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FormID: 010078B6 01LANinv GREETING 0 Who are you?? __何者だ!? FormID: 010078B7 01LANinv 01kill 0 The hero of the Empire?? Well, I guess you are proud of yourself and your deeds then... __帝国の英雄だと?フム。自信が態度に表れているな。だが、お前は此処に辿り着くまでに何をした? FormID: 010078B7 01LANinv 01kill 1 You killed my men and probably you don't even know why! Do you know why we are here? __そうだ。お前は私の部下を殺した。何の事情も知らぬままにな!我々がここに拠点を置いている意味を理解しているのか? FormID: 010078BB 01LANinv 02yesIknow 0 Revenge you say? That sounds like a childish whim! We are not taking any revenge, [QUOTE]hero[QUOTE]... __復讐だと?子供じみた物言いはよせ!これは断じて復讐などではないのだ。[QUOTE]英雄殿[QUOTE]…。 FormID: 010078BB 01LANinv 02yesIknow 1 we are risking our lives to make of Morrowind a free country again! The Imperials occupied our land with brute force and now... __我々はMorrowindに自由を奪還すべく命を賭して戦う!Imperialどもが故郷の地を蹂躙し暴虐の限りを尽くす限りそれは止まぬこと…。 FormID: 010078BB 01LANinv 02yesIknow 2 ...now that the Emperor is dead we want it back! They stole our land, they stole our goods and they stole our freedom! __皇帝が倒れた今こそが好機!奴らに奪われた土地を、家財を、そして自由を取り戻すのだ! FormID: 010078BB 01LANinv 02yesIknow 3 Our children are forced to grow up in a country whose traditions are fading and where nobody dares to call himself a Dunmer anymore... __もはや民族の美風は廃れ、己が身のDunmerの血を堂々と誇るだけの気概を持ち合わせた者もおらぬ。我が子らに残すべきはこのような故郷であったか? FormID: 010078BB 01LANinv 02yesIknow 4 ...as if doing so would make them inferior to the Imperials! We are here to get our freedom and our dignity back! __子らは親の背中を眺め、Imperialへの追従を宿命と受け取るやもしれぬ。だからこそ自由と尊厳を取り戻す為に戦わねばならぬのだ! FormID: 010078BB 01LANinv 02yesIknow 5 You may not understand and I would not be surprised, but if you still want to stop us then you have to kill me! __お前には理解出来ない事かも知れぬ。それも無理はないだろう。だがどうしても我々を止めたいと言うならば、私を倒してみよ! FormID: 010078BE 01LANinv 03noIchanged 0 Well then, I guess that perhaps we can fight together, but I cannot trust you completely yet. __良かろう。我々は共に戦う事が出来るのかも知れぬな。だが、まだお前の事を完全に信用するわけには行かない。 FormID: 010078BE 01LANinv 03noIchanged 1 In order to prove you are sincere I need you to bring me five helmets of the Imperial Legion. __誠意の証として、Imperial Legionの兜を5つ持って来い。 FormID: 010078BE 01LANinv 03noIchanged 2 You cannot get those in markets, so you'll have to kill five Legion riders in order to get them. My soldiers will escort you in this endeavor... __勿論、店で買えるような物ではない。Legionの騎兵を5人殺さねば入手は不可能だ。任務に当たっては私の部下を同行させよう。 FormID: 010078BE 01LANinv 03noIchanged 3 unless you changed your mind again... __ゆめゆめ二心を抱く事の無いようにな…。 FormID: 010078C0 01LANinv 04troops 0 It seems that a new platoon has just arrived from Morrowind... good. More soldiers are to arrive... __Morrowindから増援の小隊が到着したようだな。これで命を落とす兵が一人でも減れば、実に喜ばしい事だ。 FormID: 010078C0 01LANinv 04troops 1 If you talk to these soldiers you can ask them to follow you anywhere you wish. I want you to set on fire all this darn country! __兵達に言えば、彼等はどこまでもお前に付き添うだろう。だが気を付けろ!我々にとってこの国で安全な場所など何処にも無いのだ。 FormID: 010078C1 01LANinv 01preparetodie 0 May Vivec have mercy of your soul! __死んでVivecの加護に感謝するがいい!! FormID: 010078C2 01LANinv 02nodontcare 0 At first I thought there was a sparkle of intelligence in you... but I was wrong. Prepare to die miserable servant of the Empire! __お前に少しでも理知を期待した私が愚かであった。死ぬが良い!帝国の犬め! FormID: 010078C3 01LANinv 02notellme 0 We are here to make of Morrowind a free country again! The Imperials occupied our land with brute force and now... __我々はMorrowindに再び自由を取り戻すために戦う!Imperialどもは土地を奪い暴虐の限りを尽くした。そして… FormID: 010078C3 01LANinv 02notellme 1 ...now that the Emperor is dead we want it back! They stole our land, they stole our goods and they stole our freedom! __いま皇帝が倒れ、時が訪れた。奴らに奪われた土地を、家財を、そして自由を取り戻すのだ! FormID: 010078C3 01LANinv 02notellme 2 Our children are forced to grow up in a country whose traditions are fading and where nobody dares to call himself a Dunmer anymore... __もはや民族の美風は廃れ、己が身のDunmerの血を堂々と誇るだけの気概を持ち合わせた者もおらぬ。我が子らに残すべきはこのような故郷であったか? FormID: 010078C3 01LANinv 02notellme 3 ...as if doing so would make them inferior to the Imperials! We are here to get our freedom and our dignity back! __子らは親の背中を眺め、Imperialへの追従を宿命と受け取るやもしれぬ。だからこそ自由と尊厳を取り戻す為に戦わねばならぬのだ! FormID: 010078C3 01LANinv 02notellme 4 You may not understand and I would not be surprised, but if you still want to stop us then you have to kill me! __お前には理解出来ない事かも知れぬ。