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FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 10 0 Vilja's sister Melinda has written. She needs two more Melting Daedra Hearts, and she wants Vilja and me to find them for her. Vilja suggested that we should ask Heneri again. But I told her the truth - that I couldn't stand the smell of those stinking hearts again. Oddly, she didn't seem to understand my refusal - she just said that she would ask me again in a few days. __Melindaからの手紙によれば、Melting Daedra Heartsがどうやらあと2つほど足りないらしい。Viljaと私に補充して欲しいと頼まれていた。ViljaにHeneriともう一度会ってみてはどうか、と提案された。しかしそれでは私はまたあの鼻につくような臭いとおぞましい気持ちの悪さを訴えて彼女の気分を害したのに再び頼まなければならないことになる…。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 20 0 Vilja's sister Melinda has written. She needs two more Melting Daedra Hearts, and she wants Vilja and me to find them for her. Vilja suggested that we should ask Heneri again, and I have agreed to her suggestion. I hope these Melting Daedra Hearts will be less smelly than the previous ones! __Melindaからの手紙によれば、Melting Daedra Heartsがどうやらあと2つほど足りないらしい。Viljaと私に補充して欲しいと頼まれていた。ViljaにHeneriともう一度会ってみてはどうか、と提案された。私は彼女の要求を受け入れた。Melting Daedra Heartsが前のものより臭くなければいいのだが。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 25 0 In order to give us two Melting Daedra Hearts, Heneri wants Vilja and me to convince her husband to return to her. I told her I wouldn't want to get involved in any such business. __Melting Daedra Heart2個を渡す条件として、HeneriはViljaと私に彼女の夫を連れ帰るよう依頼してきた。しかし私はそういう事情に巻き込まれるのは勘弁して欲しいので、断った。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 30 0 In order to give us two Melting Daedra Hearts, Heneri wants Vilja and me to bring back her husband to her. Obviously, he is now in the company of her sister, probably somewhere in the Bruma area. __Melting Daedra Heart2個を渡す条件として、HeneriはViljaと私に彼女の夫を連れ帰るよう依頼してきた。どうやら彼はHeneriの妹と一緒にいるようだ。Bruma地方のどこかに。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 32 0 Vilja wants us to go to Bruma as soon as possible and have a word with Heneri's sister Sereni. __Viljaは出来る限り早くBrumaに行き、Heneriの妹のSereniと話をしたいそうだ。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 35 0 I have talked to Heneri's sister Sereni. She seems to be quite bored with Heneri's husband. In fact, she said Heneri could very well have him back - if we instead brought her a tamed wolf that she could have as her pet. __Heneriの妹のSereniと話をした。どうやら彼女はHeneriの夫に飽き飽きしているようだ。よく人馴れした狼を代わりのペットとして差し出せば、Heneriに夫を返すのもやぶさかではないそうだ。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 40 0 Vilja was not too pleased that I had promised Sereni to find a tame wolf. She thinks the Cyrodiil wolves are much more hostile and unreliable than the Solstheim ones. After a small argument we decided to ask for advice from some dog-trainers we know of - Ganredhel in Cheydinhaal and Rena and Rimalus Bruiant in Chorrol. Vilja will also write to her father and ask for advice, as he is good at taming Solstheim wolves. __人馴れした狼をSereniに差し出す約束をしたが、Viljaはあまり納得していないようだ。彼女によるとCyrodiilの狼はSolstheimの狼よりもだいぶ攻撃的で、信頼がおけないらしい。そこで彼女と少々議論をした結果、CheydinhalのGanredhelやChorrolのBruiant夫妻(RenaとRimalus)のような知り合いの犬の訓練士に助言を求める事になった。ViljaはSolstheim狼の調教が得意だという彼女の父親にも手紙を書くそうだ。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 45 0 We have been told that a Nord man from Solstheim with a tamed wolf in tow has been seen in Anvil. Maybe he could give us some advice on wolf taming? __人馴れした狼を連れたSolstheim出身のNord男性がAnvilで目撃されたそうだ。