She is still mourning her dead husband. __Chorrol城のValga伯爵夫人が可哀想!あの人、今でも亡くなった旦那さんの事で嘆いているのよ。 FormID: 01021086 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 The ships look so lovely! I would love to be a sailor... or a pirate, even! __素敵な船ね!私も船乗りになりたいわ。…海賊でも構わないけど! FormID: 01021084 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are here, maybe we could pop by at the Divine Elegance? Last time I was there, I saw such a pretty dress! __せっかくここまで来たんだから、Divine Eleganceに寄ってみるのもいいんじゃない?この前見たら、すっごく素敵なドレスが売っていたのよ。 FormID: 01021082 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I was a kid, my friends called me Vilja-The-Stomper because I always made so much noise. Luckily, my sneaking skills have improved since then. __子供の頃は、いつもうるさくしていたせいで友達から「Vilja-The-Stomper(ドタバタVilja)」って呼ばれていたわ。幸いな事に、その頃と比べたらSneakの腕前も上がっているけれど。 FormID: 0101FBFB 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think my fighting skills have improved since I met you... don't you think so, too? __私、あなたと最初に出会った頃よりも上手く戦えるようになったと思う。あなたもそう思うでしょ? FormID: 01019C38 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Can you explain to me why on Nirn an axe would be considered as [QUOTE]blunt[QUOTE]? It beats me for sure! If I am to use an axe, I definitely want a sharp one. __一体全体、どうして斧が[QUOTE]鈍器[QUOTE]扱いされるのかしらね?全然納得いかないわ!斧を使うんだったら、絶対に切れ味のいい物を使うでしょ? FormID: 01019C37 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm not too sure about my weapons... Back in Morrowind, I always used a spear, but here in Cyrodiil I haven't been able to find one. Why is that? __武器の扱いにはあまり自信が無いわ…。Morrowindにいた頃は槍を使っていたけれど、Cyrodiilに来たらどこにも槍が無いんだもの。どうしてかしらね? FormID: 011621A1 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm really looking forward to trying out my new spells. Do you think Heneri would care to teach me more some other time? I'd like to throw fireballs! __新しく覚えた魔法を試すのが本当に楽しみ。Heneriさんからまた教わる機会はあるのかしらね?私、火の玉を飛ばしてみたいの! FormID: 011621A3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm really looking forward to trying out my new spells. Especially the paralyze one. __新しく覚えた魔法を試すのが本当に楽しみ。特に麻痺の魔法を試してみたいわ。 FormID: 01017343 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know... you're actually rather cute. __分かっているくせに…。あなた、とってもキュートよ。 FormID: 01017342 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think you should change your outfit. It isn't becoming at all! __あなた、着替えた方がいいと思うわ。ぜんぜん似合っていないもの。 FormID: 01012100 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I was just thinking that I would really like to show you Solstheim one of these days. I'm sure you would like it! Snow... and more snow... and ice. __いつかあなたにもSolstheimを見てもらいたいなって思ってたところ。きっと気に入ってもらえるはずよ!雪もあるし…雪もあるし…あ、あと氷もあるの! FormID: 010120FF 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm hungry and I'm thirsty. I think we should go to an inn and have a nice meal. __お腹ペコペコで喉もカラカラ…。どこかで宿をとってご飯でも食べましょ。 FormID: 010120FE 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Oh, sorry... I was just thinking of my sister and the mess she brought herself into. __あ、ごめんなさい。妹とあの子自身が招いたトラブルについて考え事をしていたものだから…。 FormID: 010120FD 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 One day, when we are finished here, maybe you could come with me to Morrowind? I'm sure you would love it! __いつかこの地でするべき事が終わったら、私と一緒にMorrowindに来てくれるかしら?きっと、あなたにも気に入ってもらえると思うわ! FormID: 010120FC 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think this might be the most beautiful city in Cyrodiil. I like these houses. __この街はCyrodiilで一番綺麗だと思うわ。建物も私の好みに合ってる。 FormID: 010120FB 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you think everyone here are poor? __この辺りの人達って、みんな貧しいのかしらね? FormID: 010120FA 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I like this place. Not too hot, and the people are all so friendly. Nords, you know... __この街は好きよ。暑過ぎないし住んでる人達もみんな親切だもの。だって、Nordだしね…。 FormID: 010120F9 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 How can people live here? Rain and storms all the time! __年から年中、雨か嵐ばかり。