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FormID: 0100B326 01LANinv 15Ianheretohelp 5 and in case she will be hard to surrender even after all her guard are defeated you might need also this spell... __衛兵全てを倒し、それでもなお彼女が降伏しないというならこのスペルを使うように。 __衛兵全てを倒し、それでもなお彼女が降伏しないというならこのスペルをお使い下さい。 FormID: 0100B326 01LANinv 15Ianheretohelp 6 Once you'll have done this Bruma will be ours, now hurry up! __Brumaを陥落出来るかどうかはお前の働きにかかっているぞ。さあ行け! __Brumaを陥落出来るかどうかはあなたの働きにかかっています。お急ぎを! FormID: 0100B329 01LANinv 16myname 0 You said [QUOTE]the army of Morrowind[QUOTE]... is this some kind of invasion of Cyrodiil?? __[QUOTE]Morrowindの尖兵[QUOTE]ですって?Cyrodiilへ侵略に来たの?? FormID: 0100B32B 01LANinv 16itis 0 ... I have heard the sounds of battle and if you are here then my guards must be either all dead or dying... I guess that I have no choice... __外での剣戟の響きが耳に飛び込んで参りました。あなたがここに居るという事は、衛兵達は皆殺されたか、さもなくば虫の息といった所かしら?私に選択肢は無いようですわね。 FormID: 0100B32B 01LANinv 16itis 1 here you have the key to Bruma soldier... but please do no harm to my people! __Bruma兵舎への鍵は渡します…。けれど市民への手出しは許しません! FormID: 0100B32E 01LANinv 17reportBruma 0 Well done soldier! Or perhaps I should say Captain! Yes my loyal, you did so well in Bruma that I think you deserve a promotion. __朗報だぞ、戦士よ。いや、もはや立派なCaptainであるな!お前の働きは見事だった。よって昇格に与かるが良い。 FormID: 0100B32E 01LANinv 17reportBruma 1 Now you are officially a Captain in the glorious Army of Morrowind! __ここに、汝を栄えあるMorrowind軍のCaptainとして叙任する! FormID: 0100B330 01LANinv 17BrumaFate 0 I am not going to do any harm to its inhabitants, if this is what worries you... unless they will give me troubles. Now Bruma will be our outpost... __心配には及ばぬ。抵抗しなければ市民に危害を加えるつもりは毛頭無い。これでBrumaは戦線の前哨基地となったぞ。 FormID: 0100B332 01LANinv 17BrumaFate2 0 To the Imperial City of course! __無論、Imperial Cityへだ。 FormID: 0100B334 01LANinv 17BrumaFate3 0 Ambitious you say? Why do you think we came here?? Just to burn down a couple of villages and conquer a small godforsaken town inhabited by Nords?? __お前は高望みだと言うのか?我々がここに居る意味を分かっているのか?村を2つ焼き払い、辺鄙なNordの街を占領する為だけのはずがあるまい? FormID: 0100B334 01LANinv 17BrumaFate3 1 Nothing like that, my plan goes far beyond this! I want to penetrate in the heart of the Imperial City and meet Chancellor Ocato face to face. __私の計画はもっと先まで練られている。Imperial Cityの中枢まで侵攻し、Ocato首相との直接会談を実現させるのだ。 FormID: 0100B334 01LANinv 17BrumaFate3 2 Only then I will be able to have what I want: I want him to sign an agreement with Morrowind... __さもなければ目的は達成できぬだろう。そう。Morrowindに関する協定に調印させるという事だ。 FormID: 0100B334 01LANinv 17BrumaFate3 3 an agreement in which he declares that the Empire will have no claims on Morrowind from that moment on. __今後、帝国はMorrowindに対しいっさい搾取を行わないと宣言させる。 FormID: 0100B334 01LANinv 17BrumaFate3 4 Morrowind will be a free country again and all the Imperials will be forced to go home! __さすればMorrowindは再び自由な国となり、Imperial共も帰郷を余儀なくされるだろう。 FormID: 0100B336 01LANinv 17BrumaFate4 0 Of course it is! But there is a problem... my last shipment of weapons from Morrowind got lost because of a snow storm on the Jerall Mountains. __無論だ!しかし一つ問題がある。Jerall Mountainsの吹雪のせいで、Morrowindから武器の兵站が途絶えてしまっているのだ。 FormID: 0100B336 01LANinv 17BrumaFate4 1 We need more weapons before attacking the Imperial City, so I had to buy some from a local smuggler... __Imperial City侵攻の為にはより多くの武器が必要だ。であるからして、密輸商人等からの購入も検討せねばならなかった。 FormID: 0100B336 01LANinv 17BrumaFate4 2 His name is Sleek Todd, he is a Wood Elf who has his smuggler den in a cave, the name of the place is Gloomy Cave... __その男の名はSleek Toddと言う。Gloomy Cave洞窟の中で密輸マーケットを開いている。 FormID: 0100B336 01LANinv 17BrumaFate4 3 You should go there and get my weapons. Beware tough... I have already paid for them. You have just to bring them here. __そこまで行って武器を取って来て欲しい。代金は支払済みなので、ただ受け取りここまで持って来るだけで充分だ。 FormID: 0100B336 01LANinv 17BrumaFate4 4 Oh, by the way... you might need this ring to complete the task. It belonged to my grandma... __ああ…。ひょっとしたらこの指輪が役に立つかも知れん。これは祖母の形見でな…。 FormID: 0100B336 01LANinv 17BrumaFate4 5 she was a merchant in Vvardenfell and used this ring to carry around all her stuff. As a matter of fact it can be pretty handy. __彼女はVvardenfell島で商いを営んでいた。商品を運ぶ時にこの指輪が役に立ったとの話で、使ってみると実際なかなか役に立つ。 FormID: 0100B338 01LANinv 18CountessFate 0 The Countess of Bruma you mean? I am not going to do her any harm, do not worry. Now that she has no army she is totally harmless. __Bruma女伯の事か?彼女に危害を加えるつもりは無い。心配するな。衛兵も居らぬ今、彼女は無害だ。 FormID: 0100B338 01LANinv 18CountessFate 1 I will let her on her throne, with the illusion that she is still ruling over Bruma... __彼女にはそのままBruma領主の座に居続けてもらう。