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FormID: 0114CAB9 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells3 4 Let me see... I found some good ingredients yesterday, and made a few delicious potions. Here, they are all yours! __そうだねぇ…。昨日、質の良い材料を見つけて上等な魔法薬をこしらえたんだよ。これを全部あんたにやろうじゃないか! FormID: 0114CABB 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells4 0 Yes, isn't it! And now... I have taught Vilja two valuable spells. A common shield spell and a paralyze spell. __そうだろうそうだろう?…あと、Viljaには一般的だけど役に立つ魔法を2つ教えておいたよ。Shieldの魔法とParalyzeの魔法だ。 FormID: 0114CABB 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells4 1 I'm sure the paralyze one will be particularly useful. If she doesn't run into enemies, I'm sure it will calm down unwanted admirers quite a bit. __Paralyzeの方は特に役立つと思うよ。敵と戦わなくても、悪い虫みたいな男どもをなだめるのにも役立つだろうし。 FormID: 0114CABD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Myreward 0 Of course I haven't forgotten about your reward! Here you are! A potion of Melting Daedra Heart Essence! __もちろん、あんたへのお礼は忘れてないよ!はいどうぞ!Melting Daedra Heart Essenceから作った魔法薬だ。 FormID: 0114CABD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Myreward 1 I haven't forgotten how much you seem to appreciate it's distinct scent, and I'm sure you will enjoy this particular flavour. __あんたがあの格別な香りをどれほど味わっていたかはちゃんと覚えているよ。こいつの香りもきっと気に入ってくれると確信してる。 FormID: 0114CABD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Myreward 2 It's particularly useful when someone has fainted - they always regain conscience instantly when sniffing at this mixture. __こいつは特に、気絶した人相手に役立つよ。嗅げば必ずすぐに目を覚ますんだ。 FormID: 0114CABD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Myreward 3 And if you put a tiny drop of it behind your ears, it will attract both male and female to you. __耳の後ろにほんの一滴だけ付けてみてもいい。男女を問わず、あんたに惹かれるようになるはずだよ。 FormID: 0114CABD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Myreward 4 In fact, it will probably attract sheep and boars to you as well, but I think that has to be considered as a minor but not unpleasant side effect. __実際人間だけに留まらず、羊やイノシシもメロメロさ。まあ、それほど悪くない副作用だろう?ささいな事さ。 FormID: 0114CAC5 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells5 0 Heneri says I have a natural talent for spellcasting. She has taught me how to cast a shield spell on myself. __Heneriから魔法の才能があるって褒められたわ。自分にShieldをかける魔法を教えてもらったの。 FormID: 0114CAC5 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells5 1 But the best of all is that she has taught me how to paralyze! So now I can paralyze enemies before I beat them up. Great, isn't it! __でもでも、教えてもらった中でいちばん最高の魔法は、Paralyzeの魔法ね!これで敵を倒す前に麻痺させる事が出来るわ。すごいでしょ? FormID: 0114CAC5 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells5 2 Of course, I will not use my new spell unless you want me to. We can discuss my fighting instructions later. __もちろん、あなたが嫌がるような魔法は使わないつもりよ。戦闘に関する指示はまた後でしてね。 FormID: 0114CAC5 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells5 3 But first, I think we should head for Bruma. I believe Sereni has a reward for us as well. __でも、まずはBrumaに行かないとね。きっとSereniからもお礼をしてもらえるはずよ。 FormID: 0114F3CA 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 Tell me honestly... Why did you join the Dark Brotherhood? __正直に教えてね。