それも無理はないだろう。だがどうしても我々を止めたいと言うならば、私を倒してみよ! FormID: 010078C7 01LANinv 05wait 0 Well, either you are the worst coward ever or you are sincere... you don't look like a coward though... __ううむ。お前は余程臆病なのか、それともただ誠実なのか…。少なくとも私には臆病者には見えぬ…。 FormID: 010078C7 01LANinv 05wait 1 ...especially considering that you managed to get up to this place. Ok, I will give you an opportunity to fight at my side... __ましてや此処まで自力で辿り着いたのだからな。ふむ、宜しい。ではお前に選択肢を与えよう。我が軍に加勢し戦ってみないか? FormID: 010078C7 01LANinv 05wait 2 but I cannot trust you completely yet, in order to prove you are sincere I need you to bring me five helmets of the Imperial Legion. __だが、まだお前の事を完全に信用するわけには行かない。誠意の証として、Imperial Legionの兜を5つ持って来い。 FormID: 010078C7 01LANinv 05wait 3 You cannot get those in markets, so you'll have to kill five Imperial Legion riders in order to get them. __勿論、店で買えるような物ではない。Legionの騎兵を5人殺さねば入手は不可能だ。任務に当たっては私の部下を同行させよう。 FormID: 010078C7 01LANinv 05wait 4 My soldiers will escort you in this endeavor... unless you changed your mind again... __任務に当たっては私の部下を同行させよう。ゆめゆめ二心を抱く事の無いようにな…。 FormID: 010078C9 01LANinv 05ifsothenfight 0 May Vivec have mercy of your soul!! __死んでVivecの加護に感謝するがいい!! FormID: 010078CC 01LANinv 06Ididnotknow 0 Let me see... mmm... well then I guess we can fight together, but I cannot trust you completely yet... __ううむ…。我々は共に戦う事が出来るのかも知れぬな。だが、まだお前の事を完全に信用するわけには行かない。 FormID: 010078CC 01LANinv 06Ididnotknow 1 in order to prove you are sincere I need you to bring me five helmets of the Imperial Legion. __誠意の証として、Imperial Legionの兜を5つ持って来い。 FormID: 010078CC 01LANinv 06Ididnotknow 2 You cannot get those in markets, so you'll have to kill five Legion riders in order to get them. My soldiers will escort you in this endeavor... __勿論、店で買えるような物ではない。Legionの騎兵を5人殺さねば入手は不可能だ。任務に当たっては私の部下を同行させよう。 FormID: 010078CC 01LANinv 06Ididnotknow 3 unless you changed your mind again... __ゆめゆめ二心を抱く事の無いようにな…。 FormID: 010078CF 01LANinv 07mistake 0 A mistake?! What do you mean? __間違いだと!?どういう事だ? FormID: 010078D1 01LANinv 07warneverjust 0 What should I do then?? Wait for the next oppressor of Morrowind to sit on that bloody throne in the Imperial City?! __ならばどうせよと言うのだ?Imperial Cityの玉座に新たな支配者が座り、Morrowindを迫害するようになるまで黙って待っていれば良いと言うのか? FormID: 010078D1 01LANinv 07warneverjust 1 Free to play with the lives of my people like the previous Emperor did? I am not going to tolerate that... __亡き皇帝が我々に対して行ったように、命を弄ぶ様子を指を咥えて見ていろと?我々はそこまで寛容ではないぞ…。 FormID: 010078D1 01LANinv 07warneverjust 2 now we have an opportunity to take back our country and there is nothing, NOTHING that will stop me from doing that! __加えて今は絶好の好機。何人たりとも故国を取り戻す我等が戦いを止める事は出来ぬ。 FormID: 010078D4 01LANinv 08diplomacy 0 Diplomacy you say?? Do you really think we did not try that card yet? The Imperials are all the same... __交渉の席に着けだと?そんなカードはとうの昔に切っているわ。Imperialsの言う事はいつもそうだ…。 FormID: 010078D4 01LANinv 08diplomacy 1 when it comes to conquer other countries they just don't care about the rights of the subdued people. You are so naive... __征服者が抑圧された人々を気に掛ける事など無いのだ。お前は少し思慮に欠けるようだな…。 FormID: 010078D6 01LANinv 09blood 0 ...You might be right... but it's also the coin used by countries to pay for their freedom! __お前の言葉が正しいのかも知れない…。しかし自由を取り戻す為に戦わぬ国がどこにあろうか! FormID: 010078D8 01LANinv 09innocent 0 I... I... would kill everybody who'll try to stop me! I will kill every Imperial soldier that will step in front of me!! __私…私は行く手を遮る敵であれば誰であっても殺す覚悟がある!どれだけ帝国軍兵士が立ち塞がろうとも打ち倒してみせる! FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 0 ... They will just try to protect their people you say?? They... They... __何だと…?奴らは市民を守ろうとしているだけだと?そうか…彼等も我々と同様…。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 1 Oh, darn!! Perhaps you are right... __嗚呼!!確かにお前の言う通りだ…。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 10 Tomorrow I will leave this country with all of my army and head back to Morrowind. I just hope it's not too late! __明日には軍勢を率いてMorrowindに帰還しよう。もう手遅れでなければ良いが。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 11 Thanks for opening my eyes stranger and farewell! __見知らぬ人よ。貴方のおかげで気付かされた、感謝する。ではさらばだ! FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 2 what a mistake I have made! I realize only now that I should have never come here with my troops... __私は何という事をしてしまったのだ!