あたかもBrumaは従前通り統治されていると見せかけるためにな。 FormID: 0100B338 01LANinv 18CountessFate 2 ... even if obviously she is not. I will also let her people live in peace, provided that they will not give me any troubles. __事の真相は真逆ではあるが。市民を刺激しなければ、無用の抵抗と流血も避けられるだろう? FormID: 0100B339 01LANinv GREETING 0 Welcome my friend, now that you are here we can start the party. Here is my plan: __よく来たな、友よ。これで宴の主賓が揃ったというわけだ。では計画を説明する。 FormID: 0100B339 01LANinv GREETING 1 The Imperial City is too well guarded to have any hope at taking it with brute force, we need to rely on our swiftness and rapidity of action... __Imperial Cityの守りは固い。正攻法では落とせぬだろう。であるから、迅速かつ敏速に作戦を展開せねばならない…。 FormID: 0100B339 01LANinv GREETING 2 we need a [QUOTE]surgical raid[QUOTE] so to speak. Lead your men into the City, do not hesitate to kill any soldiers that will try to stop you... __必要なのは[QUOTE]外科手術的急襲[QUOTE]だ。お前には部下を率いてCityへと侵入してもらう。行く手を遮る兵士は躊躇なく殺せ。 FormID: 0100B339 01LANinv GREETING 3 if they give you problems come back here and we'll help you to get rid of your pursuers. But remember: __手こずるようならここまで帰還せよ。我々が追っ手を撃退する。だがこれだけは心に刻んでおくように。 FormID: 0100B339 01LANinv GREETING 4 your prime task is to get to the Imperial Palace and catch Chancellor Ocato. __Imperial Palace(皇居)に行き、Ocato首相を拘束する事が最優先だ。 FormID: 0100B339 01LANinv GREETING 5 You will probably find him either in the Elder Council Chambers or in his Private Chambers. __彼はElder Council Chambers(帝国議会議場)か、もしくはPrivate Chambers(私室)で見つけられるだろう。 FormID: 0100B339 01LANinv GREETING 6 Once you get him force him to sign this agreement and Morrowind will be free again! __首尾よく彼を拘束し、この文書に調印させる事が出来ればMorrowindは再び解放されるだろう。 FormID: 0100B33E 01LANinv 19OcatoGiveBruma 0 Good, deal made then, give me the agreement and I will sign it immediately. __宜しい。取引成立だ。協定書をこちらに。すぐに調印しよう。 FormID: 0100B340 01LANinv 19OcatoKeepBruma 0 This is unfair... but I am afraid that I am not in the best position to argue with you. __不公平ではないか…。それに私の権限を越えているかも知れない。 FormID: 0100B342 01LANinv 20GiveAgreement 0 Ok, now Morrowind is a free country again, the Imperial Legion will move out in the next months. But where is general Vlarys? Oh, here he is! __了解した。Morrowindは自由だ。Imperial Legionも来月には撤退するだろう。それでVlarys将軍はどちらに?ああ!そこに居たのか。 FormID: 0100B36C 01LANinv GREETING 0 Well done Captain!! I am proud of you! Now thanks to our efforts and sacrifice Morrowind has been freed from the yoke of the Empire! __良くやったぞ、Captain!!何と誇らしい事か!我々の努力の甲斐あって、Morrowindは帝国の頸木から解放されたのだ。 FormID: 0100B36C 01LANinv GREETING 1 If you'll ever come there in the future don't forget to pay me a visit and I will introduce you to all the leaders of the Great Houses! __いつか将来、我が故郷に訪れる事があったら必ず私の所に寄って欲しい。Great Houseの指導者たちを紹介しよう。 FormID: 0100B36C 01LANinv GREETING 2 I am also sure that nobody would disagree if I reward your prowess with these 5000 gold pieces and the title of Champion of Morrowind! __お前の勇気を称えるのに、誰も文句は言うまい。この5000goldとChampion of Morrowindの称号を受けとってくれ! FormID: 0100B36C 01LANinv GREETING 3 Now I have to leave you my friend, my people in Morrowind will probably be eager to know about our great success! Farewell! __そろそろお別れの時間だ、友よ。Morrowindの人々もこの大勝利の報せを待っている事だろう。さらばだ!! FormID: 0100BA42 01LANinv 21Whereyougo 0 Farewell my friend. I am going to take a ship to Vivec. I have heard that tomorrow there is one bound there... __さようなら、友よ。私はVivec行きの船に乗る。明日には1便あるようだからな。 FormID: 0100BA42 01LANinv 21Whereyougo 1 ... I am not going to cross the Jerall Mountains again! Once with my army was enough! __Jerall Mountains越えは2度と勘弁して欲しいものだ!あれが耐えられるのは1回限りだよ。 FormID: 0100C7F2 01LANinv 10repairgear 0 Ok, perhaps you are right... now everything is fine. __了解しました。仰る通りですね。…これで準備万端です。 FormID: 010127E8 01LANinv 10wantmoresoldiers 0 All dead?! Well... I can give you another platoon, but be more careful this time... I can't afford to give you more of my men. __全員殉死だと…?分かった。別の者を付けよう。しかし今度ばかりは気を付けてくれ。これ以上お前の下に付けられる部下はいないのだからな。 FormID: 01016C3A 01LANinv GREETING 0 My... my family... my husband... my daughter... __か…家族が…。夫も…娘も…。 FormID: 01016C3C 01LANinv 13LavBlueW 0 They came in the morning... I have no idea from where... I have no idea about who they were either... and they killed everybody... everybody... __奴らは朝やって来ました…。どこから来たのかも何者なのかも知りません。でも奴らはみんなを…みんなを殺したのです。 FormID: 01016C3C 01LANinv 13LavBlueW 1 they were like demons... bloodthirsty demons... they had no mercy for nobody. I managed to survive only because I hid behind some rocks... __まるで悪魔の所業でした…。