…どうしてDark Brotherhoodなんかに入ったの? FormID: 0114F3DE 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 Have you ever considered working for the Dark Brotherhood? __今までDark Brotherhoodに入って働こうと思った事はある? FormID: 0114F3D4 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 How do you feel about thievery? __盗みをする事についてどう思う? FormID: 0114F3E5 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 Which is your favorite city in Cyrodiil? __Cyrodiilでお気に入りの街はどこ? FormID: 0114F3F6 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What are your thoughts on necromancy? __Necromancyについてどう思う? FormID: 0114F3FD 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What are your thoughts on Khajiits? __Khajiitについてどう思う? FormID: 011501AE 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What do you think of Heneri? __Heneriの事はどう思う? FormID: 0115088A 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What are your thoughts on Dunmers? __Dunmerについてどう思う? FormID: 01150893 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What are your thoughts on Skooma? __Skoomaについてどう思う? FormID: 01150898 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What would you rather be - an innkeeper, a smith or a shepherd? __宿屋の主人に鍛冶屋に羊飼い、なるとしたらあなたはどれがいい? FormID: 01162877 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What would you rather do with your life? Join the Imperial Legion, become a pirate or get involved in the Cyrodiil politics? __あなただったらどんな人生を送りたい?Imperial Legionに入る?海賊になる?それともCyrodiilの政治に首を突っ込んでみる? FormID: 0116287E 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 How would you like to spend your spare time? __余暇はどんな風に過ごしたい? FormID: 01179AAC 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 Tell me honestly... what do you think of Runar? __正直に言ってね。…Runarの事をどう思う? FormID: 0117CAA1 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 Tell me, what do you want to achieve with your life? I mean - what is really important to you? __教えて。あなたは人生で何を成し遂げたいと思ってる?つまりね…。あなたにとって大事なものって何? FormID: 0114F3CF 1emmQuest1 88886DBa 0 Oh... I should have guessed that, of course. You know, sometimes I find this darker side of your personality a bit... scary. __ああ…ちゃんと察してあげられれば良かったのに。ええ…。確かに私、あなたの中の心の闇が少し怖くなる事があるわ。 FormID: 0114F3CF 1emmQuest1 88886DBa 1 I'm not sure how I feel about it, actually... __自分の気持ちが分からなくなるの…。 FormID: 0114F3D0 1emmQuest1 88886DBb 0 Oh, my dear friend... You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say this. I have been trying to accept, but... I just don't understand. __ああ…その言葉を聞いて私がどれだけ安心したか、きっとあなたには分からないでしょうね。これまであなたの生き方を受け入れようと努力してきたけれど、やっぱり理解は出来なかったから。 FormID: 0114F3D0 1emmQuest1 88886DBb 1 It's one thing to kill an attacking bandit, but very different to murder someone. Maybe you could just... quit working for them? __襲いかかってくるBanditを殺すのと殺人は違う事だわ。あなたはギルドの仕事を辞めてもいいのよ…? FormID: 0114F3D0 1emmQuest1 88886DBb 2 Maybe you should think it over... there are better things to do in Cyrodiil, right? __ちゃんと考えてみるべきだわ…。Cyrodiilにはもっと素敵な事が他にもあるもの。分かってくれた? FormID: 0114F3D1 1emmQuest1 88886DBc 0 I see... But don't you ever feel strange about murdering people? I mean, it's quite different from killing an attacking bandit. __分かったわ…。でも、今まで人殺しに疑問を持った事はないの?