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FormID: 01009EE7 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think the Countess of Anvil misses her husband quite a lot. She always looks so sad, poor woman. __Anvil女伯は旦那さんがいなくてすごく心細いんだと思うわ。いつも悲しそうにしているもの。可哀想よね。 FormID: 01009EE8 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't feel like talking. Why don't you talk for a change?? __私ばっかり喋るのは飽きたわ。あなたも喋ってくれないかしら? FormID: 01009EEA 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I saw the Countess of Leyawiin in the Imperial City, and I could swear that she was flirting with one of the guards! __Leyawiinの伯爵夫人がImperial Cityにいるのを見たわ。彼女、絶対に衛兵と浮気をしているのよ! FormID: 0117ECE0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Have you seen Grayrock Cave? Very nice to visit if you can jump. If you don't know how to jump you learn very, very, quickly… or else! __Grayrock Caveには行った事あるかしら?ジャンプが得意ならとても楽しい場所よ。あまり得意じゃないなら、一刻も早く練習して上手くなるべき! FormID: 01188A55 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm a bit puzzled over what they say about Black Rock Cave; there's an entire ship down there, miles and miles from the coast. __Black Rock Caveには船がまるごと放置されているそうね。海岸から何マイルも離れているのに、ちょっと不思議だわ。 FormID: 01188A56 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I have tried the echo in Echo Mine; it doesn't work. __Echo MineでEcho(こだま)が鳴るかどうか試した事があるわ。上手く行かなかったけれど。 FormID: 0117ECE1 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I feel sorry for the legionaries I see on the road, especially since they have rubbish armour and have to live on mutton. __街道を巡視する衛兵さんを見ると気の毒な気持ちになっちゃうわ。だって、あんなボロボロの鎧を着て、食べるものと言えば羊肉しかないんだから。 FormID: 0117ECE2 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 The legionaries are so rude! Honestly, you would think we are criminals! It makes me glad that we don't pay our taxes. __衛兵さんには本当に失礼しちゃうわ!まったく、私達は犯罪者でも何でもないのにね!あんな人達に税金を払わなくて済んでいるのがせめてもの幸いよ。 FormID: 0102A038 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I read [QUOTE]The Real Barenziah[QUOTE] recently. Quite a piece of work. __最近、[QUOTE]The Real Barenziah[QUOTE]を読んだわ。あれは本当に労作ね。 FormID: 0116B8A7 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Have you noticed that little pond west of Chorrol? It even has a jetty! And a lantern! Why do you think that is? __Chorrolの西に小さな池があるのを知ってる?何故かあそこには外灯つきの桟橋がかかっているんだけれど、一体何の為なのかしらね? FormID: 0116B8AA 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know, I think that wizards have a very silly sense of humour. Frankly they are rather cruel people - aren't they? __魔術師の人達って、本当にユーモアのセンスがないわよね。正直言って、冷たい人達だと思うんだけれど? FormID: 0116B8AB 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm not sure I like wizards, nasty arrogant show offs! They always want other people to do their dirty work. __魔術師の人達は鼻持ちならなくて目立ちたがり屋だから、あまり好きになれそうにないわ!あの人達って、いつも汚れ仕事を他の人に押し付けたがるんだもの。 FormID: 0116B8A8 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Doesn't it seem to you that Skingrad guards are a very pompous bunch?How dare they tell us to hurry up!They never hurry,unless it is to look pompous! __Skingradの衛兵さん達って、すごく尊大だと思わない?私達には「急げ!」なんて言う癖に、自分達はいつも勿体ぶって! FormID: 01144EA0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I asked Ruin if he would help us gather ingredients for Melinda. He said he wouldn't mind at all. __Melindaの為に素材集めを手伝って欲しいってRuinに頼んだら「構いませんよ」って言ってくれたわ。 FormID: 01144EA1 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 How much do you know about Ruin? He seems so sad... I have tried to make him talk about himself, but he just keeps changing subject. __あなたはRuinの事をどのくらい知っているのかしら?彼、何だかいつも凄く悲しそう…。私も彼に自分の事を喋ってもらえるよう頑張ってはみたけれど、いつも話題を逸らされちゃうのよね…。 