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FormID: 02004717 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 0 I can only stand in here in shock. I am astounded at the level of dedication that you have put in to become an expert in not just one or two, but all seven of the skills that we look for. __驚きでここに立っている事しか出来ない。あなたは1つや2つのスキルだけでなく、我々が求める7つものスキルの熟練者となるための試練を受けたその熱心さに驚いています。 FormID: 02004717 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 1 The guild has held onto several very powerful items to be given to someone who has achieved this near impossible task. It is my greatest honour to present to you your new sword, axe, and bow. __ギルドはこの不可能にも等しい事業を達成した者に与えられるいくつかのとても強力なアイテムを保管してきました。あなたに新しい剣、斧、そして弓を贈る事は私の最高の名誉です。 FormID: 02004717 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 2 The mace is strong, wielded by the the ancient Ayleid Fire King Hadhuul of old it was. They called it Adonai Molag, Lordly Fire. But the slaves just called it Scorcher. __この鈍器はその昔、古代AyleidのFire King Hadhuulが振るっていた強力なものです。彼らはこれをAdonai Molag(傲慢な火)と呼んでいました。しかし、奴隷はそれをただScorcherと呼んでいたそうです。 FormID: 02004717 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 3 The bow was created by the dwarves. It is unlike any other they created, but we don't know which dwarven fletcher made it. It's original name is unknown, but it has been given the nickname Peril. __弓はdwarf達によって作られた物です。これは彼らが作成した他のいかなる物とも異なっていますが、我々はどのようなdwarfの弓矢製造職人がこれを作ったか分かっていません。元々の名前は不明ですが、Perilと言う呼び名が付いています。 FormID: 02004717 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 4 We don't know where the sword came from. When it was first discovered it spoke a single sentence, to announce that it's name was Sequence. __私達は剣がどこで作られたかは分かっていません。それが最初に発見されて話された時、その名前がSequenceだと発表されました。 FormID: 02004717 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 5 The guild has held onto these for a long time. Becoming a master of all the skills like you have is not usually achieved even in several generations. I can only offer my congratulations and hope that you find these weapons worthy. __ギルドは長い事これらを保管してきました。通常、あなたのような全てのスキルの達人になることは、あらゆる時代においてさえ成し遂げられなかった事です。私は祝辞を捧げる事ができ、あなたがこれらの武器の価値を見出す事を望むだけです。 FormID: 020047FC LingFGCertification LingFGReadyApprentice 0 You'll have to put in a bit more training and practice to raise your skills with your light armour. I can't administer the test to you until you are ready. __light armourのスキルを上げるための訓練をもう少しする必要があるだろう。準備ができるまで試験を与えることは出来ない。 FormID: 020047FD LingFGCertification LingFGReadyApprentice 0 If you want to start your apprentice light armour accreditation test then I am ready when you are. Do you want to do it now? __apprenticeのlight armour認定試験を始めたいのならいつでも準備はできている。すぐに始めたいか? FormID: 020047FE LingFGCertification LingFGReadyApprentice 0 Under the rules of the Fighters Guild you aren't allowed to attempt this test until you are sufficiently skilled enough. Once I think that you have the appropriate skill level I'll allow you to take the test. __Fighters Guildの規則により、十分なスキルを身に付けるまではこの試験を行う事は認められていません。適切なスキルレベルを持っていると私が考えた時点で、試験をする事ができます。 FormID: 020047FF LingFGCertification LingFGReadyApprentice 0 It looks like you should do fine for this test. If you want to take your marksman apprentice accreditation test right now then I would be happy to so as well. Would you like to begin? __この試験をするのに十分なように見えます。marksmanのapprentice認定試験をまさに今、受けたいのなら、喜んでやらせてもらうよ。始めるかね? FormID: 02004800 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 In order to pass your Light Armour accreditation test you'll need to survive my attacks for a limited amount of time. Once the appropriate amount of time has passed I'll stop. __Light Armour認定試験に合格するためには、一定時間、私の攻撃を切り抜ける必要があるだろう。適切な時間が経過した時点で、私は攻撃を止めるだろう。 FormID: 02004800 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 1 However if you become too badly hurt before the appropriate amount of time has passed then I will have to stop the test. You'll suffer a loss of reputation in the guild as a result and have to take the test again. __だが、適切な時間が経過する前に、あまりにひどい怪我をしたら、試験を止めなければならないだろう。その結果、ギルド内での評判が落ち、再び試験を受けなければならない。 FormID: 02004800 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 2 I'll teach you a spell that you will cast to signal the beginning of the fight. Once the spell ends I'll know that it is time to stop. I think that covers everything so let's get on with it. __戦いの始まりを合図するために唱える呪文を教える。呪文が切れたら、私は攻撃をやめる時間になったと分かる。これで全てを説明したと思うので、早速取り掛かるとしようか。 FormID: 02004801 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 Well then let's get underway. __では、始めよう。 FormID: 02004802 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 I wish you good luck. I won't hold back. __幸運を祈る。手加減はしないぞ。 FormID: 02004803 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 It will be an honour to strike you while you don't strike back. __あなたが反撃をしなければ、あなたを叩く事が磨きになるだろう。 FormID: 02004806 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 The accreditation test for Marksman is a little different from all of the other skills tested. While the other tests put you into a combat situation for Marksman we will be testing your accuracy. __Marksmanの認定試験は他のスキルの試験全てとは少し変わっている。他の試験は戦闘に身を置くが、Marksmanの私達はあなたの正確さを試します。 FormID: 02004806 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 1 I will give you ten arrows. Of those ten arrows you'll be expected to hit a target with a certain number of them. Once you have agreed to start the test you'll need to stay relatively close by me. __あなたに10本の矢を与えます。それらの10本の矢で特定の数の標的を攻撃することになっています。試験を始めることに同意するならば、あなたは私のかなり近くにいる必要があります。 FormID: 02004806 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 2 If you go too far away from me then I'll be forced to disqualify you, so be sure that you follow after me immediately. Once I stop I'll face in the direction of the target that you need to hit. __私から離れて行き過ぎてしまうと、あなたを失格させなければならないので、確実に私のすぐ後に続くようにしてください。私が立ち止まった時点で目標の方に向きますので、あなたは打たなければなりません。 FormID: 02004806 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 3 In addition to getting too far away from me you'll need to make sure that you hit the target enough times. If you don't hit it enough times then I'll be forced to fail you and you'll have to try again. __私から遠くに離れすぎる事に加え、あなたは合格する本数を目標に当てる事を確実にする必要があるでしょう。十分な本数をそれに当てないと、あなたを失格にせざる得ず、そして、あなたは再び試験を受けなければならないでしょう。 FormID: 02004806 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 4 Oh and don't worry, I'll be providing the bow. For this round you need to hit the target six out of ten times with the Target Arrows. Since I've explained the rules then let's begin. __ああ、それと、心配無用。私は弓を提供しています。今回、あなたはTarget Arrowsで10回中6回、標的に攻撃する必要があります。ルールを説明したので始めましょうか。 FormID: 02004807 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 This time you'll need to get at least seven arrows. We'll also be standing back a bit further. __今回は少なくとも7本の矢を当てる必要があるでしょう。また、少し遠くに離れましょう。 FormID: 02004808 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 You'll need to hit the target eight out of ten times in order to pass this test. You'll be shooting from a further distance away as well. __この試験に合格するためには10回中8回を目標に当てる必要があるでしょう。また、更に遠距離から撃つことにしましょう。 FormID: 0200480A LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 The master test requires you to hit the target with nine of your arrows. We'll be moving even further back again. Good luck. __Master試験は9本の矢を目標に当てる事を必要とします。