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FormID: 01005C0C BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 You went into the Oblivion? And? Is it really as hot as here? __へぇ、 Oblivion に行ってきたの? それで? その話、ここでもそんなに大事なことなの? FormID: 01005C0D BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 You went into the Oblivion? And? Is it really as hot as here? __へぇ、 Oblivion に行ってきたの? それで? その話、ここでもそんなに大事なことなの? FormID: 01005C0E BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 Oh great. My feet hurt, my nose is wet, my skin is tortured by that god- damned mosquitos and I guess that I caught that swampfever. - Again. __酷いもんよ。足は傷だらけ、鼻はぐずぐずだし、クソったれの蚊に刺されまくって Swamp Fever にでも罹ったんじゃないかしら。…また。 FormID: 01005C10 BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 Don't you want to see full white breasts, soft red lips and long, long legs the whole way down? __まっしろなおっぱいとか、見たくない? 柔らかくて真っ赤な唇とか、すらりと長い脚とか、隅から隅まで、とか。 FormID: 01005C13 BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 You look travelled. Don't you want to take a rest on a skin of silk, warm cheeks and lips so soft as - Hey, why don't just you get a nap. __旅をしてきたのね。すべすべの肌で休みたいと思わない? あったかい頬っぺたとか、唇だって柔らくて…ねぇ! 一眠りしていきなさいよ。 FormID: 01005C0F BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 Oh great. My feet hurt, my nose is wet, my skin is tortured by that god- damned Mosquitos and I guess that I caught that swampfever. Again. __酷いもんよ。足は傷だらけ、鼻はぐずぐずだし、クソったれの蚊に刺されまくって Swamp Fever にでも罹ったんじゃないかしら。…また。 FormID: 01005C11 BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 Don't you want to see full white breasts, soft red lips and long, long legs the whole way down? __まっしろなおっぱいとか、見たくない? 柔らかくて真っ赤な唇とか、すらりと長い脚とか、隅から隅まで、とか。 FormID: 01005C14 BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 You looked travelled, don't you want to take a rest on a skin of silk, warm cheeks and lips so soft - Hey! Why you don't take a nap? And we skip that __旅をしてきたのね。すべすべの肌で休みたいと思わない? あったかい頬っぺたとか、唇だって柔らくて…ねぇ! 一眠りしていきなさいよ。 FormID: 010060FF BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 Marwen? Are all heads off and all flowers up? FormID: 0100610B BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 Marwen? Are all heads off and all flowers up? FormID: 01006104 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 A guards-man! A man of the law! A man of duty and honor!- Bribed and stuffed as always. __衛兵! 秩序の男! 職務と名誉の人! 買収されてばかりの能無しね! FormID: 01006107 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 A guards-man! A man of the law! A man of duty and honor!- Bribed and stuffed as always. __衛兵! 秩序の男! 職務と名誉の人! 買収されてばかりの能無しね! FormID: 01006101 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 Aye! You are the new scent in town. Its soap? Right? __あら! あなた知らない匂いだわ。石鹸? かな? FormID: 01006102 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 Step up, pay or keep going! I say this quite often lately. FormID: 0100610A BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 Aye! You are the new scent in town. Its soap? Right? __あら! あなた知らない匂いだわ。石鹸? かな? FormID: 0100610C BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 Step up, pay or keep going! I say this quite often lately. FormID: 01006103 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 I knew it would draw your attention! __チラチラ見てたでしょ、知ってるのよ! FormID: 01006105 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 I see. You are not busied. You just stand here, living on air and wetness and if it rains you just have to look up and open your mouth. __わかってるわぁ。