FormID: 01144EA2 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think I met Ruin once in the Imperial City. That was before I knew you. One can't help noticing him... there is an aura of sadness around him. __Ruinとは、あなたと出会う前にImperial Cityで会った事があると思うわ。悲しみのオーラを身にまとっていたから、彼の存在に気付かない人はいなかったと思う…。 __Ruinとは、あなたと出会う前にImperial Cityで会った事があると思うわ。すごく悲しそうな雰囲気を身にまとっていたから、彼の存在に気付かない人はいなかったと思う…。 FormID: 01144EA3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You and Ruin seem to have a lot to talk about. Sometimes, I feel excluded... like if there are things you have decided not to share with me. __あなたとRuinの間では話題に事欠かないみたいね。たまにだけれど、のけ者にされてるような気持ちになるわ。何だかあなたって、私のいない所で大事な決断をしているように感じるの…。 FormID: 01144EA4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I have this feeling that Eyja is more than just a servant to you. One day, I hope you will tell me the whole story. __あなたとEyjaの間には、主人と使用人の関係にとどまらない何かを感じるわ。いつか詳しい話を聞かせてね。 FormID: 01144EA5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Has Eyja ever told you about what she was doing before she started to work for you? I was thinking of asking her, but I'm not sure she likes me. __あなたの所で働く前にEyjaが何をしていたか、彼女の口から聞いた事はある?私も聞いてみようと思ってはいたんだけれど、彼女に嫌われていないか心配で聞けなかったの。 FormID: 01189802 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 There's nothing like going for a ride, is there? I've always loved horses. __乗馬以上に素敵な事って他に無いわ。私、馬が大好きなの! FormID: 01189803 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't know... I have the feeling Bruse is putting on weight. He hasn't got that much exercise since I met you. __確信はないけれど、Bruseが太ってきてるみたい。出会ってからずっと運動不足だったしね…。 FormID: 01189807 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 They say diamonds are a girl's best friend. But I'd still say a girl's best friend is a good horse. __ダイヤモンドは女の子の一番の友達って言うわよね。でも私に言わせれば、素敵な馬こそ女の子の一番の友達よ。 FormID: 0117ECDF 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't like vampires! When you get right down to it, they think of us as food! __Vampireは嫌い!あいつら、私達を食べ物としか思っていないんだもの! FormID: 01186ED5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Now you have the bloodthirsty look on your face again... It's a shame that vampires cannot live on strawberries! __あなた、また血に飢えたような顔をしているわよ…。イチゴだけじゃ生きられないなんて、Vampireって可哀想ね! FormID: 01189801 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wish you would stop staring at people as if they were... food. It's embarrassing! __会う人会う人をまるで食べ物を見るかのような目で見つめるのは止めて欲しいわ…。とっても恥ずかしいんだからね! FormID: 01186ED6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think it's those sharp teeth of yours that scares people off all the time. __あなたの鋭い犬歯を見たら、誰だって驚くんじゃないかと思うわ。 FormID: 011875BA 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know, I hate it when you look at me like if you would want to bite me. __今にも噛み付きそうな感じで私を見つめる時のあなたは嫌いよ。 FormID: 011875B9 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I was thinking... maybe we should keep some rats in the basement? They would make fine snacks for you, wouldn't they? __考えてたんだけれど、地下室にネズミを飼ってみたらどうかしら…?あなたのおやつにぴったりじゃない? FormID: 01186ED7 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I never thought that I would call a vampire my best friend. __一番大事な友達をVampireと呼ぶ日がやって来るなんて、夢にも思わなかったわ。 FormID: 0112AB23 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This is fun! __楽しいわね! FormID: 01057CE5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 While we are at home, maybe you should look over our equipment and see if you need to repair something. __家にいるうちに装備の点検をしておくべきかもね。必要だったら修理も。 