さらに再び後ろに下がりましょう。幸運を祈ります。 FormID: 0200480B LingFGCertification LingFGAccreditation 0 The Fighters Guild has a system in place in order to ensure that individuals who are willing to practice their skills and talents are able to advance through the guild. __Fighters Guildには、スキルを磨くやる気のある者やギルドで昇進出来る才能の者一人一人に確実に行われるようにするための制度が有ります。 FormID: 0200480B LingFGCertification LingFGAccreditation 1 You will need to be sufficiently accredited in the skills that the guild favours to gain in rank. The skills that we look for are Blade, Blunt, Block, Hand to Hand, Heavy Armour, Light Armour, and Marksman. __地位を得るためにはギルドが奨励するスキルで十分に認められる必要があるでしょう。我々が注目するのはBlade、Blunt、Block、Hand to Hand、Heavy Armour、Light Armour、そしてMarksmanのスキルです。 FormID: 0200480B LingFGCertification LingFGAccreditation 2 Initially you'll need to be skilled in a few of them to advance in rank, later on you will have to have greater skill in your chosen few if you wish to advance. __昇進することを望むなら、まず、地位を向上するためのそれらのいくつかに熟練する必要があり、その次に、いくつかのあなたが選んだ卓越したスキルが無ければならないでしょう。 FormID: 0200480B LingFGCertification LingFGAccreditation 3 Blade and Blunt is tested in Leyawiin, Block is tested in Skingrad, Hand to Hand is tested in Bruma, Heavy Armour is tested in Bravil, Light Armour is tested in Cheydinhal and Marksman is tested in Chorrol. __BladeとBluntはLeyawiin、BlockはSkingrad、Hand to HandはBruma、Heavy ArmourはBravil、Light ArmourはCheydinhal、そしてMarksmanはChorrolで試されます。 FormID: 0200480B LingFGCertification LingFGAccreditation 4 Speak with the examiner for each particular skill once you are ready to undertake your test. But don't bother attempting before you are ready because the examiner will refuse to test you if he thinks you unready. __試験を受ける準備が出来た時点で、それぞれのスキル専門の試験官と話してください。ですが、試験官があなたの準備が出来ていないと思えば、試験を受けさせませんので、準備ができる前にせがんだりしないでください。 FormID: 0200480C LingFGCertification LingFGReadyJourneyman 0 As much as I would like to allow you to undertake your journeyman certification, I'm not allowed to until you have reached the appropriate level of skill. __journeymanの認定を受けるのを私が許すくらい相応しいスキルのレベルに達するまで認められません。 FormID: 0200480D LingFGCertification LingFGReadyJourneyman 0 You look like you are capable of passing the test to become an light armour journeyman. Would you like to take the test? __light armourのjourneymanの試験を通過する能力があるように見えます。試験を受けたいですか? FormID: 0200480E LingFGCertification LingFGReadyJourneyman 0 At the moment you just aren't skilled enough for me to allow you to take the test. Once you've either trained or improved your skills a bit more then you will be able to take it. __試験を受けるにはまだ少しスキルが不足していますね。訓練をするか、もう少しスキルに磨きを加えるかのどちらかをしたら、試験を受けることが出来るでしょう。 FormID: 0200480F LingFGCertification LingFGReadyJourneyman 0 How is your aim doing? If you think you are good enough then you are welcome to take the test. Do you want to try? __狙いはどうですか?十分良いと思うのなら試験を受けることを歓迎しましょう。試してみますか? FormID: 02004810 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyExpert 0 Unfortunately you aren't yet ready to try and undertake your expert accreditation. Once you have trained up your skills a bit more then you are welcome to see me again. __残念ですが、あなたはまだexpertの認定を受ける準備が出来ていません。もう少しスキルを鍛えてきたら、その時は歓迎しましょう。 FormID: 02004811 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyExpert 0 Looks like you are skilled enough to try your hand at obtaining an accreditation in expert level light armour. That shows an excellent amount of devotion to the craft. Good on you. Would you like to take the test right now? __expertレベルのlight armourの認定を手にするのに十分なスキルを備えているように見えます。それは技術へのすごい量の情熱を示します。今すぐに試験を受けますか? FormID: 02004812 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyExpert 0 I'm sure that you would like to try your hand at this level of accreditation but I can tell you that you simply won't make it. I have an eye for these kind of things. You still need more practice. __あなたがこのレベルの認定を試みたいのは分かりますが、絶対に出来ないと言わせてもらいます。私はそれらのものを見分ける力があります。あなたはより多くの訓練をまだ必要としています。 FormID: 02004813 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyExpert 0 I think that you might even be ready for an archery competition, but for now lets just get you accredited as an expert of marksman. What do you say? __弓競技の準備が出来ているように見受けられますが、今ならmarksmanのexpertとしての認定を受けられます。どうしますか? FormID: 02004814 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyMaster 0 To see a master of light armour in action, that would be an event to remember. Hopefully one day soon I will be able to. But for now you my friend just aren't a master. __現役の内にlight armourのmasterが見れたら、それは忘れられない出来事になるでしょう。うまくいけば近い内に見る事が出来るでしょうね。ですが、友よ、あなたはまだmasterではありません。 FormID: 02004815 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyMaster 0 You are an example to us all. The devotion you have shown to your craft...it is mind-boggling. I would be pleased if I were able to attack you without you striking me back. Do you think we could do so right now? __あなたは私達皆の手本です。あなたが技術に費やした一途には...全く驚かされます。私の攻撃にあなたが反撃しなければ幸いです。今すぐにでも始めますか? FormID: 02004816 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyMaster 0 I once saw a master of marksman when I was young. I'm hoping to see another one eventually. Do come back and see me when you have the skills needed to become one. __かつて若かりし頃、Marksmanのmasterを見たことがあります。いつか、もう一人の者を見てみたいものです。その者になるのに必要なスキルを得たらもう一度会いに来てください。 FormID: 02004817 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyMaster 0 I'd just like to say that it is an amazing treat to be able to see a master marksman in action. You are an inspiration to archers everywhere. Would you like to begin your final accreditation test? __現役中にmarksmanのmasterを見る事がすごい楽しみである、とだけ言いたい。あなたは全ての射手に刺激を与えるます。最終認定試験を始めますか? FormID: 02004915 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyApprentice 0 I'm sorry my friend, but I can only allow you to take your test once you have the necessary skills. Once you have achieved an apprentice level of skill come and see me again. __友よ、すまない。しかし、必要な技術を取得したその時に試験をする事ができるだけです。スキルがapprenticeレベルになったら、もう一度会いに来てください。 FormID: 02004916 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyApprentice 0 Would you like to take your apprentice accreditation test now? You might want to make sure that you are in full health, if you aren't already. __すぐにapprentice認定試験を受けたいですか?まだ受けないのであれば、体調が万全かの確認をした方がいいですね。 FormID: 02004917 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 For your accreditation tests in the Fighters Guild you'll need to demonstrate the skills to the examiner. The guild does this to ensure that the skills that you have improved are sufficient. __Fighters Guildの認定試験ではスキルを試験官に示す必要があります。ギルドはあなたが磨いたスキルが十分身に付いている事を確実なものとするためにこれを行います。 FormID: 02004917 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 1 For your block test you will just need to demonstrate your skill with a shield. I will attack you for a short period of time, all you have to do is block. Once enough time has past then I will stop and award you your diploma. __blockの試験では、ただ盾の技術を示せば良いのです。私は少しの間、あなたを攻撃し、あなたは全てを防御しなければならない。十分な時間が経過したら、私は攻撃をやめ、認定証を与えます。 FormID: 02004917 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 2 I'll teach you a small spell that will act as a timer, once the spell has finished I will know that it is time to stop attacking you. You have to endure my attacks for fifteen seconds this time. __時間計測として機能するちょっとした呪文をあなたに教えるつもりであり、呪文が切れたら、あなたへの攻撃を止めるべき時間である事が分かるでしょう。