襲いかかってくるBanditを殺すのとはわけが違うのよ? FormID: 0114F3D1 1emmQuest1 88886DBc 1 Maybe you should think it over... there are better things to do in Cyrodiil, right? __ちゃんと考えてみるべきだわ…。Cyrodiilにはもっと素敵な事が他にもあるもの。分かってくれた? FormID: 0114F3D2 1emmQuest1 88886dDbd 0 Just another way of earning money? But... don't you ever feel bad about murdering people? I mean, it's quite different from killing attacking bandits __ただの金稼ぎの手段ですって?でも、今まで人殺しに疑問を持った事はないの?襲いかかってくるBanditを殺すのとはわけが違うのよ? FormID: 0114F3D3 1emmQuest1 88886dDbd 0 Maybe you should think it over... there are better things to do in Cyrodiil, right? __ちゃんと考えてみるべきだわ…。Cyrodiilにはもっと素敵な事が他にもあるもの。分かってくれた? FormID: 0114F3D9 1emmQuest1 88886TFa 0 True... and you're quite good at it! To be honest, I do not really mind... at least not as long as you don't steal from poor people. __そうね…。確かにあなたは相当の手馴れだわ。まあ、私もさほど悩んでいるわけではないのよ。あなたが貧しい人に盗みを働こうとしない限りはね。 FormID: 0114F3D9 1emmQuest1 88886TFa 1 But if you steal from the poor, I'm going to get really mad at you. __仮に貧しい人から盗むような事があったら、本当に怒るからね! FormID: 0114F3D9 1emmQuest1 88886TFa 2 So mad that I won't even bake a strawberry pie with a lockpick inside for you if you end up in prison. __あなたが牢屋に入れられても、差し入れのStrawberry PieにLockpickを忍ばせて助けてあげるなんて事は絶対にしないから。 FormID: 0114F3DB 1emmQuest1 88886TFb 0 Oh? Well, if that is the case, you have every reason to smile happily if you get robbed. __ええっ?そんな理屈がまかり通るなら、あなたは自分が盗みの被害にあっても笑って済ませられる事になるわよね? FormID: 0114F3DB 1emmQuest1 88886TFb 1 Maybe it's time for you to give up stealing and start giving away of your gold instead. There are quite a few beggars around in Cyrodiil. __あなたもそろそろ盗みをやめて、貧しい人に財産を分け与えるべきよ。Cyrodiilにはそれほど沢山の乞食がいるわけでもないのだし。 FormID: 0114F3DA 1emmQuest1 88886TFb 0 I see... and I do not disagree on that. Only... __分かったわ…。あなたの考えには賛同出来ないけれど、ただ… FormID: 0114F3DA 1emmQuest1 88886TFb 1 ...when did you last give a beggar a coin? It certainly doesn't happen that often! __ねぇ、あなたが最後に乞食さんにコインを恵んであげたのはいつの事だったかしら?あんまり恵んであげてないわよね。 FormID: 0114F3DD 1emmQuest1 88886TFc 0 You know, it's a bit strange to hear those words from someone who is a member of the Thieves Guild! __ねぇ、Thieves Guildのメンバーであるあなたの口からそんな言葉を聞くのは、少し妙な気分だわ。 FormID: 0114F3DD 1emmQuest1 88886TFc 1 Do you really think I'm that stupid? __ひょっとして、私の事を本当に馬鹿だと思ってる? FormID: 0114F3DC 1emmQuest1 88886TFc 0 Yes, of course. I'm proud of you for being such a righteous person. __もちろんその通りよ。あなたが道理の通じる人で私も誇らしいわ。 FormID: 0114F3DC 1emmQuest1 88886TFc 1 Still, I can understand if the poor beggars are tempted to pickpocket wealthier citizens. You know, I think we should give them a coin more often. __でも、貧しい乞食の人が誘惑に負けて、裕福な人に対してスリを働こうとする気持ちも分かるの。彼らにはもっとコインを沢山恵んであげるべきよ。 FormID: 0114F3E2 1emmQuest1 88886NoDBa 0 Oh. I see... Are you really sure it's a good thing to do? I won't try to stop you, of course, but... __ええっ?あなた、それが本当に良い事だと思ってるの?あなたがそのつもりなら止めはしないけれど、でも… FormID: 0114F3E2 1emmQuest1 88886NoDBa 1 ...I can't really imagine you as an assassin. __あなたが暗殺者になるなんて、とても信じられないわ。 FormID: 0114F3E3 1emmQuest1 88886NoDBb 0 Oh. I see... Are you really sure it's a good thing to do? I won't try to stop you, of course, but... __ええっ?あなた、それが本当に良い事だと思ってるの?あなたがそのつもりなら止めはしないけれど、でも… FormID: 0114F3E3 1emmQuest1 88886NoDBb 1 ...I can't really imagine you as an assassin. __あなたが暗殺者になるなんて、とても信じられないわ。
