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FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 0 Note to self: I have been informed that in order to advance in the Guild I will need the support of some influential members. I should go see Nahsi in Bravil, Right-Wind in Bruma, S'kasha in Leyawiin and Ah-Malz in Skingrad. If I can impress them, then I will be able to move up in rank with ease. __覚え書き:昇進したいのならば、Guild有力者たちの手伝いをしなければならないのだと知らされた。BravilのNahsi、BrumaのRight-WInd、LeyawiinのS'kasha、そしてSkingradのAh-Malzとそれぞれ面会するべきだろう。彼らのご機嫌が取れれば昇格も容易いことだ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 1 Note to self: S'kasha only wants to see me practice sparring in Leyawiin to impress her, while Ah-Malz wants me to bring him in Skingrad any Daedra remains I collect. I should also go see Nahsi in Bravil and Right-Wind in Bruma to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:LeyawiinのS'kashaから出された条件は目の前で魔法を発動させるというただそれだけの事で足りたが、SkingradのAh-MalzからはDaedraの体の一部を持って来いと言われた。BravilのNahsiとBrumaのRight-Windにも会って、実力を認めさせるために何かしらの指示をこなさなければならないのだろう。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 10 Note to self: Ah-Malz wants me to bring him in Skingrad any Daedra remains I collect. I should also go see Nahsi in Bravil, Right-Wind in Bruma and S'kasha in Leyawiin to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:SkingradのAh-Malzから、Daedraの体の一部を持って来るよう指示を受けた。BravilのNahsi、BrumaのRight-Wind、LeyawiinのS'kashaにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 11 Note to self: S'kasha only wants to see me practice sparring in Leyawiin to impress her. I should also go see Nahsi in Bravil, Right-Wind in Bruma and Ah-Malz in Skingrad to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:LeyawiinのS'kashaから出された条件はたったの1つ。彼女の前で魔法を発動させるだけで良いとのこと。BravilのNahsi、BrumaのRight-WInd、SkingradのAh-Malzにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 12 Note to self: Right-Wind wants me to eliminate any bandits or marauders I encounter, but he says there is no need to report to him in Bruma. I should also go see Nahsi in Bravil, S'kasha in Leyawiin and Ah-Malz in Skingrad to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BrumaのRight-Windからはbandits(山賊)もしくはmarauders(野盗)を倒して来いとの指示を受けた。だが、いちいち彼に報告する必要はないとの事。BravilのNahsi、LeyawiinのS'kasha、SkingradのAh-Malzにも会い、支持をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 13 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil. I should also go see Right-Wind in Bruma, S'kasha in Leyawiin and Ah-Malz in Skingrad to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiから、人を襲う動物を倒して体の一部を持って来いとの指示を受けた。BrumaのRight-Wind、LeyawiinのS'kasha、SkingradのAh-Malzにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 14 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil, Right-Wind wants me to eliminate any bandits or marauders I encounter, but he says there is no need to report to him in Bruma, S'kasha only wants to see me practice sparring in Leyawiin to impress her, while Ah-Malz wants me to bring him in Skingrad any Daedra remains I collect __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiからは人を襲う動物を倒し、肉体の一部を持って来るようにとの指示、BrumaのRight-Windからはbandits(山賊)もしくはmarauders(野盗)の討伐(報告は不要)、LeyawiinのS'kashaからは彼女の目の前での魔法の実演、SkingradのAh-MalzからはDaedraの肉体の一部を持参するようにとの指示をそれぞれ受けている。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 2 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil, S'kasha only wants to see me practice sparring in Leyawiin to impress her, while Ah-Malz wants me to bring him in Skingrad any Daedra remains I collect. I should also go see Right-Wind in Bruma to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiからは人を襲う動物を倒し、肉体の一部を持って来るようにとの指示、LeyawiinのS'kashaからは彼女の目の前での魔法の実演、SkingradのAh-MalzからはDaedraの肉体の一部を持参するようにとの指示をそれぞれ受けている。