今回は15秒間、私の攻撃を耐えねばなりません。 FormID: 02004917 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 3 If you become too hurt though then I'll stop the match, you'll also lose some reputation around the guild if I have to do so. We'll begin now then. __あなたがあまりにも傷ついたときにも、同様に攻撃を止めるでしょう。私がそうしなければならなくなったら、あなたのGuildでの評判を少し失うでしょう。では、始めましょうか。 FormID: 02004918 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 Let's start the test then. You need to block for thirty seconds this time. __では、試験を始めましょう。今回は30秒間、防御する必要があります。 FormID: 02004919 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 Good luck to you. I'll attack you for forty five seconds this time around. __幸運を祈ります。今回は45秒間、あなたを攻撃するつもりです。 FormID: 0200491A LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 I'm sure you should have no problem holding out for the sixty seconds required. __あなたが要求された60秒間を持ちこたえる事はわけがないと信じています。 FormID: 02004929 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Hello there. I'm presently serving as the examiner of the Block skill for the Fighters Guild. Are you here to become accredited? __こんにちは。私は、Fighters GuildのBlockスキルの試験官として働いています。ここへは認定を受けるために来たのですか? FormID: 0200492A LingFGCertification GREETING 0 I'm afraid that you haven't been able to block my attacks sufficiently well enough. Since you are now to hurt I'm not going to continue. You are welcome to try again once you have healed yourself if you wish. __残念ながら、あなたは私の攻撃を十分に防ぐ事が出来ませんでした。あなたは今、傷を負っているので、私は続けるつもりはありません。一度、傷を回復させ、もう一度挑戦すると言う事であるならば歓迎します。 FormID: 0200492B LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Good job, you were able to block my attacks at a level expected of an apprentice. Here is your diploma marking you as one. __よくやりました、あなたはapprenticeに要求されるレベルの攻撃を防ぐ事ができました。その印として認定証を授けます。 FormID: 0200492C LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Do you think that you have what it takes to gain your journeyman block accreditation? __journeyman blockの認定を受けるのに必要とされる力を持っていると考えているのですか? FormID: 0200492D LingFGCertification GREETING 0 I'm going to have to stop there because you weren't able to fend off my attacks well enough. If you want to heal yourself up and try again I'll still be waiting for you. __あまり上手く私の攻撃を防ぐことが出来なかったので、私は止めなければなりませんでした。あなたが自身の傷を癒し、再挑戦したいと言うなら、私はさらに待ちます。 FormID: 0200492E LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Quite well done indeed. For blocking my attacks with such skill you have earned your Journeyman Block Apprentice. Good job. __まったく、実に見事です。それほどのスキルを持って私の攻撃を防いだのなら、Journeyman Block Apprentice(認定証)を与えましょう。よくやりました。 FormID: 0200492F LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Welcome, would you like to try and obtain your Expert Block Diploma? __ようこそ、あなたはExpert Block Diplomaを手に入れたいのですか? FormID: 02004930 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 We're going to have to stop the test here for now. Since you have taken too much hurt from my attacks I can't give you your diploma just yet. You'll have to heal yourself and then start again. __試験はここまでとしましょう。あなたは攻撃によりかなりの傷を負ったので、今すぐには認定証を与える事ができません。あなた自身の傷を癒してから、再び始めるとしましょう。 FormID: 02004931 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Excellent. You've successfully shown that you have the skills of an expert of block. I'm happy to say that you have passed your expert block accreditation test. __素晴らしい。 あなたはblockのexpertのスキルがある事を見事に示しました。expert blockの認定試験に合格したと言えて嬉しく思います。 FormID: 02004932 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Here for your final accreditation test? I hope you are able to pass it, it's not too often that you see someone who has achieved the skills of a master of blocking. __ここへは最後の認定試験のために?あなたみたいにblockのmasterスキルを獲得した者を見る事なんてめったに無いので、合格出来る事を期待しています。 FormID: 02004933 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 It's a shame but we are going to have to halt the test here at the moment. Since you were unable to block my attacks well enough you've failed the test. You'll have to take it again. I hope that you do better next time. __残念ですが、試験はここまでにしましょう。私の攻撃をあまり防ぐことが出来なかったので、試験には不合格です。再び受けなければならないでしょう。次回はより良くなるよう願っています。 FormID: 02004934 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 I don't think anything will be breaking through your defenses in a hurry. You've more than shown your skill to me. It is my honour to present you with your Master Block Diploma. __どんなものでもあなたの防御をすぐに突き破れるとは思えません。私にスキルを十二分に示しました。Master Block Diploma(認定証)をあなたに与える事は、私の名誉です。 FormID: 02004934 LingFGCertification GREETING 1 In addition to that, any member of the guild who manages to gain this accreditation is to be given a rare daedric shield as a token of the guild's respect. __それに加え、どうにかしてこの認定を受けたギルドのメンバーに対し、ギルドからの敬意の印として、希少なdaedric shieldが与えられます。 FormID: 0200499E LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Greetings, I'm the Fighters Guild examiner of Light Armour. If you would like to start your accreditation at any time just let me know. __こんにちは、私はFighters GuildのLight Armour試験官です。認定を受けたいと思ったら、いつでもお知らせください。 FormID: 020049A0 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 I'm sorry but I can't continue. Since you have become too badly hurt for me to continue I'm going to have to stop the test. I'm afraid because of that you'll lose some reputation among your guild-mates. Better luck next time. __残念ですが、続ける事が出来ません。続けるにはあまりにも傷を負いすぎているので、試験を止めなければならないでしょう。残念ながら、そのためにギルドの仲間内で何らかの評判を失うでしょう。次回はうまく行くと良いですね。 FormID: 020049A2 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Good job. You've successfully lasted long enough against my attacks. Because of this you are now accredited as an apprentice of light armour. Here is your diploma. __よくやりました。私の攻撃に対し、十分に上手く持ち堪えました。これであなたはlight armourのapprenticeに認定されました。認定書を渡します。 FormID: 020049A4 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Back again are you. Think you have what it takes to get your journeyman diploma? __また来て下さい。あなたはjourneymanの認定書を得るのに必要なものが携わっていると思っているのでしょうか? FormID: 020049A6 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Unfortunately I can't continue to attack you since you have become too injured. If you want to heal yourself up and try again then you are welcome to do so. __残念ながら、あなたがかなり傷を追ってしまったので、私は攻撃し続けることが出来ません。あなた自身の傷を治し、再び挑戦するのならその時は歓迎します。 FormID: 020049A8 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Great work. I'm happy to say that you have passed your journeyman accreditation test. Please accept your diploma with my best wishes. __すごい。journeymanの認定試験に合格したと言えて嬉しく思います。どうかの認定書を受け取ってください。 FormID: 020049AA LingFGCertification GREETING 0 How are you? If you want to take your expert accreditation test I am ready whenever you are. __ごきげんいかがですか?expertの認定試験を受けたいのならいつでも準備出来ていますよ。 FormID: 020049AC LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Geez, it looks like you are pretty badly messed up. I can't continue the test with you in this condition, we don't want to kill you after all. __おやおや、かなりボロボロな状態のようですね。私達はあなたを殺したくはないので、こんな状態で試験を続ける事は出来ません。 FormID: 020049AE LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Excellent! You've done really well and passed your test with flying colours. I'm proud to present you with your Light Armour Expert Diploma. Don't let the pride get to your head. __素晴らしい!本当に見事な成功を収め、試験に合格しました。