血に飢えた…。相手が誰であろうと決して温情をかけませんでした。私自身は岩陰に隠れてなんとか生き延びられたのですが…。 FormID: 01016C3C 01LANinv 13LavBlueW 2 and my daughter... oh poor Flandyl... so young and beautiful... they... they... __娘が…ああ可哀相なFlandy!まだ若くて綺麗な娘だったのに…。奴らが…奴らが…。 FormID: 01016C3C 01LANinv 13LavBlueW 3 and my dear husband... they first tortured him and then they hanged him on that tree... on that tree... __愛する夫まで…。奴らは夫を拷問にかけ、あの…あの木に吊るし上げたんです! FormID: 01016C3C 01LANinv 13LavBlueW 4 and then, before leaving, they set everything on fire... it was like hell... hell... __そして最後、去り際に火を放って行きました…。村じゅう全部燃やされました。まるで…地獄を見ているようでした。 FormID: 01016C3C 01LANinv 13LavBlueW 5 this was just a village of poor fishermen... we never harmed anybody... I really can't understand the reasons for such a hatred... such a violence... __ここはただの貧しい漁村でした…。誰にも迷惑をかけず暮らして来たのに…。どうして私達がこんな憎しみと暴力を受けなくてはならないのか、全然分かりません…。 FormID: 0101A9C8 01LANinv 19Ocato 0 So you did it! I could not believe general Vlarys when he said that he wanted to conquer the Imperial City and force me to sign his agreement... __何と言う事だ!!Vlarys将軍がImperial Cityへと侵攻し私に協定書への調印をさせると言った時はまさか本気にはしなかったのだが。 FormID: 0101A9C8 01LANinv 19Ocato 1 but apparently it's what has happened... I am impressed. So the long for freedom of the Dunmer came to this point. __だがこれが現実…。驚かざるを得ない。Dunmer達の自由への渇望がもたらした結果という事なのか。 FormID: 0101A9C8 01LANinv 19Ocato 2 Well, I suppose that there is no other way out for me but to sign his agreement... __ううむ…。私には協定書に調印する以外、選択肢が無いようだな。 FormID: 0101A9C8 01LANinv 19Ocato 3 but I still have a request: I want the Dunmer army to leave from Bruma. __だが、一つだけ条件を付けさせてもらう。Brumaに駐留しているDunmer軍を撤退させてくれ。 FormID: 0101B0A0 01LANinv 10follow2 0 Our general said that you can, we'll stay where you want us to stay and we'll follow if you ask us to. We'll fight at your side... __将軍はあなたになら任せられると仰っていました。あなたが命じれば我々はどこまでも付いて参りますし、待機せよと言うのならいつまでも待ちます。我々はあなたの剣となる覚悟であります。 FormID: 0101B0A0 01LANinv 10follow2 1 ... and in case we linger behind you have just to call us. __もしもはぐれてしまったならいつでもお呼び下さい。 FormID: 0101C525 01LANinv 102followme 0 Yes sir, I am right behind you. __イエス、サー。付いて参ります。 FormID: 0101C527 01LANinv 102waithere 0 No problem sir, I will stay here. __問題ございません、サー。ここで待機しております。 FormID: 0101C529 01LANinv 102repairyourgear 0 Yes sir, now everything is ok. __イエス、サー。兵装は準備万端です。 FormID: 01021E22 01LANinv 180GloomyCave 0 It's located just east of Cheydinhal, I mark it on your map. __洞窟はCheydinhalの東にある。地図に印を付けておこう。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 0 And so that lousy Wood Elf betrayed us? You can't even trust your elven blood anymore nowadays... __あの卑劣なwoodelfが裏切ったという事か?elfの同胞までも信用の置けぬ世相であるか…。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 1 but you did a good job! You never cease to please me and I must admit that I am impressed by your skills... anyway, let's go back to our plans now... __ともあれ、良くやってくれた!お前はいつも吉報を持ち帰ってくれるな。驚嘆すべき事だ。では作戦の話を続けようか…。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 10 be crafty and smart, never attack the camp openly, try to force small groups of soldiers to run after you in the surrounding wilderness... __緻密に、そして狡猾に事を進めるのだ。野営地への攻撃は隠密裏に行うように。少数精鋭で茂みの中を進み… FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 11 you should try to be sneaky, attack by night and use arrows if you can. There's nothing as silent, invisible and deadly as arrows in the darkness. __闇夜の中を人目に付かぬよう行け。可能であれば矢を用いた急襲も良かろう。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 12 you will have to engage in combat only small groups of enemies at a time, until the whole army will have been completely destroyed. __一度に相手にする敵の数を絞り込み、各個撃破を繰り返せ。敵は一人も生かしてはならぬ。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 13 Do this my friend and when you will be back we will be ready for the last step of our campaign. Now hurry up, we have no time to waste! __頼んだぞ、友よ。お前の凱旋を待って最後の作戦を決行するつもりだ。では行け。ぐずぐずしている時間は無い! FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 2 While you were away one of my spies reported something I was afraid it might happen... __お前が不在の間、斥候から憂慮すべき事態についての報告があった…。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 3 as soon as the count of Cheydinhal was informed about the fall of Bruma he decided to send a liberation army... __Brumaの陥落の報せを受けたCheydinhal伯爵が、すぐさま解放軍の派兵を決定したとの事だ。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 4 my scouts have seen the army camped halfway between Cheydinhal and Bruma... __また、CheydihnalとBrumaをつなぐ街道の途中に軍の野営地があるのを見たとも聞いた。