BrumaのRight-Windにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 3 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil, Right-Wind wants me to eliminate any bandits or marauders I encounter, but he says there is no need to report to him in Bruma, while Ah-Malz wants me to bring him in Skingrad any Daedra remains I collect. I should also go see S'kasha in Leyawiin to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiからは人を襲う動物を倒し、肉体の一部を持って来るようにとの指示、BrumaのRight-Windからはbandits(山賊)もしくはmarauders(野盗)の討伐(報告は不要)、SkingradのAh-MalzからはDaedraの肉体の一部を持参するようにとの指示をそれぞれ受けている。LeyawiinのS'kashaにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 4 Note to self: Right-Wind wants me to eliminate any bandits or marauders I encounter, but he says there is no need to report to him in Bruma, while S'kasha only wants to see me practice sparring in Leyawiin to impress her. I should also go see Nahsi in Bravil and Ah-Malz in Skingrad to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BrumaのRight-Windからはbandits(山賊)もしくはmarauders(野盗)の討伐(報告は不要)、LeyawiinのS'kashaからは彼女の目の前での魔法の実演をそれぞれ指示された。BravilのNahsiとSkingradのAh-Malzにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 5 Note to self: Right-Wind wants me to eliminate any bandits or marauders I encounter, but he says there is no need to report to him in Bruma, while Ah-Malz wants me to bring him in Skingrad any Daedra remains I collect. I should also go see Nahsi in Bravil and S'kasha in Leyawiin to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BrumaのRight-Windからはbandits(山賊)もしくはmarauders(野盗)の討伐(報告は不要)、SkingradのAh-MalzからはDaedraの肉体の一部を持参するようにとの指示をそれぞれ受けている。BravilのNahsiとLeyawiinのS'kashaにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 6 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil, Right-Wind wants me to eliminate any bandits or marauders I encounter, but he says there is no need to report to him in Bruma and S'kasha only wants to see me practice sparring in Leyawiin to impress her. I should also go see Ah-Malz in Skingrad to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiからは人を襲う動物を倒し、肉体の一部を持って来るようにとの指示、BrumaのRight-Windからはbandits(山賊)もしくはmarauders(野盗)の討伐(報告は不要)、LeyawiinのS'kashaからは彼女の目の前での魔法の実演をそれぞれ指示された。SkingradのAh-Malzにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 7 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil while Ah-Malz wants me to bring him in Skingrad any Daedra remains I collect. I should also go see Right-Wind in Bruma and S'kasha in Leyawiin to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiからは人を襲う動物を倒し、肉体の一部を持って来るようにとの指示、SkingradのAh-MalzからはDaedraの肉体の一部を持参するようにとの指示をそれぞれ受けている。BrumaのRight-WindとLeyawiinのS'kashaにも会い、それぞれの指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 8 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil and S'kasha wants to see me practice sparring in Leyawiin in order to impress her. I should also go see Right-Wind in Bruma and Ah-Malz in Skingrad to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiからは人を襲う動物を倒し、肉体の一部を持って来るようにとの指示、LeyawiinのS'kashaからは彼女の目の前での魔法の実演をそれぞれ指示された。BrumaのRight-WindとSkingradのAh-Malzにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 9 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil and Right-Wind wants me to eliminate any bandits or marauders I encounter, but he says there is no need to report to him in Bruma. I should also go see S'kasha in Leyawiin and Ah-Malz in Skingrad to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiからは人を襲う動物を倒し、肉体の一部を持って来るようにとの指示、BrumaのRight-Windからはbandits(山賊)もしくはmarauders(野盗)の討伐(報告は不要)指示をそれぞれ受けている。LeyawiinのS'kashaとSkingradのAh-Malzにも会い、それぞれ指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。
FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 0 Note to self: I have been informed that in order to advance in the Guild I will need the support of some influential members. I should go see Nahsi in Bravil, Right-Wind in Bruma, S'kasha in Leyawiin and Ah-Malz in Skingrad. If I can impress them, then I will be able to move up in rank with ease. __覚え書き:昇進したいのならば、Guild有力者たちの手伝いをしなければならないのだと知らされた。BravilのNahsi、BrumaのRight-WInd、LeyawiinのS'kasha、そしてSkingradのAh-Malzとそれぞれ面会するべきだろう。彼らのご機嫌が取れれば昇格も容易いことだ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 1 Note to self: S'kasha only wants to see me practice sparring in Leyawiin to impress her, while Ah-Malz wants me to bring him in Skingrad any Daedra remains I collect. I should also go see Nahsi in Bravil and Right-Wind in Bruma to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:LeyawiinのS'kashaから出された条件は目の前で魔法を発動させるというただそれだけの事で足りたが、SkingradのAh-MalzからはDaedraの体の一部を持って来いと言われた。BravilのNahsiとBrumaのRight-Windにも会って、実力を認めさせるために何かしらの指示をこなさなければならないのだろう。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 10 Note to self: Ah-Malz wants me to bring him in Skingrad any Daedra remains I collect. I should also go see Nahsi in Bravil, Right-Wind in Bruma and S'kasha in Leyawiin to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:SkingradのAh-Malzから、Daedraの体の一部を持って来るよう指示を受けた。BravilのNahsi、BrumaのRight-Wind、LeyawiinのS'kashaにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 11 Note to self: S'kasha only wants to see me practice sparring in Leyawiin to impress her. I should also go see Nahsi in Bravil, Right-Wind in Bruma and Ah-Malz in Skingrad to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:LeyawiinのS'kashaから出された条件はたったの1つ。彼女の前で魔法を発動させるだけで良いとのこと。BravilのNahsi、BrumaのRight-WInd、SkingradのAh-Malzにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 12 Note to self: Right-Wind wants me to eliminate any bandits or marauders I encounter, but he says there is no need to report to him in Bruma. I should also go see Nahsi in Bravil, S'kasha in Leyawiin and Ah-Malz in Skingrad to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BrumaのRight-Windからはbandits(山賊)もしくはmarauders(野盗)を倒して来いとの指示を受けた。だが、いちいち彼に報告する必要はないとの事。BravilのNahsi、LeyawiinのS'kasha、SkingradのAh-Malzにも会い、支持をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 13 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil. I should also go see Right-Wind in Bruma, S'kasha in Leyawiin and Ah-Malz in Skingrad to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiから、人を襲う動物を倒して体の一部を持って来いとの指示を受けた。BrumaのRight-Wind、LeyawiinのS'kasha、SkingradのAh-Malzにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 14 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil, Right-Wind wants me to eliminate any bandits or marauders I encounter, but he says there is no need to report to him in Bruma, S'kasha only wants to see me practice sparring in Leyawiin to impress her, while Ah-Malz wants me to bring him in Skingrad any Daedra remains I collect __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiからは人を襲う動物を倒し、肉体の一部を持って来るようにとの指示、BrumaのRight-Windからはbandits(山賊)もしくはmarauders(野盗)の討伐(報告は不要)、LeyawiinのS'kashaからは彼女の目の前での魔法の実演、SkingradのAh-MalzからはDaedraの肉体の一部を持参するようにとの指示をそれぞれ受けている。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 2 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil, S'kasha only wants to see me practice sparring in Leyawiin to impress her, while Ah-Malz wants me to bring him in Skingrad any Daedra remains I collect. I should also go see Right-Wind in Bruma to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiからは人を襲う動物を倒し、肉体の一部を持って来るようにとの指示、LeyawiinのS'kashaからは彼女の目の前での魔法の実演、SkingradのAh-MalzからはDaedraの肉体の一部を持参するようにとの指示をそれぞれ受けている。