Light Armour Expert Diploma(認定証)をあなたに与えることを誇りに思います。くれぐれも鼻に掛けぬようにしてください。 FormID: 020049B0 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Will this be the last time you come to see me to become accredited in Light Armour? I'll have to do the best I can if it is. __Light Armourの認定を受けるため、私に会いに来るのはこれで最後と言う訳ですか?それならば、私はできうる限りの事をしなければなりませんね。 FormID: 020049B2 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 I know that you really wanted this accreditation but you have just missed out I'm afraid. If you heal yourself to full health and try again you might have better luck the next time. __本当にこの認定が欲しかったのは分かるが、残念ながら、あなたはたった今、試験に落ちた。体を完全に癒し、次回、また挑戦する時にはさらに幸運があるかもしれない。 FormID: 020049B4 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Wow! That was amazing. You are a bona fide master of light armour. It is with great pride and honour that I award you your Light Armour Master Diploma. __ワーオ!驚くべきものでした。あなたこそ真のlight armourのmasterです。すばらしき誇りと名誉と共に、あなたにLight Armour Master Diploma(認定書)を与えます。 FormID: 020049B4 LingFGCertification GREETING 1 I know it is only a small token of appreciation but please accept this enchanted glass helmet as a gift. The guild decrees that anyone who obtains a mastery of light armour is to receive one. __これはつまらない物かも知れませんが、この魔力のこもったhelmetを贈り物として受け取ってください。ギルドではlight armourに精通した者は皆、これを与えるようにと命じられています。 FormID: 02004A61 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 0 I can only stand in here in shock. I am astounded at the level of dedication that you have put in to become an expert in not just one or two, but all seven of the skills that we look for. __驚きでここに立っている事しか出来ない。お前は1つや2つのスキルだけでなく、我々が求める7つものスキルの熟練者となるための試練を受けたその熱心さに驚いている。 FormID: 02004A61 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 1 The guild has held onto several very powerful items to be given to someone who has achieved this near impossible task. It is my greatest honour to present to you your new sword, axe, and bow. __ギルドはこの不可能にも等しい事業を達成した者に与えられるいくつかのとても強力なアイテムを保管してきた。お前に新しい剣、斧、そして弓を贈る事は俺の最高の名誉だ。 FormID: 02004A61 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 2 The mace is strong, wielded by the the ancient Ayleid Fire King Hadhuul of old it was. They called it Adonai Molag, Lordly Fire. But the slaves just called it Scorcher. __この鈍器はその昔、古代AyleidのFire King Hadhuulが振るっていた強力なものだ。彼らはこれをAdonai Molag(傲慢な炎)と呼んでいた。しかし、奴隷はそれをただScorcherと呼んでいたそうだ。 FormID: 02004A61 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 3 The bow was created by the dwarves. It is unlike any other they created, but we don't know which dwarven fletcher made it. It's original name is unknown, but it has been given the nickname Peril. __弓はdwarf達によって作られた物だ。これは彼らが作成した他のいかなる物とも異なっていますが、我々はどのようなdwarfの弓矢製造職人がこれを作ったか分かっていない。元々の名前は不明だが、Perilと言う呼び名が付いている。 FormID: 02004A61 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 4 We don't know where the sword came from. When it was first discovered it spoke a single sentence, to announce that it's name was Sequence. __俺達は剣がどこで作られたかは分かっていない。それが最初に発見されて話された時、その名前がSequenceだと発表された。 FormID: 02004A61 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 5 The guild has held onto these for a long time. Becoming a master of all the skills like you have is not usually achieved even in several generations. I can only offer my congratulations and hope that you find these weapons worthy. __ギルドは長い事これらを保管してきた。通常、お前のように全てのスキルの達人になることは、あらゆる時代においてさえ成し遂げられなかった事だ。俺は祝辞を捧げる事ができ、お前がこれらの武器の価値を見出す事を望むだけだ。 FormID: 02004A63 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Hey there. Have you come to speak to me about your apprentice marksman accreditation? FormID: 02004A64 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Just shoot the target with the arrows. Once you've shot all of the arrows then I'll tell you if you passed or not. FormID: 02004A68 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Sorry about this, but you haven't hit the target six times like you were meant to. Your loss has to be reported and it means that you'll lose some reputation because of it. You can try again if you want. FormID: 02004A6C LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Nicely done. It looks like you were able to hit the target at least six times out of ten. You've passed the requirements to become an accredited apprentice marksman. This is your diploma. FormID: 02004A6E LingFGCertification GREETING 0 When you are ready to undertake your journeyman accreditation test just let me know. FormID: 02004A72 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 You just have to hit the target seven times with the practice arrows. Once you've shot all of your arrows then we will talk again. FormID: 02004A74 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 It seems that haven't been able to hit the target seven times. I'm afraid you are going to have to try again if you want to get your journeyman diploma. FormID: 02004A76 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Great show, you fire your bow quite well. In hitting the target seven times you have proven your skill in marksman. Please accept your Marksman Journeyman Diploma. FormID: 02004A78 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Do you think you are ready to try and take the expert marksman accreditation test yet? FormID: 02004A7A LingFGCertification GREETING 0 For this level you have to hit the target on eight times. You can only miss twice. The number of times that you must hit the target must be eight but it can be nine or ten as well. FormID: 02004A7A LingFGCertification GREETING 1 The number of arrows that you will fire is ten. Not eleven and not nine, unless the ninth arrow is then followed by the tenth arrow in which case it is allowed. FormID: 02004A7C LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Good try, but you failed to hit the target enough times. Perhaps you might spend a bit of time out here practicing shooting at the target to get a feel of how far it is. FormID: 02004A7E LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Excellent shooting. You are starting to look like a fine marksman right now. I'm happy to say that since you hit the target at least eight times you are now recognised as an expert of Marksman. Here is your diploma. FormID: 02004A80 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 I'm really happy for you that you were able to get your expert diploma, but now do you think you can get your master diploma as well? FormID: 02004A82 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Just hit the target with at least nine of your arrows. Once you do that I'll be able to award you your master diploma. Good luck. FormID: 02004A84 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 You are almost there, but still not quite. You need to hit the target nine times out of ten before I can award you your master diploma. Perhaps try practicing with some of your own arrows before you try again? FormID: 02004A86 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Outstanding! Bravo! That was wild. I'm extremely lucky to have witnessed that today. It is my greatest honour and privledge to award you your Marksman Master Diploma. FormID: 02004A86 LingFGCertification GREETING 1 Furthermore the guild has decreed that anyone who manages to succeed in becoming a master of marksman should be outfitted with this bow, I hope it can express our appreciation.
