L10N/Windfall/1.0/Books/WFFracusChargeD の変更点


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**原文 [#text_en]
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<FONT face=3><DIV align="center">
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Imperial Directive Number 34, Last Seed 15 3E433
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     Captain Clavius, I have received these orders directly from the Emperor himself, as you know he rarely issues orders directly so I hope this demonstrates the importance of you mission and the extent to which failure will damage the Empire.<br>
      Captain, you have been charged with ensuring the security of the island city of Windfall, the settlement is essentially on the brink of a civil war. The lower class populous is in uproar and openly challenges the legitimacy of the city?s new leader, Count Brend Varo; meanwhile the city?s wealthier occupants rise to the defense of the Count and tensions are beginning to reach a new high, the Emperor fears that soon without the intervention of the Legion the situation could deteriorate into a bloodbath. With violence and revolutionary activity rising Count Varo has issued increasingly oppressive policies upon the lower classes; this has done nothing but fan the flames of hostility and has also resulted in many of the city?s laborers refusing to work in Windfall?s prosperous mines and port facilities, which are essential to the economic well-being of the Empire. However more importantly if the situation in Windfall is allowed to escalate any further the loss of life and chaos caused could send ripples throughout the Empire and deteriorate the security of the entire Imperium.<br>
      Therefore, on receiving this directive you must depart forthwith with a detachment of Imperial Legion soldiers to Anvil and set sail for Windfall. Upon arriving immediately secure the commercial district which separates the slums and wealthier parts of the city. Recently this has become a battleground between rival factions; re-establishing order in this area of the city will hopefully ease tensions and defuse violence. What is most important is that the Legion remains completely neutral in this situation, do not align yourself politically with either the Count or the public, if either side sees the Legion as co-operating with the other disorder will only breed further. You are there on a strictly peacekeeping operation, not to eradicate the Count?s opposition or to liberate the masses. I will remind you that you are answerable only too me and your superiors in the Imperial City, under no circumstances must you accept orders from the Count or any of his officials, I have instructed the Count that you are there to ensure the safety of the city?s occupants, not to promote his position politically, however I am dubious to whether he also sees it this way, ensure the rest of the population knows the true nature of your mission.<br>
     I am confident that you will find success in your endeavour. May Akatosh guide you well.<br>
Knight of the Imperial Dragon Antoni Albarn<br>


**訳文 [#text_ja]
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