BrumaのRight-Windにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 3 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil, Right-Wind wants me to eliminate any bandits or marauders I encounter, but he says there is no need to report to him in Bruma, while Ah-Malz wants me to bring him in Skingrad any Daedra remains I collect. I should also go see S'kasha in Leyawiin to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiからは人を襲う動物を倒し、肉体の一部を持って来るようにとの指示、BrumaのRight-Windからはbandits(山賊)もしくはmarauders(野盗)の討伐(報告は不要)、SkingradのAh-MalzからはDaedraの肉体の一部を持参するようにとの指示をそれぞれ受けている。LeyawiinのS'kashaにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 4 Note to self: Right-Wind wants me to eliminate any bandits or marauders I encounter, but he says there is no need to report to him in Bruma, while S'kasha only wants to see me practice sparring in Leyawiin to impress her. I should also go see Nahsi in Bravil and Ah-Malz in Skingrad to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BrumaのRight-Windからはbandits(山賊)もしくはmarauders(野盗)の討伐(報告は不要)、LeyawiinのS'kashaからは彼女の目の前での魔法の実演をそれぞれ指示された。BravilのNahsiとSkingradのAh-Malzにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 5 Note to self: Right-Wind wants me to eliminate any bandits or marauders I encounter, but he says there is no need to report to him in Bruma, while Ah-Malz wants me to bring him in Skingrad any Daedra remains I collect. I should also go see Nahsi in Bravil and S'kasha in Leyawiin to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BrumaのRight-Windからはbandits(山賊)もしくはmarauders(野盗)の討伐(報告は不要)、SkingradのAh-MalzからはDaedraの肉体の一部を持参するようにとの指示をそれぞれ受けている。BravilのNahsiとLeyawiinのS'kashaにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 6 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil, Right-Wind wants me to eliminate any bandits or marauders I encounter, but he says there is no need to report to him in Bruma and S'kasha only wants to see me practice sparring in Leyawiin to impress her. I should also go see Ah-Malz in Skingrad to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiからは人を襲う動物を倒し、肉体の一部を持って来るようにとの指示、BrumaのRight-Windからはbandits(山賊)もしくはmarauders(野盗)の討伐(報告は不要)、LeyawiinのS'kashaからは彼女の目の前での魔法の実演をそれぞれ指示された。SkingradのAh-Malzにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 7 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil while Ah-Malz wants me to bring him in Skingrad any Daedra remains I collect. I should also go see Right-Wind in Bruma and S'kasha in Leyawiin to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiからは人を襲う動物を倒し、肉体の一部を持って来るようにとの指示、SkingradのAh-MalzからはDaedraの肉体の一部を持参するようにとの指示をそれぞれ受けている。BrumaのRight-WindとLeyawiinのS'kashaにも会い、それぞれの指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 8 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil and S'kasha wants to see me practice sparring in Leyawiin in order to impress her. I should also go see Right-Wind in Bruma and Ah-Malz in Skingrad to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiからは人を襲う動物を倒し、肉体の一部を持って来るようにとの指示、LeyawiinのS'kashaからは彼女の目の前での魔法の実演をそれぞれ指示された。BrumaのRight-WindとSkingradのAh-Malzにも会い、指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。 FormID: 020254D1 LingFGFacRepQuest 10 9 Note to self: Nahsi wants me to bring the remains of any hostile creatures I kill to her in Bravil and Right-Wind wants me to eliminate any bandits or marauders I encounter, but he says there is no need to report to him in Bruma. I should also go see S'kasha in Leyawiin and Ah-Malz in Skingrad to find other jobs in order to demonstrate my skills. __覚え書き:BravilのNarsiからは人を襲う動物を倒し、肉体の一部を持って来るようにとの指示、BrumaのRight-Windからはbandits(山賊)もしくはmarauders(野盗)の討伐(報告は不要)指示をそれぞれ受けている。LeyawiinのS'kashaとSkingradのAh-Malzにも会い、それぞれ指示をこなして実力を認めさせなければ。