FormID: 0104DF57 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 This place is a mess! We really ought to clean it up, instead of running around playing heroes! __ここはひどい散らかりようね!今必要なのは、英雄じみた大立ち回りじゃなくてお掃除よ! FormID: 01145C5D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Nerussa at the Wawnet Inn would surely be happy if we found her some Shadowbanish Wine. __Shadowbanish Wineを見つけ出したら、きっとWawnet InnのNerussaが喜んでくれるわ。 FormID: 01113316 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I don't know... What's the point in running around doing things all the time? Why not just enjoy life a little? __分からないわ…。どうしていつもあくせく走り回る必要があるのよ?もうちょっと人生を楽しんでもいいんじゃないの? FormID: 0104FAB4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I wouldn't mind going to West Weald Inn for a drink. __West Weald Innに寄って何か飲んできてもいいかな… FormID: 0104FAB3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Let's go to Three Sister's Inn and have a drink! __Three Sister's Innに行って何か飲みにいこう! FormID: 0104FAB2 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 While we are here, let's go to the Market District and do some shopping. __せっかくここまで来たんだから、Market Districtにショッピングに行こうよ。 FormID: 0104FAB1 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I'd like to go to the Waterfront and look at the ships. __Waterfrontに行って船を見物したいわ。 FormID: 0104FAB0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 While we are here, maybe we could head over to The Grey Mare and have a drink? __ここまで来たんだから、Grey Mareに寄ってのどを潤すのも悪くないかもね。 FormID: 0104FAAF 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 While we are here, maybe we could head over to The Count's Arms and have a drink? __ここまで来たんだから、Count's Armsに寄ってのどを潤すのも悪くないかもね。 FormID: 0104ED07 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 While we are here, why don't we pop in at Olav's Tap and Tack and have a drink? __せっかくここまで来たんだから、Olav's Tap and Tackに押し掛けてお酒としゃれこみたい所よね? FormID: 0104ED06 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 While we are here, why don't we go to the Bridge Inn and have a drink? __せっかくここまで来たんだから、Bridge Innに押し掛けてお酒としゃれこみたい所よね? FormID: 0107A012 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I think we should buy some wine while we are here! __ここに滞在しているうちに、是非ともワインを買っておくべきだと思うわ! FormID: 0105B3CC 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Varnado at The Best Defense shop knows a lot about heavy armor. Maybe he could teach you a few things? __The Best DefenseのVarnadoはheavy armorの扱いをよく心得ているわ。彼から学べる事もいくらかあるように思うのだけれど? FormID: 01059879 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I believe that Rohssan at A Fighting Chance in the Market Ditrict can teach you how to repair your armor. Maybe we should visit her? __Market DistrictのFighting ChanceにいるRohssanなら、あなたに武具修繕の技を教えてくれると思うわ。彼女を訪ねてみるべきだと思わない? FormID: 0105BAB3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I'm really concerned about Dar-Ma, the daughter of Seed-Neeus of Chorrol. Let's go to Hackdirt and look for her! __ChorrolのSheed-Neeusさんの娘のDar-Maちゃんの事が本当に心配よ。Hackdirtに行ってあの子を探しましょ! FormID: 0106657B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I think we should try and sort out the business with the corrupt Imperial watchman once and for all! __何はともあれ、汚職衛兵の件の捜査を進めるべきだと思うわ! FormID: 0105BAAD 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 You haven't forgotten that Raminus Polus wants that book from the Count of Skingrad, have you? __Skingrad伯爵の持っている本を受け取りに行くようRaminus Polusから頼まれていたけれど、あなた、まさか忘れてはいないわよね? FormID: 0105BAAB 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 If you want a recommendation from the Mages Guild in Leyawiin, we need to bring back Dagail's amulet. __LeyawiinのMages Guildから推薦状をもらうには、Dagailのアミュレットを取り返す必要があるわ。