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 5 this is quite a problem, since at present I don't have an army large enough to keep Bruma and battle with the Count's army at the same time yet... __真に憂慮すべき事態である。目下、我が軍はBrumaを防衛しつつ伯爵の軍勢と戦えるほど数で勝っておらぬ。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 6 and here is where your help, my friend, could turn out to be more precious than ever... __そこで、だ。友よ、お前の力を借りたい。この任務に当たっては最上級の用心をするように…。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 7 you have to go there, west of the Imperial City, on the road leading north from Fort Urasek, and destroy that army with your men for me. __Imperial City西のFort Urasekへと続く道沿いだ。現地へ向かい、配下の兵と共に敵軍を殲滅せよ。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 8 I'll mark the location of the enemy camp on your map, here... this is the place where my scouts saw that army last time. __野営地の場所をお前の地図に書き込んでおこう。…と、この場所だな。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 9 but be careful, your men will never survive a pitched battle, the army from Cheydinhal is way too large for the few soldiers you have... __だが心せよ。正面衝突ではこちらに分が無い。少ない兵でCheydinhalの大軍勢に立ち向かうのは無謀だ。 FormID: 01022090 01LANinv 180Iwaswaiting 0 Yes, of course... I was waiting for you actually... just follow me, I will lead you to my boss. __ええ、もちろん…。お待ちしておりましたとも…。首領の所まで案内します。ついて来て下さい。 FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 0 Vlarys? Oh, sure... Vlarys! Now I remember... __Vlarysですか?ああ…Vlarysですね!思い出しましたよ…。 FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 1 How could I forget such a nice Dunmer! General Vlarys even paid in advance in order to make me hurry up... __あれほど紳士なDunmerを忘れるなんて、私もどうかしてましたよ!Vlarys将軍は私を急かして代金を前払いしてくれたのでした。 FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 2 Your weapons are in that crate... right there... the one with the skooma vials on top. Ghastly Tim always leaves his stuff all over the place... __武器はそこの木箱の中に入っています。そうです。そのskoomaの小瓶が乗っかってる箱…。Ghastly Timがいつもの癖で置いていったのですね…。 FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 3 he will never learn... by the way are you interested in buying some skooma too? __困った奴ですよ…。ところで、あなたもskoomaなどにご興味はありませんか? FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 4 I am just kidding! Don't get touchy! I know that people like you are not interested in this stuff... __ただの冗談ですよ!そんなに怒らないで!あなた方みたいな種類の人達がこういう物を好まないのは知ってますから…。 FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 5 but let's stick to our topic... the weapons for the glorious army of Morrowind... __ところで、商談を続けましょうか。栄えあるMorrowind軍の方々が使うはずであった武器の事です…。 FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 6 Your boss paid a lot of money for those irons... and unfortunately someone else paid me even more to have the same weapons and... __あなたの上官は大金を支払ってくれましたが、残念ながらもっと払いの良いお客が見つかりましてね…。 FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 7 ... and you! The Imperial Legion did not like much the trick you played in Bruma. Sorry pal. Business is business... __それに、あなたの事も知っていますよ!Imperial LegionはあなたのBrumaでの行ないを許さないでしょう。悪く思わないで下さい。これが商売という物なのです…。 FormID: 010249C7 01LANinv 16surrender 0 Who are you?? __誰だ? FormID: 0102B058 01LANinv 11claymore 0 So be it, here is you claymore soldier. Now go to Greystone and be back as soon as possible! __好きにするがいい。これがお前のclaymoreだ。すぐにGreystoneに向かい、可能な限り早く帰還せよ! FormID: 0102B05A 01LANinv 11longsword 0 Here you have them soldier. Now go to Greystone and be back as soon as possible! __これを持って行け。すぐにGreystoneに向かい、可能な限り早く帰還せよ! FormID: 0102B05C 01LANinv 11bowanddagger 0 Fine, here they are soldier, I also give you 100 arrows. Now go to Greystone and be back as soon as possible! __宜しい。これを持って行け。ついでに矢も100本やる。すぐにGreystoneに向かい、可能な限り早く帰還せよ! FormID: 0102B05E 01LANinv 11battleaxe 0 So be it, here you have your battleaxe soldier. Now go to Greystone and be back as soon as possible! __好きにするがいい。これがお前のbattleaxeだ。すぐにGreystoneに向かい、可能な限り早く帰還せよ! FormID: 01043DC7 01LANinv 181CheidDestr 0 Well done captain! I knew that you could not fail. And now that also that problem is solved and that I finally have all my soldiers gathered... __よくやったぞ!Captain。お前ならきっと成功すると信じていたよ。これで喉に引っかかった小骨が取れた。さあ、最後の戦いの為、全軍を結集しよう。 FormID: 01043DC7 01LANinv 181CheidDestr 1 we can move to the final step of our campaign: let's go to the Imperial City... __これが最後の作戦になる。今こそImperial Cityへ攻め入る時。 FormID: 01043DC7 01LANinv 181CheidDestr 2 ... I already have my men waiting for me there. See you at the south gate, I will give you further instructions once we are there. __…我が軍はすでに決戦の地に結集しており、私の指示を待っている。帝都の南門で再会しよう。作戦の詳細はその場で説明する。