我が軍勢を率いてここにやって来たのは間違いであったか…。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 3 they are here to fight and die for the freedom of their country, but the people living here perhaps do not even know about our problems... __私の部下達は故国の解放のため死ぬ覚悟でここに居る。しかし周囲の一般市民はおそらく何の事情も知るまい…。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 4 they would just fight back to protect themselves and their families. And they would die for that... __彼らはきっと自分と自分の家族を守る為に戦い、そして死んでいくだろう…。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 5 innocent people would die, when the real responsible for the suffering of Morrowind... __無実の市民が犠牲になる。Morrowindの苦難の元凶。それは… FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 6 the politicians, would probably flee to some safe place and stay there, hidden from the tides of war until a winner would rise... __それは為政者たちだ。しかし奴等は安全な場所に避難し、勝敗が決するまで出て来ないだろう。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 7 from a sea of innocent blood... __そしてその頃までには夥しい数の無実の人々が流血を強いられる…。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 8 I cannot allow this to happen... I made a mistake, I recognize that only now. __否。それだけは避けねばならぬ。これは過ちであった。やっと分かった。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 9 I will give the new Emperor a chance to redemption, I will let the new generation an opportunity to fix the mistakes of their fathers. __次の皇帝に償いの機会を与える事にしよう。私たち親がお互いに犯した過ちの修復は次の世代の子らに託そうと思う。 FormID: 01007FB9 01LANinv 10followme 0 Sure, I am right behind you. __了解。付いて参ります。 FormID: 01007FBA 01LANinv 10waithere 0 Yes, but don't be too long. __分かりました。お早いお戻りを待っております。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 0 I am impressed soldier... apparently you were sincere. Well, then I will let you fight at my side for the freedom of Morrowind. __見事だ。お前の本気を見せてもらったぞ。Morrowind解放の為、共に戦おうではないか。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 1 Here is your armor. Your first mission is to go to a nearby village with the troops I gave you and burn it to the ground. __お前の為に兵装一式を用意してある。使うがいい。では第一の任務として、近隣の村への焼き討ちを命ずる。我が兵を連れて行け。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 2 The name of the village is Greystone. There lives a community of Imperials, it's located just north of the Imperial City and you cannot miss it... __村の名前はGreystone。Imperial Cityの北に位置するImperialの集落だ。場所はすぐに分かるだろう。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 3 ... but I mark it on your map nonetheless, just to be sure. __だが念の為、地図に印を付けておく。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 4 It's time to show Chancellor Ocato that we are here and that we are not kidding. One of my Captains is already out for a similar task. __Ocato首相に我々の存在と、これが遊びではない事を知らしめるのだ。とあるCaptainも似たような任務に就いているところだ。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 5 Do not disappoint me and when you will have killed everybody there come back here immediately. __住民は皆殺しだ。終わったら速やかに戻って来い。くれぐれも私を落胆させる事の無いようにな。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 6 By the way... here is the key to the trap door that is beyond the draw bridge, now that you proved trustworthy you can have it. __あと、これは跳ね橋を渡った先にある跳ね上げ扉を開ける鍵だ。お前を信頼してこれを預けよう。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 7 I can also give you our weapons now, they are far better than any weapon made here in Cyrodill... which would you like? __武器の用意もある。Cyrodiilの何処で作られた武器よりも強力だ。…それでどの武器を使うのか? FormID: 0100A997 01LANinv 12Icantkillinno 0 You can't, eh? Well, I knew that I could not trust you... you leave me with only one option then, I can't allow you to spoil all my plans... __出来ない、だと?やはりお前は信用ならない人間だったか。計画を台無しにされてはたまらぬからな。もはや取るべき道は一つ! FormID: 0100A997 01LANinv 12Icantkillinno 1 You have to die! __死ね! FormID: 0100A999 01LANinv 12Ikilledeveryone 0 Well, apparently you had the gut to complete also this task. But I see you are disconcerted... __お前はこの任務の達成を通し、勇気を証明してくれた。しかし落ち着かなそうに見えるな…。 FormID: 0100A99B 01LANinv 12notusedto 0 I see your point, it's been like that for every new recruit I had. It's always hard the first time... __気持ちはよく分かる。これまで私が取りたてた部下達の誰もが、最初はつらい思いをしたものだ。 FormID: 0100A99B 01LANinv 12notusedto 1 ... but you have to see beyond the immediate aspects of war... you have to focus on the larger plot... __しかしお前は闘争における大局というものを理解しなければならない…。 