FormID: 01009EE7 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think the Countess of Anvil misses her husband quite a lot. She always looks so sad, poor woman. __Anvil女伯は旦那さんがいなくてすごく心細いんだと思うわ。いつも悲しそうにしているもの。可哀想よね。 FormID: 01009EE8 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't feel like talking. Why don't you talk for a change?? __私ばっかり喋るのは飽きたわ。あなたも喋ってくれないかしら? FormID: 01009EEA 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I saw the Countess of Leyawiin in the Imperial City, and I could swear that she was flirting with one of the guards! __Leyawiinの伯爵夫人がImperial Cityにいるのを見たわ。彼女、絶対に衛兵と浮気をしているのよ! FormID: 0117ECE0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Have you seen Grayrock Cave? Very nice to visit if you can jump. If you don't know how to jump you learn very, very, quickly… or else! __Grayrock Caveには行った事あるかしら?ジャンプが得意ならとても楽しい場所よ。あまり得意じゃないなら、一刻も早く練習して上手くなるべき! FormID: 01188A55 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm a bit puzzled over what they say about Black Rock Cave; there's an entire ship down there, miles and miles from the coast. __Black Rock Caveには船がまるごと放置されているそうね。海岸から何マイルも離れているのに、ちょっと不思議だわ。 FormID: 01188A56 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I have tried the echo in Echo Mine; it doesn't work. __Echo MineでEcho(こだま)が鳴るかどうか試した事があるわ。上手く行かなかったけれど。 FormID: 0117ECE1 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I feel sorry for the legionaries I see on the road, especially since they have rubbish armour and have to live on mutton. __街道を巡視する衛兵さんを見ると気の毒な気持ちになっちゃうわ。だって、あんなボロボロの鎧を着て、食べるものと言えば羊肉しかないんだから。 FormID: 0117ECE2 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 The legionaries are so rude! Honestly, you would think we are criminals! It makes me glad that we don't pay our taxes. __衛兵さんには本当に失礼しちゃうわ!まったく、私達は犯罪者でも何でもないのにね!あんな人達に税金を払わなくて済んでいるのがせめてもの幸いよ。 FormID: 0102A038 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I read [QUOTE]The Real Barenziah[QUOTE] recently. Quite a piece of work. __最近、[QUOTE]The Real Barenziah[QUOTE]を読んだわ。あれは本当に労作ね。 FormID: 0116B8A7 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Have you noticed that little pond west of Chorrol? It even has a jetty! And a lantern! Why do you think that is? __Chorrolの西に小さな池があるのを知ってる?何故かあそこには外灯つきの桟橋がかかっているんだけれど、一体何の為なのかしらね? FormID: 0116B8AA 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know, I think that wizards have a very silly sense of humour. Frankly they are rather cruel people - aren't they? __魔術師の人達って、本当にユーモアのセンスがないわよね。正直言って、冷たい人達だと思うんだけれど? FormID: 0116B8AB 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm not sure I like wizards, nasty arrogant show offs! They always want other people to do their dirty work. __魔術師の人達は鼻持ちならなくて目立ちたがり屋だから、あまり好きになれそうにないわ!あの人達って、いつも汚れ仕事を他の人に押し付けたがるんだもの。 FormID: 0116B8A8 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Doesn't it seem to you that Skingrad guards are a very pompous bunch?How dare they tell us to hurry up!They never hurry,unless it is to look pompous! __Skingradの衛兵さん達って、すごく尊大だと思わない?私達には「急げ!」なんて言う癖に、自分達はいつも勿体ぶって! FormID: 01144EA0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I asked Ruin if he would help us gather ingredients for Melinda. He said he wouldn't mind at all. __Melindaの為に素材集めを手伝って欲しいってRuinに頼んだら「構いませんよ」って言ってくれたわ。 FormID: 01144EA1 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 How much do you know about Ruin? He seems so sad... I have tried to make him talk about himself, but he just keeps changing subject. __あなたはRuinの事をどのくらい知っているのかしら?彼、何だかいつも凄く悲しそう…。私も彼に自分の事を喋ってもらえるよう頑張ってはみたけれど、いつも話題を逸らされちゃうのよね…。 