L10N/Windfall/1.0/Books/WFFracusReportD の変更点


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**原文 [#text_en]
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Incident Report
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Date: Last Seed 25 3E433<br>
Location: Commerce District, Windfall, Cyrodiil<br>
Legionnaire(s) Involved: Aebond Pontanian, Malpenar Macrin<br>
Individuals Involved - Corelius Benardius - local Imperial, Unknown Argonian male.<br>
Incident/Crime: Robbery<br>
Aebond Pontanian - Malpenar Macrin and I were conducting our regular patrol of the Commerce District at approximately 10:30PM. Our attention was caught by a variety of strange noises originating from behind the main gate leading to the slums area. We decided to respect Order 1 of the Order of Conduct issued by Captain Clavius and remain in the Commerce District but stopped our patrol within view of the gate to see how events played out. After a few seconds the main gate opened and two individuals, an Argonian and Imperial fell out onto the street in the Commerce District. It appeared that the Argonian was assaulting the Imperial; he proceeded to kick the floored Imperial several times and then withdrew a dagger. At this point we decided to intervene and approached the incident. My colleague issued a verbal challenge to the Argonian, who on noticing our presence fled rapidly into the slums. We decided not to pursue and escorted the injured Imperial to a bench in the Commerce District. He told us his name was Corelius Benardius, a resident of the wealthier districts of town. When we quizzed him as to his presence in a traditionally lower class area of the town, he informed us that he used to be a regular drinker at ?The Thirsty Peasant?, a tavern within the Slums district which is particularly popular with the miners of Windfall. Benardius informed us he was actually once a miner, however he found favor with the mine's owner and subsequently married his daughter, when his father-in-law passed away they inherited a major stake in one of Windfall?s most profitable mines. He thought that as someone who used to work with many of the regulars in ?The Thirsty Peasant? he may have been able to help defuse the situation in Windfall. On his arrival, he was heckled by his former friends who claimed he had betrayed his roots. When he offered to buy everyone a drink, they took this as an insult and claimed he had only gone there to persuade them back into the mines to earn him more money. As he tried to leave, he was attacked by the Argonian whom he did not know. He was battered several times before being pushed out the door. He tried to flee back into the Commerce District but was pursued, a second brawl ensued as he tried to open the gate, this caused the noises that attracted out attention. Once he had rested he also discovered his purse containing around 156 septims had been stolen. Corelius Benardius explicitly told us not to try and retrieve his purse or arrest those responsible. We administered some basic first aid and escorted him as far as we could under Order 1 to his house.<br>
Malpenar Macrin - The above is an accurate and truthful account of the events.<br>


**訳文 [#text_ja]
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