L10N/Windfall/1.0/QuestStages/WFNQ06 の変更点

FormID: 01050A2E	WFNQ06	0	0	
FormID: 01050A2E	WFNQ06	1	0	
FormID: 01050A2E	WFNQ06	10	0	I have agreed to track down a key for Arkyon. A farmer named Tomanius should know where the key is, but Arkyon gave me no indication of where that may be. I am sure he doesn't know or he would have told me. He did give a couple of scrolls, just in case. This may turn out to be more interesting than it sounds. First stop; Tomanius' farm. 
FormID: 01050A2E	WFNQ06	100	0	
FormID: 01050A2E	WFNQ06	20	0	This isn't good. I found what I came for, but what price did these poor people pay simply because of whom their ancestor was. And what of these people in the black armor. I must be careful if I run across them. They seem to be killing people for some unknown reasons. Open confrontation with them may not be my best move at this point. At least not until I know more about what is going on. I will need to let the Coven know about this when I get back. In the meantime, it is off to Fort Dyme. 
FormID: 01050A2E	WFNQ06	30	0	This must be the key Arkyon, and apparently others, are looking for. I should get back to the coven with this. Given recent events walking around with this may not be safe. I'll need to remember to tell Arkyon about Tomanius and his wife. 
FormID: 01050A2E	WFNQ06	40	0	I have returned the key to Arkyon, and informed him of Tomanius' death. He could not believe what had happened. He wants to tell Todward personally. That may be best, he knows Todward far better than I. I will honor his wishes in this matter. But I will probably be talking to Todward before Arkyon has a chance to do so. It appears Todward would like my help with a research project.
FormID: 01050A2E	WFNQ06	41	0	Arkyon is a nice guy, but sometimes he asks too much. Why would I want to locate a key for him? It is a complete waste of my talents. Seriously, ask a farmer where to find a key, and then find it. Where's the fun in that? Maybe if he could come up with something more exciting, I would be interested. But I think I'll pass on this one.
FormID: 01050A2E	WFNQ06	42	0	Even though I was unable to locate the key, I did let Arkyon know about Tomanius and his wife. They seem to be innocent pawns in some larger scheme. I don't really know what is going on here. I'm not sure anybody does at this point. But it certainly warrants caution for now. 
FormID: 01050A2E	WFNQ06	43	0	I told Arkyon I could not locate the key. Given the interest this key has, it might be more valuable in my hands, not some necromancers. I think I'll hold onto this for a while and see what develops.

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