FormID: 0114CAB9 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells3 4 Let me see... I found some good ingredients yesterday, and made a few delicious potions. Here, they are all yours! __そうだねぇ…。昨日、質の良い材料を見つけて上等な魔法薬をこしらえたんだよ。これを全部あんたにやろうじゃないか! FormID: 0114CABB 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells4 0 Yes, isn't it! And now... I have taught Vilja two valuable spells. A common shield spell and a paralyze spell. __そうだろうそうだろう?…あと、Viljaには一般的だけど役に立つ魔法を2つ教えておいたよ。Shieldの魔法とParalyzeの魔法だ。 FormID: 0114CABB 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells4 1 I'm sure the paralyze one will be particularly useful. If she doesn't run into enemies, I'm sure it will calm down unwanted admirers quite a bit. __Paralyzeの方は特に役立つと思うよ。敵と戦わなくても、悪い虫みたいな男どもをなだめるのにも役立つだろうし。 FormID: 0114CABD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Myreward 0 Of course I haven't forgotten about your reward! Here you are! A potion of Melting Daedra Heart Essence! __もちろん、あんたへのお礼は忘れてないよ!はいどうぞ!Melting Daedra Heart Essenceから作った魔法薬だ。 FormID: 0114CABD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Myreward 1 I haven't forgotten how much you seem to appreciate it's distinct scent, and I'm sure you will enjoy this particular flavour. __あんたがあの格別な香りをどれほど味わっていたかはちゃんと覚えているよ。こいつの香りもきっと気に入ってくれると確信してる。 FormID: 0114CABD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Myreward 2 It's particularly useful when someone has fainted - they always regain conscience instantly when sniffing at this mixture. __こいつは特に、気絶した人相手に役立つよ。嗅げば必ずすぐに目を覚ますんだ。 FormID: 0114CABD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Myreward 3 And if you put a tiny drop of it behind your ears, it will attract both male and female to you. __耳の後ろにほんの一滴だけ付けてみてもいい。男女を問わず、あんたに惹かれるようになるはずだよ。 FormID: 0114CABD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Myreward 4 In fact, it will probably attract sheep and boars to you as well, but I think that has to be considered as a minor but not unpleasant side effect. __実際人間だけに留まらず、羊やイノシシもメロメロさ。まあ、それほど悪くない副作用だろう?ささいな事さ。 FormID: 0114CAC5 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells5 0 Heneri says I have a natural talent for spellcasting. She has taught me how to cast a shield spell on myself. __Heneriから魔法の才能があるって褒められたわ。自分にShieldをかける魔法を教えてもらったの。 FormID: 0114CAC5 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells5 1 But the best of all is that she has taught me how to paralyze! So now I can paralyze enemies before I beat them up. Great, isn't it! __でもでも、教えてもらった中でいちばん最高の魔法は、Paralyzeの魔法ね!これで敵を倒す前に麻痺させる事が出来るわ。すごいでしょ? FormID: 0114CAC5 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells5 2 Of course, I will not use my new spell unless you want me to. We can discuss my fighting instructions later. __もちろん、あなたが嫌がるような魔法は使わないつもりよ。戦闘に関する指示はまた後でしてね。 FormID: 0114CAC5 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells5 3 But first, I think we should head for Bruma. I believe Sereni has a reward for us as well. __でも、まずはBrumaに行かないとね。きっとSereniからもお礼をしてもらえるはずよ。 FormID: 0114F3CA 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 Tell me honestly... Why did you join the Dark Brotherhood? __正直に教えてね。