L10N/Windfall/1.0/Dialogue/WFMQ11S の変更点

FormID: 010510B8	WFMQ11S	WFTubbiaElvetta	0	Expecting a tough fight this time, I hear. I just may have a few things that should prove helpful.	
FormID: 010510BA	WFMQ11S	WFMQ11SStart	0	We have information that a group of criminals is collecting in a nearby ruin, the Ayleid site of Glayve. 	
FormID: 010510BA	WFMQ11S	WFMQ11SStart	1	I'll mark it on your map. They are short of money and plan to amend that by looting the town. 	
FormID: 010510BA	WFMQ11S	WFMQ11SStart	2	If anything like that was allowed to happen we would be blamed for negligence and much of our support would vanish. 	
FormID: 010510BA	WFMQ11S	WFMQ11SStart	3	So we must take them out first. At the very least you must dispose of their leaders, Delena Halveous and Dirth Magenmer.	
FormID: 010510BA	WFMQ11S	WFMQ11SStart	4	That should be enough to set the others fleeing. But the more you can dispose of the better as far as I am concerned. 	
FormID: 010510BA	WFMQ11S	WFMQ11SStart	5	Make sure you talk to Tubbia before you leave town. I am sure she will have a concoction or two that will prove helpful.	
FormID: 010510BB	WFMQ11S	WFMQ11SStart	0	Good job. The leaders are dead, here is your reward. Return when you are ready for your next job.	
FormID: 010510B8	WFMQ11S	WFTubbiaElvetta	0	Expecting a tough fight this time, I hear. I just may have a few things that should prove helpful.
FormID: 010510BA	WFMQ11S	WFMQ11SStart	0	We have information that a group of criminals is collecting in a nearby ruin, the Ayleid site of Glayve.
FormID: 010510BA	WFMQ11S	WFMQ11SStart	1	I'll mark it on your map. They are short of money and plan to amend that by looting the town. 
__地図に書きこんでおいたからね。	奴らはいま金欠で、町を略奪した後で足を洗うことを考えているみたい。
FormID: 010510BA	WFMQ11S	WFMQ11SStart	2	If anything like that was allowed to happen we would be blamed for negligence and much of our support would vanish. 
FormID: 010510BA	WFMQ11S	WFMQ11SStart	3	So we must take them out first. At the very least you must dispose of their leaders, Delena Halveous and Dirth Magenmer.
__まず奴らを引きずり出すことが必要。最低でも奴らのリーダー、Delena HalveousとDirth Magenmerの二人は処分しなくては。	
FormID: 010510BA	WFMQ11S	WFMQ11SStart	4	That should be enough to set the others fleeing. But the more you can dispose of the better as far as I am concerned.
FormID: 010510BA	WFMQ11S	WFMQ11SStart	5	Make sure you talk to Tubbia before you leave town. I am sure she will have a concoction or two that will prove helpful.
FormID: 010510BB	WFMQ11S	WFMQ11SStart	0	Good job. The leaders are dead, here is your reward. Return when you are ready for your next job.

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