FormID: 0100B326 01LANinv 15Ianheretohelp 5 and in case she will be hard to surrender even after all her guard are defeated you might need also this spell... __衛兵全てを倒し、それでもなお彼女が降伏しないというならこのスペルを使うように。 __衛兵全てを倒し、それでもなお彼女が降伏しないというならこのスペルをお使い下さい。 FormID: 0100B326 01LANinv 15Ianheretohelp 6 Once you'll have done this Bruma will be ours, now hurry up! __Brumaを陥落出来るかどうかはお前の働きにかかっているぞ。さあ行け! __Brumaを陥落出来るかどうかはあなたの働きにかかっています。お急ぎを! FormID: 0100B329 01LANinv 16myname 0 You said [QUOTE]the army of Morrowind[QUOTE]... is this some kind of invasion of Cyrodiil?? __[QUOTE]Morrowindの尖兵[QUOTE]ですって?Cyrodiilへ侵略に来たの?? FormID: 0100B32B 01LANinv 16itis 0 ... I have heard the sounds of battle and if you are here then my guards must be either all dead or dying... I guess that I have no choice... __外での剣戟の響きが耳に飛び込んで参りました。あなたがここに居るという事は、衛兵達は皆殺されたか、さもなくば虫の息といった所かしら?私に選択肢は無いようですわね。 FormID: 0100B32B 01LANinv 16itis 1 here you have the key to Bruma soldier... but please do no harm to my people! __Bruma兵舎への鍵は渡します…。けれど市民への手出しは許しません! FormID: 0100B32E 01LANinv 17reportBruma 0 Well done soldier! Or perhaps I should say Captain! Yes my loyal, you did so well in Bruma that I think you deserve a promotion. __朗報だぞ、戦士よ。いや、もはや立派なCaptainであるな!お前の働きは見事だった。よって昇格に与かるが良い。 FormID: 0100B32E 01LANinv 17reportBruma 1 Now you are officially a Captain in the glorious Army of Morrowind! __ここに、汝を栄えあるMorrowind軍のCaptainとして叙任する! FormID: 0100B330 01LANinv 17BrumaFate 0 I am not going to do any harm to its inhabitants, if this is what worries you... unless they will give me troubles. Now Bruma will be our outpost... __心配には及ばぬ。抵抗しなければ市民に危害を加えるつもりは毛頭無い。これでBrumaは戦線の前哨基地となったぞ。 FormID: 0100B332 01LANinv 17BrumaFate2 0 To the Imperial City of course! __無論、Imperial Cityへだ。 FormID: 0100B334 01LANinv 17BrumaFate3 0 Ambitious you say? Why do you think we came here?? Just to burn down a couple of villages and conquer a small godforsaken town inhabited by Nords?? __お前は高望みだと言うのか?我々がここに居る意味を分かっているのか?村を2つ焼き払い、辺鄙なNordの街を占領する為だけのはずがあるまい? FormID: 0100B334 01LANinv 17BrumaFate3 1 Nothing like that, my plan goes far beyond this! I want to penetrate in the heart of the Imperial City and meet Chancellor Ocato face to face. __私の計画はもっと先まで練られている。Imperial Cityの中枢まで侵攻し、Ocato首相との直接会談を実現させるのだ。 FormID: 0100B334 01LANinv 17BrumaFate3 2 Only then I will be able to have what I want: I want him to sign an agreement with Morrowind... __さもなければ目的は達成できぬだろう。そう。Morrowindに関する協定に調印させるという事だ。 FormID: 0100B334 01LANinv 17BrumaFate3 3 an agreement in which he declares that the Empire will have no claims on Morrowind from that moment on. __今後、帝国はMorrowindに対しいっさい搾取を行わないと宣言させる。 FormID: 0100B334 01LANinv 17BrumaFate3 4 Morrowind will be a free country again and all the Imperials will be forced to go home! __さすればMorrowindは再び自由な国となり、Imperial共も帰郷を余儀なくされるだろう。 FormID: 0100B336 01LANinv 17BrumaFate4 0 Of course it is! But there is a problem... my last shipment of weapons from Morrowind got lost because of a snow storm on the Jerall Mountains. __無論だ!しかし一つ問題がある。Jerall Mountainsの吹雪のせいで、Morrowindから武器の兵站が途絶えてしまっているのだ。 FormID: 0100B336 01LANinv 17BrumaFate4 1 We need more weapons before attacking the Imperial City, so I had to buy some from a local smuggler... __Imperial City侵攻の為にはより多くの武器が必要だ。であるからして、密輸商人等からの購入も検討せねばならなかった。 FormID: 0100B336 01LANinv 17BrumaFate4 2 His name is Sleek Todd, he is a Wood Elf who has his smuggler den in a cave, the name of the place is Gloomy Cave... __その男の名はSleek Toddと言う。Gloomy Cave洞窟の中で密輸マーケットを開いている。 FormID: 0100B336 01LANinv 17BrumaFate4 3 You should go there and get my weapons. Beware tough... I have already paid for them. You have just to bring them here. __そこまで行って武器を取って来て欲しい。代金は支払済みなので、ただ受け取りここまで持って来るだけで充分だ。 FormID: 0100B336 01LANinv 17BrumaFate4 4 Oh, by the way... you might need this ring to complete the task. It belonged to my grandma... __ああ…。ひょっとしたらこの指輪が役に立つかも知れん。これは祖母の形見でな…。 FormID: 0100B336 01LANinv 17BrumaFate4 5 she was a merchant in Vvardenfell and used this ring to carry around all her stuff. As a matter of fact it can be pretty handy. __彼女はVvardenfell島で商いを営んでいた。商品を運ぶ時にこの指輪が役に立ったとの話で、使ってみると実際なかなか役に立つ。 FormID: 0100B338 01LANinv 18CountessFate 0 The Countess of Bruma you mean? I am not going to do her any harm, do not worry. Now that she has no army she is totally harmless. __Bruma女伯の事か?彼女に危害を加えるつもりは無い。心配するな。衛兵も居らぬ今、彼女は無害だ。 FormID: 0100B338 01LANinv 18CountessFate 1 I will let her on her throne, with the illusion that she is still ruling over Bruma... __彼女にはそのままBruma領主の座に居続けてもらう。