こんな街に住む人の気が知れないわ! FormID: 010120F8 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'll never forget the first time I watched the sun set over the Imperial City. It was so beautiful, so... so romantic. I just stood there, amazed __Imperial Cityを背に沈む夕陽を初めて眺めた時の感動は忘れられないわ。とても綺麗で…その…ロマンティックだったもの。感動のあまり立ち尽くしちゃったわよ。 FormID: 010120F7 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Have I got freckles? I hate freckles! __そばかす…?ヤダ〜! __え?そばかすついてるって?やだ! FormID: 010120F6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I like swimming. But those slaughterfishes really scare me! __泳ぐのは好きよ。でも、Slaughterfishは怖いわ!
FormID: 011D9C13 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I was a kid, I wanted to become an Acrobat. But I wasn't enough skilled. Not at all like you are. __子供の頃は Acrobat になりたいって思ってたけれど、才能がなかったのね。皆が皆あなたと同じじゃないのよ。 FormID: 011D9C14 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wish I could hide in the shadows the way you can. But, of course, you're an Agent. And I am not. __あなたみたいに上手に物陰に隠れられたらいいなって思うわ。まぁ、あなたは Agent だけど私は違う。それはもちろん分かっているけれど。 FormID: 011D9C15 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you think that I could become an Archer, like you? Or should I better stick to a sword or a mace? __私でもあなたみたいな Archer になれると思う?それとも剣やメイスを使った方がいいのかしら? FormID: 011D9C16 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Strange, before I met you, I always thought that assassins were coldhearted people with no scruples at all. But you aren't like that... I think... __おかしな話ね。あなたと出会う前は Assassin なんて良心の欠片もない冷酷な奴らばかりだと思っていたけれど、あなたには全然当てはまらないわ…。 FormID: 011D9C17 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know, you would fit right in in Solstheim. They love Barbarians up there. __あなたならきっと Solstheim の暮らしが肌に合うと思うわ。Barbarian が好かれる土地柄だからね。 FormID: 011D9C18 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I guess I don't have enough magic skills to ever become a Battlemage like you. __私はきっとあなたみたいな Battlemage にはなれないわ。あなたほど魔法の扱いが上手じゃないもの。 FormID: 011DB09E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You don't really need a healer, do you? You seem very able to take care of that yourself. But I guess all crusaders are. __あなたは自分で自分の治療が十二分に出来るから、他の Healer の手を借りる必要なんてなさそうに見えるわ。Crusader の人達ってみんなそうなんでしょう? FormID: 011DB09F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 My mom always says that the most important thing for a healer is to, well, heal people. So, how come you know so many destruction spells? __Healer にとって一番大事な事は人々を癒す事だっていつもママが言ってたわ。それなのにどうしてあなたはそんなに Destruction の魔法をたくさん知ってるの? FormID: 011DB0A0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you think I could ever become a knight, like you? __私でもあなたみたいな Knight になれるかしらね? FormID: 011DB0A1 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I would have thought a mage would sit in a mysterious tower, chanting strange mantras, not running around killing monsters like you are. __Mage って言ったら神秘的な塔の中で奇妙な呪文を唱えて座ってるものだとばかり思ってたわ。まさかあなたみたいに怪物退治に駆け回ってるものだとは思わなかった。 FormID: 011DB0A2 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 As you are a mage, maybe you could cast a spell on me that made me lose some weight and made my hair chestnut brown and curly? __あなたは Mage だから、私の体重を軽くして、ついでに髪も栗毛でふわふわに変える魔法とかも唱えられるんじゃないかしら? FormID: 011DB0A3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You have never told me much about your past... I guess you must have been living in a monastery somewhere. __あなたは自分の過去についてあまり話してくれないわよね…。思うに、あなたはきっとどこかの修道院に住んでたんじゃない? FormID: 011DB0A4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Seriously, why did you become a monk? I can't imagine that all that abstinence crap would fit you at all. __真面目な話、どうしてあなたは Monk になったの?あなた馬鹿みたいな禁欲生活を送ってる様子なんて全然想像出来ないわ。 FormID: 011DB0A5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Strange... before I met you, even the word [QUOTE]Nightblade[QUOTE] would make me shudder. But you... you don't seem creepy at all. __おかしな話ね。