FormID: 02004717 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 0 I can only stand in here in shock. I am astounded at the level of dedication that you have put in to become an expert in not just one or two, but all seven of the skills that we look for. __驚きでここに立っている事しか出来ない。あなたは1つや2つのスキルだけでなく、我々が求める7つものスキルの熟練者となるための試練を受けたその熱心さに驚いています。 FormID: 02004717 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 1 The guild has held onto several very powerful items to be given to someone who has achieved this near impossible task. It is my greatest honour to present to you your new sword, axe, and bow. __ギルドはこの不可能にも等しい事業を達成した者に与えられるいくつかのとても強力なアイテムを保管してきました。あなたに新しい剣、斧、そして弓を贈る事は私の最高の名誉です。 FormID: 02004717 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 2 The mace is strong, wielded by the the ancient Ayleid Fire King Hadhuul of old it was. They called it Adonai Molag, Lordly Fire. But the slaves just called it Scorcher. __この鈍器はその昔、古代AyleidのFire King Hadhuulが振るっていた強力なものです。彼らはこれをAdonai Molag(傲慢な火)と呼んでいました。しかし、奴隷はそれをただScorcherと呼んでいたそうです。 FormID: 02004717 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 3 The bow was created by the dwarves. It is unlike any other they created, but we don't know which dwarven fletcher made it. It's original name is unknown, but it has been given the nickname Peril. __弓はdwarf達によって作られた物です。これは彼らが作成した他のいかなる物とも異なっていますが、我々はどのようなdwarfの弓矢製造職人がこれを作ったか分かっていません。元々の名前は不明ですが、Perilと言う呼び名が付いています。 FormID: 02004717 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 4 We don't know where the sword came from. When it was first discovered it spoke a single sentence, to announce that it's name was Sequence. __私達は剣がどこで作られたかは分かっていません。それが最初に発見されて話された時、その名前がSequenceだと発表されました。 FormID: 02004717 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 5 The guild has held onto these for a long time. Becoming a master of all the skills like you have is not usually achieved even in several generations. I can only offer my congratulations and hope that you find these weapons worthy. __ギルドは長い事これらを保管してきました。通常、あなたのような全てのスキルの達人になることは、あらゆる時代においてさえ成し遂げられなかった事です。私は祝辞を捧げる事ができ、あなたがこれらの武器の価値を見出す事を望むだけです。 FormID: 020047FC LingFGCertification LingFGReadyApprentice 0 You'll have to put in a bit more training and practice to raise your skills with your light armour. I can't administer the test to you until you are ready. __light armourのスキルを上げるための訓練をもう少しする必要があるだろう。準備ができるまで試験を与えることは出来ない。 FormID: 020047FD LingFGCertification LingFGReadyApprentice 0 If you want to start your apprentice light armour accreditation test then I am ready when you are. Do you want to do it now? __apprenticeのlight armour認定試験を始めたいのならいつでも準備はできている。すぐに始めたいか? FormID: 020047FE LingFGCertification LingFGReadyApprentice 0 Under the rules of the Fighters Guild you aren't allowed to attempt this test until you are sufficiently skilled enough. Once I think that you have the appropriate skill level I'll allow you to take the test. __Fighters Guildの規則により、十分なスキルを身に付けるまではこの試験を行う事は認められていません。適切なスキルレベルを持っていると私が考えた時点で、試験をする事ができます。 FormID: 020047FF LingFGCertification LingFGReadyApprentice 0 It looks like you should do fine for this test. If you want to take your marksman apprentice accreditation test right now then I would be happy to so as well. Would you like to begin? __この試験をするのに十分なように見えます。marksmanのapprentice認定試験をまさに今、受けたいのなら、喜んでやらせてもらうよ。始めるかね? FormID: 02004800 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 In order to pass your Light Armour accreditation test you'll need to survive my attacks for a limited amount of time. Once the appropriate amount of time has passed I'll stop. __Light Armour認定試験に合格するためには、一定時間、私の攻撃を切り抜ける必要があるだろう。適切な時間が経過した時点で、私は攻撃を止めるだろう。 FormID: 02004800 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 1 However if you become too badly hurt before the appropriate amount of time has passed then I will have to stop the test. You'll suffer a loss of reputation in the guild as a result and have to take the test again. __だが、適切な時間が経過する前に、あまりにひどい怪我をしたら、試験を止めなければならないだろう。その結果、ギルド内での評判が落ち、再び試験を受けなければならない。 FormID: 02004800 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 2 I'll teach you a spell that you will cast to signal the beginning of the fight. Once the spell ends I'll know that it is time to stop. I think that covers everything so let's get on with it. __戦いの始まりを合図するために唱える呪文を教える。呪文が切れたら、私は攻撃をやめる時間になったと分かる。これで全てを説明したと思うので、早速取り掛かるとしようか。 FormID: 02004801 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 Well then let's get underway. __では、始めよう。 FormID: 02004802 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 I wish you good luck. I won't hold back. __幸運を祈る。手加減はしないぞ。 FormID: 02004803 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 It will be an honour to strike you while you don't strike back. __あなたが反撃をしなければ、あなたを叩く事が磨きになるだろう。 FormID: 02004806 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 The accreditation test for Marksman is a little different from all of the other skills tested. While the other tests put you into a combat situation for Marksman we will be testing your accuracy. __Marksmanの認定試験は他のスキルの試験全てとは少し変わっている。他の試験は戦闘に身を置くが、Marksmanの私達はあなたの正確さを試します。 FormID: 02004806 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 1 I will give you ten arrows. Of those ten arrows you'll be expected to hit a target with a certain number of them. Once you have agreed to start the test you'll need to stay relatively close by me. __あなたに10本の矢を与えます。それらの10本の矢で特定の数の標的を攻撃することになっています。試験を始めることに同意するならば、あなたは私のかなり近くにいる必要があります。 FormID: 02004806 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 2 If you go too far away from me then I'll be forced to disqualify you, so be sure that you follow after me immediately. Once I stop I'll face in the direction of the target that you need to hit. __私から離れて行き過ぎてしまうと、あなたを失格させなければならないので、確実に私のすぐ後に続くようにしてください。私が立ち止まった時点で目標の方に向きますので、あなたは打たなければなりません。 FormID: 02004806 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 3 In addition to getting too far away from me you'll need to make sure that you hit the target enough times. If you don't hit it enough times then I'll be forced to fail you and you'll have to try again. __私から遠くに離れすぎる事に加え、あなたは合格する本数を目標に当てる事を確実にする必要があるでしょう。十分な本数をそれに当てないと、あなたを失格にせざる得ず、そして、あなたは再び試験を受けなければならないでしょう。 FormID: 02004806 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 4 Oh and don't worry, I'll be providing the bow. For this round you need to hit the target six out of ten times with the Target Arrows. Since I've explained the rules then let's begin. __ああ、それと、心配無用。私は弓を提供しています。今回、あなたはTarget Arrowsで10回中6回、標的に攻撃する必要があります。ルールを説明したので始めましょうか。 FormID: 02004807 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 This time you'll need to get at least seven arrows. We'll also be standing back a bit further. __今回は少なくとも7本の矢を当てる必要があるでしょう。また、少し遠くに離れましょう。 FormID: 02004808 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 You'll need to hit the target eight out of ten times in order to pass this test. You'll be shooting from a further distance away as well. __この試験に合格するためには10回中8回を目標に当てる必要があるでしょう。また、更に遠距離から撃つことにしましょう。 FormID: 0200480A LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 The master test requires you to hit the target with nine of your arrows. We'll be moving even further back again. Good luck. __Master試験は9本の矢を目標に当てる事を必要とします。