…どうしてDark Brotherhoodなんかに入ったの? FormID: 0114F3DE 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 Have you ever considered working for the Dark Brotherhood? __今までDark Brotherhoodに入って働こうと思った事はある? FormID: 0114F3D4 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 How do you feel about thievery? __盗みをする事についてどう思う? FormID: 0114F3E5 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 Which is your favorite city in Cyrodiil? __Cyrodiilでお気に入りの街はどこ? FormID: 0114F3F6 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What are your thoughts on necromancy? __Necromancyについてどう思う? FormID: 0114F3FD 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What are your thoughts on Khajiits? __Khajiitについてどう思う? FormID: 011501AE 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What do you think of Heneri? __Heneriの事はどう思う? FormID: 0115088A 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What are your thoughts on Dunmers? __Dunmerについてどう思う? FormID: 01150893 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What are your thoughts on Skooma? __Skoomaについてどう思う? FormID: 01150898 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What would you rather be - an innkeeper, a smith or a shepherd? __宿屋の主人に鍛冶屋に羊飼い、なるとしたらあなたはどれがいい? FormID: 01162877 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What would you rather do with your life? Join the Imperial Legion, become a pirate or get involved in the Cyrodiil politics? __あなただったらどんな人生を送りたい?Imperial Legionに入る?海賊になる?それともCyrodiilの政治に首を突っ込んでみる? FormID: 0116287E 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 How would you like to spend your spare time? __余暇はどんな風に過ごしたい? FormID: 01179AAC 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 Tell me honestly... what do you think of Runar? __正直に言ってね。…Runarの事をどう思う? FormID: 0117CAA1 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 Tell me, what do you want to achieve with your life? I mean - what is really important to you? __教えて。あなたは人生で何を成し遂げたいと思ってる?つまりね…。あなたにとって大事なものって何? FormID: 0114F3CF 1emmQuest1 88886DBa 0 Oh... I should have guessed that, of course. You know, sometimes I find this darker side of your personality a bit... scary. __ああ…ちゃんと察してあげられれば良かったのに。ええ…。確かに私、あなたの中の心の闇が少し怖くなる事があるわ。 FormID: 0114F3CF 1emmQuest1 88886DBa 1 I'm not sure how I feel about it, actually... __自分の気持ちが分からなくなるの…。 FormID: 0114F3D0 1emmQuest1 88886DBb 0 Oh, my dear friend... You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say this. I have been trying to accept, but... I just don't understand. __ああ…その言葉を聞いて私がどれだけ安心したか、きっとあなたには分からないでしょうね。これまであなたの生き方を受け入れようと努力してきたけれど、やっぱり理解は出来なかったから。 FormID: 0114F3D0 1emmQuest1 88886DBb 1 It's one thing to kill an attacking bandit, but very different to murder someone. Maybe you could just... quit working for them? __襲いかかってくるBanditを殺すのと殺人は違う事だわ。あなたはギルドの仕事を辞めてもいいのよ…? FormID: 0114F3D0 1emmQuest1 88886DBb 2 Maybe you should think it over... there are better things to do in Cyrodiil, right? __ちゃんと考えてみるべきだわ…。Cyrodiilにはもっと素敵な事が他にもあるもの。分かってくれた? FormID: 0114F3D1 1emmQuest1 88886DBc 0 I see... But don't you ever feel strange about murdering people? I mean, it's quite different from killing an attacking bandit. __分かったわ…。でも、今まで人殺しに疑問を持った事はないの?