FormID: 0100A99B 01LANinv 12notusedto 2 Consider the death of those innocent people as a necessary sacrifice for the good outcome of all our efforts. __罪無き人々の死も、我々の勝利の為に不可欠な犠牲だと考えよ。 FormID: 0100A99B 01LANinv 12notusedto 3 You kill a small number of people today to save a larger number tomorrow. __小を殺して大を生かす。そう言う事だ。 FormID: 0100A99D 01LANinv 12wontdoitagain 0 Fine... I will not ask you to. You have already earned my trust and I think we are ready for a bigger step... __宜しい。だが安心しろ。二度と同じ命令を下すことはない。お前は十分に信頼を得た。そして次にはもっと大きな作戦が待っている…。 FormID: 0100A99F 01LANinv 12wwhatdoyoumean 0 This time your opponents will be professional soldiers. We are going to lay siege on Bruma. Yes, you understood correctly... __今度は本物の兵士と戦わねばならない。Bruma侵攻作戦だ。 FormID: 0100A99F 01LANinv 12wwhatdoyoumean 1 My men are already out there, in front of the north gate, but they need your help. Go there with your troops and talk to Captain Hlaalu... __現地で仲間がお前の到着を待っている。Bruma北門前だ。部下を引き連れ現地へ赴き、Captain Hlaaluと話をしてくれ。 FormID: 0100A99F 01LANinv 12wwhatdoyoumean 2 he will explain the battle plans in detail. Now leave me alone, I have to figure out our next moves. __作戦の詳細は彼から説明がある。さあ行け。私はここで次の作戦を練りつつ待っている。 FormID: 0100A9A1 01LANinv 13bluewaters 0 Yes... that was the name of that small village of fishermen... I was ordered by general Vlarys to burn it down. __そうだ…。あれは小さな漁村だった。私はVlarys将軍の指揮下でその村を焼き討ちしたのだ。 FormID: 0100A9A3 01LANinv 13lostcontrol 0 Lost control you say? Well... I admit that I let too much freedom to my men when dealing with those Imperials... __指揮が混乱した、だと?部下達が帝国軍と対峙する際、好き放題を許し過ぎたかも知れぬな。 FormID: 0100A9A3 01LANinv 13lostcontrol 1 but you should have been there to fully understand... my soldiers were like possessed by demons... __だがお前も実際にその目で見て分かっただろう。我が軍の兵は、帝国軍を一目見るなり… FormID: 0100A9A3 01LANinv 13lostcontrol 2 when they saw those Imperials all their rage exploded at once, they did not see harmless civilians standing in front of them... __闘志をたぎらせ、さながら悪鬼のごとく死力を尽くして戦うのだ。無害な市民の姿など目に入らぬ…。 FormID: 0100A9A3 01LANinv 13lostcontrol 3 they saw representatives of the Empire, the same Empire whose oppressive government scourged our land! __誰もが、故国に圧政を敷いた帝国の代表だ。 FormID: 0100A9A3 01LANinv 13lostcontrol 4 I could not do anything to stop them... anything. __私には、彼らを止める事などいっさい出来なかった。 FormID: 0100A9A5 01LANinv 13weavoidthathere 0 Yes, this time it will be different, do not worry. I will keep better control on my men, I promise. __ああ。今回はそうはならないだろう。心配無用だ。部下達にはよく言っておく。約束しよう。 FormID: 0100B317 01LANinv 14saveGreystone1 0 What?? And Why? __何だと??なぜだ? FormID: 0100B319 01LANinv 14saveGreys2 0 Will you kill us like the people who lived in Bluewaters? __お前はBluewatersの人々同様、我々も皆殺しにしようと言うのか? FormID: 0100B31B 01LANinv 14saveGreys3 0 Ok, I will talk to the others and I'll try to convince them that if we stay here we risk our lives. But why should we hide? __分かった。他の者にも話し、ここに居ては危険だと知らせよう。しかし我々はどこに避難すれば良いのだ? FormID: 0100B31D 01LANinv 14saveGreys4 0 Fine then, I can't fully understand why you are doing this, but in any case I thank you. __了解した。お前がどうしてこんな事をしたのかようやく分かったぞ。ともあれ感謝する。 FormID: 0100B31F 01LANinv 14dieimp 0 I see no mercy in your eyes... but I will not die without fighting! __[QUOTE]容赦しない[QUOTE]という目をしているな…。だが私とて戦いもせず死にはせん! FormID: 0100B326 01LANinv 15Ianheretohelp 0 At last you came!! We have been waiting for you! There is no time to waste, we have been keeping the north gate of Bruma for hours now... __ようやくおいでになりましたか!お待ちしていました!しかし時間がありません。現在私たちはBruma北門を数時間かけて攻略しています。 FormID: 0100B326 01LANinv 15Ianheretohelp 1 no soldiers dared to exit so far, but I suspect that they are planning to attack us from the east gate. __今のところ、外に出撃する兵士はおりません。しかし東門からの攻撃には警戒しなければならないと考えています。 FormID: 0100B326 01LANinv 15Ianheretohelp 2 We must precede them. Bring your men in town from the east gate while we keep them distracted here. __ですから、先手を打たねばなりません。私達がここで敵を惹き付けている間、あなたは部下達と一緒に東門から街に侵入してください。 FormID: 0100B326 01LANinv 15Ianheretohelp 3 Once you are inside head to the castle. You have to catch the Countess and force her to surrender and give you the key to the town. __街に入ったら城を目指し、女伯を捕らえ降伏と城門の鍵の受け渡しを勧告してください。 FormID: 0100B326 01LANinv 15Ianheretohelp 4 Consider that she might also be hiding in her quarters, in that case you will need some of these lockpicks... __彼女は私室に隠れているかもしれません。その場合はこのlockpicksをお使いになってください。