さらに再び後ろに下がりましょう。幸運を祈ります。 FormID: 0200480B LingFGCertification LingFGAccreditation 0 The Fighters Guild has a system in place in order to ensure that individuals who are willing to practice their skills and talents are able to advance through the guild. __Fighters Guildには、スキルを磨くやる気のある者やギルドで昇進出来る才能の者一人一人に確実に行われるようにするための制度が有ります。 FormID: 0200480B LingFGCertification LingFGAccreditation 1 You will need to be sufficiently accredited in the skills that the guild favours to gain in rank. The skills that we look for are Blade, Blunt, Block, Hand to Hand, Heavy Armour, Light Armour, and Marksman. __地位を得るためにはギルドが奨励するスキルで十分に認められる必要があるでしょう。我々が注目するのはBlade、Blunt、Block、Hand to Hand、Heavy Armour、Light Armour、そしてMarksmanのスキルです。 FormID: 0200480B LingFGCertification LingFGAccreditation 2 Initially you'll need to be skilled in a few of them to advance in rank, later on you will have to have greater skill in your chosen few if you wish to advance. __昇進することを望むなら、まず、地位を向上するためのそれらのいくつかに熟練する必要があり、その次に、いくつかのあなたが選んだ卓越したスキルが無ければならないでしょう。 FormID: 0200480B LingFGCertification LingFGAccreditation 3 Blade and Blunt is tested in Leyawiin, Block is tested in Skingrad, Hand to Hand is tested in Bruma, Heavy Armour is tested in Bravil, Light Armour is tested in Cheydinhal and Marksman is tested in Chorrol. __BladeとBluntはLeyawiin、BlockはSkingrad、Hand to HandはBruma、Heavy ArmourはBravil、Light ArmourはCheydinhal、そしてMarksmanはChorrolで試されます。 FormID: 0200480B LingFGCertification LingFGAccreditation 4 Speak with the examiner for each particular skill once you are ready to undertake your test. But don't bother attempting before you are ready because the examiner will refuse to test you if he thinks you unready. __試験を受ける準備が出来た時点で、それぞれのスキル専門の試験官と話してください。ですが、試験官があなたの準備が出来ていないと思えば、試験を受けさせませんので、準備ができる前にせがんだりしないでください。 FormID: 0200480C LingFGCertification LingFGReadyJourneyman 0 As much as I would like to allow you to undertake your journeyman certification, I'm not allowed to until you have reached the appropriate level of skill. __journeymanの認定を受けるのを私が許すくらい相応しいスキルのレベルに達するまで認められません。 FormID: 0200480D LingFGCertification LingFGReadyJourneyman 0 You look like you are capable of passing the test to become an light armour journeyman. Would you like to take the test? __light armourのjourneymanの試験を通過する能力があるように見えます。試験を受けたいですか? FormID: 0200480E LingFGCertification LingFGReadyJourneyman 0 At the moment you just aren't skilled enough for me to allow you to take the test. Once you've either trained or improved your skills a bit more then you will be able to take it. __試験を受けるにはまだ少しスキルが不足していますね。訓練をするか、もう少しスキルに磨きを加えるかのどちらかをしたら、試験を受けることが出来るでしょう。 FormID: 0200480F LingFGCertification LingFGReadyJourneyman 0 How is your aim doing? If you think you are good enough then you are welcome to take the test. Do you want to try? __狙いはどうですか?十分良いと思うのなら試験を受けることを歓迎しましょう。試してみますか? FormID: 02004810 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyExpert 0 Unfortunately you aren't yet ready to try and undertake your expert accreditation. Once you have trained up your skills a bit more then you are welcome to see me again. __残念ですが、あなたはまだexpertの認定を受ける準備が出来ていません。もう少しスキルを鍛えてきたら、その時は歓迎しましょう。 FormID: 02004811 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyExpert 0 Looks like you are skilled enough to try your hand at obtaining an accreditation in expert level light armour. That shows an excellent amount of devotion to the craft. Good on you. Would you like to take the test right now? __expertレベルのlight armourの認定を手にするのに十分なスキルを備えているように見えます。それは技術へのすごい量の情熱を示します。今すぐに試験を受けますか? FormID: 02004812 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyExpert 0 I'm sure that you would like to try your hand at this level of accreditation but I can tell you that you simply won't make it. I have an eye for these kind of things. You still need more practice. __あなたがこのレベルの認定を試みたいのは分かりますが、絶対に出来ないと言わせてもらいます。私はそれらのものを見分ける力があります。あなたはより多くの訓練をまだ必要としています。 FormID: 02004813 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyExpert 0 I think that you might even be ready for an archery competition, but for now lets just get you accredited as an expert of marksman. What do you say? __弓競技の準備が出来ているように見受けられますが、今ならmarksmanのexpertとしての認定を受けられます。どうしますか? FormID: 02004814 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyMaster 0 To see a master of light armour in action, that would be an event to remember. Hopefully one day soon I will be able to. But for now you my friend just aren't a master. __現役の内にlight armourのmasterが見れたら、それは忘れられない出来事になるでしょう。うまくいけば近い内に見る事が出来るでしょうね。ですが、友よ、あなたはまだmasterではありません。 FormID: 02004815 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyMaster 0 You are an example to us all. The devotion you have shown to your craft...it is mind-boggling. I would be pleased if I were able to attack you without you striking me back. Do you think we could do so right now? __あなたは私達皆の手本です。あなたが技術に費やした一途には...全く驚かされます。私の攻撃にあなたが反撃しなければ幸いです。今すぐにでも始めますか? FormID: 02004816 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyMaster 0 I once saw a master of marksman when I was young. I'm hoping to see another one eventually. Do come back and see me when you have the skills needed to become one. __かつて若かりし頃、Marksmanのmasterを見たことがあります。いつか、もう一人の者を見てみたいものです。その者になるのに必要なスキルを得たらもう一度会いに来てください。 FormID: 02004817 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyMaster 0 I'd just like to say that it is an amazing treat to be able to see a master marksman in action. You are an inspiration to archers everywhere. Would you like to begin your final accreditation test? __現役中にmarksmanのmasterを見る事がすごい楽しみである、とだけ言いたい。あなたは全ての射手に刺激を与えるます。最終認定試験を始めますか? FormID: 02004915 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyApprentice 0 I'm sorry my friend, but I can only allow you to take your test once you have the necessary skills. Once you have achieved an apprentice level of skill come and see me again. __友よ、すまない。しかし、必要な技術を取得したその時に試験をする事ができるだけです。スキルがapprenticeレベルになったら、もう一度会いに来てください。 FormID: 02004916 LingFGCertification LingFGReadyApprentice 0 Would you like to take your apprentice accreditation test now? You might want to make sure that you are in full health, if you aren't already. __すぐにapprentice認定試験を受けたいですか?まだ受けないのであれば、体調が万全かの確認をした方がいいですね。 FormID: 02004917 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 For your accreditation tests in the Fighters Guild you'll need to demonstrate the skills to the examiner. The guild does this to ensure that the skills that you have improved are sufficient. __Fighters Guildの認定試験ではスキルを試験官に示す必要があります。ギルドはあなたが磨いたスキルが十分身に付いている事を確実なものとするためにこれを行います。 FormID: 02004917 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 1 For your block test you will just need to demonstrate your skill with a shield. I will attack you for a short period of time, all you have to do is block. Once enough time has past then I will stop and award you your diploma. __blockの試験では、ただ盾の技術を示せば良いのです。私は少しの間、あなたを攻撃し、あなたは全てを防御しなければならない。十分な時間が経過したら、私は攻撃をやめ、認定証を与えます。 FormID: 02004917 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 2 I'll teach you a small spell that will act as a timer, once the spell has finished I will know that it is time to stop attacking you. You have to endure my attacks for fifteen seconds this time. __時間計測として機能するちょっとした呪文をあなたに教えるつもりであり、呪文が切れたら、あなたへの攻撃を止めるべき時間である事が分かるでしょう。