彼なら狼の調教について助言をくれるだろうか? FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 47 0 We found the wolf trainer, Terje, in Anvil. However, it seems that he, influenced by an excessive amount of alcohol, has given away his wolf to a strange redheaded woodelf. That guy really has a drinking problem! __狼調教師のTerjeをAnvilで見つけた。しかし彼はひどく大量の酒を飲んで泥酔しており、酔っている隙に狼を赤毛をした不審なWoodelfに連れて行かれてしまったらしい。本当に酒癖の悪い人のようだ。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 50 0 We found the wolf trainer, Terje, in Anvil. However, it seems that he, influenced by an excessive amount of alcohol, has given away his wolf as well as his wedding ring to a strange redheaded woodelf. He says that if we can bring back the ring and the wolf, he will let us buy the wolf for 100 Gold. We'd better ask around for the woodelf! __狼調教師のTerjeをAnvilで見つけた。しかし彼はひどく大量の酒を飲んで泥酔しており、酔っている隙に狼と結婚指輪を赤毛をした不審なWoodelfに取られてしまったらしい。もしも結婚指輪と狼を取り戻す事が出来たら、100Goldで狼を購入出来るそうだ。まずはそのWoodelfを探してみるべきだろう。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 55 0 It seems our redheaded wood elf has left Anvil and is on his way to the Imperial City. However, he was obviously tired when he left, and talked about resting at an inn along the road. __行方を捜索中の赤毛のWoodelfは既にAnvilを発ち、Imperial Cityへ向かっているようだ。彼は出発直後から疲れた様子だったようで、街道筋の宿屋で休憩を取る予定だと周囲に話していたらしい。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 60 0 We have found the redheaded Wood elf, but he didn't have neither the ring nor the wolf anymore. He had sold both to an adventurous Breton, on his way to explore a hidden Ayleid ruin in the neighborhood of the Imperial Bridge Inn. The ring, the Breton was intending to give to his girlfriend on the way to the inn. __赤毛のWoodelfを見つけたが、結婚指輪も狼も持っておらず、既に両方とも冒険者風のBreton男性に売り払ってしまった後だった。その冒険者風の男はImperial Bridge Innの近くにある秘密のAyleid遺跡に探索へ向かう途中であり、指輪については宿屋に向かいがてら、ガールフレンドに会ってプレゼントするつもりだったらしい。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 65 0 Davela Hlaren at the Imperial Bridge Inn told me the Breton Adventurer and his wolf had left in order to investigate the Sage Glen Hollow, located north of the inn. The Breton had claimed there is a hidden Ayleid ruin buried deep down under the cavern. __Imperial Bridge InnのDavela Hlarenによると、狼を連れたBretonの冒険者は宿屋の北にあるSage Glen Hollowを探索するつもりだったそうだ。彼はその洞窟の下層が秘密のAyleid遺跡に繋がっていると主張していたらしい。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 70 0 I have found the corpse of the Breton adventurer. I should search his body for the wedding ring, or for clues about the missing wedding ring. __Breton冒険者の遺体を発見した。結婚指輪、あるいは指輪にまつわる何かしらかの証拠品を持っていないか確認してみるべきだろう。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 75 0 On the body of the Breton Adventurer, I found a letter from his girlfriend who obviously is staying at Two Sisters Lodge in Skingrad. Maybe she has the ring. We should try and find her... but first we must search this ruin for any tracks of the wolf. __Breton冒険者の遺体から、ガールフレンドに宛てた手紙を発見した。どうやら彼女はSkingradのTwo Sisters Lodgeに滞在中らしい。指輪を持っているのは恐らく彼女と思われる。探しに行くべきだ。…しかしまずはこの遺跡で狼の居場所についての手がかりを探すのが先決だろう。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 80 0 On the body of the Breton Adventurer, I found a letter from his girlfriend who obviously is staying at Two Sisters Lodge in Skingrad. Maybe she has the ring. As we have already found the wolf, we should now try and find her. __Breton冒険者の遺体から、ガールフレンドに宛てた手紙を発見した。