FormID: 01144EA2 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think I met Ruin once in the Imperial City. That was before I knew you. One can't help noticing him... there is an aura of sadness around him. __Ruinとは、あなたと出会う前にImperial Cityで会った事があると思うわ。悲しみのオーラを身にまとっていたから、彼の存在に気付かない人はいなかったと思う…。 __Ruinとは、あなたと出会う前にImperial Cityで会った事があると思うわ。すごく悲しそうな雰囲気を身にまとっていたから、彼の存在に気付かない人はいなかったと思う…。 FormID: 01144EA3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You and Ruin seem to have a lot to talk about. Sometimes, I feel excluded... like if there are things you have decided not to share with me. __あなたとRuinの間では話題に事欠かないみたいね。たまにだけれど、のけ者にされてるような気持ちになるわ。何だかあなたって、私のいない所で大事な決断をしているように感じるの…。 FormID: 01144EA4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I have this feeling that Eyja is more than just a servant to you. One day, I hope you will tell me the whole story. __あなたとEyjaの間には、主人と使用人の関係にとどまらない何かを感じるわ。いつか詳しい話を聞かせてね。 FormID: 01144EA5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Has Eyja ever told you about what she was doing before she started to work for you? I was thinking of asking her, but I'm not sure she likes me. __あなたの所で働く前にEyjaが何をしていたか、彼女の口から聞いた事はある?私も聞いてみようと思ってはいたんだけれど、彼女に嫌われていないか心配で聞けなかったの。 FormID: 01189802 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 There's nothing like going for a ride, is there? I've always loved horses. __乗馬以上に素敵な事って他に無いわ。私、馬が大好きなの! FormID: 01189803 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't know... I have the feeling Bruse is putting on weight. He hasn't got that much exercise since I met you. __確信はないけれど、Bruseが太ってきてるみたい。出会ってからずっと運動不足だったしね…。 FormID: 01189807 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 They say diamonds are a girl's best friend. But I'd still say a girl's best friend is a good horse. __ダイヤモンドは女の子の一番の友達って言うわよね。でも私に言わせれば、素敵な馬こそ女の子の一番の友達よ。 FormID: 0117ECDF 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't like vampires! When you get right down to it, they think of us as food! __Vampireは嫌い!あいつら、私達を食べ物としか思っていないんだもの! FormID: 01186ED5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Now you have the bloodthirsty look on your face again... It's a shame that vampires cannot live on strawberries! __あなた、また血に飢えたような顔をしているわよ…。イチゴだけじゃ生きられないなんて、Vampireって可哀想ね! FormID: 01189801 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wish you would stop staring at people as if they were... food. It's embarrassing! __会う人会う人をまるで食べ物を見るかのような目で見つめるのは止めて欲しいわ…。とっても恥ずかしいんだからね! FormID: 01186ED6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think it's those sharp teeth of yours that scares people off all the time. __あなたの鋭い犬歯を見たら、誰だって驚くんじゃないかと思うわ。 FormID: 011875BA 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know, I hate it when you look at me like if you would want to bite me. __今にも噛み付きそうな感じで私を見つめる時のあなたは嫌いよ。 FormID: 011875B9 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I was thinking... maybe we should keep some rats in the basement? They would make fine snacks for you, wouldn't they? __考えてたんだけれど、地下室にネズミを飼ってみたらどうかしら…?あなたのおやつにぴったりじゃない? FormID: 01186ED7 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I never thought that I would call a vampire my best friend. __一番大事な友達をVampireと呼ぶ日がやって来るなんて、夢にも思わなかったわ。 FormID: 0112AB23 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This is fun! __楽しいわね! FormID: 01057CE5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 While we are at home, maybe you should look over our equipment and see if you need to repair something. __家にいるうちに装備の点検をしておくべきかもね。必要だったら修理も。 