お急ぎじゃないんでしょ。こんなところで何もしないで立ってて。雨が降ったら上向いて口を開けないといけないわね。 FormID: 01006106 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 What have we here? Another hero of Kvatch? __なんだっていうの? もう一人の Kvatch の英雄だとでも言いたいわけ? FormID: 01006108 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 Yo-ho-ho. __よいしょっと。 FormID: 01006109 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 What have we here? Another hero of Kvatch? __なんだっていうの? もう一人の Kvatch の英雄だとでも言いたいわけ? FormID: 01005C06 BravilGirlsTalk GOODBYE 0 Beware and behave. There is a stake un-taken. FormID: 01005C08 BravilGirlsTalk GOODBYE 0 You go this way and I work in this direction. __じゃあね。私はこのあたりで仕事をしてるから。 FormID: 01005C07 BravilGirlsTalk GOODBYE 0 You go this way and I work in this direction. __じゃあね。私はこのあたりで仕事をしてるから。 FormID: 01005C09 BravilGirlsTalk GOODBYE 0 Beware and behave. There is a stake un-taken. FormID: 0103A428 BravilGirlsTalk GOODBYE 0 Keep your head down and your nose wet. Ha! As if you could avoid it! FormID: 0103A429 BravilGirlsTalk GOODBYE 0 Keep your head down and your nose wet. Ha! As if you could avoid it! FormID: 0100610D BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 You placed yourself into a puddle of mud. And its definitely no rumour. __あなたは今、ぬかるみに浸ってるのよ。で、はっきり言ってそんなの噂にもならないわね。 FormID: 01006131 BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 Aye! Sayjid. He was great. He is the reason for the down-Payment now. __あー、Sayjidね。ある意味凄い人だわ、彼のせいでここに頭金制ができたんだもの。 FormID: 01006132 BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 Do you know Marwen? I saw how he cleaned up the 'SilverHome'. I think with the new facade it looks much nicer. __Marwen って知ってる? 彼、すっごく「 Silver Home 」を綺麗にしてるのよ。服装をなんとかすればもっと良くなると思うけど。 FormID: 0100610E BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 Never, ever go into Ma-Syd-Jun's store! I saw folks going into thatand they never ever came out again. Some people say: It's a store of evil! __絶対、 Ma-Syd-Jun の店には行かない方がいいわ! あそこに入ってった人を何人か見たけど、誰も戻って来ないのよ。こう言う人もいるわ。「あの店はおかしい!」って。 FormID: 0100610F BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 Do you know Marwen? I saw how he cleaned up the 'SilverHome'. I think with the new facade it looks much nicer. __Marwen って知ってる? 彼、すっごく「 Silver Home 」を綺麗にしてるのよ。服装をなんとかすればもっと良くなると思うけど。 FormID: 01006110 BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 Never, ever go into Ma-Syd-Jun's store! I saw folks going into that and they never ever came out again. Some people say: It's a portal of evil. __絶対、 Ma-Syd-Jun の店には行かない方がいいわ! あそこに入ってった人を何人か見たけど、誰も戻って来ないのよ。こう言う人もいるわ。「あの店はおかしい!」って。 FormID: 01006111 BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 Aye! Sayjid. He was great. He is the reason for the down-Payment now. __あー、Sayjidね。ある意味凄い人だわ、彼のせいでここに頭金制ができたんだもの。 FormID: 01006112 BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 I would love to see some Scamps playing around through the streets, with their little lightning fire-balls. That would be exciting. __Scamp がちっちゃな Fire Ball をバラ撒きながら街中で遊んでるところを見たいわね。きっと素敵よ。 FormID: 01006113 BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 You placed yourself into a puddle of mud. And its definitely no rumour. __あなたは今、ぬかるみに浸ってるのよ。で、はっきり言ってそんなの噂にもならないわね。 FormID: 01006120 BravilGirlsTalk SadGeneral 0 Aye. What a sad story. But - uhm- You didn't get it right as I said: [QUOTE]Up to everything.