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FormID: 0112FDBE 1emmQuest1 3emm8PotionF27 0 That should work fine... Just a second... __きっと上手くいくわ…。ちょっと待ってね…。 FormID: 0112FDBF 1emmQuest1 3emm8PotionF28 0 That should work fine... Just a second... __きっと上手くいくわ…。ちょっと待ってね…。 FormID: 0112FDC0 1emmQuest1 3emm8PotionF29 0 That should work fine... Just a second... __きっと上手くいくわ…。ちょっと待ってね…。 FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 0 I'll tell you why... This whole business with Melinda's furry beauty cream probably wouldn't had happened if it hadn't been for that little bugger. __何故かって?教えてあげるわ。あの身の毛もよだつMelindaの美容クリーム事件は、あの厄介者さえいなければそもそも起きるはずがなかったのよ。 FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 1 I think I told you that she had bought cheap ingredients from a shady Khajiit trader. Well, that trader has turned out to be a cousin of M'aiq. __Melindaが安い素材を怪しげなKhajiit商人から買ったって話は前にしたわよね? FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 2 Melinda told me in one of her letters that the shady Khajiit had imported the ingredients from Cyrodiil, and that a relative of his had provided them __彼女と手紙をやり取りする中で、そのKhajiitがCyrodiilにいる彼の親戚から素材を取り寄せているって分かったわ。 FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 3 She knew the name of the relative. It was M'aiq. So, the first time I met our lying friend Maiq, I confronted him. __で、妹から気いたその親戚の名前というのがM'aiqだったの。だから私、初めてあの嘘吐きに会った時、直接問いただしてみたわ。 FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 4 And he is the relative! I know that for sure, because he absolutely denied any relation with F'aiq the trader. __ええ、確かに親戚だった!彼があのF'aiqっていう商人と完全に無関係だと言い張るのを聞いて… FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 5 Which makes me positive that they indeed are cousins! __きっと親戚なんだなって、確信したわ! FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 6 I wish I could catch him and send him to the furry mob of Vvardenfell upperclass Dunmer ladies. __出来る事ならあいつを捕まえて、Vvardenfellの上流階級のDunmerの女性お抱えの毛糸職人にでも売り飛ばしてやりたいくらいよ。 FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 7 I'm sure they would shave him from the ears to the paws and feed the cliff racers with what was left of him. __彼らなら、きっとあいつの毛という毛を耳から足先まで剃り上げて、残った体をCliff Racerの餌にしてしまう事でしょうね。 FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 8 But, even if I cannot send him to Morrowind, I'm surely going to catch him, sooner or later, and then he'll be in more trouble than he can imagine! __まあ、Morrowind送りにしてやる事が出来ないまでも、遅かれ早かれあいつは捕まえるつもりよ。想像出来ないくらい酷い目に遭わせてやるんだから! FormID: 01130B75 1emmQuest1 996killcat2 0 I know... and I swear that sooner or later, I will catch that cat, and he'll be in more trouble than he could ever imagine! __分かってるわよ…。遅かれ早かれ、私はあの猫野郎を捕まえて、想像出来ないくらい酷い目に合せてやるつもり! FormID: 0113125F 1emmQuest1 0emmPathMark 0 If you get lost, you mean. I never get lost, I can get us back here if needed. __もし迷子になったらって意味かしら?まぁ私は迷わないけど、覚えておくわね。 FormID: 01131260 1emmQuest1 0emmPathFind 0 Good choice. __いい選択ね。 FormID: 01131261 1emmQuest1 0emmPathFind 0 Sure. I was just thinking that you probably didn't know where we were going. __もちろんいいわよ。たぶん道に迷ってるんじゃないかって思ってたの。 FormID: 01131262 1emmQuest1 0emmPathReset1 0 Of course! I never get lost! __もちろんよ!私、道に迷った事がないの! FormID: 01131263 1emmQuest1 0emmPathReset2 0 You think that will work better? As you wish... Let me know if you change your mind. __それで本当に大丈夫?まぁ…好きにすればいいけど。気が変わったら言ってね。 FormID: 0113201B 1emmQuest1 7emmViljaMaiq1 0 M'aiq is innocent! M'aiq is always innocent. __M'aiq、歩くない!M'aiq、いつだって悪くないよ。 FormID: 0113201D 1emmQuest1 7emmViljaMaiq2 0 M'aiq is also a fast runner. A very fast runner. And he knows when to run. Therefore, the girl will never catch M'aiq. __M'aiq、走るの速い。とっても早いよ。だから、走ればあの女の子に追いつかれる心配もない。 FormID: 0113202B 1emmQuest1 7emmUsDineOutCont 0 That sounds like a good idea. __いいアイデアね。 FormID: 0113202C 1emmQuest1 7emmUsDineOutStop 0 So - why didn't you tell me that before we left? I hadn't even finished my drink yet! __だったら、どうして出る前に言ってくれなかったの?まだお酒だって飲みかけだったのに! FormID: 0113203F 1emmQuest1 7emmUsDineOutYes 0 Aww... I have really been looking forward to this! You're such a sweetheart. __ああっ…!ずっと待ち望んでいたのよ。