FormID: 010078B6 01LANinv GREETING 0 Who are you?? __何者だ!? FormID: 010078B7 01LANinv 01kill 0 The hero of the Empire?? Well, I guess you are proud of yourself and your deeds then... __帝国の英雄だと?フム。自信が態度に表れているな。だが、お前は此処に辿り着くまでに何をした? FormID: 010078B7 01LANinv 01kill 1 You killed my men and probably you don't even know why! Do you know why we are here? __そうだ。お前は私の部下を殺した。何の事情も知らぬままにな!我々がここに拠点を置いている意味を理解しているのか? FormID: 010078BB 01LANinv 02yesIknow 0 Revenge you say? That sounds like a childish whim! We are not taking any revenge, [QUOTE]hero[QUOTE]... __復讐だと?子供じみた物言いはよせ!これは断じて復讐などではないのだ。[QUOTE]英雄殿[QUOTE]…。 FormID: 010078BB 01LANinv 02yesIknow 1 we are risking our lives to make of Morrowind a free country again! The Imperials occupied our land with brute force and now... __我々はMorrowindに自由を奪還すべく命を賭して戦う!Imperialどもが故郷の地を蹂躙し暴虐の限りを尽くす限りそれは止まぬこと…。 FormID: 010078BB 01LANinv 02yesIknow 2 ...now that the Emperor is dead we want it back! They stole our land, they stole our goods and they stole our freedom! __皇帝が倒れた今こそが好機!奴らに奪われた土地を、家財を、そして自由を取り戻すのだ! FormID: 010078BB 01LANinv 02yesIknow 3 Our children are forced to grow up in a country whose traditions are fading and where nobody dares to call himself a Dunmer anymore... __もはや民族の美風は廃れ、己が身のDunmerの血を堂々と誇るだけの気概を持ち合わせた者もおらぬ。我が子らに残すべきはこのような故郷であったか? FormID: 010078BB 01LANinv 02yesIknow 4 ...as if doing so would make them inferior to the Imperials! We are here to get our freedom and our dignity back! __子らは親の背中を眺め、Imperialへの追従を宿命と受け取るやもしれぬ。だからこそ自由と尊厳を取り戻す為に戦わねばならぬのだ! FormID: 010078BB 01LANinv 02yesIknow 5 You may not understand and I would not be surprised, but if you still want to stop us then you have to kill me! __お前には理解出来ない事かも知れぬ。それも無理はないだろう。だがどうしても我々を止めたいと言うならば、私を倒してみよ! FormID: 010078BE 01LANinv 03noIchanged 0 Well then, I guess that perhaps we can fight together, but I cannot trust you completely yet. __良かろう。我々は共に戦う事が出来るのかも知れぬな。だが、まだお前の事を完全に信用するわけには行かない。 FormID: 010078BE 01LANinv 03noIchanged 1 In order to prove you are sincere I need you to bring me five helmets of the Imperial Legion. __誠意の証として、Imperial Legionの兜を5つ持って来い。 FormID: 010078BE 01LANinv 03noIchanged 2 You cannot get those in markets, so you'll have to kill five Legion riders in order to get them. My soldiers will escort you in this endeavor... __勿論、店で買えるような物ではない。Legionの騎兵を5人殺さねば入手は不可能だ。任務に当たっては私の部下を同行させよう。 FormID: 010078BE 01LANinv 03noIchanged 3 unless you changed your mind again... __ゆめゆめ二心を抱く事の無いようにな…。 FormID: 010078C0 01LANinv 04troops 0 It seems that a new platoon has just arrived from Morrowind... good. More soldiers are to arrive... __Morrowindから増援の小隊が到着したようだな。これで命を落とす兵が一人でも減れば、実に喜ばしい事だ。 FormID: 010078C0 01LANinv 04troops 1 If you talk to these soldiers you can ask them to follow you anywhere you wish. I want you to set on fire all this darn country! __兵達に言えば、彼等はどこまでもお前に付き添うだろう。だが気を付けろ!我々にとってこの国で安全な場所など何処にも無いのだ。 FormID: 010078C1 01LANinv 01preparetodie 0 May Vivec have mercy of your soul! __死んでVivecの加護に感謝するがいい!! FormID: 010078C2 01LANinv 02nodontcare 0 At first I thought there was a sparkle of intelligence in you... but I was wrong. Prepare to die miserable servant of the Empire! __お前に少しでも理知を期待した私が愚かであった。死ぬが良い!帝国の犬め! FormID: 010078C3 01LANinv 02notellme 0 We are here to make of Morrowind a free country again! The Imperials occupied our land with brute force and now... __我々はMorrowindに再び自由を取り戻すために戦う!Imperialどもは土地を奪い暴虐の限りを尽くした。そして… FormID: 010078C3 01LANinv 02notellme 1 ...now that the Emperor is dead we want it back! They stole our land, they stole our goods and they stole our freedom! __いま皇帝が倒れ、時が訪れた。奴らに奪われた土地を、家財を、そして自由を取り戻すのだ! FormID: 010078C3 01LANinv 02notellme 2 Our children are forced to grow up in a country whose traditions are fading and where nobody dares to call himself a Dunmer anymore... __もはや民族の美風は廃れ、己が身のDunmerの血を堂々と誇るだけの気概を持ち合わせた者もおらぬ。我が子らに残すべきはこのような故郷であったか? FormID: 010078C3 01LANinv 02notellme 3 ...as if doing so would make them inferior to the Imperials! We are here to get our freedom and our dignity back! __子らは親の背中を眺め、Imperialへの追従を宿命と受け取るやもしれぬ。だからこそ自由と尊厳を取り戻す為に戦わねばならぬのだ! FormID: 010078C3 01LANinv 02notellme 4 You may not understand and I would not be surprised, but if you still want to stop us then you have to kill me! __お前には理解出来ない事かも知れぬ。