どうやら彼女はSkingradのTwo Sisters Lodgeに滞在中らしい。指輪を持っているのは恐らく彼女と思われる。既に狼は見つけたので、彼女を探しに行こう。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 85 0 We have found the wolf. Now it is time to head for Skingrad, in order to ask around for the girlfriend of the Breton Adventurer. Maybe she has the missing ring. __狼を見つけた。Breton冒険者のガールフレンドの情報を得る為、Skingradに向かおう。恐らく彼女が結婚指輪を持っているはずだ。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 90 0 It turned out that the woman in Skingrad wasn't the girlfriend of the Breton Adventurer. In fact, she was quite happy to give us Terje's ring, as she didn't know what else to do with it. It's time to return to Anvil with the ring, the wolf and the good news! __Skingradで見つけた女性は、Breton冒険者のガールフレンドというわけではなかった。他にどうする当てもなかったので彼女は自ら進んでTerjeの指輪を返してくれた。指輪と狼が揃った。Anvilに戻り、Terjeに吉報を伝えよう! FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 95 0 The wolf trainer Terje was so happy for the wedding ring that he decided to give us the wolf, Wolfgang, as a reward. Time for us to pay a visit to Sereni Hlaalu and see if she'll accept the wolf in exchange for Hereni's husband. __結婚指輪を取り戻したら、狼調教師のTerjeは大喜びだった。そして、お礼として狼のWolgangを譲ってくれた。Sereni Hlaaluに会い、この狼とHereniの夫と交換してもらえるかどうかを確かめてみよう。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 100 0 Sereni wasn't even interested in the wolf! She had a new pet, a scamp, and obviously it was more important to her than Heneri's husband. Without any further discussions, she handed over Heneri's husband to us. And he turned out to be... a skull! __狼を連れて行ったが、Sereniは全く興味を示さなかった!彼女は既に新しいペットとしてScampを飼っており、Heneriの夫よりもずっとお気に入りらしい。説得するまでもなく、SereniはHeneriの夫を私達に返してくれた。…しかし彼は、既に頭蓋骨に成り果てていた! FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 105 0 Heneri seemed very happy to have her husband - or the remains of him - back again, and she gave us the Melting Daedra Hearts, just like she had promised to do. I'd better show them to Vilja. __Heneriは夫(あるいは夫の残り物)を取り戻せて非常に嬉しそうだった。そして約束通り、Melting Daedra Heartを渡してくれた。Viljaに見せよう。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 110 0 Vilja wants us to leave the Melting Daedra Hearts at The Bloated Float in the Waterfront. She thinks that if Thordar isn't there, he will soon pick them up, and until then the tavern owner will probably look after them. __Viljaから、Melting Daedra HeartをWaterfrontのThe Bloated Floatに置いていった方が良いのではないかと言われた。たとえその場にThordarがいなくても早々に回収にやって来るだろうし、それまでの間は宿屋の主人が荷物の番をしてくれるだろうとの事だ。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 115 0 We met Thordar at the Bloated Float. He took the Melting Daedra Hearts in order to deliver them to Vilja's sister Melinda in Vivec. Our task has been completed - now we can continue to enjoy our life in Cyrodiil - Vilja, I and our new pet, Wolfgang! __Bloated FloatでThordarと会った。彼はMelting Daedra Heartを受け取り、VivecにいるViljaの妹のMelindaに渡す予定だ。これでやるべき事は全部終わった。これからViljaと新しいペットのWolfgangと一緒にCyrodiilでの暮らしを楽しもう! FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 120 0 Vilja has received a letter from Melinda, who was very happy over the Melting Daedra Hearts that we arranged for her. Strangely, she had slept with them under her pillow... and dreamt about Thordar. I guess he is the love of her life! __Vilja宛てにMelindaから手紙が届いた。Melindaは私達が集めたMelting Daedra Heartを受け取り、とても喜んでいるそうだ。おかしな話だが、MelindaがMelting Daedra Heartを枕の下に敷いて眠ったら、Thordarが夢に出てきたそうだ。きっと彼こそがMelindaの生涯愛する男なのだろう。
FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 10 0 Vilja's sister Melinda has written. She needs two more Melting Daedra Hearts, and she wants Vilja and me to find them for her. Vilja suggested that we should ask Heneri again. But I told her the truth - that I couldn't stand the smell of those stinking hearts again. Oddly, she didn't seem to understand my refusal - she just said that she would ask me again in a few days. __Melindaからの手紙によれば、Melting Daedra Heartsがどうやらあと2つほど足りないらしい。Viljaと私に補充して欲しいと頼まれていた。ViljaにHeneriともう一度会ってみてはどうか、と提案された。しかしそれでは私はまたあの鼻につくような臭いとおぞましい気持ちの悪さを訴えて彼女の気分を害したのに再び頼まなければならないことになる…。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 20 0 Vilja's sister Melinda has written. She needs two more Melting Daedra Hearts, and she wants Vilja and me to find them for her. Vilja suggested that we should ask Heneri again, and I have agreed to her suggestion. I hope these Melting Daedra Hearts will be less smelly than the previous ones! __Melindaからの手紙によれば、Melting Daedra Heartsがどうやらあと2つほど足りないらしい。Viljaと私に補充して欲しいと頼まれていた。ViljaにHeneriともう一度会ってみてはどうか、と提案された。私は彼女の要求を受け入れた。Melting Daedra Heartsが前のものより臭くなければいいのだが。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 25 0 In order to give us two Melting Daedra Hearts, Heneri wants Vilja and me to convince her husband to return to her. I told her I wouldn't want to get involved in any such business. __Melting Daedra Heart2個を渡す条件として、HeneriはViljaと私に彼女の夫を連れ帰るよう依頼してきた。しかし私はそういう事情に巻き込まれるのは勘弁して欲しいので、断った。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 30 0 In order to give us two Melting Daedra Hearts, Heneri wants Vilja and me to bring back her husband to her. Obviously, he is now in the company of her sister, probably somewhere in the Bruma area. __Melting Daedra Heart2個を渡す条件として、HeneriはViljaと私に彼女の夫を連れ帰るよう依頼してきた。どうやら彼はHeneriの妹と一緒にいるようだ。Bruma地方のどこかに。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 32 0 Vilja wants us to go to Bruma as soon as possible and have a word with Heneri's sister Sereni. __Viljaは出来る限り早くBrumaに行き、Heneriの妹のSereniと話をしたいそうだ。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 35 0 I have talked to Heneri's sister Sereni. She seems to be quite bored with Heneri's husband. In fact, she said Heneri could very well have him back - if we instead brought her a tamed wolf that she could have as her pet. __Heneriの妹のSereniと話をした。どうやら彼女はHeneriの夫に飽き飽きしているようだ。よく人馴れした狼を代わりのペットとして差し出せば、Heneriに夫を返すのもやぶさかではないそうだ。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 40 0 Vilja was not too pleased that I had promised Sereni to find a tame wolf. She thinks the Cyrodiil wolves are much more hostile and unreliable than the Solstheim ones. After a small argument we decided to ask for advice from some dog-trainers we know of - Ganredhel in Cheydinhaal and Rena and Rimalus Bruiant in Chorrol. Vilja will also write to her father and ask for advice, as he is good at taming Solstheim wolves. __人馴れした狼をSereniに差し出す約束をしたが、Viljaはあまり納得していないようだ。彼女によるとCyrodiilの狼はSolstheimの狼よりもだいぶ攻撃的で、信頼がおけないらしい。そこで彼女と少々議論をした結果、CheydinhalのGanredhelやChorrolのBruiant夫妻(RenaとRimalus)のような知り合いの犬の訓練士に助言を求める事になった。ViljaはSolstheim狼の調教が得意だという彼女の父親にも手紙を書くそうだ。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 45 0 We have been told that a Nord man from Solstheim with a tamed wolf in tow has been seen in Anvil. Maybe he could give us some advice on wolf taming? __人馴れした狼を連れたSolstheim出身のNord男性がAnvilで目撃されたそうだ。