あなたって、すごく優しいのね。 FormID: 0113203F 1emmQuest1 7emmUsDineOutYes 1 I think I'll have a glass of wine... or a beer, maybe. No... you decide. __ワインにしようかしら?それともビールがいいかな?おっと…決めるのはあなたね。 FormID: 01132040 1emmQuest1 7emmUsDineOutNot 0 Oh... I see... Well... maybe some other time then. Or... maybe not. __はぁ…分かったわ。きっとまたいつかね。いつかなんて来ないかも知れないけれど…。 FormID: 01159FC6 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Well... I don't want to be rude... __うーん…。あんまり不作法にはしたくないのだけど…。 FormID: 01159FC7 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 It's always good to have one of these adventurous types around. They can do all the rough stuff, if you take my meaning. __こういう冒険者さんが身近にいると助かるわ。語弊はあるかもだけど、荒事全般任せられるしね。 FormID: 01159FC8 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Well, I don't know what to say about the spellcasting skill, but... the personality is good. __魔法の腕前については何とも言えないけれど、性格はいいと思うわ。 FormID: 01159FC9 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 You have really found a good friend in this adventurer. The two of you should stick together. __あなた、この冒険者さんと本当にいいお友達になれたわね。二人とも一緒にいるべきよ。 FormID: 01159FCA 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Well, if you don't want to keep your body guard... Just name a price! __うーん…。別に護衛は要らないというなら、好きにすればいいわ…。 FormID: 0117A85E 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Hmm... I don't think I know you well enough to tell you that. __うーん…。それを教えるほどにはあなたの事をよく知らないわ。 FormID: 0117A860 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Most impressive. __すごく印象的。 FormID: 011417AE 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He likes to think he's the boss. But without me, this place would fall apart. __彼は自分がボスだと思いたがってるけれど、私がいなければこの場はきっとまとまらないわ。 FormID: 011417AF 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He likes to think he's the boss. __彼は自分がボスだと思いたがってるわ。 FormID: 011417C3 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He's a nice fellow. __彼はいい仲間よ。 FormID: 0117A864 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Crazy as a rat in a cat-box. Just leave him alone. He's not hurting anybody. __猫だらけの箱に入れられたネズミみたいに取り乱してるわね。放っておけばいいわ。彼は誰も傷つけはしないわ。 FormID: 01144E9D 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He's a saint. __彼は立派な人よ。 FormID: 011417C4 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He's a good man. But he gets taken in so easily. __彼はいい人よ。でも、とっても流されやすいの。 FormID: 011417C5 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 I've seen him in action and it's impressive. __彼の戦いぶりを見たけれど、感心しちゃったわ。 FormID: 011417BC 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Well, I know he's a bit odd, but I've always thought he was kind of sweet. __そうね。ちょっと変わり者だけど、いつも優しいと思うわ。 FormID: 011417B7 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He is... well, he is an interesting fellow. __彼は…そうね、面白い人あと思うわ。 FormID: 011417BB 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He is far more dangerous than you realize. __彼は、あなたが思ってるよりはるかに危険な人よ。 FormID: 011417B8 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 She hasn't been focused on her work recently. It's annoying, frankly. __最近の彼女は自分の仕事に集中出来ていないわ。正直言って、イライラする。 FormID: 01144E9A 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 She has a real way with words. __彼女って本当に弁が立つわね。 FormID: 01144E9F 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 She spends all her time helping others. __彼女って、いつも人助けをしているわね。 FormID: 01144E9E 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 She's a very demanding teacher. You can learn a lot from her, if you're willing to try. __彼女はとても頼りになる先生よ。あなたも教わってみれば、沢山の事を学べるはずよ。 FormID: 01144E9B 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 She's very skilled, but I think she's reckless. __彼女はとても腕が立つけれど、向こう見ずな所があるわね。 FormID: 01144E9C 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 She's skilled but a bit unpredictable. __彼女は腕が立つけれど、少し予想と違った行動に出る事があるわね。 FormID: 011417BA 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 I suppose I like her well enough. __私、きっと彼女の事は気に入ってると思うわ。 FormID: 011417B1 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Not bad. __まあ、悪くはないわね。