あたかもBrumaは従前通り統治されていると見せかけるためにな。 FormID: 0100B338 01LANinv 18CountessFate 2 ... even if obviously she is not. I will also let her people live in peace, provided that they will not give me any troubles. __事の真相は真逆ではあるが。市民を刺激しなければ、無用の抵抗と流血も避けられるだろう? FormID: 0100B339 01LANinv GREETING 0 Welcome my friend, now that you are here we can start the party. Here is my plan: __よく来たな、友よ。これで宴の主賓が揃ったというわけだ。では計画を説明する。 FormID: 0100B339 01LANinv GREETING 1 The Imperial City is too well guarded to have any hope at taking it with brute force, we need to rely on our swiftness and rapidity of action... __Imperial Cityの守りは固い。正攻法では落とせぬだろう。であるから、迅速かつ敏速に作戦を展開せねばならない…。 FormID: 0100B339 01LANinv GREETING 2 we need a [QUOTE]surgical raid[QUOTE] so to speak. Lead your men into the City, do not hesitate to kill any soldiers that will try to stop you... __必要なのは[QUOTE]外科手術的急襲[QUOTE]だ。お前には部下を率いてCityへと侵入してもらう。行く手を遮る兵士は躊躇なく殺せ。 FormID: 0100B339 01LANinv GREETING 3 if they give you problems come back here and we'll help you to get rid of your pursuers. But remember: __手こずるようならここまで帰還せよ。我々が追っ手を撃退する。だがこれだけは心に刻んでおくように。 FormID: 0100B339 01LANinv GREETING 4 your prime task is to get to the Imperial Palace and catch Chancellor Ocato. __Imperial Palace(皇居)に行き、Ocato首相を拘束する事が最優先だ。 FormID: 0100B339 01LANinv GREETING 5 You will probably find him either in the Elder Council Chambers or in his Private Chambers. __彼はElder Council Chambers(帝国議会議場)か、もしくはPrivate Chambers(私室)で見つけられるだろう。 FormID: 0100B339 01LANinv GREETING 6 Once you get him force him to sign this agreement and Morrowind will be free again! __首尾よく彼を拘束し、この文書に調印させる事が出来ればMorrowindは再び解放されるだろう。 FormID: 0100B33E 01LANinv 19OcatoGiveBruma 0 Good, deal made then, give me the agreement and I will sign it immediately. __宜しい。取引成立だ。協定書をこちらに。すぐに調印しよう。 FormID: 0100B340 01LANinv 19OcatoKeepBruma 0 This is unfair... but I am afraid that I am not in the best position to argue with you. __不公平ではないか…。それに私の権限を越えているかも知れない。 FormID: 0100B342 01LANinv 20GiveAgreement 0 Ok, now Morrowind is a free country again, the Imperial Legion will move out in the next months. But where is general Vlarys? Oh, here he is! __了解した。Morrowindは自由だ。Imperial Legionも来月には撤退するだろう。それでVlarys将軍はどちらに?ああ!そこに居たのか。 FormID: 0100B36C 01LANinv GREETING 0 Well done Captain!! I am proud of you! Now thanks to our efforts and sacrifice Morrowind has been freed from the yoke of the Empire! __良くやったぞ、Captain!!何と誇らしい事か!我々の努力の甲斐あって、Morrowindは帝国の頸木から解放されたのだ。 FormID: 0100B36C 01LANinv GREETING 1 If you'll ever come there in the future don't forget to pay me a visit and I will introduce you to all the leaders of the Great Houses! __いつか将来、我が故郷に訪れる事があったら必ず私の所に寄って欲しい。Great Houseの指導者たちを紹介しよう。 FormID: 0100B36C 01LANinv GREETING 2 I am also sure that nobody would disagree if I reward your prowess with these 5000 gold pieces and the title of Champion of Morrowind! __お前の勇気を称えるのに、誰も文句は言うまい。この5000goldとChampion of Morrowindの称号を受けとってくれ! FormID: 0100B36C 01LANinv GREETING 3 Now I have to leave you my friend, my people in Morrowind will probably be eager to know about our great success! Farewell! __そろそろお別れの時間だ、友よ。Morrowindの人々もこの大勝利の報せを待っている事だろう。さらばだ!! FormID: 0100BA42 01LANinv 21Whereyougo 0 Farewell my friend. I am going to take a ship to Vivec. I have heard that tomorrow there is one bound there... __さようなら、友よ。私はVivec行きの船に乗る。明日には1便あるようだからな。 FormID: 0100BA42 01LANinv 21Whereyougo 1 ... I am not going to cross the Jerall Mountains again! Once with my army was enough! __Jerall Mountains越えは2度と勘弁して欲しいものだ!あれが耐えられるのは1回限りだよ。 FormID: 0100C7F2 01LANinv 10repairgear 0 Ok, perhaps you are right... now everything is fine. __了解しました。仰る通りですね。…これで準備万端です。 FormID: 010127E8 01LANinv 10wantmoresoldiers 0 All dead?! Well... I can give you another platoon, but be more careful this time... I can't afford to give you more of my men. __全員殉死だと…?分かった。別の者を付けよう。しかし今度ばかりは気を付けてくれ。これ以上お前の下に付けられる部下はいないのだからな。 FormID: 01016C3A 01LANinv GREETING 0 My... my family... my husband... my daughter... __か…家族が…。夫も…娘も…。 FormID: 01016C3C 01LANinv 13LavBlueW 0 They came in the morning... I have no idea from where... I have no idea about who they were either... and they killed everybody... everybody... __奴らは朝やって来ました…。どこから来たのかも何者なのかも知りません。でも奴らはみんなを…みんなを殺したのです。 FormID: 01016C3C 01LANinv 13LavBlueW 1 they were like demons... bloodthirsty demons... they had no mercy for nobody. I managed to survive only because I hid behind some rocks... __まるで悪魔の所業でした…。血に飢えた…。