彼なら狼の調教について助言をくれるだろうか? FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 47 0 We found the wolf trainer, Terje, in Anvil. However, it seems that he, influenced by an excessive amount of alcohol, has given away his wolf to a strange redheaded woodelf. That guy really has a drinking problem! __狼調教師のTerjeをAnvilで見つけた。しかし彼はひどく大量の酒を飲んで泥酔しており、酔っている隙に狼を赤毛をした不審なWoodelfに連れて行かれてしまったらしい。本当に酒癖の悪い人のようだ。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 50 0 We found the wolf trainer, Terje, in Anvil. However, it seems that he, influenced by an excessive amount of alcohol, has given away his wolf as well as his wedding ring to a strange redheaded woodelf. He says that if we can bring back the ring and the wolf, he will let us buy the wolf for 100 Gold. We'd better ask around for the woodelf! __狼調教師のTerjeをAnvilで見つけた。しかし彼はひどく大量の酒を飲んで泥酔しており、酔っている隙に狼と結婚指輪を赤毛をした不審なWoodelfに取られてしまったらしい。もしも結婚指輪と狼を取り戻す事が出来たら、100Goldで狼を購入出来るそうだ。まずはそのWoodelfを探してみるべきだろう。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 55 0 It seems our redheaded wood elf has left Anvil and is on his way to the Imperial City. However, he was obviously tired when he left, and talked about resting at an inn along the road. __行方を捜索中の赤毛のWoodelfは既にAnvilを発ち、Imperial Cityへ向かっているようだ。彼は出発直後から疲れた様子だったようで、街道筋の宿屋で休憩を取る予定だと周囲に話していたらしい。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 60 0 We have found the redheaded Wood elf, but he didn't have neither the ring nor the wolf anymore. He had sold both to an adventurous Breton, on his way to explore a hidden Ayleid ruin in the neighborhood of the Imperial Bridge Inn. The ring, the Breton was intending to give to his girlfriend on the way to the inn. __赤毛のWoodelfを見つけたが、結婚指輪も狼も持っておらず、既に両方とも冒険者風のBreton男性に売り払ってしまった後だった。その冒険者風の男はImperial Bridge Innの近くにある秘密のAyleid遺跡に探索へ向かう途中であり、指輪については宿屋に向かいがてら、ガールフレンドに会ってプレゼントするつもりだったらしい。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 65 0 Davela Hlaren at the Imperial Bridge Inn told me the Breton Adventurer and his wolf had left in order to investigate the Sage Glen Hollow, located north of the inn. The Breton had claimed there is a hidden Ayleid ruin buried deep down under the cavern. __Imperial Bridge InnのDavela Hlarenによると、狼を連れたBretonの冒険者は宿屋の北にあるSage Glen Hollowを探索するつもりだったそうだ。彼はその洞窟の下層が秘密のAyleid遺跡に繋がっていると主張していたらしい。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 70 0 I have found the corpse of the Breton adventurer. I should search his body for the wedding ring, or for clues about the missing wedding ring. __Breton冒険者の遺体を発見した。結婚指輪、あるいは指輪にまつわる何かしらかの証拠品を持っていないか確認してみるべきだろう。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 75 0 On the body of the Breton Adventurer, I found a letter from his girlfriend who obviously is staying at Two Sisters Lodge in Skingrad. Maybe she has the ring. We should try and find her... but first we must search this ruin for any tracks of the wolf. __Breton冒険者の遺体から、ガールフレンドに宛てた手紙を発見した。どうやら彼女はSkingradのTwo Sisters Lodgeに滞在中らしい。指輪を持っているのは恐らく彼女と思われる。探しに行くべきだ。…しかしまずはこの遺跡で狼の居場所についての手がかりを探すのが先決だろう。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 80 0 On the body of the Breton Adventurer, I found a letter from his girlfriend who obviously is staying at Two Sisters Lodge in Skingrad. Maybe she has the ring. As we have already found the wolf, we should now try and find her. __Breton冒険者の遺体から、ガールフレンドに宛てた手紙を発見した。