L10N/Windfall/1.0/Books/WFHistoryWindfallv4 の変更点


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*題名 [#s4acebf5]
**原題 [#e4ad2d3c]

**訳題 [#sf00ce6b]

*本文 [#le62a4ef]

**原文 [#text_en]
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<font face=1><br>
<DIV align="center">History of Windfall<br>
Part Four<br>
by Sarconius Allecius,<br>
Imperial Scribe and Historian<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he Varo?s had planned to settle on the vacant Northwest portion of the island, sending an advanced team to begin construction on their new home. However, during this time the pirates began to grow in power again. A man named Martistan consolidated his control over the local pirates. He had a small village built in the extreme northeast corner of the island. While his power grew, the pirates returned to raiding ships, but left the areas around his base unharmed. This turned out to be a brilliant plan. He brought the raided trade goods into the area. Since the locals were left unmolested, they in turn left the pirates alone.<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he Varo&#65533;s had planned to settle on the vacant Northwest portion of the island, sending an advanced team to begin construction on their new home. However, during this time the pirates began to grow in power again. A man named Martistan consolidated his control over the local pirates. He had a small village built in the extreme northeast corner of the island. While his power grew, the pirates returned to raiding ships, but left the areas around his base unharmed. This turned out to be a brilliant plan. He brought the raided trade goods into the area. Since the locals were left unmolested, they in turn left the pirates alone.<br>
Eventually Martistan took on an almost hero status with the local residents. This was to be short lived though. As Martistan?s power grew, so too did his ambition. He eventually left with most of his men looking for bigger prizes throughout Tamriel. The pirates he left behind abandoned Martistan?s policy of leaving the local populations alone and began raiding anything that came near the island. The town of Windfall was particularly hard hit by this change and tensions grew between the pirates and the town. This change in the pirate?s philosophy lead to one of the most important events in Windfall?s history. <br>
Eventually Martistan took on an almost hero status with the local residents. This was to be short lived though. As Martistan&#65533;s power grew, so too did his ambition. He eventually left with most of his men looking for bigger prizes throughout Tamriel. The pirates he left behind abandoned Martistan&#65533;s policy of leaving the local populations alone and began raiding anything that came near the island. The town of Windfall was particularly hard hit by this change and tensions grew between the pirates and the town. This change in the pirate&#65533;s philosophy lead to one of the most important events in Windfall&#65533;s history. <br>
While the main body of the Varo?s were sailing to the island, they were attacked by the pirates originating from Windfall Island. A battle ensued in which the pirates were defeated, but Jonuni was killed. The enraged Varo family landed at their new home seeking revenge. Seguri Varo, Jonuni?s son, immediately sent scouts and messengers to all the local groups on the island seeking the pirates that had killed his father. Almost immediately alliances began to form. The people in the northeast, who had benefitted from pirates when Martistan was in charge, sided with the pirates. The town of Windfall, which had suffered after Martistan left, sided with the Varo?s. Again an armed watchfulness settled over Windfall. <br>
While the main body of the Varo&#65533;s were sailing to the island, they were attacked by the pirates originating from Windfall Island. A battle ensued in which the pirates were defeated, but Jonuni was killed. The enraged Varo family landed at their new home seeking revenge. Seguri Varo, Jonuni&#65533;s son, immediately sent scouts and messengers to all the local groups on the island seeking the pirates that had killed his father. Almost immediately alliances began to form. The people in the northeast, who had benefitted from pirates when Martistan was in charge, sided with the pirates. The town of Windfall, which had suffered after Martistan left, sided with the Varo&#65533;s. Again an armed watchfulness settled over Windfall. <br>
Shortly after settling on Windfall, Seguri?s son, Gonari Varo discovered a gold mine nearby. This not only provides a new source of income for the Varo family, but proves a boon for the townsfolk as well. In addition to hiring workers for the mine, a brisk trade develops between the Varo?s and the townsfolk. Over the years, their alliance develops into a partnership. The townsfolk see a ray of hope in this. Forgotten by the Empire, the townsfolk see a family of nobility and honor with the power to protect them. During the waning years of Gonari?s reign, the townsfolk offer to become subject of the Varo family. The Varo?s having been an outcast family accepted the arrangement and begin construction of a Castle in the town. Gonari?s son, Soletti, becomes the first Count of Windfall. Soletti moves the main seat of the Varo family to the Castle, but continue to use the keep as a summer home and northern outpost. As a sign of mutual acceptance the emblems of the town and Varo family are merged. The eagle in the town's emblem is replaced with the Varo Falcon, resulting in the emblem that is seen toady. <br>
Shortly after settling on Windfall, Seguri&#65533;s son, Gonari Varo discovered a gold mine nearby. This not only provides a new source of income for the Varo family, but proves a boon for the townsfolk as well. In addition to hiring workers for the mine, a brisk trade develops between the Varo&#65533;s and the townsfolk. Over the years, their alliance develops into a partnership. The townsfolk see a ray of hope in this. Forgotten by the Empire, the townsfolk see a family of nobility and honor with the power to protect them. During the waning years of Gonari&#65533;s reign, the townsfolk offer to become subject of the Varo family. The Varo&#65533;s having been an outcast family accepted the arrangement and begin construction of a Castle in the town. Gonari&#65533;s son, Soletti, becomes the first Count of Windfall. Soletti moves the main seat of the Varo family to the Castle, but continue to use the keep as a summer home and northern outpost. As a sign of mutual acceptance the emblems of the town and Varo family are merged. The eagle in the town's emblem is replaced with the Varo Falcon, resulting in the emblem that is seen toady. <br>
Over the years the town continues to grow as people begin coming to Windfall looking for work in the mines. The Varo?s have a new section of the town built to handle the increasing population. Under Franseci Varo, trade negotiations with the Empire are successful and Windfall expands its docks to handle the large Imperial trading ships. Windfall, now large enough to be a city, becomes one of the busiest ports in the Empire.<br>
Over the years the town continues to grow as people begin coming to Windfall looking for work in the mines. The Varo&#65533;s have a new section of the town built to handle the increasing population. Under Franseci Varo, trade negotiations with the Empire are successful and Windfall expands its docks to handle the large Imperial trading ships. Windfall, now large enough to be a city, becomes one of the busiest ports in the Empire.<br>
Again Windfall sees a sharp increase in immigration as people come looking for work on its docks. A third section is hastily added to the city to house the influx of sailors and dock workers. Windfall quickly becomes a major trade route for the Empire. Hoping to avoid a repeat of the past, Nanuri Varo, open negotiations with the Empire. As a result, Windfall becomes part of the Empire, with the Varo family having their name restored and retaining control of Windfall.<br>
The Varo Family lives on in Windfall, and is almost solely responsible for its revival, the current Count, Alconius Varo is loved by the people, who have welcomed his reign like the scorched earth welcomes the rain. And much like the rain, the Varo Family has given life to what was for a while a forgotten and doomed island.<br>