相手が誰であろうと決して温情をかけませんでした。私自身は岩陰に隠れてなんとか生き延びられたのですが…。 FormID: 01016C3C 01LANinv 13LavBlueW 2 and my daughter... oh poor Flandyl... so young and beautiful... they... they... __娘が…ああ可哀相なFlandy!まだ若くて綺麗な娘だったのに…。奴らが…奴らが…。 FormID: 01016C3C 01LANinv 13LavBlueW 3 and my dear husband... they first tortured him and then they hanged him on that tree... on that tree... __愛する夫まで…。奴らは夫を拷問にかけ、あの…あの木に吊るし上げたんです! FormID: 01016C3C 01LANinv 13LavBlueW 4 and then, before leaving, they set everything on fire... it was like hell... hell... __そして最後、去り際に火を放って行きました…。村じゅう全部燃やされました。まるで…地獄を見ているようでした。 FormID: 01016C3C 01LANinv 13LavBlueW 5 this was just a village of poor fishermen... we never harmed anybody... I really can't understand the reasons for such a hatred... such a violence... __ここはただの貧しい漁村でした…。誰にも迷惑をかけず暮らして来たのに…。どうして私達がこんな憎しみと暴力を受けなくてはならないのか、全然分かりません…。 FormID: 0101A9C8 01LANinv 19Ocato 0 So you did it! I could not believe general Vlarys when he said that he wanted to conquer the Imperial City and force me to sign his agreement... __何と言う事だ!!Vlarys将軍がImperial Cityへと侵攻し私に協定書への調印をさせると言った時はまさか本気にはしなかったのだが。 FormID: 0101A9C8 01LANinv 19Ocato 1 but apparently it's what has happened... I am impressed. So the long for freedom of the Dunmer came to this point. __だがこれが現実…。驚かざるを得ない。Dunmer達の自由への渇望がもたらした結果という事なのか。 FormID: 0101A9C8 01LANinv 19Ocato 2 Well, I suppose that there is no other way out for me but to sign his agreement... __ううむ…。私には協定書に調印する以外、選択肢が無いようだな。 FormID: 0101A9C8 01LANinv 19Ocato 3 but I still have a request: I want the Dunmer army to leave from Bruma. __だが、一つだけ条件を付けさせてもらう。Brumaに駐留しているDunmer軍を撤退させてくれ。 FormID: 0101B0A0 01LANinv 10follow2 0 Our general said that you can, we'll stay where you want us to stay and we'll follow if you ask us to. We'll fight at your side... __将軍はあなたになら任せられると仰っていました。あなたが命じれば我々はどこまでも付いて参りますし、待機せよと言うのならいつまでも待ちます。我々はあなたの剣となる覚悟であります。 FormID: 0101B0A0 01LANinv 10follow2 1 ... and in case we linger behind you have just to call us. __もしもはぐれてしまったならいつでもお呼び下さい。 FormID: 0101C525 01LANinv 102followme 0 Yes sir, I am right behind you. __イエス、サー。付いて参ります。 FormID: 0101C527 01LANinv 102waithere 0 No problem sir, I will stay here. __問題ございません、サー。ここで待機しております。 FormID: 0101C529 01LANinv 102repairyourgear 0 Yes sir, now everything is ok. __イエス、サー。兵装は準備万端です。 FormID: 01021E22 01LANinv 180GloomyCave 0 It's located just east of Cheydinhal, I mark it on your map. __洞窟はCheydinhalの東にある。地図に印を付けておこう。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 0 And so that lousy Wood Elf betrayed us? You can't even trust your elven blood anymore nowadays... __あの卑劣なwoodelfが裏切ったという事か?elfの同胞までも信用の置けぬ世相であるか…。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 1 but you did a good job! You never cease to please me and I must admit that I am impressed by your skills... anyway, let's go back to our plans now... __ともあれ、良くやってくれた!お前はいつも吉報を持ち帰ってくれるな。驚嘆すべき事だ。では作戦の話を続けようか…。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 10 be crafty and smart, never attack the camp openly, try to force small groups of soldiers to run after you in the surrounding wilderness... __緻密に、そして狡猾に事を進めるのだ。野営地への攻撃は隠密裏に行うように。少数精鋭で茂みの中を進み… FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 11 you should try to be sneaky, attack by night and use arrows if you can. There's nothing as silent, invisible and deadly as arrows in the darkness. __闇夜の中を人目に付かぬよう行け。可能であれば矢を用いた急襲も良かろう。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 12 you will have to engage in combat only small groups of enemies at a time, until the whole army will have been completely destroyed. __一度に相手にする敵の数を絞り込み、各個撃破を繰り返せ。敵は一人も生かしてはならぬ。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 13 Do this my friend and when you will be back we will be ready for the last step of our campaign. Now hurry up, we have no time to waste! __頼んだぞ、友よ。お前の凱旋を待って最後の作戦を決行するつもりだ。では行け。ぐずぐずしている時間は無い! FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 2 While you were away one of my spies reported something I was afraid it might happen... __お前が不在の間、斥候から憂慮すべき事態についての報告があった…。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 3 as soon as the count of Cheydinhal was informed about the fall of Bruma he decided to send a liberation army... __Brumaの陥落の報せを受けたCheydinhal伯爵が、すぐさま解放軍の派兵を決定したとの事だ。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 4 my scouts have seen the army camped halfway between Cheydinhal and Bruma... __また、CheydihnalとBrumaをつなぐ街道の途中に軍の野営地があるのを見たとも聞いた。