それも無理はないだろう。だがどうしても我々を止めたいと言うならば、私を倒してみよ! FormID: 010078C7 01LANinv 05wait 0 Well, either you are the worst coward ever or you are sincere... you don't look like a coward though... __ううむ。お前は余程臆病なのか、それともただ誠実なのか…。少なくとも私には臆病者には見えぬ…。 FormID: 010078C7 01LANinv 05wait 1 ...especially considering that you managed to get up to this place. Ok, I will give you an opportunity to fight at my side... __ましてや此処まで自力で辿り着いたのだからな。ふむ、宜しい。ではお前に選択肢を与えよう。我が軍に加勢し戦ってみないか? FormID: 010078C7 01LANinv 05wait 2 but I cannot trust you completely yet, in order to prove you are sincere I need you to bring me five helmets of the Imperial Legion. __だが、まだお前の事を完全に信用するわけには行かない。誠意の証として、Imperial Legionの兜を5つ持って来い。 FormID: 010078C7 01LANinv 05wait 3 You cannot get those in markets, so you'll have to kill five Imperial Legion riders in order to get them. __勿論、店で買えるような物ではない。Legionの騎兵を5人殺さねば入手は不可能だ。任務に当たっては私の部下を同行させよう。 FormID: 010078C7 01LANinv 05wait 4 My soldiers will escort you in this endeavor... unless you changed your mind again... __任務に当たっては私の部下を同行させよう。ゆめゆめ二心を抱く事の無いようにな…。 FormID: 010078C9 01LANinv 05ifsothenfight 0 May Vivec have mercy of your soul!! __死んでVivecの加護に感謝するがいい!! FormID: 010078CC 01LANinv 06Ididnotknow 0 Let me see... mmm... well then I guess we can fight together, but I cannot trust you completely yet... __ううむ…。我々は共に戦う事が出来るのかも知れぬな。だが、まだお前の事を完全に信用するわけには行かない。 FormID: 010078CC 01LANinv 06Ididnotknow 1 in order to prove you are sincere I need you to bring me five helmets of the Imperial Legion. __誠意の証として、Imperial Legionの兜を5つ持って来い。 FormID: 010078CC 01LANinv 06Ididnotknow 2 You cannot get those in markets, so you'll have to kill five Legion riders in order to get them. My soldiers will escort you in this endeavor... __勿論、店で買えるような物ではない。Legionの騎兵を5人殺さねば入手は不可能だ。任務に当たっては私の部下を同行させよう。 FormID: 010078CC 01LANinv 06Ididnotknow 3 unless you changed your mind again... __ゆめゆめ二心を抱く事の無いようにな…。 FormID: 010078CF 01LANinv 07mistake 0 A mistake?! What do you mean? __間違いだと!?どういう事だ? FormID: 010078D1 01LANinv 07warneverjust 0 What should I do then?? Wait for the next oppressor of Morrowind to sit on that bloody throne in the Imperial City?! __ならばどうせよと言うのだ?Imperial Cityの玉座に新たな支配者が座り、Morrowindを迫害するようになるまで黙って待っていれば良いと言うのか? FormID: 010078D1 01LANinv 07warneverjust 1 Free to play with the lives of my people like the previous Emperor did? I am not going to tolerate that... __亡き皇帝が我々に対して行ったように、命を弄ぶ様子を指を咥えて見ていろと?我々はそこまで寛容ではないぞ…。 FormID: 010078D1 01LANinv 07warneverjust 2 now we have an opportunity to take back our country and there is nothing, NOTHING that will stop me from doing that! __加えて今は絶好の好機。何人たりとも故国を取り戻す我等が戦いを止める事は出来ぬ。 FormID: 010078D4 01LANinv 08diplomacy 0 Diplomacy you say?? Do you really think we did not try that card yet? The Imperials are all the same... __交渉の席に着けだと?そんなカードはとうの昔に切っているわ。Imperialsの言う事はいつもそうだ…。 FormID: 010078D4 01LANinv 08diplomacy 1 when it comes to conquer other countries they just don't care about the rights of the subdued people. You are so naive... __征服者が抑圧された人々を気に掛ける事など無いのだ。お前は少し思慮に欠けるようだな…。 FormID: 010078D6 01LANinv 09blood 0 ...You might be right... but it's also the coin used by countries to pay for their freedom! __お前の言葉が正しいのかも知れない…。しかし自由を取り戻す為に戦わぬ国がどこにあろうか! FormID: 010078D8 01LANinv 09innocent 0 I... I... would kill everybody who'll try to stop me! I will kill every Imperial soldier that will step in front of me!! __私…私は行く手を遮る敵であれば誰であっても殺す覚悟がある!どれだけ帝国軍兵士が立ち塞がろうとも打ち倒してみせる! FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 0 ... They will just try to protect their people you say?? They... They... __何だと…?奴らは市民を守ろうとしているだけだと?そうか…彼等も我々と同様…。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 1 Oh, darn!! Perhaps you are right... __嗚呼!!確かにお前の言う通りだ…。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 10 Tomorrow I will leave this country with all of my army and head back to Morrowind. I just hope it's not too late! __明日には軍勢を率いてMorrowindに帰還しよう。もう手遅れでなければ良いが。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 11 Thanks for opening my eyes stranger and farewell! __見知らぬ人よ。貴方のおかげで気付かされた、感謝する。ではさらばだ! FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 2 what a mistake I have made! I realize only now that I should have never come here with my troops... __私は何という事をしてしまったのだ!