あなたと出会う前は[QUOTE]Nightblade[QUOTE]って言葉が恐ろしく感じたものだけれど、あなたには全然そんな印象がないわ。 FormID: 011DB779 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 One day, maybe you can tell me a little of your background. I mean, like why you became a pilgrim. And why you seem to have choosen another path now. __いつかあなたが自分自身の事を少しでも話してくれるといいな。どうして Pilgrim になったのか、そしてどうして今 Pilgrim とは別の道を歩んでいるのか。 FormID: 011DB77A 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 My mom always says that one should never trust a rogue. But you seem quite reliable to me. __Rogue は絶対に信用するなっていつもママから聞かされてたけれど、あなたはとても信頼出来るように思うわ。 FormID: 011DB77B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know, I'm thinking of becoming a scout, like you. I think it would be quite good at it... I never get lost. __私もあなたみたいな Scout になろうかなって思ってるの。… Scout になら絶対に迷子にならないでしょ? FormID: 011DB77C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm sure that if you really tried, you could teach me how to cast a fireball. I would love that! __あなたが本気になって教えてくれたら、私でも Fireball を撃つ事が出来ると思うの。きっとすごく楽しいわよ! FormID: 011DB77D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I know you are a sorceror, but seriously, I cannot understand what a spell can do better than a good, strong mace. __あなたが Sorceror なのは重々承知してるけれど、質の良い強力なメイスよりも魔法が役立つ事なんてないんじゃないかって思うの。 FormID: 011DB77E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you think I could become a spellsword? I'm not that bad at fighting, so if you just teach me how to cast a fireball, I should have all the basics. __私でも Spellsword になれるかな?戦うのはそれほど苦手じゃないから、あなたが Fireball の魔法さえ教えてくれたら基礎は十分だと思うのだけれど。 FormID: 011DB77F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think there's a justice in stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.But if you start stealing from the poor,then I will get really mad at you! __豊かな人達から盗んで貧しい人達に分け与えるのは一つの正義だと思うわ。けれどもしあなたが貧しい人達に盗みを働くようになったとしたら、本気で怒るからね! FormID: 011DB780 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I know that thievery is dishonest. But I would still bake a strawberry pie with a lockpick in it for you if you were in prison. __盗みは正しくないと分かってるわ。でももしあなたが牢屋に入れられたら、 Lockpick 入りの Strawberry Pie を焼いて差し入れるつもりよ。 FormID: 011DB781 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 In many ways, I'm glad that you are a warrior. Magic might be good, but I don't quite understand what a spell can do better than a mace. __あなたが Warrior で良かったわ。色々な意味でね。魔法は魔法で良いものかも知れないけれど、 メイス以上に役立つ魔法なんて想像出来ないもの。 FormID: 011DB783 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I find it quite a bit ironic that Heneri seems to be so fond of you - the witchhunter! __あなたが Heneri のお気に入りだなんてすごく皮肉に思うわ。だって、あなたは Witchhunter だもの! FormID: 011DB784 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Did you ever tell Heneri that you are supposed to be a witchhunter? __自分が Witchhunter だって事、もう Heneri には打ち明けた? FormID: 011CDB42 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Strange, isn't it... I never thought I would fall in love... And yet it happened. __おかしな話ね。もう恋なんてしないと思っていたのに、私また恋してる…。 FormID: 0102177D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You look tired... don't you think we should take a break soon? __疲れてるみたいね…。はやく休憩にしましょ? FormID: 0106657C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Poor Countess Valga of Castle Chorrol! She is still mourning her dead husband. __Chorrol城のValga伯爵夫人が可哀想!あの人、今でも亡くなった旦那さんの事で嘆いているのよ。 FormID: 01021086 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 The ships look so lovely! I would love to be a sailor... or a pirate, even! __素敵な船ね!私も船乗りになりたいわ。…海賊でも構わないけど! FormID: 01021084 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are here, maybe we could pop by at the Divine Elegance? Last time I was there, I saw such a pretty dress! __せっかくここまで来たんだから、Divine Eleganceに寄ってみるのもいいんじゃない?この前見たら、すっごく素敵なドレスが売っていたのよ。 