[QUOTE] FormID: 01006121 BravilGirlsTalk SadGeneral 0 Aye. What a sad story. But - uhm- You didn't get it right as I said: [QUOTE]Up to everything.[QUOTE] FormID: 01005C01 BravilGirlsTalk FearGeneral 0 There are humans who fear the Oblivion. And the others -- were born in Bravil. __誰でもOblivionを恐れるものだけれど、そうでない人が居るとしたら…きっとBravil出身ね。 FormID: 01005C02 BravilGirlsTalk FearGeneral 0 There are humans who fear the Oblivion. And the others -- were born in Bravil. __誰でもOblivionを恐れるものだけれど、そうでない人が居るとしたら…きっとBravil出身ね。 FormID: 01005711 BravilGirlsTalk AngerReceive 0 Yo, ho, ho! FormID: 01005712 BravilGirlsTalk AngerReceive 0 Yo, ho, ho! FormID: 01006123 BravilGirlsTalk HappyReceive 0 Yo, ho, ho. FormID: 01006124 BravilGirlsTalk HappyReceive 0 Yo, ho, ho. FormID: 0100611E BravilGirlsTalk SurpriseReceive 0 Yes. Interesting. And did you know that on this plaza 3920 stones are paved? __面白いわね。じゃあ、この広場には3920個の敷石が並んでるって知ってた? FormID: 0100611F BravilGirlsTalk SurpriseReceive 0 Yes. Interesting. And did you know that on this plaza 3920 stones are paved? __面白いわね。じゃあ、この広場には3920個の敷石が並んでるって知ってた? FormID: 01005C03 BravilGirlsTalk FollowupNegative 0 Ja,ja. Und nachts kommt die Dunkle Bruderschaft und tanzt Ringelrein mit der Diebesgilde um die Alte Dame. - Nat�lich! FormID: 01005C04 BravilGirlsTalk FollowupNegative 0 B-O-R and I-N-G. T-H-A-T you-are for-me. So, what did you say? __あなたってー、つまーんないひとねー。で、何か言いたいことある? FormID: 01005C05 BravilGirlsTalk FollowupPositive 0 Keep going. I just try to move the bricks over there by enduring starring. FormID: 01006122 BravilGirlsTalk FollowupPositive 0 Keep going. I just try to move the bricks over there by enduring starring. FormID: 01005713 BravilGirlsTalk AnswerNegative 0 No, no, no, no. FormID: 01005714 BravilGirlsTalk AnswerNegative 0 No, no, no, no. FormID: 01005715 BravilGirlsTalk AnswerPositive 0 That's what I mean. __そういうことよ。
FormID: 01005C0C BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 You went into the Oblivion? And? Is it really as hot as here? __へぇ、 Oblivion に行ってきたの? それで? その話、ここでもそんなに大事なことなの? FormID: 01005C0D BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 You went into the Oblivion? And? Is it really as hot as here? __へぇ、 Oblivion に行ってきたの? それで? その話、ここでもそんなに大事なことなの? FormID: 01005C0E BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 Oh great. My feet hurt, my nose is wet, my skin is tortured by that god- damned mosquitos and I guess that I caught that swampfever. - Again. __酷いもんよ。足は傷だらけ、鼻はぐずぐずだし、クソったれの蚊に刺されまくって Swamp Fever にでも罹ったんじゃないかしら。…また。 FormID: 01005C10 BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 Don't you want to see full white breasts, soft red lips and long, long legs the whole way down? __まっしろなおっぱいとか、見たくない? 柔らかくて真っ赤な唇とか、すらりと長い脚とか、隅から隅まで、とか。 FormID: 01005C13 BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 You look travelled. Don't you want to take a rest on a skin of silk, warm cheeks and lips so soft as - Hey, why don't just you get a nap. __旅をしてきたのね。すべすべの肌で休みたいと思わない? あったかい頬っぺたとか、唇だって柔らくて…ねぇ! 一眠りしていきなさいよ。 FormID: 01005C0F BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 Oh great. My feet hurt, my nose is wet, my skin is tortured by that god- damned Mosquitos and I guess that I caught that swampfever. Again. __酷いもんよ。足は傷だらけ、鼻はぐずぐずだし、クソったれの蚊に刺されまくって Swamp Fever にでも罹ったんじゃないかしら。…また。 FormID: 01005C11 BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 Don't you want to see full white breasts, soft red lips and long, long legs the whole way down? __まっしろなおっぱいとか、見たくない? 柔らかくて真っ赤な唇とか、すらりと長い脚とか、隅から隅まで、とか。 