FormID: 0104DF57 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 This place is a mess! We really ought to clean it up, instead of running around playing heroes! __ここはひどい散らかりようね!今必要なのは、英雄じみた大立ち回りじゃなくてお掃除よ! FormID: 01145C5D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Nerussa at the Wawnet Inn would surely be happy if we found her some Shadowbanish Wine. __Shadowbanish Wineを見つけ出したら、きっとWawnet InnのNerussaが喜んでくれるわ。 FormID: 01113316 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I don't know... What's the point in running around doing things all the time? Why not just enjoy life a little? __分からないわ…。どうしていつもあくせく走り回る必要があるのよ?もうちょっと人生を楽しんでもいいんじゃないの? FormID: 0104FAB4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I wouldn't mind going to West Weald Inn for a drink. __West Weald Innに寄って何か飲んできてもいいかな… FormID: 0104FAB3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Let's go to Three Sister's Inn and have a drink! __Three Sister's Innに行って何か飲みにいこう! FormID: 0104FAB2 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 While we are here, let's go to the Market District and do some shopping. __せっかくここまで来たんだから、Market Districtにショッピングに行こうよ。 FormID: 0104FAB1 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I'd like to go to the Waterfront and look at the ships. __Waterfrontに行って船を見物したいわ。 FormID: 0104FAB0 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 While we are here, maybe we could head over to The Grey Mare and have a drink? __ここまで来たんだから、Grey Mareに寄ってのどを潤すのも悪くないかもね。 FormID: 0104FAAF 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 While we are here, maybe we could head over to The Count's Arms and have a drink? __ここまで来たんだから、Count's Armsに寄ってのどを潤すのも悪くないかもね。 FormID: 0104ED07 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 While we are here, why don't we pop in at Olav's Tap and Tack and have a drink? __せっかくここまで来たんだから、Olav's Tap and Tackに押し掛けてお酒としゃれこみたい所よね? FormID: 0104ED06 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 While we are here, why don't we go to the Bridge Inn and have a drink? __せっかくここまで来たんだから、Bridge Innに押し掛けてお酒としゃれこみたい所よね? FormID: 0107A012 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I think we should buy some wine while we are here! __ここに滞在しているうちに、是非ともワインを買っておくべきだと思うわ! FormID: 0105B3CC 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 Varnado at The Best Defense shop knows a lot about heavy armor. Maybe he could teach you a few things? __The Best DefenseのVarnadoはheavy armorの扱いをよく心得ているわ。彼から学べる事もいくらかあるように思うのだけれど? FormID: 01059879 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I believe that Rohssan at A Fighting Chance in the Market Ditrict can teach you how to repair your armor. Maybe we should visit her? __Market DistrictのFighting ChanceにいるRohssanなら、あなたに武具修繕の技を教えてくれると思うわ。彼女を訪ねてみるべきだと思わない? FormID: 0105BAB3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I'm really concerned about Dar-Ma, the daughter of Seed-Neeus of Chorrol. Let's go to Hackdirt and look for her! __ChorrolのSheed-Neeusさんの娘のDar-Maちゃんの事が本当に心配よ。Hackdirtに行ってあの子を探しましょ! FormID: 0106657B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 I think we should try and sort out the business with the corrupt Imperial watchman once and for all! __何はともあれ、汚職衛兵の件の捜査を進めるべきだと思うわ! FormID: 0105BAAD 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 You haven't forgotten that Raminus Polus wants that book from the Count of Skingrad, have you? __Skingrad伯爵の持っている本を受け取りに行くようRaminus Polusから頼まれていたけれど、あなた、まさか忘れてはいないわよね? FormID: 0105BAAB 1emVCGeneral 4emmC3Next 0 If you want a recommendation from the Mages Guild in Leyawiin, we need to bring back Dagail's amulet. __LeyawiinのMages Guildから推薦状をもらうには、Dagailのアミュレットを取り返す必要があるわ。