FormID: 0112FDBE 1emmQuest1 3emm8PotionF27 0 That should work fine... Just a second... __きっと上手くいくわ…。ちょっと待ってね…。 FormID: 0112FDBF 1emmQuest1 3emm8PotionF28 0 That should work fine... Just a second... __きっと上手くいくわ…。ちょっと待ってね…。 FormID: 0112FDC0 1emmQuest1 3emm8PotionF29 0 That should work fine... Just a second... __きっと上手くいくわ…。ちょっと待ってね…。 FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 0 I'll tell you why... This whole business with Melinda's furry beauty cream probably wouldn't had happened if it hadn't been for that little bugger. __何故かって?教えてあげるわ。あの身の毛もよだつMelindaの美容クリーム事件は、あの厄介者さえいなければそもそも起きるはずがなかったのよ。 FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 1 I think I told you that she had bought cheap ingredients from a shady Khajiit trader. Well, that trader has turned out to be a cousin of M'aiq. __Melindaが安い素材を怪しげなKhajiit商人から買ったって話は前にしたわよね? FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 2 Melinda told me in one of her letters that the shady Khajiit had imported the ingredients from Cyrodiil, and that a relative of his had provided them __彼女と手紙をやり取りする中で、そのKhajiitがCyrodiilにいる彼の親戚から素材を取り寄せているって分かったわ。 FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 3 She knew the name of the relative. It was M'aiq. So, the first time I met our lying friend Maiq, I confronted him. __で、妹から気いたその親戚の名前というのがM'aiqだったの。だから私、初めてあの嘘吐きに会った時、直接問いただしてみたわ。 FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 4 And he is the relative! I know that for sure, because he absolutely denied any relation with F'aiq the trader. __ええ、確かに親戚だった!彼があのF'aiqっていう商人と完全に無関係だと言い張るのを聞いて… FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 5 Which makes me positive that they indeed are cousins! __きっと親戚なんだなって、確信したわ! FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 6 I wish I could catch him and send him to the furry mob of Vvardenfell upperclass Dunmer ladies. __出来る事ならあいつを捕まえて、Vvardenfellの上流階級のDunmerの女性お抱えの毛糸職人にでも売り飛ばしてやりたいくらいよ。 FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 7 I'm sure they would shave him from the ears to the paws and feed the cliff racers with what was left of him. __彼らなら、きっとあいつの毛という毛を耳から足先まで剃り上げて、残った体をCliff Racerの餌にしてしまう事でしょうね。 FormID: 01130B73 1emmQuest1 996Killcat 8 But, even if I cannot send him to Morrowind, I'm surely going to catch him, sooner or later, and then he'll be in more trouble than he can imagine! __まあ、Morrowind送りにしてやる事が出来ないまでも、遅かれ早かれあいつは捕まえるつもりよ。想像出来ないくらい酷い目に遭わせてやるんだから! FormID: 01130B75 1emmQuest1 996killcat2 0 I know... and I swear that sooner or later, I will catch that cat, and he'll be in more trouble than he could ever imagine! __分かってるわよ…。遅かれ早かれ、私はあの猫野郎を捕まえて、想像出来ないくらい酷い目に合せてやるつもり! FormID: 0113125F 1emmQuest1 0emmPathMark 0 If you get lost, you mean. I never get lost, I can get us back here if needed. __もし迷子になったらって意味かしら?まぁ私は迷わないけど、覚えておくわね。 FormID: 01131260 1emmQuest1 0emmPathFind 0 Good choice. __いい選択ね。 FormID: 01131261 1emmQuest1 0emmPathFind 0 Sure. I was just thinking that you probably didn't know where we were going. __もちろんいいわよ。たぶん道に迷ってるんじゃないかって思ってたの。 FormID: 01131262 1emmQuest1 0emmPathReset1 0 Of course! I never get lost! __もちろんよ!私、道に迷った事がないの! FormID: 01131263 1emmQuest1 0emmPathReset2 0 You think that will work better? As you wish... Let me know if you change your mind. __それで本当に大丈夫?まぁ…好きにすればいいけど。気が変わったら言ってね。 FormID: 0113201B 1emmQuest1 7emmViljaMaiq1 0 M'aiq is innocent! M'aiq is always innocent. __M'aiq、歩くない!M'aiq、いつだって悪くないよ。 FormID: 0113201D 1emmQuest1 7emmViljaMaiq2 0 M'aiq is also a fast runner. A very fast runner. And he knows when to run. Therefore, the girl will never catch M'aiq. __M'aiq、走るの速い。とっても早いよ。だから、走ればあの女の子に追いつかれる心配もない。 FormID: 0113202B 1emmQuest1 7emmUsDineOutCont 0 That sounds like a good idea. __いいアイデアね。 FormID: 0113202C 1emmQuest1 7emmUsDineOutStop 0 So - why didn't you tell me that before we left? I hadn't even finished my drink yet! __だったら、どうして出る前に言ってくれなかったの?まだお酒だって飲みかけだったのに! FormID: 0113203F 1emmQuest1 7emmUsDineOutYes 0 Aww... I have really been looking forward to this! You're such a sweetheart. __ああっ…!ずっと待ち望んでいたのよ。あなたって、すごく優しいのね。 