どうやら彼女はSkingradのTwo Sisters Lodgeに滞在中らしい。指輪を持っているのは恐らく彼女と思われる。既に狼は見つけたので、彼女を探しに行こう。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 85 0 We have found the wolf. Now it is time to head for Skingrad, in order to ask around for the girlfriend of the Breton Adventurer. Maybe she has the missing ring. __狼を見つけた。Breton冒険者のガールフレンドの情報を得る為、Skingradに向かおう。恐らく彼女が結婚指輪を持っているはずだ。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 90 0 It turned out that the woman in Skingrad wasn't the girlfriend of the Breton Adventurer. In fact, she was quite happy to give us Terje's ring, as she didn't know what else to do with it. It's time to return to Anvil with the ring, the wolf and the good news! __Skingradで見つけた女性は、Breton冒険者のガールフレンドというわけではなかった。他にどうする当てもなかったので彼女は自ら進んでTerjeの指輪を返してくれた。指輪と狼が揃った。Anvilに戻り、Terjeに吉報を伝えよう! FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 95 0 The wolf trainer Terje was so happy for the wedding ring that he decided to give us the wolf, Wolfgang, as a reward. Time for us to pay a visit to Sereni Hlaalu and see if she'll accept the wolf in exchange for Hereni's husband. __結婚指輪を取り戻したら、狼調教師のTerjeは大喜びだった。そして、お礼として狼のWolgangを譲ってくれた。Sereni Hlaaluに会い、この狼とHereniの夫と交換してもらえるかどうかを確かめてみよう。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 100 0 Sereni wasn't even interested in the wolf! She had a new pet, a scamp, and obviously it was more important to her than Heneri's husband. Without any further discussions, she handed over Heneri's husband to us. And he turned out to be... a skull! __狼を連れて行ったが、Sereniは全く興味を示さなかった!彼女は既に新しいペットとしてScampを飼っており、Heneriの夫よりもずっとお気に入りらしい。説得するまでもなく、SereniはHeneriの夫を私達に返してくれた。…しかし彼は、既に頭蓋骨に成り果てていた! FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 105 0 Heneri seemed very happy to have her husband - or the remains of him - back again, and she gave us the Melting Daedra Hearts, just like she had promised to do. I'd better show them to Vilja. __Heneriは夫(あるいは夫の残り物)を取り戻せて非常に嬉しそうだった。そして約束通り、Melting Daedra Heartを渡してくれた。Viljaに見せよう。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 110 0 Vilja wants us to leave the Melting Daedra Hearts at The Bloated Float in the Waterfront. She thinks that if Thordar isn't there, he will soon pick them up, and until then the tavern owner will probably look after them. __Viljaから、Melting Daedra HeartをWaterfrontのThe Bloated Floatに置いていった方が良いのではないかと言われた。たとえその場にThordarがいなくても早々に回収にやって来るだろうし、それまでの間は宿屋の主人が荷物の番をしてくれるだろうとの事だ。 FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 115 0 We met Thordar at the Bloated Float. He took the Melting Daedra Hearts in order to deliver them to Vilja's sister Melinda in Vivec. Our task has been completed - now we can continue to enjoy our life in Cyrodiil - Vilja, I and our new pet, Wolfgang! __Bloated FloatでThordarと会った。彼はMelting Daedra Heartを受け取り、VivecにいるViljaの妹のMelindaに渡す予定だ。これでやるべき事は全部終わった。これからViljaと新しいペットのWolfgangと一緒にCyrodiilでの暮らしを楽しもう! FormID: 010CE38B 1emmQuest3 120 0 Vilja has received a letter from Melinda, who was very happy over the Melting Daedra Hearts that we arranged for her. Strangely, she had slept with them under her pillow... and dreamt about Thordar. I guess he is the love of her life! __Vilja宛てにMelindaから手紙が届いた。Melindaは私達が集めたMelting Daedra Heartを受け取り、とても喜んでいるそうだ。おかしな話だが、MelindaがMelting Daedra Heartを枕の下に敷いて眠ったら、Thordarが夢に出てきたそうだ。きっと彼こそがMelindaの生涯愛する男なのだろう。