**訳文 [#text_ja]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<font face=1><br>
<DIV align="center">History of Windfall(Windfallの歴史)<br>
Sarconius Allecius著<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he Varo家は当時まだ手つかずであった島の北西部に新たな拠点を構えようと精鋭を送り込んだ。しかしこの時代は海賊が勢力を盛り返して来た頃であり、彼らはMartistanと呼ばれた男のもとに一致団結していた。また彼は島の北東の端で小さな村を営んでいた。彼の働きによって息を吹き返した海賊たちは再び船を襲うようになったが、拠点近くの海域を通行する船は見逃された。素晴らしいアイデアだった。海賊は強奪した品々を村で自由に売りさばく事が出来たのだ。村人は自分たちが危害を加えられないと知った上で海賊を放任する事を選んだのだ。<br>
Varo家の本隊は航海中にWindfall Island方面から現われた海賊の襲撃を受けた。戦闘の結果は海賊の敗走に終わったが、Jonuniは殺害されてしまった。島へと上陸したVaro家の面々は復讐の怒りに燃えていた。Jonuniの息子Seguriはすぐさま密偵と伝令を放ち、地元民に父親を殺した海賊の居場所を訊き回らせた。彼らの間に連帯関係が生まれるまで、そう時間は掛からなかった。島の北東部に住む人々はMartistanが仕切っていた頃に海賊から利益を得ていたために海賊に味方した。一方Windfallの町民たちはMartistanが去ってから海賊に苦しめられていたためVaro家に味方した。こうしてWindfallは再び険悪な緊張感に包まれる事となった。<br>
Seguriの息子Gonari Varoが移住先の近くに金鉱山を発見したのは、彼らがWindfallにやって来てから程なくしての事だった。これはVaro家にとって新たな収入源となっただけにとどまらず、Windfallの町民たちにとっての恵みでもあった。鉱山での働き口に加え、町とVaro家との間で活発な商取引が行われた。歳月を重ねるうちに、彼らの間の連帯関係は信頼関係へと変わっていった。町民達はここに希望の光を見出した。人々はかつて帝国から忘れ去られた存在であったがVaro家の到来により仰ぐ対象を得たため、一家への助力を惜しまなかった。Gonariの晩年には町民たちは臣下に入る事を申し出るまでになった。Varo家はこれまで孤独であったが町民の申し出を受け入れ、城の建造を始めた。そしてGonariの息子SolettiがWindfall最初の伯爵となった。SolettiはVaro家の本拠地を城に移したが、上陸地に設けた拠点は避暑地として、また北部の前哨基地として残した。Varo家と町民たちの歩み寄りの証として、お互いの紋章は一体のものとなった。町の紋章であったワシがVaro家のハヤブサに取って代わられ、現在の形となったのだ。<br>
時は過ぎ、Windfallは成長を続け、島外からも鉱山での仕事を求めて人々が訪れ始めるようになった。Varo家は町に新たな区画を設け人口増へと対応した。Franseci Varoの治世下で帝国との貿易は軌道に乗りWindfallの港は巨大なImperial式貿易船にも対応できるよう拡大された。町はもはや都市と言っても差し支えない規模にまで成長し、帝国でも指折りの海上貿易都市となったのだ。<br>
Windfallへの移民は港湾労働を求める人々によって再び増大した。船乗りと港湾労働者が住む家を用意するため、急ピッチで第三街区が造営された。すぐにWindfallは帝国での主要な貿易路となった。過去の間違いを繰り返さないよう、Nanuri Varoは帝国との関係を緊密に保ったのだ。その結果Windfallは帝国へと編入され、Varo家は名誉を回復しWindfallの正当な支配権を得る事となった。<br>
現在のWindfallの復興はひとえにこの地に根付いたVaro家の功績である。当代の伯爵であるAlconius Varoは、さながら乾いた大地に降る恵みの雨のように人々から愛されている。Varo家は忘れ去られ見捨てられたこの島に再び命を吹き込んだのだから、まさに的を射た比喩と言えるだろう。<br>



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