我が軍勢を率いてここにやって来たのは間違いであったか…。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 3 they are here to fight and die for the freedom of their country, but the people living here perhaps do not even know about our problems... __私の部下達は故国の解放のため死ぬ覚悟でここに居る。しかし周囲の一般市民はおそらく何の事情も知るまい…。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 4 they would just fight back to protect themselves and their families. And they would die for that... __彼らはきっと自分と自分の家族を守る為に戦い、そして死んでいくだろう…。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 5 innocent people would die, when the real responsible for the suffering of Morrowind... __無実の市民が犠牲になる。Morrowindの苦難の元凶。それは… FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 6 the politicians, would probably flee to some safe place and stay there, hidden from the tides of war until a winner would rise... __それは為政者たちだ。しかし奴等は安全な場所に避難し、勝敗が決するまで出て来ないだろう。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 7 from a sea of innocent blood... __そしてその頃までには夥しい数の無実の人々が流血を強いられる…。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 8 I cannot allow this to happen... I made a mistake, I recognize that only now. __否。それだけは避けねばならぬ。これは過ちであった。やっと分かった。 FormID: 010078DB 01LANinv 09soldiers 9 I will give the new Emperor a chance to redemption, I will let the new generation an opportunity to fix the mistakes of their fathers. __次の皇帝に償いの機会を与える事にしよう。私たち親がお互いに犯した過ちの修復は次の世代の子らに託そうと思う。 FormID: 01007FB9 01LANinv 10followme 0 Sure, I am right behind you. __了解。付いて参ります。 FormID: 01007FBA 01LANinv 10waithere 0 Yes, but don't be too long. __分かりました。お早いお戻りを待っております。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 0 I am impressed soldier... apparently you were sincere. Well, then I will let you fight at my side for the freedom of Morrowind. __見事だ。お前の本気を見せてもらったぞ。Morrowind解放の為、共に戦おうではないか。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 1 Here is your armor. Your first mission is to go to a nearby village with the troops I gave you and burn it to the ground. __お前の為に兵装一式を用意してある。使うがいい。では第一の任務として、近隣の村への焼き討ちを命ずる。我が兵を連れて行け。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 2 The name of the village is Greystone. There lives a community of Imperials, it's located just north of the Imperial City and you cannot miss it... __村の名前はGreystone。Imperial Cityの北に位置するImperialの集落だ。場所はすぐに分かるだろう。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 3 ... but I mark it on your map nonetheless, just to be sure. __だが念の為、地図に印を付けておく。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 4 It's time to show Chancellor Ocato that we are here and that we are not kidding. One of my Captains is already out for a similar task. __Ocato首相に我々の存在と、これが遊びではない事を知らしめるのだ。とあるCaptainも似たような任務に就いているところだ。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 5 Do not disappoint me and when you will have killed everybody there come back here immediately. __住民は皆殺しだ。終わったら速やかに戻って来い。くれぐれも私を落胆させる事の無いようにな。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 6 By the way... here is the key to the trap door that is beyond the draw bridge, now that you proved trustworthy you can have it. __あと、これは跳ね橋を渡った先にある跳ね上げ扉を開ける鍵だ。お前を信頼してこれを預けよう。 FormID: 01008DEF 01LANinv 11imphelmets 7 I can also give you our weapons now, they are far better than any weapon made here in Cyrodill... which would you like? __武器の用意もある。Cyrodiilの何処で作られた武器よりも強力だ。…それでどの武器を使うのか? FormID: 0100A997 01LANinv 12Icantkillinno 0 You can't, eh? Well, I knew that I could not trust you... you leave me with only one option then, I can't allow you to spoil all my plans... __出来ない、だと?やはりお前は信用ならない人間だったか。計画を台無しにされてはたまらぬからな。もはや取るべき道は一つ! FormID: 0100A997 01LANinv 12Icantkillinno 1 You have to die! __死ね! FormID: 0100A999 01LANinv 12Ikilledeveryone 0 Well, apparently you had the gut to complete also this task. But I see you are disconcerted... __お前はこの任務の達成を通し、勇気を証明してくれた。しかし落ち着かなそうに見えるな…。 FormID: 0100A99B 01LANinv 12notusedto 0 I see your point, it's been like that for every new recruit I had. It's always hard the first time... __気持ちはよく分かる。これまで私が取りたてた部下達の誰もが、最初はつらい思いをしたものだ。 FormID: 0100A99B 01LANinv 12notusedto 1 ... but you have to see beyond the immediate aspects of war... you have to focus on the larger plot... __しかしお前は闘争における大局というものを理解しなければならない…。 