L10N/Windfall/1.0/QuestStages/WFSQ03 の変更点

FormID: 01051EFC	WFSQ03	0	0	
FormID: 01051EFC	WFSQ03	10	0	Idellia has asked me to help keep her from losing her house until her father, Menlo, gets home and straightens the matter out, but I have better things to do right now. Maybe I'll check in on her later when I have more time.
FormID: 01051EFC	WFSQ03	100	0	
FormID: 01051EFC	WFSQ03	20	0	I have agreed to talk to Corelius Benardius on Idellia's behalf. He lives in the Wealthy Section and is trying to take her home away. It seems that Idellia's father, Menlo, made arrangements to buy the property. Unfortunately, Idellia doesn't know what the arrangements were. She just wants me to see if I can talk Corelius into waiting until Idellia's father returns.
__Idelliaの代理でCorelius Benardiusと話をつける事になった。彼が彼女に立ち退きを迫っている張本人で、Wealthy Sectionに住んでいるとのこと。おそらくIdelliaの父親Menloがこの家屋と引き換えに何かしらの契約を結んだとか、そういう事情なのだろう。あわれなIdelliaは真相を知らされていないようだが。とりあえずは彼女の頼み通り、父親が帰ってくるまで待って欲しいとCoreliusにかけ合ってみよう。
FormID: 01051EFC	WFSQ03	22	0	Apparently Menlo had arranged to trade an Ancient Commander's Cutlass in exchange for the property. Corelius is still willing to honor that deal. It seems Menlo thought that such a cutlass could be found in Fort Lucie. If I want to save Idellia's home, I need to find that cutlass or pay Corelius the 500 septims he wants. Those are my only honorable choices.
__MenloがAncient Commander's Cutlassと引き換えに家屋を手に入れたのはもはや明らかだ。Coreliusはまだこの取引にこだわっている。MenloはそのcutllassがFort Lucieの遺跡で見つかると言っていたらしい。Idellilaの家を守るためにはcutlassを見つけるか500septimをはたいて彼を納得させるしかない。どうするかは私しだいだ。
FormID: 01051EFC	WFSQ03	25	0	This stinks. Not only is Idellia losing her home, but she also lost her father. Worst yet, I may be the one who has to tell her. 
FormID: 01051EFC	WFSQ03	30	0	I paid off Idellia's house for her. That is certainly money lost, but it was the right thing to do.
FormID: 01051EFC	WFSQ03	40	0	I have the deed to Idellia's house. I should tell her that she doesn't have to move.
FormID: 01051EFC	WFSQ03	50	0	This looks like the deed to Idellia's house. I should tell her that she doesn't have to move.
FormID: 01051EFC	WFSQ03	60	0	Unfortunately I did have to tell her that her father is dead, but at least I was able to make sure that Idellia won't lose her house as well.
FormID: 01051EFC	WFSQ03	70	0	I have made sure that Idellia won't lose her house. She gave me 50 septims for the work, somehow I think that is all I will be seeing for this job. 
FormID: 01051EFC	WFSQ03	80	0	I didn't have the heart to tell her that her father is dead, but at least I was able to make sure that Idellia won't lose her house as well.

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