L10N/Windfall/1.0/QuestStages/WFSQ05 の変更点

FormID: 01051F3D	WFSQ05	0	0	
FormID: 01051F3D	WFSQ05	10	0	This doesn't sound the kind of work that is worthy of my skills. But I will keep Felitia Benardius in mind if it turns out I need some extra cash.
__これは私がやるほどの仕事ではないようだ。しかし余分な金貨が必要ならFelitia Benardiusのことを覚えておいてもいいだろう。
FormID: 01051F3D	WFSQ05	100	0	
FormID: 01051F3D	WFSQ05	20	0	Felitia Benardius claims she didn't receive everything she was supposed to get in her last shipment. She says the bill matches what she received, but she is sure something is missing. The shipment came in by ship, and was delivered to the warehouse. From the warehouse to her. That is a lot of places and a lot of hands. And of course, that all assumes she is right. I'm not even sure where to start with this one.
__Felitia Benardiusによれば彼女は受け取るべき船の積荷を一部しか受け取っていないらしい。請求書によれば受け取り品はすべて受け取っているのだが、確実にまだ足りないものがあるそうだ。積荷は船で運ばれwarehouseに送られた後、彼女に届けられる。多くの場所、多くの人の手を経ているため彼女の推測は正しいのだろう。さて、どこから調べれば良いだろうか。
FormID: 01051F3D	WFSQ05	30	0	This is interesting. The last page of the bill of lading. Either this fell off, or it was torn off. Either way it looks like Felitia was right, she didn't get everything she ordered. There are two bottles of vintage BD Label wine missing. If this was an accident, they should be here. If it wasn't an accident, then someone has helped themselves to some very nice wine. But who? Either way this is the proof she wanted. Do I want to trouble myself to find the wine?
__これは興味深い。積荷の証明書の最後のページだ。たまたま落ちたのか破り捨てられたのかはわからないがどちらにしろFelitiaの主張が正しいことを裏付けている。書類によれば2本のvintage BD Label wineがなくなっている。これが事故ならこれらのものはどこにあるのか、また盗まれたなら誰が持っていったのか? 
FormID: 01051F3D	WFSQ05	40	0	I gave Felitia the Bill of Lading page. I'll let her deal with it from here. 
FormID: 01051F3D	WFSQ05	50	0	Too valuable to lose? She didn't even know what was missing. Either way I got my money and the rest is her problem to deal with.

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