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 5 this is quite a problem, since at present I don't have an army large enough to keep Bruma and battle with the Count's army at the same time yet... __真に憂慮すべき事態である。目下、我が軍はBrumaを防衛しつつ伯爵の軍勢と戦えるほど数で勝っておらぬ。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 6 and here is where your help, my friend, could turn out to be more precious than ever... __そこで、だ。友よ、お前の力を借りたい。この任務に当たっては最上級の用心をするように…。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 7 you have to go there, west of the Imperial City, on the road leading north from Fort Urasek, and destroy that army with your men for me. __Imperial City西のFort Urasekへと続く道沿いだ。現地へ向かい、配下の兵と共に敵軍を殲滅せよ。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 8 I'll mark the location of the enemy camp on your map, here... this is the place where my scouts saw that army last time. __野営地の場所をお前の地図に書き込んでおこう。…と、この場所だな。 FormID: 01021E24 01LANinv 180welldone 9 but be careful, your men will never survive a pitched battle, the army from Cheydinhal is way too large for the few soldiers you have... __だが心せよ。正面衝突ではこちらに分が無い。少ない兵でCheydinhalの大軍勢に立ち向かうのは無謀だ。 FormID: 01022090 01LANinv 180Iwaswaiting 0 Yes, of course... I was waiting for you actually... just follow me, I will lead you to my boss. __ええ、もちろん…。お待ちしておりましたとも…。首領の所まで案内します。ついて来て下さい。 FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 0 Vlarys? Oh, sure... Vlarys! Now I remember... __Vlarysですか?ああ…Vlarysですね!思い出しましたよ…。 FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 1 How could I forget such a nice Dunmer! General Vlarys even paid in advance in order to make me hurry up... __あれほど紳士なDunmerを忘れるなんて、私もどうかしてましたよ!Vlarys将軍は私を急かして代金を前払いしてくれたのでした。 FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 2 Your weapons are in that crate... right there... the one with the skooma vials on top. Ghastly Tim always leaves his stuff all over the place... __武器はそこの木箱の中に入っています。そうです。そのskoomaの小瓶が乗っかってる箱…。Ghastly Timがいつもの癖で置いていったのですね…。 FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 3 he will never learn... by the way are you interested in buying some skooma too? __困った奴ですよ…。ところで、あなたもskoomaなどにご興味はありませんか? FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 4 I am just kidding! Don't get touchy! I know that people like you are not interested in this stuff... __ただの冗談ですよ!そんなに怒らないで!あなた方みたいな種類の人達がこういう物を好まないのは知ってますから…。 FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 5 but let's stick to our topic... the weapons for the glorious army of Morrowind... __ところで、商談を続けましょうか。栄えあるMorrowind軍の方々が使うはずであった武器の事です…。 FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 6 Your boss paid a lot of money for those irons... and unfortunately someone else paid me even more to have the same weapons and... __あなたの上官は大金を支払ってくれましたが、残念ながらもっと払いの良いお客が見つかりましてね…。 FormID: 010220A8 01LANinv 180givemeweap 7 ... and you! The Imperial Legion did not like much the trick you played in Bruma. Sorry pal. Business is business... __それに、あなたの事も知っていますよ!Imperial LegionはあなたのBrumaでの行ないを許さないでしょう。悪く思わないで下さい。これが商売という物なのです…。 FormID: 010249C7 01LANinv 16surrender 0 Who are you?? __誰だ? FormID: 0102B058 01LANinv 11claymore 0 So be it, here is you claymore soldier. Now go to Greystone and be back as soon as possible! __好きにするがいい。これがお前のclaymoreだ。すぐにGreystoneに向かい、可能な限り早く帰還せよ! FormID: 0102B05A 01LANinv 11longsword 0 Here you have them soldier. Now go to Greystone and be back as soon as possible! __これを持って行け。すぐにGreystoneに向かい、可能な限り早く帰還せよ! FormID: 0102B05C 01LANinv 11bowanddagger 0 Fine, here they are soldier, I also give you 100 arrows. Now go to Greystone and be back as soon as possible! __宜しい。これを持って行け。ついでに矢も100本やる。すぐにGreystoneに向かい、可能な限り早く帰還せよ! FormID: 0102B05E 01LANinv 11battleaxe 0 So be it, here you have your battleaxe soldier. Now go to Greystone and be back as soon as possible! __好きにするがいい。これがお前のbattleaxeだ。すぐにGreystoneに向かい、可能な限り早く帰還せよ! FormID: 01043DC7 01LANinv 181CheidDestr 0 Well done captain! I knew that you could not fail. And now that also that problem is solved and that I finally have all my soldiers gathered... __よくやったぞ!Captain。お前ならきっと成功すると信じていたよ。これで喉に引っかかった小骨が取れた。さあ、最後の戦いの為、全軍を結集しよう。 FormID: 01043DC7 01LANinv 181CheidDestr 1 we can move to the final step of our campaign: let's go to the Imperial City... __これが最後の作戦になる。今こそImperial Cityへ攻め入る時。 FormID: 01043DC7 01LANinv 181CheidDestr 2 ... I already have my men waiting for me there. See you at the south gate, I will give you further instructions once we are there. __…我が軍はすでに決戦の地に結集しており、私の指示を待っている。帝都の南門で再会しよう。作戦の詳細はその場で説明する。