FormID: 01005C14 BravilGirlsTalk GREETING 0 You looked travelled, don't you want to take a rest on a skin of silk, warm cheeks and lips so soft - Hey! Why you don't take a nap? And we skip that __旅をしてきたのね。すべすべの肌で休みたいと思わない? あったかい頬っぺたとか、唇だって柔らくて…ねぇ! 一眠りしていきなさいよ。 FormID: 010060FF BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 Marwen? Are all heads off and all flowers up? FormID: 0100610B BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 Marwen? Are all heads off and all flowers up? FormID: 01006104 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 A guards-man! A man of the law! A man of duty and honor!- Bribed and stuffed as always. __衛兵! 秩序の男! 職務と名誉の人! 買収されてばかりの能無しね! FormID: 01006107 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 A guards-man! A man of the law! A man of duty and honor!- Bribed and stuffed as always. __衛兵! 秩序の男! 職務と名誉の人! 買収されてばかりの能無しね! FormID: 01006101 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 Aye! You are the new scent in town. Its soap? Right? __あら! あなた知らない匂いだわ。石鹸? かな? FormID: 01006102 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 Step up, pay or keep going! I say this quite often lately. FormID: 0100610A BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 Aye! You are the new scent in town. Its soap? Right? __あら! あなた知らない匂いだわ。石鹸? かな? FormID: 0100610C BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 Step up, pay or keep going! I say this quite often lately. FormID: 01006103 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 I knew it would draw your attention! __チラチラ見てたでしょ、知ってるのよ! FormID: 01006105 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 I see. You are not busied. You just stand here, living on air and wetness and if it rains you just have to look up and open your mouth. __わかってるわぁ。お急ぎじゃないんでしょ。こんなところで何もしないで立ってて。雨が降ったら上向いて口を開けないといけないわね。 FormID: 01006106 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 What have we here? Another hero of Kvatch? __なんだっていうの? もう一人の Kvatch の英雄だとでも言いたいわけ? FormID: 01006108 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 Yo-ho-ho. __よいしょっと。 FormID: 01006109 BravilGirlsTalk HELLO 0 What have we here? Another hero of Kvatch? __なんだっていうの? もう一人の Kvatch の英雄だとでも言いたいわけ? FormID: 01005C06 BravilGirlsTalk GOODBYE 0 Beware and behave. There is a stake un-taken. FormID: 01005C08 BravilGirlsTalk GOODBYE 0 You go this way and I work in this direction. __じゃあね。私はこのあたりで仕事をしてるから。 FormID: 01005C07 BravilGirlsTalk GOODBYE 0 You go this way and I work in this direction. __じゃあね。私はこのあたりで仕事をしてるから。 FormID: 01005C09 BravilGirlsTalk GOODBYE 0 Beware and behave. There is a stake un-taken. FormID: 0103A428 BravilGirlsTalk GOODBYE 0 Keep your head down and your nose wet. Ha! As if you could avoid it! FormID: 0103A429 BravilGirlsTalk GOODBYE 0 Keep your head down and your nose wet. Ha! As if you could avoid it! FormID: 0100610D BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 You placed yourself into a puddle of mud. And its definitely no rumour. __あなたは今、ぬかるみに浸ってるのよ。で、はっきり言ってそんなの噂にもならないわね。 FormID: 01006131 BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 Aye! Sayjid. He was great. He is the reason for the down-Payment now. __あー、Sayjidね。ある意味凄い人だわ、彼のせいでここに頭金制ができたんだもの。 FormID: 01006132 BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 Do you know Marwen? I saw how he cleaned up the 'SilverHome'. I think with the new facade it looks much nicer. __Marwen って知ってる? 彼、すっごく「 Silver Home 」を綺麗にしてるのよ。服装をなんとかすればもっと良くなると思うけど。 