今回は15秒間、私の攻撃を耐えねばなりません。 FormID: 02004917 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 3 If you become too hurt though then I'll stop the match, you'll also lose some reputation around the guild if I have to do so. We'll begin now then. __あなたがあまりにも傷ついたときにも、同様に攻撃を止めるでしょう。私がそうしなければならなくなったら、あなたのGuildでの評判を少し失うでしょう。では、始めましょうか。 FormID: 02004918 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 Let's start the test then. You need to block for thirty seconds this time. __では、試験を始めましょう。今回は30秒間、防御する必要があります。 FormID: 02004919 LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 Good luck to you. I'll attack you for forty five seconds this time around. __幸運を祈ります。今回は45秒間、あなたを攻撃するつもりです。 FormID: 0200491A LingFGCertification LingFGApprenticeAccreditationYes 0 I'm sure you should have no problem holding out for the sixty seconds required. __あなたが要求された60秒間を持ちこたえる事はわけがないと信じています。 FormID: 02004929 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Hello there. I'm presently serving as the examiner of the Block skill for the Fighters Guild. Are you here to become accredited? __こんにちは。私は、Fighters GuildのBlockスキルの試験官として働いています。ここへは認定を受けるために来たのですか? FormID: 0200492A LingFGCertification GREETING 0 I'm afraid that you haven't been able to block my attacks sufficiently well enough. Since you are now to hurt I'm not going to continue. You are welcome to try again once you have healed yourself if you wish. __残念ながら、あなたは私の攻撃を十分に防ぐ事が出来ませんでした。あなたは今、傷を負っているので、私は続けるつもりはありません。一度、傷を回復させ、もう一度挑戦すると言う事であるならば歓迎します。 FormID: 0200492B LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Good job, you were able to block my attacks at a level expected of an apprentice. Here is your diploma marking you as one. __よくやりました、あなたはapprenticeに要求されるレベルの攻撃を防ぐ事ができました。その印として認定証を授けます。 FormID: 0200492C LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Do you think that you have what it takes to gain your journeyman block accreditation? __journeyman blockの認定を受けるのに必要とされる力を持っていると考えているのですか? FormID: 0200492D LingFGCertification GREETING 0 I'm going to have to stop there because you weren't able to fend off my attacks well enough. If you want to heal yourself up and try again I'll still be waiting for you. __あまり上手く私の攻撃を防ぐことが出来なかったので、私は止めなければなりませんでした。あなたが自身の傷を癒し、再挑戦したいと言うなら、私はさらに待ちます。 FormID: 0200492E LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Quite well done indeed. For blocking my attacks with such skill you have earned your Journeyman Block Apprentice. Good job. __まったく、実に見事です。それほどのスキルを持って私の攻撃を防いだのなら、Journeyman Block Apprentice(認定証)を与えましょう。よくやりました。 FormID: 0200492F LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Welcome, would you like to try and obtain your Expert Block Diploma? __ようこそ、あなたはExpert Block Diplomaを手に入れたいのですか? FormID: 02004930 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 We're going to have to stop the test here for now. Since you have taken too much hurt from my attacks I can't give you your diploma just yet. You'll have to heal yourself and then start again. __試験はここまでとしましょう。あなたは攻撃によりかなりの傷を負ったので、今すぐには認定証を与える事ができません。あなた自身の傷を癒してから、再び始めるとしましょう。 FormID: 02004931 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Excellent. You've successfully shown that you have the skills of an expert of block. I'm happy to say that you have passed your expert block accreditation test. __素晴らしい。 あなたはblockのexpertのスキルがある事を見事に示しました。expert blockの認定試験に合格したと言えて嬉しく思います。 FormID: 02004932 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Here for your final accreditation test? I hope you are able to pass it, it's not too often that you see someone who has achieved the skills of a master of blocking. __ここへは最後の認定試験のために?あなたみたいにblockのmasterスキルを獲得した者を見る事なんてめったに無いので、合格出来る事を期待しています。 FormID: 02004933 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 It's a shame but we are going to have to halt the test here at the moment. Since you were unable to block my attacks well enough you've failed the test. You'll have to take it again. I hope that you do better next time. __残念ですが、試験はここまでにしましょう。私の攻撃をあまり防ぐことが出来なかったので、試験には不合格です。再び受けなければならないでしょう。次回はより良くなるよう願っています。 FormID: 02004934 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 I don't think anything will be breaking through your defenses in a hurry. You've more than shown your skill to me. It is my honour to present you with your Master Block Diploma. __どんなものでもあなたの防御をすぐに突き破れるとは思えません。私にスキルを十二分に示しました。Master Block Diploma(認定証)をあなたに与える事は、私の名誉です。 FormID: 02004934 LingFGCertification GREETING 1 In addition to that, any member of the guild who manages to gain this accreditation is to be given a rare daedric shield as a token of the guild's respect. __それに加え、どうにかしてこの認定を受けたギルドのメンバーに対し、ギルドからの敬意の印として、希少なdaedric shieldが与えられます。 FormID: 0200499E LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Greetings, I'm the Fighters Guild examiner of Light Armour. If you would like to start your accreditation at any time just let me know. __こんにちは、私はFighters GuildのLight Armour試験官です。認定を受けたいと思ったら、いつでもお知らせください。 FormID: 020049A0 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 I'm sorry but I can't continue. Since you have become too badly hurt for me to continue I'm going to have to stop the test. I'm afraid because of that you'll lose some reputation among your guild-mates. Better luck next time. __残念ですが、続ける事が出来ません。続けるにはあまりにも傷を負いすぎているので、試験を止めなければならないでしょう。残念ながら、そのためにギルドの仲間内で何らかの評判を失うでしょう。次回はうまく行くと良いですね。 FormID: 020049A2 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Good job. You've successfully lasted long enough against my attacks. Because of this you are now accredited as an apprentice of light armour. Here is your diploma. __よくやりました。私の攻撃に対し、十分に上手く持ち堪えました。これであなたはlight armourのapprenticeに認定されました。認定書を渡します。 FormID: 020049A4 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Back again are you. Think you have what it takes to get your journeyman diploma? __また来て下さい。あなたはjourneymanの認定書を得るのに必要なものが携わっていると思っているのでしょうか? FormID: 020049A6 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Unfortunately I can't continue to attack you since you have become too injured. If you want to heal yourself up and try again then you are welcome to do so. __残念ながら、あなたがかなり傷を追ってしまったので、私は攻撃し続けることが出来ません。あなた自身の傷を治し、再び挑戦するのならその時は歓迎します。 FormID: 020049A8 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Great work. I'm happy to say that you have passed your journeyman accreditation test. Please accept your diploma with my best wishes. __すごい。journeymanの認定試験に合格したと言えて嬉しく思います。どうかの認定書を受け取ってください。 FormID: 020049AA LingFGCertification GREETING 0 How are you? If you want to take your expert accreditation test I am ready whenever you are. __ごきげんいかがですか?expertの認定試験を受けたいのならいつでも準備出来ていますよ。 FormID: 020049AC LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Geez, it looks like you are pretty badly messed up. I can't continue the test with you in this condition, we don't want to kill you after all. __おやおや、かなりボロボロな状態のようですね。私達はあなたを殺したくはないので、こんな状態で試験を続ける事は出来ません。 FormID: 020049AE LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Excellent! You've done really well and passed your test with flying colours. I'm proud to present you with your Light Armour Expert Diploma. Don't let the pride get to your head. __素晴らしい!本当に見事な成功を収め、試験に合格しました。Light Armour Expert Diploma(認定証)をあなたに与えることを誇りに思います。