FormID: 01021082 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I was a kid, my friends called me Vilja-The-Stomper because I always made so much noise. Luckily, my sneaking skills have improved since then. __子供の頃は、いつもうるさくしていたせいで友達から「Vilja-The-Stomper(ドタバタVilja)」って呼ばれていたわ。幸いな事に、その頃と比べたらSneakの腕前も上がっているけれど。 FormID: 0101FBFB 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think my fighting skills have improved since I met you... don't you think so, too? __私、あなたと最初に出会った頃よりも上手く戦えるようになったと思う。あなたもそう思うでしょ? FormID: 01019C38 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Can you explain to me why on Nirn an axe would be considered as [QUOTE]blunt[QUOTE]? It beats me for sure! If I am to use an axe, I definitely want a sharp one. __一体全体、どうして斧が[QUOTE]鈍器[QUOTE]扱いされるのかしらね?全然納得いかないわ!斧を使うんだったら、絶対に切れ味のいい物を使うでしょ? FormID: 01019C37 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm not too sure about my weapons... Back in Morrowind, I always used a spear, but here in Cyrodiil I haven't been able to find one. Why is that? __武器の扱いにはあまり自信が無いわ…。Morrowindにいた頃は槍を使っていたけれど、Cyrodiilに来たらどこにも槍が無いんだもの。どうしてかしらね? FormID: 011621A1 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm really looking forward to trying out my new spells. Do you think Heneri would care to teach me more some other time? I'd like to throw fireballs! __新しく覚えた魔法を試すのが本当に楽しみ。Heneriさんからまた教わる機会はあるのかしらね?私、火の玉を飛ばしてみたいの! FormID: 011621A3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm really looking forward to trying out my new spells. Especially the paralyze one. __新しく覚えた魔法を試すのが本当に楽しみ。特に麻痺の魔法を試してみたいわ。 FormID: 01017343 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know... you're actually rather cute. __分かっているくせに…。あなた、とってもキュートよ。 FormID: 01017342 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think you should change your outfit. It isn't becoming at all! __あなた、着替えた方がいいと思うわ。ぜんぜん似合っていないもの。 FormID: 01012100 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I was just thinking that I would really like to show you Solstheim one of these days. I'm sure you would like it! Snow... and more snow... and ice. __いつかあなたにもSolstheimを見てもらいたいなって思ってたところ。きっと気に入ってもらえるはずよ!雪もあるし…雪もあるし…あ、あと氷もあるの! FormID: 010120FF 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm hungry and I'm thirsty. I think we should go to an inn and have a nice meal. __お腹ペコペコで喉もカラカラ…。どこかで宿をとってご飯でも食べましょ。 FormID: 010120FE 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Oh, sorry... I was just thinking of my sister and the mess she brought herself into. __あ、ごめんなさい。妹とあの子自身が招いたトラブルについて考え事をしていたものだから…。 FormID: 010120FD 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 One day, when we are finished here, maybe you could come with me to Morrowind? I'm sure you would love it! __いつかこの地でするべき事が終わったら、私と一緒にMorrowindに来てくれるかしら?きっと、あなたにも気に入ってもらえると思うわ! FormID: 010120FC 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think this might be the most beautiful city in Cyrodiil. I like these houses. __この街はCyrodiilで一番綺麗だと思うわ。建物も私の好みに合ってる。 FormID: 010120FB 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you think everyone here are poor? __この辺りの人達って、みんな貧しいのかしらね? FormID: 010120FA 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I like this place. Not too hot, and the people are all so friendly. Nords, you know... __この街は好きよ。暑過ぎないし住んでる人達もみんな親切だもの。だって、Nordだしね…。 FormID: 010120F9 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 How can people live here? Rain and storms all the time! __年から年中、雨か嵐ばかり。こんな街に住む人の気が知れないわ! FormID: 010120F8 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'll never forget the first time I watched the sun set over the Imperial City. It was so beautiful, so... so romantic. I just stood there, amazed __Imperial Cityを背に沈む夕陽を初めて眺めた時の感動は忘れられないわ。とても綺麗で…その…ロマンティックだったもの。感動のあまり立ち尽くしちゃったわよ。 FormID: 010120F7 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Have I got freckles? I hate freckles! __そばかす…?ヤダ〜! __え?そばかすついてるって?やだ! FormID: 010120F6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I like swimming. But those slaughterfishes really scare me! __泳ぐのは好きよ。でも、Slaughterfishは怖いわ!