FormID: 0100610E BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 Never, ever go into Ma-Syd-Jun's store! I saw folks going into thatand they never ever came out again. Some people say: It's a store of evil! __絶対、 Ma-Syd-Jun の店には行かない方がいいわ! あそこに入ってった人を何人か見たけど、誰も戻って来ないのよ。こう言う人もいるわ。「あの店はおかしい!」って。 FormID: 0100610F BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 Do you know Marwen? I saw how he cleaned up the 'SilverHome'. I think with the new facade it looks much nicer. __Marwen って知ってる? 彼、すっごく「 Silver Home 」を綺麗にしてるのよ。服装をなんとかすればもっと良くなると思うけど。 FormID: 01006110 BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 Never, ever go into Ma-Syd-Jun's store! I saw folks going into that and they never ever came out again. Some people say: It's a portal of evil. __絶対、 Ma-Syd-Jun の店には行かない方がいいわ! あそこに入ってった人を何人か見たけど、誰も戻って来ないのよ。こう言う人もいるわ。「あの店はおかしい!」って。 FormID: 01006111 BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 Aye! Sayjid. He was great. He is the reason for the down-Payment now. __あー、Sayjidね。ある意味凄い人だわ、彼のせいでここに頭金制ができたんだもの。 FormID: 01006112 BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 I would love to see some Scamps playing around through the streets, with their little lightning fire-balls. That would be exciting. __Scamp がちっちゃな Fire Ball をバラ撒きながら街中で遊んでるところを見たいわね。きっと素敵よ。 FormID: 01006113 BravilGirlsTalk INFOGENERAL 0 You placed yourself into a puddle of mud. And its definitely no rumour. __あなたは今、ぬかるみに浸ってるのよ。で、はっきり言ってそんなの噂にもならないわね。 FormID: 01006120 BravilGirlsTalk SadGeneral 0 Aye. What a sad story. But - uhm- You didn't get it right as I said: [QUOTE]Up to everything.[QUOTE] FormID: 01006121 BravilGirlsTalk SadGeneral 0 Aye. What a sad story. But - uhm- You didn't get it right as I said: [QUOTE]Up to everything.[QUOTE] FormID: 01005C01 BravilGirlsTalk FearGeneral 0 There are humans who fear the Oblivion. And the others -- were born in Bravil. __誰でもOblivionを恐れるものだけれど、そうでない人が居るとしたら…きっとBravil出身ね。 FormID: 01005C02 BravilGirlsTalk FearGeneral 0 There are humans who fear the Oblivion. And the others -- were born in Bravil. __誰でもOblivionを恐れるものだけれど、そうでない人が居るとしたら…きっとBravil出身ね。 FormID: 01005711 BravilGirlsTalk AngerReceive 0 Yo, ho, ho! FormID: 01005712 BravilGirlsTalk AngerReceive 0 Yo, ho, ho! FormID: 01006123 BravilGirlsTalk HappyReceive 0 Yo, ho, ho. FormID: 01006124 BravilGirlsTalk HappyReceive 0 Yo, ho, ho. FormID: 0100611E BravilGirlsTalk SurpriseReceive 0 Yes. Interesting. And did you know that on this plaza 3920 stones are paved? __面白いわね。じゃあ、この広場には3920個の敷石が並んでるって知ってた? FormID: 0100611F BravilGirlsTalk SurpriseReceive 0 Yes. Interesting. And did you know that on this plaza 3920 stones are paved? __面白いわね。じゃあ、この広場には3920個の敷石が並んでるって知ってた? FormID: 01005C03 BravilGirlsTalk FollowupNegative 0 Ja,ja. Und nachts kommt die Dunkle Bruderschaft und tanzt Ringelrein mit der Diebesgilde um die Alte Dame. - Nat�lich! FormID: 01005C04 BravilGirlsTalk FollowupNegative 0 B-O-R and I-N-G. T-H-A-T you-are for-me. So, what did you say? __あなたってー、つまーんないひとねー。で、何か言いたいことある? FormID: 01005C05 BravilGirlsTalk FollowupPositive 0 Keep going. I just try to move the bricks over there by enduring starring. FormID: 01006122 BravilGirlsTalk FollowupPositive 0 Keep going. I just try to move the bricks over there by enduring starring. FormID: 01005713 BravilGirlsTalk AnswerNegative 0 No, no, no, no. FormID: 01005714 BravilGirlsTalk AnswerNegative 0 No, no, no, no. FormID: 01005715 BravilGirlsTalk AnswerPositive 0 That's what I mean. __そういうことよ。