くれぐれも鼻に掛けぬようにしてください。 FormID: 020049B0 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Will this be the last time you come to see me to become accredited in Light Armour? I'll have to do the best I can if it is. __Light Armourの認定を受けるため、私に会いに来るのはこれで最後と言う訳ですか?それならば、私はできうる限りの事をしなければなりませんね。 FormID: 020049B2 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 I know that you really wanted this accreditation but you have just missed out I'm afraid. If you heal yourself to full health and try again you might have better luck the next time. __本当にこの認定が欲しかったのは分かるが、残念ながら、あなたはたった今、試験に落ちた。体を完全に癒し、次回、また挑戦する時にはさらに幸運があるかもしれない。 FormID: 020049B4 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Wow! That was amazing. You are a bona fide master of light armour. It is with great pride and honour that I award you your Light Armour Master Diploma. __ワーオ!驚くべきものでした。あなたこそ真のlight armourのmasterです。すばらしき誇りと名誉と共に、あなたにLight Armour Master Diploma(認定書)を与えます。 FormID: 020049B4 LingFGCertification GREETING 1 I know it is only a small token of appreciation but please accept this enchanted glass helmet as a gift. The guild decrees that anyone who obtains a mastery of light armour is to receive one. __これはつまらない物かも知れませんが、この魔力のこもったhelmetを贈り物として受け取ってください。ギルドではlight armourに精通した者は皆、これを与えるようにと命じられています。 FormID: 02004A61 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 0 I can only stand in here in shock. I am astounded at the level of dedication that you have put in to become an expert in not just one or two, but all seven of the skills that we look for. __驚きでここに立っている事しか出来ない。お前は1つや2つのスキルだけでなく、我々が求める7つものスキルの熟練者となるための試練を受けたその熱心さに驚いている。 FormID: 02004A61 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 1 The guild has held onto several very powerful items to be given to someone who has achieved this near impossible task. It is my greatest honour to present to you your new sword, axe, and bow. __ギルドはこの不可能にも等しい事業を達成した者に与えられるいくつかのとても強力なアイテムを保管してきた。お前に新しい剣、斧、そして弓を贈る事は俺の最高の名誉だ。 FormID: 02004A61 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 2 The mace is strong, wielded by the the ancient Ayleid Fire King Hadhuul of old it was. They called it Adonai Molag, Lordly Fire. But the slaves just called it Scorcher. __この鈍器はその昔、古代AyleidのFire King Hadhuulが振るっていた強力なものだ。彼らはこれをAdonai Molag(傲慢な炎)と呼んでいた。しかし、奴隷はそれをただScorcherと呼んでいたそうだ。 FormID: 02004A61 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 3 The bow was created by the dwarves. It is unlike any other they created, but we don't know which dwarven fletcher made it. It's original name is unknown, but it has been given the nickname Peril. __弓はdwarf達によって作られた物だ。これは彼らが作成した他のいかなる物とも異なっていますが、我々はどのようなdwarfの弓矢製造職人がこれを作ったか分かっていない。元々の名前は不明だが、Perilと言う呼び名が付いている。 FormID: 02004A61 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 4 We don't know where the sword came from. When it was first discovered it spoke a single sentence, to announce that it's name was Sequence. __俺達は剣がどこで作られたかは分かっていない。それが最初に発見されて話された時、その名前がSequenceだと発表された。 FormID: 02004A61 LingFGCertification LingFGMasterBonus 5 The guild has held onto these for a long time. Becoming a master of all the skills like you have is not usually achieved even in several generations. I can only offer my congratulations and hope that you find these weapons worthy. __ギルドは長い事これらを保管してきた。通常、お前のように全てのスキルの達人になることは、あらゆる時代においてさえ成し遂げられなかった事だ。俺は祝辞を捧げる事ができ、お前がこれらの武器の価値を見出す事を望むだけだ。 FormID: 02004A63 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Hey there. Have you come to speak to me about your apprentice marksman accreditation? FormID: 02004A64 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Just shoot the target with the arrows. Once you've shot all of the arrows then I'll tell you if you passed or not. FormID: 02004A68 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Sorry about this, but you haven't hit the target six times like you were meant to. Your loss has to be reported and it means that you'll lose some reputation because of it. You can try again if you want. FormID: 02004A6C LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Nicely done. It looks like you were able to hit the target at least six times out of ten. You've passed the requirements to become an accredited apprentice marksman. This is your diploma. FormID: 02004A6E LingFGCertification GREETING 0 When you are ready to undertake your journeyman accreditation test just let me know. FormID: 02004A72 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 You just have to hit the target seven times with the practice arrows. Once you've shot all of your arrows then we will talk again. FormID: 02004A74 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 It seems that haven't been able to hit the target seven times. I'm afraid you are going to have to try again if you want to get your journeyman diploma. FormID: 02004A76 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Great show, you fire your bow quite well. In hitting the target seven times you have proven your skill in marksman. Please accept your Marksman Journeyman Diploma. FormID: 02004A78 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Do you think you are ready to try and take the expert marksman accreditation test yet? FormID: 02004A7A LingFGCertification GREETING 0 For this level you have to hit the target on eight times. You can only miss twice. The number of times that you must hit the target must be eight but it can be nine or ten as well. FormID: 02004A7A LingFGCertification GREETING 1 The number of arrows that you will fire is ten. Not eleven and not nine, unless the ninth arrow is then followed by the tenth arrow in which case it is allowed. FormID: 02004A7C LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Good try, but you failed to hit the target enough times. Perhaps you might spend a bit of time out here practicing shooting at the target to get a feel of how far it is. FormID: 02004A7E LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Excellent shooting. You are starting to look like a fine marksman right now. I'm happy to say that since you hit the target at least eight times you are now recognised as an expert of Marksman. Here is your diploma. FormID: 02004A80 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 I'm really happy for you that you were able to get your expert diploma, but now do you think you can get your master diploma as well? FormID: 02004A82 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Just hit the target with at least nine of your arrows. Once you do that I'll be able to award you your master diploma. Good luck. FormID: 02004A84 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 You are almost there, but still not quite. You need to hit the target nine times out of ten before I can award you your master diploma. Perhaps try practicing with some of your own arrows before you try again? FormID: 02004A86 LingFGCertification GREETING 0 Outstanding! Bravo! That was wild. I'm extremely lucky to have witnessed that today. It is my greatest honour and privledge to award you your Marksman Master Diploma. FormID: 02004A86 LingFGCertification GREETING 1 Furthermore the guild has decreed that anyone who manages to succeed in becoming a master of marksman should be outfitted with this bow, I hope it can express our appreciation.