FormID: 0113203F 1emmQuest1 7emmUsDineOutYes 1 I think I'll have a glass of wine... or a beer, maybe. No... you decide. __ワインにしようかしら?それともビールがいいかな?おっと…決めるのはあなたね。 FormID: 01132040 1emmQuest1 7emmUsDineOutNot 0 Oh... I see... Well... maybe some other time then. Or... maybe not. __はぁ…分かったわ。きっとまたいつかね。いつかなんて来ないかも知れないけれど…。 FormID: 01159FC6 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Well... I don't want to be rude... __うーん…。あんまり不作法にはしたくないのだけど…。 FormID: 01159FC7 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 It's always good to have one of these adventurous types around. They can do all the rough stuff, if you take my meaning. __こういう冒険者さんが身近にいると助かるわ。語弊はあるかもだけど、荒事全般任せられるしね。 FormID: 01159FC8 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Well, I don't know what to say about the spellcasting skill, but... the personality is good. __魔法の腕前については何とも言えないけれど、性格はいいと思うわ。 FormID: 01159FC9 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 You have really found a good friend in this adventurer. The two of you should stick together. __あなた、この冒険者さんと本当にいいお友達になれたわね。二人とも一緒にいるべきよ。 FormID: 01159FCA 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Well, if you don't want to keep your body guard... Just name a price! __うーん…。別に護衛は要らないというなら、好きにすればいいわ…。 FormID: 0117A85E 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Hmm... I don't think I know you well enough to tell you that. __うーん…。それを教えるほどにはあなたの事をよく知らないわ。 FormID: 0117A860 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Most impressive. __すごく印象的。 FormID: 011417AE 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He likes to think he's the boss. But without me, this place would fall apart. __彼は自分がボスだと思いたがってるけれど、私がいなければこの場はきっとまとまらないわ。 FormID: 011417AF 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He likes to think he's the boss. __彼は自分がボスだと思いたがってるわ。 FormID: 011417C3 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He's a nice fellow. __彼はいい仲間よ。 FormID: 0117A864 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Crazy as a rat in a cat-box. Just leave him alone. He's not hurting anybody. __猫だらけの箱に入れられたネズミみたいに取り乱してるわね。放っておけばいいわ。彼は誰も傷つけはしないわ。 FormID: 01144E9D 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He's a saint. __彼は立派な人よ。 FormID: 011417C4 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He's a good man. But he gets taken in so easily. __彼はいい人よ。でも、とっても流されやすいの。 FormID: 011417C5 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 I've seen him in action and it's impressive. __彼の戦いぶりを見たけれど、感心しちゃったわ。 FormID: 011417BC 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Well, I know he's a bit odd, but I've always thought he was kind of sweet. __そうね。ちょっと変わり者だけど、いつも優しいと思うわ。 FormID: 011417B7 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He is... well, he is an interesting fellow. __彼は…そうね、面白い人あと思うわ。 FormID: 011417BB 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He is far more dangerous than you realize. __彼は、あなたが思ってるよりはるかに危険な人よ。 FormID: 011417B8 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 She hasn't been focused on her work recently. It's annoying, frankly. __最近の彼女は自分の仕事に集中出来ていないわ。正直言って、イライラする。 FormID: 01144E9A 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 She has a real way with words. __彼女って本当に弁が立つわね。 FormID: 01144E9F 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 She spends all her time helping others. __彼女って、いつも人助けをしているわね。 FormID: 01144E9E 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 She's a very demanding teacher. You can learn a lot from her, if you're willing to try. __彼女はとても頼りになる先生よ。あなたも教わってみれば、沢山の事を学べるはずよ。 FormID: 01144E9B 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 She's very skilled, but I think she's reckless. __彼女はとても腕が立つけれど、向こう見ずな所があるわね。 FormID: 01144E9C 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 She's skilled but a bit unpredictable. __彼女は腕が立つけれど、少し予想と違った行動に出る事があるわね。 FormID: 011417BA 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 I suppose I like her well enough. __私、きっと彼女の事は気に入ってると思うわ。 FormID: 011417B1 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Not bad. __まあ、悪くはないわね。