襲いかかってくるBanditを殺すのとはわけが違うのよ? FormID: 0114F3D1 1emmQuest1 88886DBc 1 Maybe you should think it over... there are better things to do in Cyrodiil, right? __ちゃんと考えてみるべきだわ…。Cyrodiilにはもっと素敵な事が他にもあるもの。分かってくれた? FormID: 0114F3D2 1emmQuest1 88886dDbd 0 Just another way of earning money? But... don't you ever feel bad about murdering people? I mean, it's quite different from killing attacking bandits __ただの金稼ぎの手段ですって?でも、今まで人殺しに疑問を持った事はないの?襲いかかってくるBanditを殺すのとはわけが違うのよ? FormID: 0114F3D3 1emmQuest1 88886dDbd 0 Maybe you should think it over... there are better things to do in Cyrodiil, right? __ちゃんと考えてみるべきだわ…。Cyrodiilにはもっと素敵な事が他にもあるもの。分かってくれた? FormID: 0114F3D9 1emmQuest1 88886TFa 0 True... and you're quite good at it! To be honest, I do not really mind... at least not as long as you don't steal from poor people. __そうね…。確かにあなたは相当の手馴れだわ。まあ、私もさほど悩んでいるわけではないのよ。あなたが貧しい人に盗みを働こうとしない限りはね。 FormID: 0114F3D9 1emmQuest1 88886TFa 1 But if you steal from the poor, I'm going to get really mad at you. __仮に貧しい人から盗むような事があったら、本当に怒るからね! FormID: 0114F3D9 1emmQuest1 88886TFa 2 So mad that I won't even bake a strawberry pie with a lockpick inside for you if you end up in prison. __あなたが牢屋に入れられても、差し入れのStrawberry PieにLockpickを忍ばせて助けてあげるなんて事は絶対にしないから。 FormID: 0114F3DB 1emmQuest1 88886TFb 0 Oh? Well, if that is the case, you have every reason to smile happily if you get robbed. __ええっ?そんな理屈がまかり通るなら、あなたは自分が盗みの被害にあっても笑って済ませられる事になるわよね? FormID: 0114F3DB 1emmQuest1 88886TFb 1 Maybe it's time for you to give up stealing and start giving away of your gold instead. There are quite a few beggars around in Cyrodiil. __あなたもそろそろ盗みをやめて、貧しい人に財産を分け与えるべきよ。Cyrodiilにはそれほど沢山の乞食がいるわけでもないのだし。 FormID: 0114F3DA 1emmQuest1 88886TFb 0 I see... and I do not disagree on that. Only... __分かったわ…。あなたの考えには賛同出来ないけれど、ただ… FormID: 0114F3DA 1emmQuest1 88886TFb 1 ...when did you last give a beggar a coin? It certainly doesn't happen that often! __ねぇ、あなたが最後に乞食さんにコインを恵んであげたのはいつの事だったかしら?あんまり恵んであげてないわよね。 FormID: 0114F3DD 1emmQuest1 88886TFc 0 You know, it's a bit strange to hear those words from someone who is a member of the Thieves Guild! __ねぇ、Thieves Guildのメンバーであるあなたの口からそんな言葉を聞くのは、少し妙な気分だわ。 FormID: 0114F3DD 1emmQuest1 88886TFc 1 Do you really think I'm that stupid? __ひょっとして、私の事を本当に馬鹿だと思ってる? FormID: 0114F3DC 1emmQuest1 88886TFc 0 Yes, of course. I'm proud of you for being such a righteous person. __もちろんその通りよ。あなたが道理の通じる人で私も誇らしいわ。 FormID: 0114F3DC 1emmQuest1 88886TFc 1 Still, I can understand if the poor beggars are tempted to pickpocket wealthier citizens. You know, I think we should give them a coin more often. __でも、貧しい乞食の人が誘惑に負けて、裕福な人に対してスリを働こうとする気持ちも分かるの。彼らにはもっとコインを沢山恵んであげるべきよ。 FormID: 0114F3E2 1emmQuest1 88886NoDBa 0 Oh. I see... Are you really sure it's a good thing to do? I won't try to stop you, of course, but... __ええっ?あなた、それが本当に良い事だと思ってるの?あなたがそのつもりなら止めはしないけれど、でも… FormID: 0114F3E2 1emmQuest1 88886NoDBa 1 ...I can't really imagine you as an assassin. __あなたが暗殺者になるなんて、とても信じられないわ。 FormID: 0114F3E3 1emmQuest1 88886NoDBb 0 Oh. I see... Are you really sure it's a good thing to do? I won't try to stop you, of course, but... __ええっ?あなた、それが本当に良い事だと思ってるの?あなたがそのつもりなら止めはしないけれど、でも… FormID: 0114F3E3 1emmQuest1 88886NoDBb 1 ...I can't really imagine you as an assassin. __あなたが暗殺者になるなんて、とても信じられないわ。