FormID: 0100A99B 01LANinv 12notusedto 2 Consider the death of those innocent people as a necessary sacrifice for the good outcome of all our efforts. __罪無き人々の死も、我々の勝利の為に不可欠な犠牲だと考えよ。 FormID: 0100A99B 01LANinv 12notusedto 3 You kill a small number of people today to save a larger number tomorrow. __小を殺して大を生かす。そう言う事だ。 FormID: 0100A99D 01LANinv 12wontdoitagain 0 Fine... I will not ask you to. You have already earned my trust and I think we are ready for a bigger step... __宜しい。だが安心しろ。二度と同じ命令を下すことはない。お前は十分に信頼を得た。そして次にはもっと大きな作戦が待っている…。 FormID: 0100A99F 01LANinv 12wwhatdoyoumean 0 This time your opponents will be professional soldiers. We are going to lay siege on Bruma. Yes, you understood correctly... __今度は本物の兵士と戦わねばならない。Bruma侵攻作戦だ。 FormID: 0100A99F 01LANinv 12wwhatdoyoumean 1 My men are already out there, in front of the north gate, but they need your help. Go there with your troops and talk to Captain Hlaalu... __現地で仲間がお前の到着を待っている。Bruma北門前だ。部下を引き連れ現地へ赴き、Captain Hlaaluと話をしてくれ。 FormID: 0100A99F 01LANinv 12wwhatdoyoumean 2 he will explain the battle plans in detail. Now leave me alone, I have to figure out our next moves. __作戦の詳細は彼から説明がある。さあ行け。私はここで次の作戦を練りつつ待っている。 FormID: 0100A9A1 01LANinv 13bluewaters 0 Yes... that was the name of that small village of fishermen... I was ordered by general Vlarys to burn it down. __そうだ…。あれは小さな漁村だった。私はVlarys将軍の指揮下でその村を焼き討ちしたのだ。 FormID: 0100A9A3 01LANinv 13lostcontrol 0 Lost control you say? Well... I admit that I let too much freedom to my men when dealing with those Imperials... __指揮が混乱した、だと?部下達が帝国軍と対峙する際、好き放題を許し過ぎたかも知れぬな。 FormID: 0100A9A3 01LANinv 13lostcontrol 1 but you should have been there to fully understand... my soldiers were like possessed by demons... __だがお前も実際にその目で見て分かっただろう。我が軍の兵は、帝国軍を一目見るなり… FormID: 0100A9A3 01LANinv 13lostcontrol 2 when they saw those Imperials all their rage exploded at once, they did not see harmless civilians standing in front of them... __闘志をたぎらせ、さながら悪鬼のごとく死力を尽くして戦うのだ。無害な市民の姿など目に入らぬ…。 FormID: 0100A9A3 01LANinv 13lostcontrol 3 they saw representatives of the Empire, the same Empire whose oppressive government scourged our land! __誰もが、故国に圧政を敷いた帝国の代表だ。 FormID: 0100A9A3 01LANinv 13lostcontrol 4 I could not do anything to stop them... anything. __私には、彼らを止める事などいっさい出来なかった。 FormID: 0100A9A5 01LANinv 13weavoidthathere 0 Yes, this time it will be different, do not worry. I will keep better control on my men, I promise. __ああ。今回はそうはならないだろう。心配無用だ。部下達にはよく言っておく。約束しよう。 FormID: 0100B317 01LANinv 14saveGreystone1 0 What?? And Why? __何だと??なぜだ? FormID: 0100B319 01LANinv 14saveGreys2 0 Will you kill us like the people who lived in Bluewaters? __お前はBluewatersの人々同様、我々も皆殺しにしようと言うのか? FormID: 0100B31B 01LANinv 14saveGreys3 0 Ok, I will talk to the others and I'll try to convince them that if we stay here we risk our lives. But why should we hide? __分かった。他の者にも話し、ここに居ては危険だと知らせよう。しかし我々はどこに避難すれば良いのだ? FormID: 0100B31D 01LANinv 14saveGreys4 0 Fine then, I can't fully understand why you are doing this, but in any case I thank you. __了解した。お前がどうしてこんな事をしたのかようやく分かったぞ。ともあれ感謝する。 FormID: 0100B31F 01LANinv 14dieimp 0 I see no mercy in your eyes... but I will not die without fighting! __[QUOTE]容赦しない[QUOTE]という目をしているな…。だが私とて戦いもせず死にはせん! FormID: 0100B326 01LANinv 15Ianheretohelp 0 At last you came!! We have been waiting for you! There is no time to waste, we have been keeping the north gate of Bruma for hours now... __ようやくおいでになりましたか!お待ちしていました!しかし時間がありません。現在私たちはBruma北門を数時間かけて攻略しています。 FormID: 0100B326 01LANinv 15Ianheretohelp 1 no soldiers dared to exit so far, but I suspect that they are planning to attack us from the east gate. __今のところ、外に出撃する兵士はおりません。しかし東門からの攻撃には警戒しなければならないと考えています。 FormID: 0100B326 01LANinv 15Ianheretohelp 2 We must precede them. Bring your men in town from the east gate while we keep them distracted here. __ですから、先手を打たねばなりません。私達がここで敵を惹き付けている間、あなたは部下達と一緒に東門から街に侵入してください。 FormID: 0100B326 01LANinv 15Ianheretohelp 3 Once you are inside head to the castle. You have to catch the Countess and force her to surrender and give you the key to the town. __街に入ったら城を目指し、女伯を捕らえ降伏と城門の鍵の受け渡しを勧告してください。 FormID: 0100B326 01LANinv 15Ianheretohelp 4 Consider that she might also be hiding in her quarters, in that case you will need some of these lockpicks... __彼女は私室に隠れているかもしれません。その場合はこのlockpicksをお使いになってください。